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Necro is still overpowered - we should nerf it - Page 5



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Necro is still overpowered - we should nerf it

Started by Shreed, March 02, 2010, 11:04:37 PM

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Quote from: NYPD on March 05, 2010, 04:01:03 PM

Yes  and thats why we have less slots for bufs.Yes and i can prove my dmg is  rly damn  different from target to target, from 100 to 10. 000.
Ps. second time to call me tard and u are free to add me on/ block list . no offence



Awsome :)  im gonna  hunt your pretty little girl sorc with a red dress , until track will close the server
Someone said "Be yourself because everyone else is already taken" u really need to read that sentence cuz every fuking 3rd word u have is "tard".Acting like being smartest ass here in the forum surrounded by stupid and blabla it only show how far "wannabe" u wish .
Be original   not dust in whatever language u want.
you are your thoughts..watch what you think.


Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Quote from: Sali on March 05, 2010, 12:24:47 AM
lmao, so ur the 1 who should learn how to buff himself xD

I think its only normal that archers hit hard on mage/mage classes.

If u have an mage/tank char, it will be harder to kill with an archer.
Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


Quote from: Ungolianth on March 04, 2010, 05:00:27 AM
tbh all see necro is fuking op i got 11 k m attack and after succesfull surender + vortex atribute fire +9  in my ic+8 i hit not named archer (sali :P) for 400 dmg and m crit for 2 k and messalina with same m attack after succesfull vortex and gloom hit him normal hits 1200 and m crit 5 k so wtf is this... and luci btw we all know ur defending this situation atm cuz it fits u pretty well but u wont foul noone even tards see there is something fuked up with necros and atm they are strongest nukers and this is pretty nonsense...and as furesy said and its 100% truth it started when drake implemented ths stupid atribute system which is not working good...its not so long ago when sps/ee rolled whole oly but atm even rly good sps/ee wont kill necro with stuff on oly...track make test and nerf that char cuz it becoming anoying

ur wrong cause nothing than attributes is changed on necro or any other class. sps/ee cant roll oly now cause pof is changed and healing in oly is nerfed. oh and dmg from all classes is increased. so forget about pof and just keep in mind increased dmg and nerfed heal....
i provoke u for any test u want . same m att vs same reists , a necro will make same dmg as any other class. after that its up to what attribute each one is using on his armor...


Quote from: Ungolianth on March 04, 2010, 11:04:58 PM
i talk bout winning necro with same equip is imposible man,,,i see it everyday. when i fight against rly best archers they do me much smaller damage then any necro with normal equip

lol maybe cause ur subbed to paladin????


well tbh i  rly doesnt get so many hard dmg`s from necro`s...  just  u should buff urself  correctly ...
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Ok there must be someone that has a nuker class and a necro class and 2 weapons to test this.

If someone has a necro/sorc (or necro and some nuker) and 2 mageweapons with dark/fire attribute and just screen the dmg with the 2 diffrent attributes/attacks?




Quote from: kuko on March 06, 2010, 10:03:39 PM
this is fresh one
You tell me is it ok necro

gloom+vortex ...ur mdef should be lower with gloom...next time be better noob

-=Curse gloom has worn off=-
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 06, 2010, 10:35:05 PM
gloom+vortex ...ur mdef should be lower with gloom...next time be better noob

-=Curse gloom has worn off=-
even that do u think that dmg is normal?


Quote from: kuko on March 06, 2010, 10:51:02 PM
even that do u think that dmg is normal?
as i see u dnt have any resist agains dark...so myb is normal. i dont play now but i see ur atribute system sux
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)