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Huge clans comin back - Excidium

Started by Russel, March 15, 2010, 08:12:44 AM

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QuoteAnyways frintezza was most LOL sub server I've seen, without any dmg reduction or crit chance nefr, pvp was like CRIT CRIT you dead. CRIT CRIT your enemy dead. Endless.

Frint was much better than DN IL, when Drake started the idiot nerfs.
So no mutants, no nerfs.

On the road again. :D


XeLioN 1x hero
Ae0nFlux 5x hero
offline since 31.01.2012
Pvp Movies here: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,260890.0.html


Quote from: alfonzso on March 16, 2010, 03:21:48 PM
If Valkyria will be  stack sub...you want nerf ???   :-X  And how many ppl want nerf?
There will be a nerf weekly here, will be right with nothing then than the rest DN server's.

Quote from: iMEXX on March 16, 2010, 05:52:15 PM
gokillurself dude, we wont any kind of nerfs like dmg reduction/crit change/damage if u wont die for 2 hits use correct buffs  ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: drake date=October 26, 2009, 02:03:32 am

Currently all servers are running with 30% dmg reduction during PVPs

Link for the poll:

Will you now please stfu?

About Hools / Exi argumentation I'm really rotfling atm, cuz you both argue who was better, and as I said it was 50/50...

Exi do you remember the sige, when u get rapted 4 pt's against 2 not full buffed parties? Or do you remember the (maybe it was last one? ) Valakas, which 1,5 pt of half buffed hools (rest were afk) raped ur 2 - 3 parties?

Beni and do you remember the gc pvp (was it for okulth? dunno now) when 4 hools pt get raped by 2 enemy parties?
Or maybe you remember one of Valakas's pvps, when Hools 3 pts got raped badly by 1,5 pt of exi?

No? Cause I do :) There are no things which can be forgotten, lost or hidden, so just admit it was balanced - some time was for one side, some time for another side.


Quote from: Kerth on March 16, 2010, 07:41:24 PM

Will you now please stfu?

And who the freak cares about other DEAD servers? Its a idiot nerf, like all others. On this servers if you use ud, you have - bow range, - bow dmg, - magic range, and many other shit nerf. Do you realy want it? We need only normal stack sub without nerfs, and without mutants.

On the road again. :D


Quote from: Toszi on March 16, 2010, 08:33:35 PM
And who the freak cares about other DEAD servers? Its a idiot nerf, like all others. On this servers if you use ud, you have - bow range, - bow dmg, - magic range, and many other shit nerf. Do you realy want it? We need only normal stack sub without nerfs, and without mutants.

If this server use DN files, it also use these nefrs.
Anyway i think yes, its usefull, because
1. Less dmg - longer pvp.
If you didnt played other sub servers than DN ones, be glad u didn't played on that crap. All of those i played didn't had % reduction, and pvp last for 3 seconds.
And NO, i didn't had crap char or crap buff, cause i killed others with 1/2 max 3 hits too, as they did to me (at frintezza server, DS server and others). That didn't happend on dn, I remember only few donators who did such dmg.

2. It balance more, also donators are nefred more than normal players, cuz normal player hit lets say 1500, which make 33% 500 dmg. Donator hit for 2000, which actually is ~666,66, so he lost more than you.

3. Without ANY nefrs, there would be like only pr/tyrants with 8 bots. DO YOU WANT THAT?

Such a emo words like "gtfo with nefr" make me rotfl, because i remember in C4, people was crying "please please please drake make nefr, cuz ty/de he/ty ol/es owns too much". After the nefrs same people say "why the freak you did the nefr, you nefred my char!!!".
Same sh1t with others classes like pal/de etc, first nefr pleaseeeeeeeeee, later why u nefred me.

Really somebody needs a shrink.


Quote from: Kerth on March 16, 2010, 07:41:24 PM

Will you now please stfu?

About Hools / Exi argumentation I'm really rotfling atm, cuz you both argue who was better, and as I said it was 50/50...

Exi do you remember the sige, when u get rapted 4 pt's against 2 not full buffed parties? Or do you remember the (maybe it was last one? ) Valakas, which 1,5 pt of half buffed hools (rest were afk) raped ur 2 - 3 parties?

Beni and do you remember the gc pvp (was it for okulth? dunno now) when 4 hools pt get raped by 2 enemy parties?
Or maybe you remember one of Valakas's pvps, when Hools 3 pts got raped badly by 1,5 pt of exi?

No? Cause I do :) There are no things which can be forgotten, lost or hidden, so just admit it was balanced - some time was for one side, some time for another side.

whoever you are say me then on those 2 month how many big raids we got and how many exi got? have any idea? exi got 2 antharas in 2 full month just because he had 3 day random and he <3 spwon on 4am :D they didnt got nothing else

Mala Przyjemnosc


QuoteIf this server use DN files, it also use these nefrs.

GM's said Valkyria will use only the big patces, like security updates. They will use the little updates, like nerfs, only if they think thats good.

Quote1. Less dmg - longer pvp.
If you didnt played other sub servers than DN ones, be glad u didn't played on that crap. All of those i played didn't had % reduction, and pvp last for 3 seconds.

I played on DarkSide and on Frintezza, DN C4, and DN IL too. And yes, that 2 server was much better, than this fully nerfed shit, what begann on DN, when drake changed the chronicle to IL.

Quote3. Without ANY nefrs, there would be like only pr/tyrants with 8 bots. DO YOU WANT THAT?

Pr/tyrants? They are mutants. I said, delete mutants, there will be balance. Got it?

QuoteSuch a emo words like "gtfo with nefr" make me rotfl, because i remember in C4, people was crying "please please please drake make nefr, cuz ty/de he/ty ol/es owns too much". After the nefrs same people say "why the freak you did the nefr, you nefred my char!!!".
Same sh1t with others classes like pal/de etc, first nefr pleaseeeeeeeeee, later why u nefred me.

I remember C4 times too. DN C4 was awesome. it was the best DN. Who cryd for nerfs? Hm? Wanna know? Only the nonskilled idiots. I never heard cry from the old big clans on NM...
Long pvp... Yes, its nice, if you wanna play 1v1, but at mass pvp/sieges, its a bullshit. When nukers can have 3 or more healer in the party, there the bigger dmg isnt problem.
Ty/de, he/ty, ol/es, pal/de... Here we are again. Delete the mutants. Only de/ty isnt mutant from this classes, but i hope you realized, in HB if destros hp is more than 30%, he dont get the full bonus of frenzy.

Quote2. It balance more, also donators are nefred more than normal players, cuz normal player hit lets say 1500, which make 33% 500 dmg. Donator hit for 2000, which actually is ~666,66, so he lost more than you.

Lol. So you'll hit 1000, and the donator will hit 1300. Who care about the count of -dmg, if still the donator hit bigger?

On the road again. :D


Every day u wake up.....is a beautiful day ;)


Quote from: Toszi on March 16, 2010, 10:03:23 PM
GM's said Valkyria will use only the big patces, like security updates. They will use the little updates, like nerfs, only if they think thats good.

I played on DarkSide and on Frintezza, DN C4, and DN IL too. And yes, that 2 server was much better, than this fully nerfed shit, what begann on DN, when drake changed the chronicle to IL.

Pr/tyrants? They are mutants. I said, delete mutants, there will be balance. Got it?

I remember C4 times too. DN C4 was awesome. it was the best DN. Who cryd for nerfs? Hm? Wanna know? Only the nonskilled idiots. I never heard cry from the old big clans on NM...
Long pvp... Yes, its nice, if you wanna play 1v1, but at mass pvp/sieges, its a bullshit. When nukers can have 3 or more healer in the party, there the bigger dmg isnt problem.
Ty/de, he/ty, ol/es, pal/de... Here we are again. Delete the mutants. Only de/ty isnt mutant from this classes, but i hope you realized, in HB if destros hp is more than 30%, he dont get the full bonus of frenzy.

Lol. So you'll hit 1000, and the donator will hit 1300. Who care about the count of -dmg, if still the donator hit bigger?

At some points you are right, for ex. if no mutants, there can be no dmg reduction, but still, after some preoid of time it will be needed (when ppl will reach dyna/ica etc). ONLY IF NO MUTANTS. But im pretty sure i saw somewhere "mutants will be allowed", so...

You know, c4 was muuuuch diffrent than c6/hb, there wasn't such skills as mana burn, which without dmg reduction would take ur mp out with 3 hits. Also there wasn't so much good weaps, as i remember good, best weaps (ofc except donated +20 +++) was maybe db+8 or something like that, now many ppl have Icarius items +7 ++++ or S grade +12+++

Also if you played NM you don't know so much as ppl who played dragon, where always was more ppl and more sh1ts were going on. For ex. I remember one guy, He/Tyrant who on giran arena won solo 1vs9 ppl, each died one hit... and they was full buffed, with good eq. Also i remember ty/de-stros who were running to whole party of mages/archers and killing them easly. That was more than annoying, that was pathetic.
How nm and infinity was (and still is) diffrent you can see for ex. in cry posts - i saw at NM forum ppl crying in c6, that SPS/EE is too strong, while sps/ee at dragon was just bullshit at this time, owned by for ex. ne/ee (from my own experience) in each way.


Quote from: Beni on March 16, 2010, 09:17:56 PM
whoever you are say me then on those 2 month how many big raids we got and how many exi got? have any idea? exi got 2 antharas in 2 full month just because he had 3 day random and he <3 spwon on 4am :D they didnt got nothing else

Who I'm it doesn't matter, I can just give you a track, that I was in both clans at same time (which won't lead anyhere anyway, lol :P ), so I'm kinda obiective - not at anyside and on both sides in once.
I'm not here to protect their honor, also I didn't really count who got how much epic jewels, anyway even while Hools got more Ejews, still sometimes (we) got owned like bunch of noobs or bots, and I don't wanna judge here or something, but Exi/Enclave each member had at least one S grade set and S weap, and I remember some ppl in Hools who (at the end when u left) were still running with SOV. It shows something...


Quote from: Kerth on March 17, 2010, 10:40:23 AM

Who I'm it doesn't matter, I can just give you a track, that I was in both clans at same time (which won't lead anyhere anyway, lol :P ), so I'm kinda obiective - not at anyside and on both sides in once.
I'm not here to protect their honor, also I didn't really count who got how much epic jewels, anyway even while Hools got more Ejews, still sometimes (we) got owned like bunch of noobs or bots, and I don't wanna judge here or something, but Exi/Enclave each member had at least one S grade set and S weap, and I remember some ppl in Hools who (at the end when u left) were still running with SOV. It shows something...

Is that a joke? you rly saw someone in sov? there was just arc1k that was with me on darkside and started on frintezza like 2 week before i stop maybe you saw him :D check all pics i posted if you see one B weapon lol...that so funny :D
And we get owned? we had 0 hero because we arrived much after exi and we still roll them badly, if you was rly with us you can remember that 90% of time they killed us was because 10 hero make herofear and 60% of us was running on wall, they was winning 1 pvp each 5 they made and losing spot of raid 5 minutes after. And was not hard to keep count from moment they got nothing for 2 month :D
hotpussy was just without hope look what he was writing me http://yfrog.com/6znohopej

and last thing :D you had to be an idiot for be in both clan in same moment dunno eaven why you are speaking lol


Quote from: Beni on March 17, 2010, 01:30:48 PM
Is that a joke? you rly saw someone in sov? there was just arc1k that was with me on darkside and started on frintezza like 2 week before i stop maybe you saw him :D check all pics i posted if you see one B weapon lol...that so funny :D
And we get owned? we had 0 hero because we arrived much after exi and we still roll them badly, if you was rly with us you can remember that 90% of time they killed us was because 10 hero make herofear and 60% of us was running on wall, they was winning 1 pvp each 5 they made and losing spot of raid 5 minutes after. And was not hard to keep count from moment they got nothing for 2 month :D
hotpussy was just without hope look what he was writing me http://yfrog.com/6znohopej

and last thing :D you had to be an idiot for be in both clan in same moment dunno eaven why you are speaking lol

Only from screens I have, I've counted 3 sovs and many soms, while all should have S grade - come on.


How we got once raped by enclave

and last thing :D you had to be an idiot for be in both clan in same moment dunno eaven why you are speaking lol
Insults aren't good way to talk, neither to discuss, I hope U know this (or somewhen will at least).

Still, there was some glourious moments for Hools, but u alaredy posted screens from them.