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About server Crashes .

Started by Kain, March 20, 2010, 10:13:43 PM

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As everyone noticed we had quite a lot DC-s in last 1+ week , which is quite not usual with DN , we have read debug and we  found most of the reasons that was causing that server goes crazy, however we still have 1 reamaining which is caused by a player (at this point we dont know who) also that player who causes the crashes can easyly happen  that he dont even know he does the crashes during the bad dump (proly item) or he knows and he does it on purpose, in both cases well we want to ask everyone for assistance in order to fix this annoying thing cause none have anything from this. Also the person who help us on this case will be fairly reworded.

(So if you notice when u do something, log/press somethng/equip some item/etc... please spare 2min of your time and report to us)

P.S. This happened in past on Infinity too, player reported and was fastly solved ( he didnt even know he was doing it)

Thank you all in forward DN team.

~ Kain


Well i play on Dragon but when i got DC,critical error or some strange lagz there is always some1 using transformation scroll near me.


Today, in siege, when we entered siege zone, one guy took this Transformation of an Ol Mahum warrior kinda looking mob, and everyone near him, or in his sight got DCd. However, it was a different error all the time.
Seems, lately, even SOEing or getting summoned causes a crash ALL the time. Deleting system folder and making a file check doesn't solve the problem. It's also new to me, since I never had this many crashes as recent.

GL fixing it nubas :)
Quote from: Loatheof all the things i lost i miss my mind the most ^^
Proud family member of Ambrosia


Yesterday i made antharas quest. Just after i get abyss jevel 2 and mustafel fang (or somthink similar in name ;) ) i got dc (disconnect) it was 2nd or 3rd time in this moment on char Alicja.
moonbreaker - sh/ps
Alicja - wc/sws



Quote from: moonbreaker on March 31, 2010, 07:20:15 AM
Yesterday i made antharas quest. Just after i get abyss jevel 2 and mustafel fang (or somthink similar in name ;) ) i got dc (disconnect) it was 2nd or 3rd time in this moment on char Alicja.
Can you try same process and see if it will be dc in that moment you click on npc?Thx
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If talk about transformation, not easier to turn it off at all for a time and see result? Just idea.


Quote from: Gnoll on March 31, 2010, 05:30:56 PM
If talk about transformation, not easier to turn it off at all for a time and see result? Just idea.
Tryed many various disable things, no sucess.
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Quote from: TrackZero on March 31, 2010, 08:20:22 PM
Tryed many various disable things, no sucess.
little notice... everyday around 14.15 we ve server down ... dunno iff it can lil help but still :P 
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: dioni on April 02, 2010, 12:51:11 AM
Hey Kain/TrackZero,

You are acting like noobs, I´m very dissapointed of you guys, ¿is there someone that can fix the server crashes? you don´t know anything about servers and best configuration (respectfully), you need to start thinking like a engineer, isolate the tests, divide and conquer, I want to help you guys, tell me what do you have found? is a software or hardware issue? What time it occurs more? I think if you give us more information we can identify the problem faster, use P2P philosophy, that´s all for now guys, see you.......

Quote from: TrackZero on March 28, 2010, 07:20:56 PM
Hardware is okey as i said, what are we searching now is a guy with bad data who crashes whole server on login part , so he doesnt even login inside game he crash it on login page, so if you know some1 or heard some1 crash whole server on login please report to me :(:(

Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on April 02, 2010, 02:53:59 AM

server go down usually in same hours :P or very close to same hours .... and i dont think so someone would be that no life to crash server at 8 am and after 14 after 17 10 23 3 am 5 am and so and so .... but well im just simple small guy so ofc i can be wrong
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on April 02, 2010, 04:51:30 AM
server go down usually in same hours :P or very close to same hours .... and i dont think so someone would be that no life to crash server at 8 am and after 14 after 17 10 23 3 am 5 am and so and so .... but well im just simple small guy so ofc i can be wrong
well...not the same guy .. .

but tbh....time time that crashes happen more often  is during the evening/night (forum time) . . . they rest of the day arent so many (at least that i see :P)
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


till now myb 4-5 hours w.o dc
same every day
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)