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Absolute bullshit!!!!

Started by Zuluman, March 26, 2010, 09:23:31 PM

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Quote from: TrackZero on March 27, 2010, 01:00:12 AM

3rd no1 made +16 weapon and if some1 made +9-10-11-12-15 weapon i would not call it OE weapon

noobskiller made fb+16 aND +15 today ... plus a looooooot of ppls made weapons +7-12 lol ... before was hard to get to +5 and now is rate like dunno fcked up xD lil too high
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on March 27, 2010, 01:05:34 AM
noobskiller made fb+16 aND +15 today ... plus a looooooot of ppls made weapons +7-12 lol ... before was hard to get to +5 and now is rate like dunno fcked up xD lil too high
They could make those weapons even before this DC-s so no1 noticed nor complained right? And now suddenly paranoya??????!?!??@?@?@?@??!?!?!?!?@?@?@?  Enchant rate is changed when i said it was changed obviosly ppl noticed just now (globaly) and QQQQ startin like everytime some1 do something QQ from all over sides. Enchant rate aint high is same as on official + same as all other DN servers is not low is not high is normal as it use to be. He might make something but ask him how much he broke.
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Quote from: TrackZero on March 27, 2010, 01:00:12 AM
Enchant rate doesnt have anythig with dc-s 10000000000000000% to proove you that i can show u dc pattern which doesnt have anything in common,when you brake freaking weapon it logs and stays like that (rollback doesnt affect on it) , if you dont belive me np, try it yourslef and tbh you have to be master of masters to hit each time correct milisecond and even that it wont help u to have back broken wepaon (as i said try).

2nd most imposrtant thing, i have put ecnahnt rate same as on official like 4 months ago or more, but people didnt realise that 2 moths, so now when some1 suddenly make some "op" weapons , something must happen, well im telling u is bullshit and is total nonsense.

3rd no1 made +16 weapon and if some1 made +9-10-11-12-15 weapon i would not call it OE weapon since NCsoft made this game to be even able to enchant up to +30 (read offical server please for more info about it) same goes for skills. If some1 made ++ weapon it means he wasted a lot of saved bews and keep on trying instead of spaming forum he tryed and tryed.

And just to SUM for end +10 is not ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ weapon instead of spamming try make it urslef and stop trippin, dc-s aint having anything with enchants and ill proove you that when we fix it, but then ill ask public apologise for nonsense flames, thats all about this case i wont answer anymore, our main concerns are those fu*** dc-s hopefully fixed .

Firstly that was a bit stupid don't you think seeing as there are a whole lot more ews/bews on this server than there are on official. Stacking subs means you can farm more mobs faster for ews, we've had bews events and all kinds of stuff in the past which has flooded the market with these items.

Secondly are you telling me that I didn't see NoobsKillerGr's RED fb today in aden market? Right next to his +15 fb on his other char??

Thirdly do if the server dc's are caused by a player then why are they 24/7??? Not even the biggest no life temps play that much!!

Finally, you will get no apology from me as I am not attacking you personally or your work, I am simply stateing a fact that something is wrong with this server, something that goes beyond the multiple DC's.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: TrackZero on March 27, 2010, 01:09:15 AM
They could make those weapons even before this DC-s so no1 noticed nor complained right? And now suddenly paranoya??????!?!??@?@?@?@??!?!?!?!?@?@?@?  Enchant rate is changed when i said it was changed obviosly ppl noticed just now (globaly) and QQQQ startin like everytime some1 do something QQ from all over sides. Enchant rate aint high is same as on official + same as all other DN servers is not low is not high is normal as it use to be. He might make something but ask him how much he broke.

He used 4 Fb's. broke two, made one +!5 and one +16. We have seen in the past the jedi weapons on dragon though and we don't want them here. For that reason do you not see why there may be an argument for having a lower enchant rate on nm than "globally"
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: Zuluman on March 27, 2010, 01:11:18 AM
Firstly that was a bit stupid don't you think seeing as there are a whole lot more ews/bews on this server than there are on official. Stacking subs means you can farm more mobs faster for ews, we've had bews events and all kinds of stuff in the past which has flooded the market with these items.

Secondly are you telling me that I didn't see NoobsKillerGr's RED fb today in aden market? Right next to his +15 fb on his other char??

Thirdly do if the server dc's are caused by a player then why are they 24/7??? Not even the biggest no life temps play that much!!

Finally, you will get no apology from me as I am not attacking you personally or your work, I am simply stateing a fact that something is wrong with this server, something that goes beyond the multiple DC's.
Yes there is something wrong wtih server i agree, and that is discconects who doesnt have anything with enchanting and will u be suprised in the end if dc-s wasnt caused by player what then u gonna tell me, since we got some new info regarding dc-s. If you dont belive me would u be more safer when im telling u that drake is on server 24/7 analising everything and trying to fix,and dont u think if he thinks there was enahant exploit he would fix it or put server down until fix? Please just use common sense.
Quote from: Zuluman on March 27, 2010, 01:13:29 AM
He used 4 Fb's. broke two, made one +!5 and one +16. We have seen in the past the jedi weapons on dragon though and we don't want them here. For that reason do you not see why there may be an argument for having a lower enchant rate on nm than "globally"
Lower enchant rate was too much lower, 2nd i rembeber back in past on NM was legitly made 2x +16 DB-s and there was no DC-s or anything or you think they used exploit too, what about people who made "oe" weapons before dc-s what argument u gonna use then?Why dont u make something when is so easy to do?
You dont wanna appologise, np.
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Quote from: TrackZero on March 27, 2010, 01:22:50 AM
what about people who made "oe" weapons before dc-s what argument u gonna use then?Why dont u make something when is so easy to do?
You dont wanna appologise, np.
track plz take 10 weapons and try to enchant them ... u remember how many broekd before . was hard to make weapon to simple 5 and now its rly too high ... we r starting to be lil jedi with blue weapons :P oky u say is like ncsoft made it but here should be smaller rate cuz is too high :P
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: TrackZero on March 27, 2010, 01:22:50 AM
Lower enchant rate was too much lower, 2nd i rembeber back in past on NM was legitly made 2x +16 DB-s and there was no DC-s or anything or you think they used exploit too, what about people who made "oe" weapons before dc-s what argument u gonna use then?Why dont u make something when is so easy to do?
You dont wanna appologise, np.

Would you not rather a server with loadsa of +6/7 weps as opposed to +10/11??

All im saying is if you are correct (which you probably are) then don't you stll think the enchsnt is to high?? do you really want your server ending up like dragon?? Im off to bed anyhow

^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: Zuluman on March 27, 2010, 01:30:38 AM
Would you not rather a server with loadsa of +6/7 weps as opposed to +10/11??

All im saying is if you are correct (which you probably are) then don't you stll think the enchsnt is to high?? do you really want your server ending up like dragon?? Im off to bed anyhow

Server wont become as dragon because most OP weapons on dragon (as OP i cound +17-25-28) are made in some other way i mean is quite long story that i dont need to explaine you, but i can asure you they will never exist on NM (not counting items before me 2x+som+20) therefor you failed in flames-facts but lost credit at me. Have a nice sleep.
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Quote from: jygh on March 27, 2010, 01:30:23 AM
track plz take 10 weapons and try to enchant them ... u remember how many broekd before . was hard to make weapon to simple 5 and now its rly too high ... we r starting to be lil jedi with blue weapons :P oky u say is like ncsoft made it but here should be smaller rate cuz is too high :P
I wanna see some1 try ews on top weapons not c4 weapons (2 years old) so actually +10 s grade = +0 icarus/dynasty, but sure try OP icarus with ews u have my full blessing.
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i think some times truck u can't understand ppl..
yes we all agree and trust u that its not enchant  that has to do with DC's..end of story.. we w8 u to fix it..
but we are a server now that has 400-500ppl online everyday?? (max)
how many shops?
how many of them play on x2 box?
so how many we play ? 300 ppl??
and we start having ++++ weapons...
maby for u a +10+12 S weapon is not OE...
but for those that are 2-3-4-5 years in server.. smells badly.. seems smt is whong...
yes if ppl are afraid to enchant... we can't have +++ weapons...
but when ppl brake 10-15 weapons from +4+5.. and others take 2-3 weapons and go up to +10+++++ .....
hope its only luck.. cause some of them are my friends...
but i want a game that we all play the same rules and the same advantages...
and i don't speak about donations... u have $$.. get what u want..
we like the server.. thats why we stay here..protect yourselfs...cause soon...it will not be FBI that will turn the server down...
8B007 TH/*PP for now...


Quote from: milampalas on March 27, 2010, 02:19:08 AM
i think some times truck u can't understand ppl..
yes we all agree and trust u that its not enchant  that has to do with DC's..end of story.. we w8 u to fix it..
but we are a server now that has 400-500ppl online everyday?? (max)
how many shops?
how many of them play on x2 box?
so how many we play ? 300 ppl??
and we start having ++++ weapons...
maby for u a +10+12 S weapon is not OE...
but for those that are 2-3-4-5 years in server.. smells badly.. seems smt is whong...
yes if ppl are afraid to enchant... we can't have +++ weapons...
but when ppl brake 10-15 weapons from +4+5.. and others take 2-3 weapons and go up to +10+++++ .....
hope its only luck.. cause some of them are my friends...
but i want a game that we all play the same rules and the same advantages...
and i don't speak about donations... u have $$.. get what u want..
we like the server.. thats why we stay here..protect yourselfs...cause soon...it will not be FBI that will turn the server down...
I understand you absolutly and im always trying to be on player side in most of cases and protect, but really belive me when im saying this is just about luck really (like flipping coin). About PLyaers we have 500-600 players with all those dc-s but when server is stable we are average on 750-800+ , i hope those dc-s will end in next few days as u see we are into it 24/7 (even now.....).
And server wont ever go down understand that once for all please, once we fix those dc-s everything will be back to normal + we will be able to continue our coding + fixing + events where we stoped.
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Quote from: TrackZero on March 27, 2010, 02:50:58 AM
I understand you absolutly and im always trying to be on player side in most of cases and protect, but really belive me when im saying this is just about luck really (like flipping coin). About PLyaers we have 500-600 players with all those dc-s but when server is stable we are average on 750-800+ , i hope those dc-s will end in next few days as u see we are into it 24/7 (even now.....).
And server wont ever go down understand that once for all please, once we fix those dc-s everything will be back to normal + we will be able to continue our coding + fixing + events where we stoped.
On dragon enchant success rate has been drasticly boosted.

100 dark screamers, 30 succeed on  3->4 and 8 on 4->5 , few makes it to +6

100 dark screamers,80 succeed on 3->4 and 60 on 4->5 , 50 makes it to +6 

BEFORE: jewels and armors had very low success rate
NOW making DN set/boss set on+6 is as easy as making weapon +6

My guess is that drake had lowered the success rate with HB implementation and fixed it now to 66% on all items
In C3/c4/il we had higher success rate on Fighters weapons and lower success rate on mage weapons/armors/jewels while now its the same.

also at the same time this fix poped up, cancel success rate got increased to like 99% to take the maximum of 5 buffs which is pain in the ass atm
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