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Attribute (Info)

Started by Evolution, March 27, 2010, 02:10:45 PM

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Any1 have some info about attribute's i mean what attribute is best in weapon for:

TH -
HE -
OL* -


and they work 100%...

Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Sup Kapi ?? i thoug u were pro  ;D
Disturbed Sk/PS---->Retired
ikki PP/Th----> Retired
Kindleoric Pal/Des--> Retired


Quote from: rapinski on March 27, 2010, 03:14:42 PM
Sup Kapi ?? i thoug u were pro  ;D

ikki omg...  ::)  i ask about that cuz i try divine on ol drains and they don't work...  ::) so what attribute he can use... and next question what is best attribute for fighters... divine ? or other sh1t...

ps.!   and i'm not so pr0 like u pwnz masta  ;) :D
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


xD Imo Archers better is holy, daggers earth  hope my answer work for u :PP
Disturbed Sk/PS---->Retired
ikki PP/Th----> Retired
Kindleoric Pal/Des--> Retired


Quote from: rapinski on March 27, 2010, 03:42:14 PM
xD Imo Archers better is holy, daggers earth  hope my answer work for u :PP

ol  ??? ::)
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Evolution on March 27, 2010, 04:11:36 PM
ol  ??? ::)
since drain is non elemental . . .atributes wont change ur dmg bcuz its magic . . . its the same that use dark lvl 9 nuking hurricane....
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on March 27, 2010, 04:19:32 PM
since drain is non elemental . . .atributes wont change ur dmg bcuz its magic . . . its the same that use dark lvl 9 nuking hurricane....

so attributes on "OL's" don't work ... ?...  
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Evolution on March 27, 2010, 04:27:22 PM
so attributes on "OL's" don't work ... ?...  :-\

Btw...u dont think that the "non-elemental" isnt just pwnage enough? o_O
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on March 27, 2010, 04:28:12 PM

Btw...u dont think that the "non-elemental" isnt just pwnage enough? o_O

nah... cuz mages with lvl9 attribute hit a lot more... even when i got resist's on it...
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Evolution on March 27, 2010, 04:33:22 PM
nah... cuz mages with lvl9 attribute hit a lot more... even when i got resist's on it...
. . .

i just dont understand how....

when i go sieges with resists....i got hitted 90% less elemental dmg . . .

even from ppl with lvl 9 weapon (i'm not counting necros ,  bcuz there's not so many resists to dark compared with elementals)
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on March 27, 2010, 04:35:58 PM
(i'm not counting necros ,  bcuz there's not so many resists to dark compared with elementals)

Unholy protection, Divine protection, dance of alignment and Dnet passives aren't enough?



OL is better without any element on weapon, putting attribute on weapon when using OL will only make your attacks that element, and thus less effective against people with resists. Having no element is way better.