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Daggers Are OP

Started by NoobsKiller, April 09, 2010, 10:08:32 PM

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Quote from: Ungolianth on April 12, 2010, 08:17:54 PM
ye since u dont play oly lol

if track nerf any char who rox in oly or are op in "OLY" we will play what ?


Quote from: seboulba on April 13, 2010, 08:14:36 AM
if track nerf any char who rox in oly or are op in "OLY" we will play what ?

For dagger almost impossible combos are gl/pp and ty/ol/wc, combos that may be easy for you. You can't expect to win everything.

PS: When glady skills crit with 2k pdef u get 3.5k dmg. Why noone whines for it?


Quote from: VforVanilla on April 13, 2010, 09:51:38 AM
For dagger almost impossible combos are gl/pp and ty/ol/wc, combos that may be easy for you. You can't expect to win everything.

PS: When glady skills crit with 2k pdef u get 3.5k dmg. Why noone whines for it?

dont miss that we are 1 special serv :)


Furesy don't lie please. u never wanted to pvp with me...  your friend need to see on oly what skills i use to fight against me? u can't pvp???  and I always wanted u to try me... so don't lie. u know why u was hero? cause u played oly everyday. i had time only for 2-3 days on oly.
u will start writting shits now. so I won't read this. I have seen that u like spamming bullshits on forum. so please if u wanna be smart just come and play vs me and don't say that I was avoiding u cause it's not true. sorry for that words but some1 had to tell u that. nowadays i see 90% spam on forum. no matter words etc. and u say stupid  things to ppl (about ppl) and  they don't even know how defense themselves from l2 forum maniac. and u attacked me on forum for what? if all that u are saying is not true. I didn't say anything before cause I don't care your words. but it's annoying a little bit now. Have a nice day.


sorc/tank and you expect what with no restist on oly ;o   you have reflect arow for archers some ud for ... other mages .. but no resist for dager elemental and so on ... so what you want ?


Quote from: Kafaro on April 13, 2010, 11:10:25 AM
Furesy don't lie please. u never wanted to pvp with me...  your friend need to see on oly what skills i use to fight against me? u can't pvp???  and I always wanted u to try me... so don't lie. u know why u was hero? cause u played oly everyday. i had time only for 2-3 days on oly.
u will start writting shits now. so I won't read this. I have seen that u like spamming bullshits on forum. so please if u wanna be smart just come and play vs me and don't say that I was avoiding u cause it's not true. sorry for that words but some1 had to tell u that. nowadays i see 90% spam on forum. no matter words etc. and u say stupid  things to ppl (about ppl) and  they don't even know how defense themselves from l2 forum maniac. and u attacked me on forum for what? if all that u are saying is not true. I didn't say anything before cause I don't care your words. but it's annoying a little bit now. Have a nice day.
It's amazing you still don't get it, but who am I to make sure you do get it? :D

A different thing though. Before, you were in oly, Spash, Me etc. joined oly and you stopped joining, watching our fights rather than joining yourself. We told you to join if you wanted to fight so badly, but suddenly you remained silent. And no need to come up with the "I had no time to join, you played 24/7" since you often watched our fights rather than join, so you did had time to watch the fights, yet join you could not? Apart from that, we hardly played the complete month, maybe the first week of the month and then the last week, that was about it. And we had no time to focus an entire month on 1 char, we had more too do.
Another thing, before I even purchased that Glad/PP, you were hero on Glad with a maximum amount of points of ~60 each month, I bought Teargas, next month you lost hero and Teargas was hero with 350+ Following months the same thing happened, until you started to copy stuff from Teargas in oly and was finally able to beat daggers lol and now you're hero again since we all quit.

And that, kinda everyone knows, since facts speak for themselves. (besides I hate Glad's, there are much better people than me when it comes to that class!)

PS: I don't really need to prove anything concerning PvP.


Quote from: Furesy on April 13, 2010, 04:31:21 PM
It's amazing you still don't get it, but who am I to make sure you do get it? :D

A different thing though. Before, you were in oly, Spash, Me etc. joined oly and you stopped joining, watching our fights rather than joining yourself. We told you to join if you wanted to fight so badly, but suddenly you remained silent. And no need to come up with the "I had no time to join, you played 24/7" since you often watched our fights rather than join, so you did had time to watch the fights, yet join you could not? Apart from that, we hardly played the complete month, maybe the first week of the month and then the last week, that was about it. And we had no time to focus an entire month on 1 char, we had more too do.
Another thing, before I even purchased that Glad/PP, you were hero on Glad with a maximum amount of points of ~60 each month, I bought Teargas, next month you lost hero and Teargas was hero with 350+ Following months the same thing happened, until you started to copy stuff from Teargas in oly and was finally able to beat daggers lol and now you're hero again since we all quit.

And that, kinda everyone knows, since facts speak for themselves. (besides I hate Glad's, there are much better people than me when it comes to that class!)

PS: I don't really need to prove anything concerning PvP.

olé +1 =D


This is the stupidest QQ post I have ever read.  Basically what you want is your ridiculous weak oly class (pal/sorc) to be able to kill EVERY dagger class you currently can't kill, simply because you made a char that is 100% specialized to fight archers and mages; now you want to be able to kill dagger classes inside oly without even having the required buffs to decently fight a dagger because you feel that your 5-10 oly points and 15-20 matches you have ain't gonna cut it to make you hero once again on the EASIEST class to become hero?  that's pretty much what you're crying about and there is nothing in this world you can say or do to try to mask that fact.
You Can't Kill the Messiah.


im not playing my daggerist for a long time now, but i can say that daggerist class were made to hit hard cos just by thinking in the type of weapon they use, it should be an assasin by nature, think of it like in real life, a dagger stabbed in the right place will end some1 life xd



Quote from: cristianvernal on April 13, 2010, 07:08:09 PM
im not playing my daggerist for a long time now, but i can say that daggerist class were made to hit hard cos just by thinking in the type of weapon they use, it should be an assasin by nature, think of it like in real life, a dagger stabbed in the right place will end some1 life xd

Yea, and I for sure would walk away with an arrow to my face! Fireball down my pants, or even getting my head cut off by a sword! Or maybe just hit into two pieces with an axe or blunt weapon!

But yea, dagger for sure would kill me :P


Quote from: Ungolianth on April 14, 2010, 02:36:51 AM
check a bit who made this topic u silly cunt

The guy made the topic and yet he's not drowning us all in a river of tears like you're doing.
You Can't Kill the Messiah.


Quote from: legendaryvicious on April 13, 2010, 06:44:15 PM
This is the stupidest QQ post I have ever read.  Basically what you want is your ridiculous weak oly class (pal/sorc) to be able to kill EVERY dagger class you currently can't kill, simply because you made a char that is 100% specialized to fight archers and mages; now you want to be able to kill dagger classes inside oly without even having the required buffs to decently fight a dagger because you feel that your 5-10 oly points and 15-20 matches you have ain't gonna cut it to make you hero once again on the EASIEST class to become hero?  that's pretty much what you're crying about and there is nothing in this world you can say or do to try to mask that fact.

imo u r too emo or u did not read the argues:) the point is to inform that a 8k pdef char receives 3k each blow. ofc u can continue to be satisfied of ur posts if u want :)

have a good day ;)