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Important Issues .

Started by XForCE, April 16, 2010, 02:57:20 PM

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well , cuz i dont want to consider the time i going to spend on this server as a waste of time .
and cuz i want to have fun playing the game ......
there is some issues that i would love to discuss .

1)- Punishment system (jailing and banning) .
well , in NM 30x my friend got banned on all chars was opened on his ip cuz he was accused to hacking !
while the actual thing that happened was some noob dropped his rb jewels somewhere and he picked em up , he was asked to give back these jewels , and as he denied he was accused of hacking and eventually banned on all his accounts
i really wish that this doesn't happen again !

2)- GMs playing the game , well its not so bad as long as they get normal playable chars (unlike Dragon Gms) , so if a normal player kills a gms char in game and then calls him noob , that wont result in ban !!
any way the whole point is no GM Corruption plz :D

3)- Server stability , i dont mean server online time cuz i know that this server will have a very good connection , what i really mean is if some problem occurs will there be any sort of big wipes ? or any sort of huge rollbacks ?!

4)- nerfing and balancing issues ,
well i hate nerfing cuz eventually all classes will be noobs and mobs will be harder (ty/de example)!!
as u keep on nerfing every good new class combination other classes will be stronger and u will nerf em 2 so it will end up with all nerfed .

5)- Buff limiting .
well ...
why ?!
cuz i hate to suffer leveling up a buffer and then not being able to take full advantage of it .
cuz i hate when i buff for a pvp 1vs1 vs mage so i take full magic resistance and a full attribute resistance (fire / water .... etc) depending on his attribute , and he can take full defence buff resisting my attribute or type of attack , so we have a good pvp and then outside in a normal pvp i only buff minimal limit which allows him to kill me much faster than it was in the 1vs1 pvp , or neven allows me to kill him much faster .
cuz i hate when when i get 2 much trigger buffs at the same time which remove some of my important buffs .
cuz i would like to buff cst spd and matk and concetration buffs for Delf to be able to land my hex in additional to my fighter set buffs , and to buff same prev buffs for my paladin to be able to heal my self during the battle , and to buff for my ....................................

Please leave ur comment and dont spam this topic please :)

why did i make this topic ?! cuz i care and cuz i want to play with my friends ;D


I hate buff limit also, but you cant have all buffs on a 9x server, at least thats my opinion, its not a pvp server.

Anyway, L2 was designed to play in groups, so if you have a good party, with active supports, it will be hard for some one to kill you that easily.

I think making some kind of buff limit will make us play more together, as a clan, alliance etc


Quote from: peroxide on April 16, 2010, 03:08:02 PM
I hate buff limit also, but you cant have all buffs on a 9x server, at least thats my opinion, its not a pvp server.

Anyway, L2 was designed to play in groups, so if you have a good party, with active supports, it will be hard for some one to kill you that easily.

I think making some kind of buff limit will make us play more together, as a clan, alliance etc
well its not a pvp server cuz its not high rate
and low rate servers can have pvp as well !
pvp is a critical part of l2 !
and when u are in a good supported party u will lose alot of buffs cuz of the triggers of the party members and there new party buffs for non-buffer classes .
so there is alot of buffs in the game to limit em .

+ who said that its bad to have almost no-limit buff system on a low rate server !!
actually cuz its a low rate server it shall have this more than other servers , cuz in low rate server u really suffer creating buffer and leveling it up .
so its more worthy to have full advantage of it than in pvp servers .


ban ip and all chars that used that ip of those who used l2walker and other cheats


The whole point of buff limit is to choose your buffs wisely. If you can walk in full buff, I mean every single buff in the game, then only the equipments would decide the outcome of pvps. On the other hand with limited buffs you have to addept to your opponents, resulting a more tactical gameplay.


Quote from: Sowell on April 16, 2010, 03:46:59 PM
ban ip and all chars that used that ip of those who used l2walker and other cheats
who then will play there?;p

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: XForCE on April 16, 2010, 03:16:47 PM
in low rate server u really suffer creating buffer and leveling it up .

But that kind of support in a low server is more appreciated by players in party... if there is some kind of party... I mean ppl, no bot party....
It's also reducing probability of players with support on dualbox/L2W , cuz it starting to be hard for them to make that kind of extra char... and yes some restrictions for buff slots would be nice .... low rate excuse? ohh c'mon.... GAMEPLAY MUST BE RANDOMLY MODIFIED OR EVERYONE WILL HAVE EVERYTHING AT ITS BEST, AND WHATS THE FUN IN BEEING AT THE SAME CONDITIONS LIKE ANY OTHER PLAYER? !


u r talking to urself? or maybe to others?
GM won't make new rules bcuz 3 ppl told that.... ::)
Orklany, Sebes and many other :D


well even with buffs unlimited u have to choose ur buffs
and the walker users shall get banned .
any way
and about bot party , i guess max allowed for 1 mac ip is 2 chars
so there will be no bots , only 1
and if we can have an active buffer instead of a bot buffer it will be much better , but the point is to play with buffs .

+ all this doesnt change nay of what i have sayed earlier .

if u are a tanker playing with concetration and acu and empower and mage dances for cast and matk
u will be able to use skills like paralysis and hex more often may be even power break and freezing shackle (dont remember its name exactly)
that means much better game play instead of just tanking and using normal sk skills

if u ppl aint pro enough or dont want to play L2 with full buffs cuz u think others will pwn ur asses , then its not others problem to suffer !

No offense !


btw xForce just 1 more thing...if u r not enough good player to choose which buff u need and which buff u don't need then go play wow ::)
Orklany, Sebes and many other :D


valkyria will have combat pot? p attack/def pots? m attac/def pots? tatoo? frintezza jwls edited for fighters?


Lol. Then delete all buffs, and it will be the same, like all have full buff, with all resists...

On the road again. :D