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B weapon - unipossible with silver coins !! 7500 oO - Page 3



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B weapon - unipossible with silver coins !! 7500 oO

Started by Austrian3, May 02, 2010, 12:59:13 AM

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well mates, your problem is that you think that its normal to exp on red/light red mobs.
it isnt
and as chujzord said. go near oren, i made there 13k silver coins before i reached 60 lvl. with crafter, so dont cry and learn to play
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Quote from: nolimits on May 16, 2010, 03:13:32 PM
well mates, your problem is that you think that its normal to exp on red/light red mobs.
it isnt
and as chujzord said. go near oren, i made there 13k silver coins before i reached 60 lvl. with crafter, so dont cry and learn to play
thats true, but in party u cant reach all coins that u need, i mean 1 party with 3-4 members.
but ofc if u farm it alone u can reach it so easy .. today i farmed 4-5k silver in 2h with my friend. but only me was making pick up.
btw we can farm alot of coins without problem.


Quote from: Agent on May 02, 2010, 01:49:27 AM
deeply agreed.

this coin system is freaked the server hard through at least 4 holes simultaneously o_o
with present setup ppl just cant get B weapons without sin eater... lol

if gms want to keep their so precious coin system (which i like) atleast make some modifications:

- make every item which can be obtainable through coins untradable and set their price to 0. this would also help against bots at gremlins/low level places.
- do not make coins tradeable between players, BUT make them exchangeble between grades by igor. (rate would depend on coin's grade

+1.. in lvl 49 i colect like more of 5k of coins.. buy a sin eater and ready.. other way.. kill mobs whit a low char like lvl 45 (mage is more fast) and colect the items whit ur main.. and ready. whit my clan, we farm very fast (1 day i think..) a valhala the 6 day of the server..
and whit bronce.. whit 1 char lvl 16 i colect 2,5k of coins in 1 hour 30 mins.. and this is a balance server whit future <.<"