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Nice solution Torn lil clown



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Nice solution Torn lil clown

Started by vecktor, May 08, 2010, 09:43:41 PM

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Let me know who tired first u delete or i post it


did gm just delete all topics about vipe ? If Yes ...dude go to russia there in kgb or somthing like this is your place.


gms nabs.. make change and dont find posibles problems that can the server fell whit it.


This is the picture that is already showed in 6 new topics, and shows what? How do you know that adena isnt legit? That clan flooded giran with spam-wipte-gm idiots-retards-and so on.... So i really dont have anything more to add, we banned/banning and will ban all who did exploit as well as wiping (wiped already most of them) everything that is exploited.

However since you are all angels asking for wipe/rollback and so on, can i ask you a question why did you exploit in 1st place if you want wipe now??


Quote from: darkcore on May 08, 2010, 10:30:09 PM
This photo says ban me pls

oh come on 400~ kk isn't so much, that lvl 65 pp is selling buff for 100kk :D
I'm polymerized tree sap and you're an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns to its original projectory and adheres to you.


Well a rollback should have been done already to the point before ur restart that caused this problem Torn.. There are no guarantees for players that all adena exploited was wiped and all items bought with that adena were deleted.. A rollback shouldnt be problem for gm's specially when u start a new server thats usually something that happens when a exploit is done!
Don't be a fool, be OldSchooL !!


Why wipe ? becouse:
-broken balance on server,
-to many money= to high prices
-now is no way to make fast big money (mybe manor/craft but it still nothing against that adena which they have)
-people play on server without donation for same chances, somebady tho use bug destroy that chances
-players who make mone - some of them are making troublem do difretn players (buying all ch)
-now willby no way to buy b grade or beter staff becouse somebadyt can give double price( if he have 2kkk is no problem for him)
-need few weeks/mouths to balance that adena, that is enought time to become hero, block rest from best exp places/rb


I didn't exploit but i still want a wipe.

Damage made by coin system and the last bug aren't something you can fix, you can't know for sure if the adenas made are legit or not.
And if for a GM, having 400kk on a 9x server after only one week seem normal... what can i say ?

We're not supposed to be on a 200x, we are supposed to farm to get that much adenas and not only for few days.

I can't believe you can find that normal... have you ever played on a server with such a rate ? or is it just too hard to admit that the coin system and bug fix were failures ?

Cause we don't care if you made mistake, everybody does anyway but you've got to do something about it otherwise your server will just die if you keep your actual opinion and think it's normal to have so much adenas so fast.


Torn,  I appreciate the work you have done to this server. But you must understand one thing. Why are honest players have to suffer because some people used a bug, which shook the market in the game? We also want the best for the server so in this case, wipe or rollback is the best thing you can do. Now is hard to buy anything, do anything. People are moving away from the server. You have to understand us, why we want to wipe the server.I  Do not want to play on the server where I am now doomed to failure.

I hope you understand this and finally rollback or wipe server. GL


Quote from: Torn on May 08, 2010, 10:40:27 PM
This is the picture that is already showed in 6 new topics, and shows what? How do you know that adena isnt legit? That clan flooded giran with spam-wipte-gm idiots-retards-and so on.... So i really dont have anything more to add, we banned/banning and will ban all who did exploit as well as wiping (wiped already most of them) everything that is exploited.

However since you are all angels asking for wipe/rollback and so on, can i ask you a question why did you exploit in 1st place if you want wipe now??

So sad man Why xploiit was ur mistake put weapons on 0 adena on shop That is no a bug

i s a newbie thing of gm (noob 1)

How u can say bug if u put weapons to 0 adena is that a bug, Was ur error but u are so child for accept

Wanna see a warehouse whit 100 weapons c grade ?? if u fix it that cant exist right ?

U dont fix anithing so dont freak whit us lier


Quote from: Kazuki on May 08, 2010, 10:53:35 PM
I didn't exploit but i still want a wipe.

Damage made by coin system and the last bug aren't something you can fix, you can't know for sure if the adenas made are legit or not.
And if for a GM, having 400kk on a 9x server after only one week seem normal... what can i say ?

We're not supposed to be on a 200x, we are supposed to farm to get that much adenas and not only for few days.

I can't believe you can find that normal... have you ever played on a server with such a rate ? or is it just too hard to admit that the coin system and bug fix were failures ?

Cause we don't care if you made mistake, everybody does anyway but you've got to do something about it otherwise your server will just die if you keep your actual opinion and think it's normal to have so much adenas so fast.


this server was fvcked from the start whit the items QQ.. why u dont make untradeable this items? like shadows.. all server need a restart, becoz tnz to this crap the ppl dont make 2class quest.. just farm coins, change for 1 weapons, and sell it for pay the quest items.. the poins is now, that the ppl who start now, dont have the same chance that the guys who use/abuse of this problem. Now the ppl need make quest.. play w/o SSs be coz the adena that u farm lvluping.. can pay the SS that u use to do it.
The coins for S grade and A are a bullshit.. the server need a restart becoz the future of this server go to be very unbalance..


True cause i'm pretty sure you don't want to wipe because you think some people will leave the server, and sure some might.

But on the other hand, if you don't do anything, many people will leave too because they don't want to waste their time on a server which is likely to die soon or later because of the damage inflicted by coin system/bug.

In which case, wouldn't it be better to start from scratch with a server corrected from the mistakes did this week ?
Which mean, if you want to keep your coin system, to make it so weapon/armor can't be sold or crystallized, then obviously up a little adena rate cause x3 is too low for a 9x server.

And i would advice to remove A/S from coin system, as i said in another post, those should only be get through farming and craft.

After keep an eye on l2w like you already do and everything should be fine.

One week isn't much to loose to have a great server afterward. Because your server looked promising but if you keep it like that, it isn't anymore.