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Adena rate .

Started by Nasko, May 09, 2010, 11:55:50 AM

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Quote from: Srecko on May 10, 2010, 01:50:23 AM
But we are hoping valkirya will be like this also, right?

I wont bother If I didnt want to. I just dont understand those arogants kids. They all got some nice amount of money before update, Im sure they didnt make any quest and they are still crying here. I see that teleports prices got cut by half  already.


Quote from: aPlayer on May 09, 2010, 11:46:07 PM
I dont feel like making dwarf to afford anything just want to play my char :-\

this is best example of wrong thinking, its like: "There is some possibilites to make money, but i dont like them so GM make me other one"

just n/c
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Quote from: Ryoko on May 10, 2010, 01:21:46 AM
Ofc they can but first you need to do all 3 quests. And where is the point in this question ? Are u gonna pay 2.4kk for academy member ?

well for your info i will not pay whole 2,4kk for all 3 marks but for newcommers which will be 39 lvl w/o 2nd class and join our academy i will give 1,5kk. 2/3 of 2nd class is not bad, is it ?
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Quote from: nolimits on May 10, 2010, 07:44:08 AM
this is best example of wrong thinking, its like: "There is some possibilites to make money, but i dont like them so GM make me other one"

just n/c
So in your point it's normal to have to make a dwarf to make money ? who has a wrong thinking ?

Quote from: nolimits on May 10, 2010, 07:46:38 AM
well for your info i will not pay whole 2,4kk for all 3 marks but for newcommers which will be 39 lvl w/o 2nd class and join our academy i will give 1,5kk. 2/3 of 2nd class is not bad, is it ?
It could be nice if everybody was like you willing to give 1.5kk but everybody isn't like you or just can't be like you or they'll go bankrupt

Is it so hard to understand that some people want to play their char only as they were in other server, without to be obligated to make a dwarf to earn money ?
And anyway, as i said before... if everybody was to make a dwarf... those very dwarf wouldn't make so much money anymore.
It works for you because there are players that don't make dwarfs, don't forget that.

But as i said, 1.5kk seems nothing for some player that obviously exploited the coin system and still do (as we still can crystallize the stuff)... though, everybody isn't like you and doesn't feel like exploiting an obvious bug that will just freak up the server economy


Quote from: Kazuki on May 10, 2010, 08:42:58 AM
So in your point it's normal to have to make a dwarf to make money ? who has a wrong thinking ?
It could be nice if everybody was like you willing to give 1.5kk but everybody isn't like you or just can't be like you or they'll go bankrupt

Is it so hard to understand that some people want to play their char only as they were in other server, without to be obligated to make a dwarf to earn money ?
And anyway, as i said before... if everybody was to make a dwarf... those very dwarf wouldn't make so much money anymore.
It works for you because there are players that don't make dwarfs, don't forget that.

But as i said, 1.5kk seems nothing for some player that obviously exploited the coin system and still do (as we still can crystallize the stuff)... though, everybody isn't like you and doesn't feel like exploiting an obvious bug that will just freak up the server economy

Thx to u i didnt have to write the same thing about who has wrong thinking about that.. its like : everything is great on our server u JUST need to make dwarf if u dont want to starve lol.

Let me put this simple, IF ppl dont have adena on supplies, quest marks, SA, dyes, tattos etc they start to leave. personally i dont care that much about that we r all poor but really many ppl do and if they leave then others who r happy atm will leave too when it will be hard to find any1 to pvp with 500 ppl on server (including 50% dwarfs).


Quote from: Kerth on May 09, 2010, 09:37:16 PM
Ppl who say that "go make crafts, make quests" etc, I will say you one thing.

On normal server, while exping, with suplies like ss, pots, soul and spirit ores, cursed bones etc after exping, they should be at least around 0 ( I mean, spend almost all income for it). AT LEAST. But here you are on -.

And if you are really hoping, that after 6 years of playing l2 someone will enjoy making 2nd class quest (2-3 days if they don't play too much daily), you are fu...king wrong. Rather, they will leave server, and go play another.
Ofc you can qq and say "we don't care, no need ppl", and after 1 year of playing you will ask wtf, why we have 300 online? And why we don't have new players?

when the ppl start here know that need make quest of second class.. so u are wrong about it.. ppl leave for this errors.. no becoz dont have money to pay the second class change.


Quote from: Kyouzo on May 10, 2010, 12:54:23 AM
is  making teleport cost 0 so horrible?
today I had to spend like 2 hours to manage to go out of  town because i haven't money for port O.o
I can tell you for sure: Easier start = more ppl playing in long term.


Easier start = more bored server.. u want ppl playing along time? make a server very stable and balanced.. i never buy SS in stores.. and i make money.. I bought spirit ore and crys cheaps.. and craft SSs in dwarf.. this is a good way to resolve economy problems.. is u pay 300a 1 bssC is ur faut, no from economy server.


you cant sell coinz wepon in shop and now start cry about no money really funny when you can sell it all cry about i make 1 char lvl 40 i get 10kk and now

you are to poor for shots pots ?     donate for adena or life without them simple


Quote from: Kazuki on May 10, 2010, 08:42:58 AM
So in your point it's normal to have to make a dwarf to make money ? who has a wrong thinking ?
It could be nice if everybody was like you willing to give 1.5kk but everybody isn't like you or just can't be like you or they'll go bankrupt

noone mentioned making a dwarf. Besides, u think dwarfs have some special ability that automatically makes them adena? No, its just how ppl playing them think.

u know how much 1 ssd cost to make? 6.9 adena, u dont have to buy for 200. Till lvl 40 if u spend 20k, that means u spend 140k on shots. Mana pots are not necessary until then, u get your mana recharged 100% every time u lvl up. U got all your weapons and armor for free... i mean coins. If u are not completely incompetent, u maybe even get Homu and sold it to someone for minimum 4kk.

Even if u destroyed all mats and herbs u could get until then(mana herbs, ol mahum furs, SOP, CBP.. which would make u few more kk with minimum bargain), u would still get minimum 1.5kk for joining academy as guy offered(with time this amount will rise).

Oh wait, then u get free C grade weapon and almost free c grade set... but still isnt enough?


Quote from: Ryoko on May 10, 2010, 02:01:04 AM
I wont bother If I didnt want to. I just dont understand those arogants kids. They all got some nice amount of money before update, Im sure they didnt make any quest and they are still crying here. I see that teleports prices got cut by half  already.


Quote from: Srecko on May 10, 2010, 02:02:26 PM
noone mentioned making a dwarf. Besides, u think dwarfs have some special ability that automatically makes them adena? No, its just how ppl playing them think.

u know how much 1 ssd cost to make? 6.9 adena, u dont have to buy for 200. Till lvl 40 if u spend 20k, that means u spend 140k on shots. Mana pots are not necessary until then, u get your mana recharged 100% every time u lvl up. U got all your weapons and armor for free... i mean coins. If u are not completely incompetent, u maybe even get Homu and sold it to someone for minimum 4kk.

Even if u destroyed all mats and herbs u could get until then(mana herbs, ol mahum furs, SOP, CBP.. which would make u few more kk with minimum bargain), u would still get minimum 1.5kk for joining academy as guy offered(with time this amount will rise).

Oh wait, then u get free C grade weapon and almost free c grade set... but still isnt enough?
Can you explain me how you find that SSD cost 6.9a to make ?
Only taking soul ore into consideration:
15 * 275 = 4125
4125 / 468 = 8.8a

Then i guess for you Cryst D are free because you exploit coin system and get stuff with coin and crystallize them ?
Because the normal way, Crystal D cost about 615a (by normal way i mean buy stuff in shop and crystallize)

if you use the normal way it's:
15 * 275 + 3 * 615 = 5970
5970 / 468 = 12.75a

So before to affirm something, please calculate, it would give more credit to what you say...

Plus who the hell would by SSD for 200a, stop exaggerating to extreme to make your point look more convincing, that's lame.
At start SSD costed 45-50a now you can find them for about 30a (i don't advice to buy for more than 30)

And you say that... but that's mean that everybody should make his own dwarf... can't you people understand that not everybody is willing to play a dwarf ?
Is it that hard to get ?

Plus following you point of view, why would someone buy an Homu 4kk if he can get it with coin... and you seem to assume everything is free.

And do you truly believe that everybody is willing to give 1.5kk to anybody joining his academy ? the guy will quickly go bankrupt if he didn't use any exploit (and as i said, coin system is an exploit to me... the hell, we're on a x9 server, not some x200)

So again, please people who have exploited the coin system and maybe last bug, stop posting your point.. the only thing you are trying to do is to keep adenas rate low so you're the only ones with adenas as you don't mind to exploit.


Quote from: Kazuki on May 10, 2010, 02:23:07 PM
Can you explain me how you find that SSD cost 6.9a to make ?
Only taking soul ore into consideration:
15 * 275 = 4125
4125 / 468 = 8.8a

Then i guess for you Cryst D are free because you exploit coin system and get stuff with coin and crystallize them ?
Because the normal way, Crystal D cost about 615a (by normal way i mean buy stuff in shop and crystallize)

if you use the normal way it's:
15 * 275 + 3 * 615 = 5970
5970 / 468 = 12.75a

So before to affirm something, please calculate, it would give more credit to what you say...

Plus who the hell would by SSD for 200a, stop exaggerating to extreme to make your point look more convincing, that's lame.
At start SSD costed 45-50a now you can find them for about 30a (i don't advice to buy for more than 30)

And you say that... but that's mean that everybody should make his own dwarf... can't you people understand that not everybody is willing to play a dwarf ?
Is it that hard to get ?

Plus following you point of view, why would someone buy an Homu 4kk if he can get it with coin... and you seem to assume everything is free.

And do you truly believe that everybody is willing to give 1.5kk to anybody joining his academy ? the guy will quickly go bankrupt if he didn't use any exploit (and as i said, coin system is an exploit to me... the hell, we're on a x9 server, not some x200)

So again, please people who have exploited the coin system and maybe last bug, stop posting your point.. the only thing you are trying to do is to keep adenas rate low so you're the only ones with adenas as you don't mind to exploit.

well about cry D, look at market, coin system made lot of crystals so ppl are selling even for 500 (i bet if you make offline buy shop for 300 adena you will get 1k cry D during night easy)

about me, i never used any expoit or walker etc, i just know how to make money normal way.

noone said you have to make dwarf to have money, as i said, you can do quests, sell mats, sell CRP to academy, sell herbs, etc. there is many ways to make money.

btw you complain that its 9x server with 3x adena. you have free Dgrade, Cgrade. on other servers where is no coin system and adena rate = exp rate its easier when ppl have to buy dgrade, cgrade? and still ppl play there and dont cry.  think twice about it
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever