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Infinity Ally

Started by Tyler, May 19, 2010, 04:30:10 PM

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Well,even if i don't play here i tell you 1 thing that i know for sure.
DO NOT MESS WITH GD AND FI . xD You will feel sorry about it....greetings to all from those 2 clans by Eleonorr - inf x5. :P



im to drunk to listen u all, is that problem that some1 killed u @ golky11?
yes playa is bad guy xDD, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, me too, we all bad, but it's just a game ;]

p.s. Tyler are u zergGg? what u want then?

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: Austrian3 on May 19, 2010, 10:49:32 PM
@ smog,... we dont care about golky,.... most of our clan have sub since ... aeehmm 1 week ? or dunno when golky was killed first time..

i dont see the flame... we just told you what clan this is,.. and that other ppl know if they can trust them or not,.. for example if they ask a other clan for siege help... and they help back.. i dont think they do

yes my penis was growing... my e-penis,... its 214cm long, and 12 cm weight

cm is unit of distance
I'm polymerized tree sap and you're an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns to its original projectory and adheres to you.


1st of all  GD was PKed u stupid cry'ing mother fakers ;)

2nd u mean nothing on this server NOW and in FUTURE i'm sure too

3rd u feel strong because 80% of ur clan is kidds + no lifers

4th mby not now but in few days / weeks i'm sure ur lol clan will make emo quit / or will  pray that we stop war with u

PS: u are rly stupid to make such a pointlees topic this or other is strategy and part of game like i was say u mean here nothing and i'm almost sure know sh1t about this game

C U in game idiots
United We Stand

Enclave member

Protector - EE // SpS / SwS // He / Pa // De / Ty
Aka - De // PR/SK


Quote from: sm0g on May 19, 2010, 11:42:52 PM
well,i know both clan from infinity since erm,c4 times and i have to say both of em know well what to do,and theres a reason why do they fck with you,imho,but it was explained ^

This FI is not the FI from Zenith 5x.
nightmare: bowling4soup - sk/se
dragon: bowling4prophet - pp/he
infinity: bowling4soup - pr/bd


Infinity x5                                                      
Moondust - SR/SWS Nobless                          
iMEXX - SPS/EE Nobless                              


btw @golki pvp...

Nubs: 5-6 Party

We: 4 Party

about that guy "dont mess with LolDragon and IL",..i loled oO... they "zerged" us... and nobody of our party died,....
sorry but i think LoLDragon+IL failed,...

About Golky.... Zerg+ Enclave can killed golky 3-4 times... with ~36-45 ppl (3-4party),.. max 5 party
IL+ LoLDragon was there with 70+ ppl,... and they cant even touch 95% allone oO,... we bring 1 party,... [now 80ppl] and golky is going down...
Fact: IL tank = C grade ... wtf lol xDDD
I havent seen any 3th class support wtf LOL^
Low Tank,... Golky killed our party ~5-10 times...after we died, golky back to tank,... not to other players ... [yes we stopped atk when golki changed target from tank]

in that way,... good luck on your next Golky,...If you get him allive hahah
Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf


oh .. first drama thread of Valkyrie :D how exciting
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


wussup moon and eleonor :P :)))


Quote from: Austrian3 on May 20, 2010, 08:47:50 AM
btw @golki pvp...

Nubs: 5-6 Party

We: 4 Party

about that guy "dont mess with LolDragon and IL",..i loled oO... they "zerged" us... and nobody of our party died,....
sorry but i think LoLDragon+IL failed,...

About Golky.... Zerg+ Enclave can killed golky 3-4 times... with ~36-45 ppl (3-4party),.. max 5 party
IL+ LoLDragon was there with 70+ ppl,... and they cant even touch 95% allone oO,... we bring 1 party,... [now 80ppl] and golky is going down...
Fact: IL tank = C grade ... wtf lol xDDD
I havent seen any 3th class support wtf LOL^
Low Tank,... Golky killed our party ~5-10 times...after we died, golky back to tank,... not to other players ... [yes we stopped atk when golki changed target from tank]

in that way,... good luck on your next Golky,...If you get him allive hahah

1st of all we was 45  ppl there idiot even I add u to CC so we was there 54 ppl ( CC ) ! not faking 80 learn math or GTFO

2nd ur dk is bigger if u see ur clan mates with 3rd class? for u 3rd class = skill ?! seems so...

3rd yes tank was in C grade but imo even if it will be D grade then what?

and for fak sake ! don't compare FI + GD with u and EnC.. becose there was mostly fighters not mages ...  if u don't see the difference then n/c

Any way u  just show all exp... players that u are noobs and that count like +1kkkk ;)

United We Stand

Enclave member

Protector - EE // SpS / SwS // He / Pa // De / Ty
Aka - De // PR/SK


Quote from: Protector on May 20, 2010, 08:15:58 AM
1st of all  GD was PKed u stupid cry'ing mother fakers ;)

2nd u mean nothing on this server NOW and in FUTURE i'm sure too

3rd u feel strong because 80% of ur clan is kidds + no lifers

4th mby not now but in few days / weeks i'm sure ur lol clan will make emo quit / or will  pray that we stop war with u

PS: u are rly stupid to make such a pointlees topic this or other is strategy and part of game like i was say u mean here nothing and i'm almost sure know sh1t about this game

C U in game idiots

i cant top loling,.. damn i am at work... and i am loling non stop hahahaha

some things to ur points

1. we cry,.. no we dont,.. we just tell what happend
2. yesterday, i killed so many LoLDragon and IL Members,... 1vs2(3,4,5) ,... and they cryed.... "lol" "damn mage" "i hate nuker" "get a life" and and and
3. Well i Think we have a meaning on this server but who cares about it,.. we will see in future
4. yes we are nolifers,... yes i am biggest nolifer
5. we are kids... well most ppl in clan are know are 20-25,... ok we are kids... damn its true, i like to play with Lego
6. you know how to craft A grade guys ?
7. You know how to make 3 class quest ? if not pleas visit pmfun.com... u get good help there....
8. Recuting an amound of Randoms,.. is a good solution....  :-X ,... oh its IL
9. Your party setup should made with support,.... [my spy told me you got 2bd in 1 party, 1 party without any support O_o]
10.... to point 8 and 9... yes its easy to get a spy in you clan, because u recuit randoms
11. emoquit ? sorry but for me i will stay 100 %, and for the clan i am 99% sure we will stay together
12. we pray to stop war with you ? funny,... i just told you i won 47:0 yesterday and we wish to stop the war O_o .. omg i love this war with you, you are so easy to kill
13. Keep flaming us, Thx for attention :)

See u ingame,....
Best Regard
Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf


Haaha,i just gave you my warning,if you  don't want do not take my advice of not mess with those 2,not my problem. ;D Yo Gekkey.