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Infinity Ally

Started by Tyler, May 19, 2010, 04:30:10 PM

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ok i am bored of writting with you,  ur forum spam kill +1

see you ingame,  no more stupid usless talking who is the best,.. well i know, we are,.. and know

STFU to all,... its usless,.. we fight ingame thats all...

Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf


hey Gekkey find me in msn or skype to talk mofo  :-* :-* ;D
Infinity x5                                                      
Moondust - SR/SWS Nobless                          
iMEXX - SPS/EE Nobless                              


Quote from: Tyler on May 19, 2010, 04:30:10 PM
So "Playa" what's up with asking for help at Golky and then pk'ing us at 5% HP ?
Are u ppl like freaking Evil ?!  :o  :D

Yea that's what these guys do !
All 50 of them !
Can't go less then 98% Golky HP on their own.

We bring a party, HP going down, and at 5% HP they jump us.
Yea i think all server needs to know about this lame act.

PS: Please spare me the "qq moar" or whatever the freak u trolls copy/paste from other retards.
When golky had like 1% your party stop nuking, camed closely to rb and try to steal drops. What did you expect ? that 50 ppl will just watch how you tryin to freak with them ? I didnt get your point why you making such topics or why my exmembers cryin here about old FI.  3 sided war  is much funnier than just 2 sided. So head on guys and enjoy this part of game.


Quote from: dvali on May 20, 2010, 08:23:19 AM
This FI is not the FI from Zenith 5x.
not they not,they recruit any1 dosent matter the lvl or class ;D


QuoteWhen golky had like 1% your party stop nuking, camed closely to rb and try to steal drops. What did you expect ? that 50 ppl will just watch how you tryin to freak with them ? I didnt get your point why you making such topics or why my exmembers cryin here about old FI.  3 sided war  is much funnier than just 2 sided. So head on guys and enjoy this part of game.
Aha,so that's how it was.So,i don't rly see why FI-GD shouldn't pk you everytime .xD I would too.



Quote from: Churka on May 20, 2010, 11:18:29 AM

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

;D ;D ;D
check his title

no no never, omg silenced ? i wasnt purple erm am i ? ^^


hehe i didnt notice that we have war, and thought that is bugged like trance  :-\
RobertS lvl 76+ SS/PS Valkyrie (x9)
Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)


Quote from: Churka on May 20, 2010, 11:18:29 AM

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

;D ;D ;D

why do u even bother hiding ur lvl ? Punishment of Splendor green hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I WONDER WHAT LVL U ARE JEEZ
Infinity :

Valkyrja       HE/WL lvl 75
Thrilos         Mystic Muse/Eva's Saint lvl 7x retail: Necromancer lvl 75

Retail: Kain

Thrilos Hawkeye lvl 66 loved it there =P sadly i had to quit :[


Quote from: yvette on May 20, 2010, 10:17:21 AM
When golky had like 1% your party stop nuking, camed closely to rb and try to steal drops. What did you expect ? that 50 ppl will just watch how you tryin to freak with them ? I didnt get your point why you making such topics or why my exmembers cryin here about old FI.  3 sided war  is much funnier than just 2 sided. So head on guys and enjoy this part of game.

No one is actually crying yve.
I wasn't even there so i probably don't know what i'm talking about, but from what i've been told it went like this: called for help, 1 party of zerg walked 11 stories to get to the raid, (no mention of drop share or anything), at <5% Hp they got pked because RobertS remembered that Fragzilla killed some GD dwarves sometime in the past. That's simply looking for a reason to pk, which in my mind means u wanted to pk them all along, from the begining.

Either way, it's an ugly start to a war.
nightmare: bowling4soup - sk/se
dragon: bowling4prophet - pp/he
infinity: bowling4soup - pr/bd


Quote from: yvette on May 20, 2010, 10:17:21 AM
When golky had like 1% your party stop nuking, camed closely to rb and try to steal drops. What did you expect ? that 50 ppl will just watch how you tryin to freak with them ? I didnt get your point why you making such topics or why my exmembers cryin here about old FI.  3 sided war  is much funnier than just 2 sided. So head on guys and enjoy this part of game.

Took u 4 pages to come up with this lame excuse lol ?

We only came close to Golky after half of party was pk'd. U couldn't even pk all of us cose all your ppl were too bussy trying to pick up the drop =))
Sir, we are surrounded! Excellent, now we can attack in any direction!


lol silence, i wasnt purple .... i feel the skill of ryl LoLdragon haha
Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf