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Started by Tyler, May 19, 2010, 04:30:10 PM

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Quote from: dvali on May 20, 2010, 01:00:03 PM
No one is actually crying yve.
I wasn't even there so i probably don't know what i'm talking about, but from what i've been told it went like this: called for help, 1 party of zerg walked 11 stories to get to the raid, (no mention of drop share or anything), at <5% Hp they got pked because RobertS remembered that Fragzilla killed some GD dwarves sometime in the past. That's simply looking for a reason to pk, which in my mind means u wanted to pk them all along, from the begining.

Either way, it's an ugly start to a war.

yeah, they pked our dwarfs on golky also (as i heard, w/o any reason), so it was some kinda revenge. and crying about "you could not kill golky w/o zerg" so, zerg could kill it w/o our ally (with 1 pt :-X)? nah, dont make me laught.. and this topic even useless, who cares about who pked you? i think noone. so flame me i dont care, its my opinion
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


you guys are flaming GD clan so much but for me they are better than you are cuz they have balls to accept war insteed of making a lolCRY topics. <3
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: Sokrates on May 20, 2010, 02:41:15 PM
you guys are flaming GD clan so much but for me they are better than you are cuz they have balls to accept war insteed of making a lolCRY topics. <3
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Shilen on May 20, 2010, 02:41:04 PM
yeah, they pked our dwarfs on golky also (as i heard, w/o any reason), so it was some kinda revenge. and crying about "you could not kill golky w/o zerg" so, zerg could kill it w/o our ally (with 1 pt :-X)? nah, dont make me laught.. and this topic even useless, who cares about who pked you? i think noone. so flame me i dont care, its my opinion

to your post i have something to commend:

1. i pked them,... and as i already said i had a reason to pk them... because they "zerged" me few days ago when i was doing HS quest for 2 pp of my clan (we was 3) ... and they came with 9 ppl to pk us.... 4times... w/o any reason!!!  so for this, i pked them at golki,... why should i give golki item to some guys who pked me few days ago w/o a reason ?! that was my revange,....

2. you say zerg can not kill golki,.. w/o IG & Loldragon ? well bevor this golky died,... Zerg killed golki 3 times bevor [together with enclave] 2 party zerg, 2 party enc,.. all of thoose ppl in our party had golki item already,.. we was there to help them [dont know but i think it was a deal that we get 1 horn for it,.. i dunno about it]
Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf


Quote from: Sokrates on May 20, 2010, 02:41:15 PM
you guys are flaming GD clan so much but for me they are better than you are cuz they have balls to accept war insteed of making a lolCRY topics. <3

they dont want to be attacked by 2 side as we the LOLDRAGON and FI do
Quote from: Austrian3 on May 20, 2010, 03:12:38 PM
to your post i have something to commend:

1. i pked them,... and as i already said i had a reason to pk them... because they "zerged" me few days ago when i was doing HS quest for 2 pp of my clan (we was 3) ... and they came with 9 ppl to pk us.... 4times... w/o any reason!!!  so for this, i pked them at golki,... why should i give golki item to some guys who pked me few days ago w/o a reason ?! that was my revange,....

2. you say zerg can not kill golki,.. w/o IG & Loldragon ? well bevor this golky died,... Zerg killed golki 3 times bevor [together with enclave] 2 party zerg, 2 party enc,.. all of thoose ppl in our party had golki item already,.. we was there to help them [dont know but i think it was a deal that we get 1 horn for it,.. i dunno about it]

I dont think so that my ppl killing ppl w/o any reason.
Anyway we have war cu IG, everybody should shout up his fcking mouth.
RobertS lvl 76+ SS/PS Valkyrie (x9)
Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)


Quote from: Sokrates on May 20, 2010, 02:41:15 PM
you guys are flaming GD clan so much but for me they are better than you are cuz they have balls to accept war insteed of making a lolCRY topics. <3

We have no history on other servers with Excidium and on Valky we didn't rly go head to head as much that to need to war. But i see u insist too much and i don't even know who the freak u are, and who the freak was talking about your clan in here EXCEPT YOURSELVES.
Sir, we are surrounded! Excellent, now we can attack in any direction!


Quote from: roberts on May 20, 2010, 03:15:20 PM
I dont think so that my ppl killing ppl w/o any reason.
Anyway we have war cu IG, everybody should shout up his fcking mouth.

its fact,.... 4 times...
i was there with Godlike and Linas (BH, EE),.... 2 times pk, w/o reason... other 2 times pvp,..
Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf


Quote from: Tyler on May 20, 2010, 03:16:29 PM
We have no history on other servers with Excidium and on Valky we didn't rly go head to head as much that to need to war. But i see u insist too much and i don't even know who the freak u are, and who the freak was talking about your clan in here EXCEPT YOURSELVES.

i know you and i have few friends in zerg but as i see you have rly big face here and i also know that you fail on every server so..

ps. we used to play together on other servers long time ago when i was a TeamZone member ;) ( Vash, HustleR, etc)
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: Austrian3 on May 20, 2010, 03:18:32 PM
its fact,.... 4 times...
i was there with Godlike and Linas (BH, EE),.... 2 times pk, w/o reason... other 2 times pvp,..

i understand it, i dont say that you're lying about that, i just said that smth must have happened before, they got pk (not exactly from you) by a member of zerg....
we're talking too much about that, let's have fun , and try to be good enemies for eachother....
RobertS lvl 76+ SS/PS Valkyrie (x9)
Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)


Quote from: Austrian3 on May 20, 2010, 02:26:00 PM
lol silence, i wasnt purple .... i feel the skill of ryl LoLdragon haha

Roberts - Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)

more loling when i saw this in signature o_O leader is nub haha

Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf


Quote from: roberts on May 20, 2010, 03:21:51 PM
i understand it, i dont say that you're lying about that, i just said that smth must have happened before, they got pk (not exactly from you) by a member of zerg....
we're talking too much about that, let's have fun , and try to be good enemies for eachother....

well i prefer good and skilled enemys,... but a good enemy isnt someone who is a backstabing (i call it scam) @golki,... so for me u are not a good enemys witch i respect, for me you are just targets to kill, and i will love it when you cry about dieing
about golki,... i dont get the point why you calles us for help, if you want to pk us, thats not the deal of a good clan...
Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf


Quote from: Sokrates on May 20, 2010, 02:41:15 PM
you guys are flaming GD clan so much but for me they are better than you are cuz they have balls to accept war insteed of making a lolCRY topics. <3
funny words from excidium, the clan that refused wars on 15x for 1+ years and then had wars but always stopped them at epic bosses pvps (while their ally name was LordofWars)
this way to send war to everyone when bajak is mad is maybe a way for him to forget his lame past  :D
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell