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To the people running bots in starting villages

Started by jailaa, June 08, 2010, 04:22:46 PM

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Quote from: 700 on June 09, 2010, 04:38:11 AM
and my favorite text is:

oO rly, explain, u can't, so STFU and go kill yourself

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: 6bIK on June 09, 2010, 07:57:27 AM
oO rly, explain, u can't, so STFU and go kill yourself
Seems someone is in bad mood  ;D


just make kamel wepon cost 0 in shops and we get rid off those bots i think ;p


Quote from: gosu2kl on June 09, 2010, 09:23:26 AM
just make kamel wepon cost 0 in shops and we get rid off those bots i think ;p
u can sell all kind of topD for 900k so..


Quote from: Akira on June 09, 2010, 12:49:19 AM

believe me, more ppl will come once l2w won't be tolerated.
And for you, I'd rather play with half of the current population than to play on server full of bots.
+1 :)  by chance, who are u ? u seem to be the only one of GMs who can write in english, therefore I strongly believe that u gonna do ur job validly so that Bots gonna be exterminated. How about keeping more than 2 boxes ? is that banable offence also ? I have seen plenty of those things. Once a guy from one of the top clans went hunting WoA with his main Necro + se + ee + bd :DDDDD all of them on his back:D is that banable ? Or Am I allowed to do the same ?:D


Quote from: nietrzezwy on June 09, 2010, 12:08:24 PM
+1 :)  by chance, who are u ? u seem to be the only one of GMs who can write in english, therefore I strongly believe that u gonna do ur job validly so that Bots gonna be exterminated. How about keeping more than 2 boxes ? is that banable offence also ? I have seen plenty of those things. Once a guy from one of the top clans went hunting WoA with his main Necro + se + ee + bd :DDDDD all of them on his back:D is that banable ? Or Am I allowed to do the same ?:D

if u have main+ bd and se u are fuker who ruins this world and u will be banned for 700
but if u have se/bd its strongly recommended and u are a good player


Quote from: gryby on June 09, 2010, 01:31:15 PM
if u have main+ bd and se u are fuker who ruins this world and u will be banned for 700
but if u have se/bd its strongly recommended and u are a good player
lol, another foster child has spoken, why stfu ? :D HAHAHAHAa I just asked, I didnt state anything you moron :D are you even able to read comprehensibly ?:D HAHAHAHAHAH oooooooh myyyyyy gooooood :D you made my day definitely :D trahahaha :D I just cant believe that there are faggots like you.. Inconceivable!


Quote from: Akira on June 09, 2010, 12:49:19 AM
and who was that guy? : )

believe me, more ppl will come once l2w won't be tolerated.
And for you, I'd rather play with half of the current population than to play on server full of bots.

If you want to belive it :) I remember dragon in about end of c4, when they said that they are starting to ban bots (and they started), in 3 months server population has fallen from 2,5 k to 1,4 but sure, more ppl will come :D

L2 is dead game, even tibia has more ew plarers than l2. Now no "new-old" (means actually players of l2 bt on another servers) will come here, to most donated and hated network in web, while they have to fallow ppl in dynasty from second month on server, and make their A grades manually.  + if you count in "cool" valkyria rates (9x exp 3x adena 1x?? spoil?? 1x spoil amount) then you can say R.I.P. server.
Quote from: Kotlet on June 09, 2010, 12:53:31 AM
These low lvl bots were very important members of server. For sure ppl will miss them.

You didn't get it, point is that they say (maybe also think, no idea) that "look, our online is 1200, and now we implemented donations on! now we are best l2 server eveeer!!!", but in 2 days they lost like half of this population and they will even more (if they won't be scarry to ban all bots).


you also didn't get my point.
Now you're saying that if they ban some ppl for botting, server will loose those players, and there's alot of bots around - yes, we all agree to that, but...
"bot-players" aren't real players at all. They're only usefull when it comes to server population counter, and even then they're just fake numbers.
So what's the point of keeping them? They just ruin the economy, they ruin a fair play game. IMO every single one bot less = better server. Even if it means to clean half of the server, leaving only 400 legit players online - it's worth it!

And as I said before, believe me, ppl will come to Valkyria after hearing that botting isnt allowed here anymore.
good things


Infinity 5x:

Valkyria 9x:


Quote from: Akira on June 09, 2010, 10:16:27 PM
you also didn't get my point.
Now you're saying that if they ban some ppl for botting, server will loose those players, and there's alot of bots around - yes, we all agree to that, but...
"bot-players" aren't real players at all. They're only usefull when it comes to server population counter, and even then they're just fake numbers.
So what's the point of keeping them? They just ruin the economy, they ruin a fair play game. IMO every single one bot less = better server. Even if it means to clean half of the server, leaving only 400 legit players online - it's worth it!

And as I said before, believe me, ppl will come to Valkyria after hearing that botting isnt allowed here anymore.

You are right, but you don't count in another 2 things. 1st - if you ban someones 10 low lvl bots, prolly he will get annoyed and also leave server with main char. Which means actually loose of real player. 2nd thing - when new player log in game, and he see 10 low lvl chars near/in villiage, he don't know if they are bots or not. So he just think, that server must be cool, if there is 10 new players + him around, cuz that let him suspect server is not dead but growing. If player log to server, he go to start villiages - empty, next to gludio, dion - empty, and then to giran, and he will see like 100 ppl at all, some in A grade, mostly in C, and some ppl in donated s80 what do you think he will do?

For sure he will call to friends and say "lets join valkyria, this server is so cool! It has 400 online, we must do all manually, but rates are cool! 9x exp so we die exping, 3x adena, so we always miss it for shots and potions ! spoil 1x so we can make our stuff in 1 year, while donators have it in 2nd month of server! CMON LETS JOIN!!!!".
For sure.


Quote from: Anulk4 on June 10, 2010, 09:32:30 PM
You are right, but you don't count in another 2 things. 1st - if you ban someones 10 low lvl bots, prolly he will get annoyed and also leave server with main char. Which means actually loose of real player. 2nd thing - when new player log in game, and he see 10 low lvl chars near/in villiage, he don't know if they are bots or not. So he just think, that server must be cool, if there is 10 new players + him around, cuz that let him suspect server is not dead but growing. If player log to server, he go to start villiages - empty, next to gludio, dion - empty, and then to giran, and he will see like 100 ppl at all, some in A grade, mostly in C, and some ppl in donated s80 what do you think he will do?

For sure he will call to friends and say "lets join valkyria, this server is so cool! It has 400 online, we must do all manually, but rates are cool! 9x exp so we die exping, 3x adena, so we always miss it for shots and potions ! spoil 1x so we can make our stuff in 1 year, while donators have it in 2nd month of server! CMON LETS JOIN!!!!".
For sure.
So your idea of "heavenly" server is :
Lie to new comers and freak the economy ?Smartass.
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
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