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To the people running bots in starting villages

Started by jailaa, June 08, 2010, 04:22:46 PM

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I'm laughting hardly at ppl who talk about economy in this thread. What do you know about l2 servers economy? Have you been on university with such a special studying programme? Imo your knoweagle about it is low or even less, so I'd suggest you to stop repeating heaard words "xxx is ruining economy", because everyone can repeat generally meaning words, while they know shit about it.
Botting is not an cheat. Person who use bot just is not an nolifer, who spend their whole life in front of pc, just set char to exp and then go make normal life, and then come back and play l2 normally. It's mistake to compare ppl who play on 2 acc cuz they don't have time to sit all day near pc and those, who are at pc anyway all day but with 20 accounts, just to make superuberpwlvl / gear.
There are 4 kinds of players - normal ones, nolifers, botters and donators. It looks like donator > nolifer > botter > normal player. While normal players (kinda like pesants in medieval lol) get pwned by donators and nolifers, but they can do nothing about it they just turn agains those who bot, and say that they destroy server.

For playing on 10 boxes is just lol, cuz one player is not 10 players. You shoud keep banning for more than dual boxes instead of banning bots, cuz even with 2 chars on bot and even 24/7 botter can not make some super money or super gear.


like i said somewhere


p.p.s. i dunno how many ppl will leave or join if botting allowed/not allowed and i think YOU ARE NOT GOD to know what other ppl want or gonna do, but hey, I KNOW WHAT I WILL DO IF THEY STOP BANNING BOTS >>> LEAVE SERVER.


Quote from: Anulk4 on June 11, 2010, 05:40:40 PM
I'm laughting hardly at ppl who talk about economy in this thread. What do you know about l2 servers economy? Have you been on university with such a special studying programme? Imo your knoweagle about it is low or even less, so I'd suggest you to stop repeating heaard words "xxx is ruining economy", because everyone can repeat generally meaning words, while they know shit about it.
Botting is not an cheat. Person who use bot just is not an nolifer, who spend their whole life in front of pc, just set char to exp and then go make normal life, and then come back and play l2 normally. It's mistake to compare ppl who play on 2 acc cuz they don't have time to sit all day near pc and those, who are at pc anyway all day but with 20 accounts, just to make superuberpwlvl / gear.
There are 4 kinds of players - normal ones, nolifers, botters and donators. It looks like donator > nolifer > botter > normal player. While normal players (kinda like pesants in medieval lol) get pwned by donators and nolifers, but they can do nothing about it they just turn agains those who bot, and say that they destroy server.

For playing on 10 boxes is just lol, cuz one player is not 10 players. You shoud keep banning for more than dual boxes instead of banning bots, cuz even with 2 chars on bot and even 24/7 botter can not make some super money or super gear.

I think, L2 is not game for you. If you want all equipment/lvls/skills on start without grind, go play... dunno, ex. Quake, CS, Warcraft, Guild Wars etc. Here, you are only pain in the ass, for ppl who want play legit.
You dont have to be nolife to play legit. I have played on Infinity for 5 years (only ONE character). I got my subclass and 76 lvl, after 2 years of playing :P (yes, im naab).  You dont have to be 85 lvl in one week, to get fun. L2 (every MMORPG) is game to play in parties, with friends/clanmates  etc. But you can`t discover it, beacuse all you can, its just set bot


Quote from: Anulk4 on June 11, 2010, 05:40:40 PM
I'm laughting hardly at ppl who talk about economy in this thread. What do you know about l2 servers economy? Have you been on university with such a special studying programme? Imo your knoweagle about it is low or even less, so I'd suggest you to stop repeating heaard words "xxx is ruining economy", because everyone can repeat generally meaning words, while they know shit about it.
Botting is not an cheat. Person who use bot just is not an nolifer, who spend their whole life in front of pc, just set char to exp and then go make normal life, and then come back and play l2 normally. It's mistake to compare ppl who play on 2 acc cuz they don't have time to sit all day near pc and those, who are at pc anyway all day but with 20 accounts, just to make superuberpwlvl / gear.
There are 4 kinds of players - normal ones, nolifers, botters and donators. It looks like donator > nolifer > botter > normal player. While normal players (kinda like pesants in medieval lol) get pwned by donators and nolifers, but they can do nothing about it they just turn agains those who bot, and say that they destroy server.

For playing on 10 boxes is just lol, cuz one player is not 10 players. You shoud keep banning for more than dual boxes instead of banning bots, cuz even with 2 chars on bot and even 24/7 botter can not make some super money or super gear.

It is just outstanding how much crap you can put in one post. Personally I think you should buy a gun and shoot yourself - do the world a favour.

All we see or seem, is but the dream within the dream ...


Quote from: Anulk4 on June 11, 2010, 05:40:40 PM
I'm laughting hardly at ppl who talk about economy in this thread. What do you know about l2 servers economy? Have you been on university with such a special studying programme? Imo your knoweagle about it is low or even less, so I'd suggest you to stop repeating heaard words "xxx is ruining economy", because everyone can repeat generally meaning words, while they know shit about it.
Botting is not an cheat. Person who use bot just is not an nolifer, who spend their whole life in front of pc, just set char to exp and then go make normal life, and then come back and play l2 normally. It's mistake to compare ppl who play on 2 acc cuz they don't have time to sit all day near pc and those, who are at pc anyway all day but with 20 accounts, just to make superuberpwlvl / gear.
There are 4 kinds of players - normal ones, nolifers, botters and donators. It looks like donator > nolifer > botter > normal player. While normal players (kinda like pesants in medieval lol) get pwned by donators and nolifers, but they can do nothing about it they just turn agains those who bot, and say that they destroy server.

For playing on 10 boxes is just lol, cuz one player is not 10 players. You shoud keep banning for more than dual boxes instead of banning bots, cuz even with 2 chars on bot and even 24/7 botter can not make some super money or super gear.

if bot isn't a cheat, what is then?!

l2w = view of opponents gear - checked.
l2w = vew of opponents hp stat - checked
l2w = exping/getting gear, money, mats  without even looking at your pc - checked

and i guess tons of other options you got with your little program.
But hey, what do I know, botting is a fair legit gameplay : )

/ girl, just leave.
good things


Quote from: Akira on June 11, 2010, 07:02:59 PM
if bot isn't a cheat, what is then?!

l2w = view of opponents gear - checked.
l2w = vew of opponents hp stat - checked
l2w = exping/getting gear, money, mats  without even looking at your pc - checked

and i guess tons of other options you got with your little program.
But hey, what do I know, botting is a fair legit gameplay : )

/ girl, just leave.


I thought it's impossible...
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: Anulk4 on June 11, 2010, 05:40:40 PM
I'm laughting hardly at ppl who talk about economy in this thread. What do you know about l2 servers economy? Have you been on university with such a special studying programme? Imo your knoweagle about it is low or even less, so I'd suggest you to stop repeating heaard words "xxx is ruining economy", because everyone can repeat generally meaning words, while they know shit about it.
Botting is not an cheat. Person who use bot just is not an nolifer, who spend their whole life in front of pc, just set char to exp and then go make normal life, and then come back and play l2 normally. It's mistake to compare ppl who play on 2 acc cuz they don't have time to sit all day near pc and those, who are at pc anyway all day but with 20 accounts, just to make superuberpwlvl / gear.
There are 4 kinds of players - normal ones, nolifers, botters and donators. It looks like donator > nolifer > botter > normal player. While normal players (kinda like pesants in medieval lol) get pwned by donators and nolifers, but they can do nothing about it they just turn agains those who bot, and say that they destroy server.

For playing on 10 boxes is just lol, cuz one player is not 10 players. You shoud keep banning for more than dual boxes instead of banning bots, cuz even with 2 chars on bot and even 24/7 botter can not make some super money or super gear.
Huge load of crap , mixed with a bunch of bullshit. Your philosophy is simply awesome!
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on June 11, 2010, 09:50:46 PM
dude u just said all what i have in my mind
u are totally right, don't listen these ppl, they don't even hunderstand what u said...   

show us which are these crapy-thing .... come on :)
Pd black xD ma te sei tard anche quando non si parla di politica italiana ! un bot che ti farma il triplo di quanto farma una persona normale sai cosa comporta ? Gli effetti che ha sul mercato ? Porca puttana oh , il walker e' il motivo principale per cui DN e' cosi' una merda e te insisti a difendere un idiota
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on June 11, 2010, 10:11:41 PM
lui sta dicendo che un bot  non farma piu' di un nolifer con 10 box aperti lol,  non parla di player normali...!   non capisci un cazzo g ay
un player non puo' muovere contemporaneamente 10 box , il walker si :)
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005