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To the people running bots in starting villages

Started by jailaa, June 08, 2010, 04:22:46 PM

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Quote from: Anulk4 on June 10, 2010, 09:32:30 PM
You are right, but you don't count in another 2 things. 1st - if you ban someones 10 low lvl bots, prolly he will get annoyed and also leave server with main char. Which means actually loose of real player. 2nd thing - when new player log in game, and he see 10 low lvl chars near/in villiage, he don't know if they are bots or not. So he just think, that server must be cool, if there is 10 new players + him around, cuz that let him suspect server is not dead but growing. If player log to server, he go to start villiages - empty, next to gludio, dion - empty, and then to giran, and he will see like 100 ppl at all, some in A grade, mostly in C, and some ppl in donated s80 what do you think he will do?

For sure he will call to friends and say "lets join valkyria, this server is so cool! It has 400 online, we must do all manually, but rates are cool! 9x exp so we die exping, 3x adena, so we always miss it for shots and potions ! spoil 1x so we can make our stuff in 1 year, while donators have it in 2nd month of server! CMON LETS JOIN!!!!".
For sure.

Its funny when boters think that, they bot to "keep server alive", and without them server cant exsist.
If player log to server and see 10 boters around, Im sure, he will rather quit than stay there. Its very easy to recognize bot.


Quote from: Anulk4 on June 10, 2010, 09:32:30 PM
You are right, but you don't count in another 2 things. 1st - if you ban someones 10 low lvl bots, prolly he will get annoyed and also leave server with main char. Which means actually loose of real player. 2nd thing - when new player log in game, and he see 10 low lvl chars near/in villiage, he don't know if they are bots or not. So he just think, that server must be cool, if there is 10 new players + him around, cuz that let him suspect server is not dead but growing. If player log to server, he go to start villiages - empty, next to gludio, dion - empty, and then to giran, and he will see like 100 ppl at all, some in A grade, mostly in C, and some ppl in donated s80 what do you think he will do?

For sure he will call to friends and say "lets join valkyria, this server is so cool! It has 400 online, we must do all manually, but rates are cool! 9x exp so we die exping, 3x adena, so we always miss it for shots and potions ! spoil 1x so we can make our stuff in 1 year, while donators have it in 2nd month of server! CMON LETS JOIN!!!!".
For sure.

If seeing bots at and near beginners village makes you call your friends and convince them to play on such server, then I can just say, that you're not a good player.
Why do you even join l2 servers if your only purpose is to bot/cheat? Sorry but your way of thinking is just strange.

although I agree with you that donations for s80 after about 2 months of server being opened is wrong.
good things


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on June 11, 2010, 01:02:35 AM
dude log in on official l2, and see ....   ALL ppl use l2w, no1 say a word.
why? coz l2w is just for easy farm and for lvl up, then the server will keep live, coz all the ppl that boted  will then do pvps ,masspvp, sieges events etc...... so the server :
1)will not lose  player
2)will be a funny server coz pvp etc..

3) ( if  some1 is noob ,  he is noob   with or w/o  bot, so where is the problem?  i mean, they can reach top lvl,top equip, but they will always sux if they aren't able to play)
4)and so on...

ok that isn't  a good reason to let free botting,but  i think that be so extremist isn't the solution..

(pls don't answer saying : this is not  official or crap like that)



Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on June 11, 2010, 01:02:35 AM
dude log in on official l2, and see ....   ALL ppl use l2w, no1 say a word.
why? coz l2w is just for easy farm and for lvl up, then the server will keep live, coz all the ppl that boted  will then do pvps ,masspvp, sieges events etc...... so the server :
1)will not lose  player
2)will be a funny server coz pvp etc..

3) ( if  some1 is noob ,  he is noob   with or w/o  bot, so where is the problem?  i mean, they can reach top lvl,top equip, but they will always sux if they aren't able to play)
4)and so on...

ok that isn't  a good reason to let free botting,but  i think that be so extremist isn't the solution..

(pls don't answer saying : this is not  official or crap like that)

are you serious ? I actually play retail and for the last 2 months GM's there have banned everything they caught, and i'm talking here about 84,85 level players with gear that if turned into money can go up to 5000 E


Quote from: jailaa on June 11, 2010, 07:37:14 AM
are you serious ? I actually play retail and for the last 2 months GM's there have banned everything they caught, and i'm talking here about 84,85 level players with gear that if turned into money can go up to 5000 E
lol dude all your server cost 5k E ;]

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


I consider how many ppl leave server after this funny bots hunting :D

Infinity x5 - R.I.P - PieknaMary SPS/ES  and many many others.
Valkyria x9 - ON


Yeah but on retail GMs doesnt ban all bot coz if 1 player pay for 5 account thats pretty good for them. But here u can play for free so if u get ban dont cry.


Quote from: Revi on June 11, 2010, 01:16:01 PM
Yeah but on retail GMs doesnt ban all bot coz if 1 player pay for 5 account thats pretty good for them. But here u can play for free so if u get ban dont cry.
Actually the only post with a bit of sense.
Do you donate for each char you bot up ? I guess not.
You just freak up the economy having a way of farming wich is a lot easier than spending a whole day in front of the computer.
The only thing bot does is making the life of fair players a nightmare , Not even people who just play for fun can enjoy the server since they would never reach the same gear a l2w user has...
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


This is topic about boters, not donators.
Donators are needed to keep server alive, when someone donate, other can play for free.
But boters, are just cancer of servers. They bot, and gives nothing to server. Only ruins economy.


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on June 11, 2010, 03:16:55 PM
donator gear > l2w user's gear > normal player's gear

should i comment more?
You understood less than 0 from my post smartass xD
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


Quote from: Kotlet on June 11, 2010, 04:11:26 PM
This is topic about boters, not donators.
Donators are needed to keep server alive, when someone donate, other can play for free.
But boters, are just cancer of servers. They bot, and gives nothing to server. Only ruins economy.

true : )

however ppl do not want to donate to keep server live, they want to get geared fast, and pwn others : )

just like a guy said:
donator gear>l2w gear>normal legit player's gear   - and that is sad : )
good things