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DesertoreS Clan HACKED

Started by Chiri, June 17, 2010, 12:15:57 AM

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Quote from: jailaa on June 17, 2010, 02:46:14 PM
you should probably call the police than :)

if we call the policy we can say BB to server XD like in C4 with FBI jajajaj

and jaila it think it isnt a topic for joke... share solution!! no shit


Quote from: hytac on June 17, 2010, 02:48:52 PM
if we call the policy we cna say BB to server XD like in C4 with FBI jajajaj

yes because they care ... :) as I do


Quote from: Torn on June 17, 2010, 02:03:31 PM
I banned the "HACKER"
Yep He banned me :D Next time dont download 3rd programs ilegals and this won't happen!:P
Dragon 15x

Davison - xNecroPhagusx - Makastrera -LuLLyta-  Makastrerita - Gura - (All Sold)

MDK 4Ever


Quote from: hytac on June 17, 2010, 02:48:52 PM
if we call the policy we can say BB to server XD like in C4 with FBI jajajaj

and jaila it think it isnt a topic for joke... share solution!! no shit < Question
Quote from: GuRa on June 17, 2010, 02:52:29 PM
Yep He banned me :D Next time dont download 3rd programs ilegals and this won't happen!:P < Answer/Solution


Probably was some thing like


"If you want a working l2w and Items Instert Password and login" xD
Adena Plix.


Quote from: GuRa on June 17, 2010, 02:52:29 PM
Yep He banned me :D Next time dont download 3rd programs ilegals and this won't happen!:P

i think u dont know nothing about this 3r programs..u say this like bot..i go to explain u dotn worry man

do u think the progrmer of l2w are hacking ppl who play in DN??¬¬ and if u download l2w for other site upload by a "noob hacker using trojans" he must play in Dn(there are more server than dn..)  becouse if i infected some pcs i wouldnt change my server only for freak a guy...
i dont know the Dn secure system but if u are sure its perfect(there arent the perfect secure) will be our fault..

i know chiri isnt infected by some trojans explit and so on...as i revise his computer personaly, im telecommunications engineer i can share with GMs the screens of my internal scam like firewalls log, conections scaning and so on with this scam, whats more Chiri is using DeepFreeze  Standard and he cant be hacked by trojans o exploit...
i think chiri's computer is a secure machine but its not perfect,  if i would hack his machine and i see this problems sure i dont do this for a game =( only for money xD.

Gms i think it is ur fault.. Please resolve this.. and can u say me what acount has been baned? PM plz


Quote from: hytac on June 17, 2010, 03:02:32 PM
i think u dont know nothing about this 3r programs..u say this like bot..i go to explain u dotn worry man

do u think the progrmer of l2w are hacking ppl who play in DN??¬¬ and if u download l2w for other site upload by a "noob hacker using trojans" he must play in Dn(there are more server than dn..)  becouse if i infected some pcs i wouldnt change my server only for freak a guy...
i dont know the Dn secure system but if u are sure its perfect(there arent the perfect secure) will be our fault..

i know chiri isnt infected by some trojans explit and so on...as i revise his computer personaly, im telecommunications engineer i can share with GMs the screens of my internal scam like firewalls log, conections scaning and so on with this scam, whats more Chiri is using DeepFreeze  Standard and he cant be hacked by trojans o exploit...
i think chiri's computer is a secure machine but its not perfect,  if i would hack his machine and i see this problems sure i dont do this for a game =( only for money xD.

Gms i think it is ur fault.. Please resolve this.. and can u say me what acount has been baned? PM plz

A ti te respondo en español: chiri fue infectado por descargarse cosas que no debia, y estuve 2 semanas esperando hasta que me canse y le robé todo lo que me dio la gana.Menos bla bla bla!!

Torn, give back items of Monkas too.
Dragon 15x

Davison - xNecroPhagusx - Makastrera -LuLLyta-  Makastrerita - Gura - (All Sold)

MDK 4Ever


Quote from: GuRa on June 17, 2010, 03:05:36 PM
A ti te respondo en español: chiri fue infectado por descargarse cosas que no debia, y estuve 2 semanas esperando hasta que me canse y le robé todo lo que me dio la gana.Menos bla bla bla!!

Me estas diciendo que tu infectaste a chiri hace 2 semanas por medio de un troyano o algun exploit? y con que finalidad si ivas a ser baneado? y los items devueltos?


Quote from: GuRa on June 17, 2010, 03:05:36 PM
A ti te respondo en español: chiri fue infectado por descargarse cosas que no debia, y estuve 2 semanas esperando hasta que me canse y le robé todo lo que me dio la gana.Menos bla bla bla!!

Torn, give back items of Monkas too.

lol :) (yes I understand spanish, portugues, italian and french )

translation for torn: "i answer to you in spanish: chiri was infected for downloading something he shouldn't have, i've waited 2 weeks and i took everything i wanted"


This guys must get ban in all acount no only in valkiria.

GuRa piensas que lo que has hecho es un juego que no tien repercusioens importantes? bueno pues te explico me parece que no eres cosciente de lo que haces esto implica un delito contra la privacidad intelectual que conlleva una sancion ya sea monetaria o por reincidencia puedes imaginarte..asume que no eres mas que un niño jugando a ser un cracker..usando troyanos y demas..espero que la proxima vez tengas mas cuidado...


Quote from: hytac on June 17, 2010, 03:15:27 PM
This guys must get ban in all acount no only in valkiria.

GuRa piensas que lo que has hecho es un juego que no tien repercusioens importantes? bueno pues te explico me parece que no eres cosciente de lo que haces esto implica un delito contra la privacidad intelectual que conlleva una sancion ya sea monetaria o por reincidencia puedes imaginarte..asume que no eres mas que un niño jugando a ser un cracker..usando troyanos y demas..espero que la proxima vez tengas mas cuidado...

"delito contra la privacidad intelectual" .. you are a crime against Darwin's theory of Evolution
I am sorry, "i am not a real gm" so I can laugh at this. Torn can be serious.

AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH, imo you should denounce him to the police :D I'm sure south american countries have strict rules against online crime.


Quote from: hytac on June 17, 2010, 03:15:27 PM
This guys must get ban in all acount no only in valkiria.

GuRa piensas que lo que has hecho es un juego que no tien repercusioens importantes? bueno pues te explico me parece que no eres cosciente de lo que haces esto implica un delito contra la privacidad intelectual que conlleva una sancion ya sea monetaria o por reincidencia puedes imaginarte..asume que no eres mas que un niño jugando a ser un cracker..usando troyanos y demas..espero que la proxima vez tengas mas cuidado...

Si era un server legal............................... ::) ,pero tio que queres quando juegas en serveros privatos.Perdona my espaniol no lo e practicado desde casi 14 anios.

Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin