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Started by qqrer, June 29, 2010, 08:34:06 PM

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Quote from: G4rro on July 01, 2010, 12:56:11 AM
Deathand has almost perfectly equipped char and has enough skills to be a one of the top , but his problem is that he is running alone , and thats why even with 1.3k to 2k dmg he cant do nothing . But now imagine that 5 ppl like  Deathand are hitting tank by 1.5k each hit per 2 secs , so dont tell me that archers sux and they should be boosted or tank nerfed . Its just about eq and char . If your eq sux , even boosted like hell you cant do nothing . Face that .

I m kinda far from owning perfect gear comparing to some +14/+15 bow owners and +8 sets but anyway .
Well my point of view is not focused on bp/tanks but generally on mages p.def . Its simple rediculous a mage/xx (not tank) to have 2,2- 2,5k p.def the same time i got 1,8 and 2,2 with war and earth chant ,add the fact that i have +6 light set .

On the point that "i m running alone" its totally my choise and i cant hide that i enjoy it .I could easily be into some huge clan of any side but i dont want to ,i m discussed of people's behaviors .

p.s: Its funny how people reffering to me as a top geard player and thats why i kill who i kill .You clearly forget when i had a draconic bow +3 the same time all had Icarus bows +6/7  or mage Icarus weapons +6/7 and i was rolling the Universe  solo or on duo .


Quote from: G4rro on June 30, 2010, 11:38:15 PM

omfg guys c'mon stop this shit , again you are trying to nerf something that doesnt have to be nerfed . I cant understand why all of Top archers in NM are not writing here even single word about nerfing or boosting archers or mages . Simply they can handle it , and they know how to play corectly .

If you are playing with dynasty bow +f + 5 or draco + 10 and dnet with 7 lvl atributes and you want to kill everything , you are just retarded. Try to fight with Icarus +7-8  with pretty good augument and max lvl of atr , full rb jew set , and dnet with full lvl of atr , you will see the difference . Seriously you are trying to make your own Lineage game , like lucifsg  ::)

PS that reply wasnt to Weezer , just to crying archers .
thats why you do not play anymore ur justsucker or master or w.e? thats why you dont play your "PVP MACHINE" g4yro?
or thats why you play ur 'imortal' enclav?
i play char when archers/mages/daggers were/are overpowered....and yes i Njoy
dont you think that every1 can make tank/xx? imagine pt with 9x tanks? you will look like usa in iraq, but you will sux like always
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: G4rro on June 30, 2010, 05:11:41 PM
yea most of them hits me by 150 to 500 max it depends of eq i guess , but they are doing it wrong , instead of spamming F1 F1 F1 , they should stun or lethal me .



Quote from: G4rro on July 01, 2010, 12:56:11 AM
Deathand has almost perfectly equipped char and has enough skills to be a one of the top , but his problem is that he is running alone , and thats why even with 1.3k to 2k dmg he cant do nothing . But now imagine that 5 ppl like  Deathand are hitting tank by 1.5k each hit per 2 secs , so dont tell me that archers sux and they should be boosted or tank nerfed . Its just about eq and char . If your eq sux , even boosted like hell you cant do nothing . Face that .

Yea but you know not everyone want to make glady/archer to deal some dmg (notice the some) while all tank/mage combos are almost immune to archers.


Quote from: joroboro on June 30, 2010, 07:23:26 PM
       don't talk  BULLSHIT ,what you want - all pt archer target you  and ? they make on you 300 dmg ,you have 2 k+ heal + heal other mage from your party = unvulnerable , same time nukers kill archer like ant  .This is equivalent ,when every time archer die like fly? Archers need buff resist vs 4 x kind mage(imposible with this f1cking buff bar) but with 1 x song of wind storm mage have resist vs alllllll ;D kind archer

boost archer (( little bit )crit power, crit chance)//dagger
nerf mages(crit chance)
QQ .i.


Quote from: qqrer on July 01, 2010, 05:08:53 PM
boost archer (( little bit )crit power, crit chance)//dagger
nerf mages(crit chance)
QQ .i.

boost archer and dagger? lol, just nerf mages or fix atr def xd

necro, sps, sorc, sh / tank sub + clean am+a (dark/fire/woter/wind atr) can easy own top wear archer ( only stun can save him xd )

< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



Quote from: G4rro on July 01, 2010, 01:58:49 PM
To the king of the Aden stairs :

in which cave u live?
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: G4rro on June 30, 2010, 11:38:15 PM
If you are playing with dynasty bow +f + 5 or draco + 10 and dnet with 7 lvl atributes and you want to kill everything , you are just retarded. Try to fight with Icarus +7-8  with pretty good augument and max lvl of atr , full rb jew set , and dnet with full lvl of atr , you will see the difference . Seriously you are trying to make your own Lineage game , like lucifsg  ::)

bullshit ;/ my friend play he/pal (full buff - 2,5k m def) with dnet all atribute 9lvl (w/o holy) +baium and aq + db+f+10 (9 lvl fire) and he hit full buffed mage (w/o tank sub) no more than 2k - 2,5k but he down from 3 m crit for 4-5k (with 1,5k m def 2k normal and 8k m crit)... its a big joke.

and btw - clean dnet = dnet with full lvl atr ;/ (i can show u if dont belive me LOL) only buff for resist works

p.s stop write sh1ts like ,,strop QQ,, omg, its true - i see much more mage class than after, why? cuz they are OP (meybe on off server mages hit strong but they cant use major heal, ud or TP )
< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



Quote from: Wizjoner on July 02, 2010, 02:28:07 AM
bullshit ;/ my friend play he/pal (full buff - 2,5k m def) with dnet all atribute 9lvl (w/o holy) +baium and aq + db+f+10 (9 lvl fire) and he hit full buffed mage (w/o tank sub) no more than 2k - 2,5k but he down from 3 m crit for 4-5k (with 1,5k m def 2k normal and 8k m crit)... its a big joke.

and btw - clean dnet = dnet with full lvl atr ;/ (i can show u if dont belive me LOL) only buff for resist works

p.s stop write sh1ts like ,,strop QQ,, omg, its true - i see much more mage class than after, why? cuz they are OP (meybe on off server mages hit strong but they cant use major heal, ud or TP )

true :p and they are 2 shooted by dagger an archer QQ :D


Quote from: Wizjoner on July 02, 2010, 02:28:07 AM
bullshit ;/ my friend play he/pal (full buff - 2,5k m def) with dnet all atribute 9lvl (w/o holy) +baium and aq + db+f+10 (9 lvl fire) and he hit full buffed mage (w/o tank sub) no more than 2k - 2,5k but he down from 3 m crit for 4-5k (with 1,5k m def 2k normal and 8k m crit)... its a big joke.

and btw - clean dnet = dnet with full lvl atr ;/ (i can show u if dont belive me LOL) only buff for resist works

p.s stop write sh1ts like ,,strop QQ,, omg, its true - i see much more mage class than after, why? cuz they are OP (meybe on off server mages hit strong but they cant use major heal, ud or TP )
u can try make 150 def atribute on armor  ::) i'm just saying  :P
in pvp u get cancel / banes all the time and after ofc mages hit u 8 k m crit with vortex or surrender...with proper buffs even w/o atribute in armor and tt set u get max 500-800 per normal hit Qq ;D


Quote from: trooperXkoki on July 01, 2010, 04:38:25 AM
thats why you do not play anymore ur justsucker or master or w.e? thats why you dont play your "PVP MACHINE" g4yro?
or thats why you play ur 'imortal' enclav?
i play char when archers/mages/daggers were/are overpowered....and yes i Njoy
dont you think that every1 can make tank/xx? imagine pt with 9x tanks? you will look like usa in iraq, but you will sux like always

IT will be total retarded unbuffed party that will die pretty fast :D

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: G4rro on July 02, 2010, 12:14:37 PM
So tell him that Db+f+10 was good , but in IL times not now . And if its a tank and he is getting 2k each hit by a mage , tell him to pm Enclave in game , i will show him how to buff properly a tank . After it he will get max 500 dmg each hit .
i don't need pm you cuz i have  2920 m def + more 300 attribute resist BUT vs 1 kind mage

Quotedon't talk  BULLSHIT ,what you want - all pt archer target you  and ? they make on you 300 dmg ,you have 2 k+ heal + heal other mage from your party = unvulnerable , same time nukers kill archer like ant  .This is equivalent ,when every time archer die like fly? Archers need buff resist vs 4 x kind mage(imposible with this f1cking buff bar) but with 1 x song of wind storm mage have resist vs alllllll  ;D kind archer
what part you cant understand ? You make bp/pal and you think you great player?how many time we must write bp/pal have OP def. ?UD get nerf on light,robe set but deflekt arrow NO cuz he is mage skill mby? We play still with archer cuz they have high upgrade but for new ppl  FREE advice - DON'T  make archer

"pm ingame Enclave " blq blq  ,you can't explain me nothing new