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wtf with cansel

Started by POUSEGAMANE, August 16, 2010, 11:46:15 PM

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Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 06, 2010, 09:10:17 PM
and what would be wrong with reuse? Its the standard reuse for SPS from official l2. And the stacking/custom things from DNET aren't modifying the reuse in anyway. Its nothing wrong with the reuse. Dont try to find something wrong with cancel where there isnt anything wrong with it. It was already nerfed like hell when c4 ended, now why nerf it again? First Blizzard, now cancel, are u trying to kill SPS class? When was the last nerf archers had? and they are hitting the hardest hits in PVP. Can you say that aint true?
fix cancel that it won't remove nobless :P fack rest :D
PS : you rly saying that archer hit strongest now ?? i don't think so - just take good buff (from deathand i get 2k dmg max - but he's only 1 on server :P )


Quote from: joroboro on September 06, 2010, 09:29:48 PM
for what archers you talk? archer/glad,archer/warl or ..? cuz we talk only for sps/ee cuz
with sleep archer get min 2 x cancel after that we are like npc w/o buff

archers r making nice dmg even to me that im tk and me with ic+a+8 hitting 400dmg, i dont have trance to sleep u :P. Really stop finding something to ask for nerf and enjoy the game.

KrdO sh/se nobles - Hero x3 <--- ON
Krd0 sps/tk nobles - Hero x18 <--- ON
iShowtek se/sk - Hero x13
0rik bp/pal nobles
Cherrys ee/es - Hero x3
Limitededition ee/sws
And more....


Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 06, 2010, 09:10:17 PM
When was the last nerf archers had? and they are hitting the hardest hits in PVP.


what nerf u want from archer? :D remove f1 spam? or stun landrate? :D

about dmg - u joking right?
< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



Quote from: Wizjoner on September 06, 2010, 10:43:34 PM

what nerf u want from archer? :D remove f1 spam? or stun landrate? :D

about dmg - u joking right?
not really. IF you take nerf cancel even more, what will SPS throw at the archers? hydro blast spam for 300 damage while archers hit back for 1000-2000 at the same speed or similar? Cancel was a way to level things out, take it away and archers will dominate even more the server.
Quote from: VforVanilla on September 06, 2010, 09:28:41 PM
Dude you continue to say things that make no sense. Before Blizzard was bugged and was not looking how many mdef the enemy had and was 100%. Now got fixed and look that like all debuffs. Is this considered a nerf? or simply whatever OP is changed to normal is considered nerf to you?
Overpowered? we're talking about a skill with 150 power if i am not wrong, and with a big reuse time. It is normal for it to be powerful, you can only use it once a while. And.... it was the only way to stop archers' kiting tactic. Now what? we spam freezing shackles? lol
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 06, 2010, 11:49:07 PM
not really. IF you take nerf cancel even more, what will SPS throw at the archers? hydro blast spam for 300 damage while archers hit back for 1000-2000 at the same speed or similar? Cancel was a way to level things out, take it away and archers will dominate even more the server.Overpowered? we're talking about a skill with 150 power if i am not wrong, and with a big reuse time. It is normal for it to be powerful, you can only use it once a while. And.... it was the only way to stop archers' kiting tactic. Now what? we spam freezing shackles? lol

Doh 150 power is for damage only for god shake not for debuff land rate...




i cant find post of WInd when he say when archer last time had any nerf, let me faking answer u ( yes i get mad now xD) my archer got NERFED like a bich in c4 when they removed magic masteries, i lost OVER 1.5k p attack and some attack speed, archer got nerfed by removing chp and hastle stuck AND finaly archer. And about dmg, hb itself "nerfed" archer with lol buffs reducing his dmg like 4 times. AND who is not nerfed here?
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on September 07, 2010, 03:44:22 AM
i cant find post of WInd when he say when archer last time had any nerf, let me faking answer u ( yes i get mad now xD) my archer got NERFED like a bich in c4 when they removed magic masteries, i lost OVER 1.5k p attack and some attack speed, archer got nerfed by removing chp and hastle stuck AND finaly archer. And about dmg, hb itself "nerfed" archer with lol buffs reducing his dmg like 4 times. AND who is not nerfed here?

dont get me started on how many nerfs ES/SPS had ever since i started playing. Poneis got nerfed, cancel got nerfed, sleep got nerfed, blizzard got nerfed etc
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: KrdO on September 06, 2010, 10:37:18 PM
archers r making nice dmg even to me that im tk and me with ic+a+8 hitting 400dmg, i dont have trance to sleep u :P. Really stop finding something to ask for nerf and enjoy the game.
you're right  better go to pvp from spam here


Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 07, 2010, 09:18:53 AM
dont get me started on how many nerfs ES/SPS had ever since i started playing. Poneis got nerfed, cancel got nerfed, sleep got nerfed, blizzard got nerfed etc

you forgot the 100% crit rate nerf on mages...

100% magic crit rate was epic on sieges when i could spam Aqua Splash on like 10 people, hitting them each for 1k + dammage  ;D
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 07, 2010, 09:18:53 AM
dont get me started on how many nerfs ES/SPS had ever since i started playing. Poneis got nerfed, cancel got fixed, sleep got not(what? it just changed with the chronicle), blizzard got fixed etc
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 07, 2010, 12:26:28 PM
you forgot the 100% crit rate fix on mages...
Quote from: Sali on September 07, 2010, 03:44:22 AM
my archer got NERFED like a bich in c4 when they removed magic masteries (was a fix tbh, tho to bad I lost them too! qq PR/PS), i lost OVER 1.5k p attack and some attack speed, archer got fixed by removing chp and hastle stuck AND finaly archer. And about dmg, hb itself "nerfed" (changed, Chronicle wise) archer with lol buffs reducing his dmg like 4 times. AND who is not nerfed here?
Just corrected those ones for ya all.

Not to mention, my lovely PR/WL got nerfed to the bone even more! Oh and don't forget, Archers got gattling gun Icarus bows with 1/3 re-use of normal bows. (the atk speed being normal hardly makes any difference so doesn't matter), funny is, to counter that, they increased the resist % of Arrow defensive buffs, rather than actually fixing what is f*cked up, they change something else :D


Quote from: Furesy on September 07, 2010, 12:59:32 PM
Maarten dit :
*nah they still alive I guess

do you ?
Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 07, 2010, 09:18:53 AM
dont get me started on how many nerfs ES/SPS had ever since i started playing. Poneis got nerfed, cancel got nerfed, sleep got nerfed, blizzard got nerfed etc
same with the ee/es  :-\
Quote from: Sali on September 07, 2010, 03:44:22 AM
don't you log hon?