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For Track and those interested

Started by WindPhoenix, August 18, 2010, 01:29:43 PM

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QuoteEvents wont help, u will see always the same people on event. Only thing that will happen is the the richest people will become even richer.

We need event for new people, not pvp events or something like that.

There's a lot of things that could be done to improve gameplay for new people, for example:

- B Grade Items on shops
- A Grade Items on shops

Could be for adena or for some quest item (need coding), for quest item it could be like this, u get quest to farm, need to have lvl range to get quest and teleport/npc that only allow entrace if u in proper lvl, if u go to B Grade spot u need to be 40 to 52 (so u need farm to get items B, while u on C Grade).

For A Grade Spot u need to be 52 to 61, so u will farm for A while u on B Grade, even make something for like S Grade Sets.

This could make some fun, since people will need to farm while XP to get items, and if there's a lot of people they will fight for spawn, means more pvp for than, and since high lvl's couldnt join people will fight between each other with almost same equips (no QQ about OE items or other things, no buff bots, u will need chars on lvl or people to help u).

- Increase spoil rate for some all S Grade Items and also change mobs for spoil, some items r just to hard to spoil for new people, they would need spend hundreds of hours to make a S Set.

- Increase Manor rewards and cap for a maximun ammount of a item a player can get, for example: each player could only get 100 M. Alloy from Manor, since u cant prevent l2w from trading with Manor at least make all people have chances to get those rewards. Increase Manor dont mean to increase ammount of crops a castle can get, so castle owner will still have the same ammount of BOGS, only players will have more chances to get rewards.

- NPC Buff Bot: for people till lvl 80 have buffs, 1 hour buffs, all buffs 1 lvl less than max lvl of buff, so Acumen lvl 2, Zerk lvl 1, Haste lvl 2 and so on. This would help people that r new, dont have clan and cant log XX boxes to farm/play.

- Enable all Fortress, some r still not available for fortress sieges, for new people would be fun to play on weekends for sieges and face some normal enemy.

There's a lot of things that could be done, but most of then need coding and take some time, but here some ideas, maybe later i post more.
Dissable 90% of fortress, just 1 in saturday and 1 in sunday, all on 1 fortress=more fun Cheesy and increses rewards also

do not agree with npc buffers, it is so noobish, to lvl 61 can be but not 80

agree with all others Cheesy
This sound realy well



hmm about this farm zones that Weezer said, imo just add all B grade items to shop, the rest ppl can get with farming. Moonstone shards, soul crystals,pots etc. A grade items arent that expensive now. And the time that Drake wound need to do spots, quests etc could he used on some other things, that dont work at all.
About incresisng spoil rate for S recipe, Good idea, S sets are not so expensive, but hard to craft, for a new player. Newbies could even farm them to get coins for better items. And maybe increse/add drop for A grade items in Fog.
And NPC buffs +1 for that. I often see now ppl in aden asking for buffs.


Quote from: Locus on August 25, 2010, 08:29:50 PM

hmm about this farm zones that Weezer said, imo just add all B grade items to shop, the rest ppl can get with farming. Moonstone shards, soul crystals,pots etc. A grade items arent that expensive now. And the time that Drake wound need to do spots, quests etc could he used on some other things, that dont work at all.
About incresisng spoil rate for S recipe, Good idea, S sets are not so expensive, but hard to craft, for a new player. Newbies could even farm them to get coins for better items. And maybe increse/add drop for A grade items in Fog.
And NPC buffs +1 for that. I often see now ppl in aden asking for buffs.
Nice ideas all :D hope GM listen to them  ::)


Quote from: Locus on August 25, 2010, 08:29:50 PM

hmm about this farm zones that Weezer said, imo just add all B grade items to shop, the rest ppl can get with farming. Moonstone shards, soul crystals,pots etc. A grade items arent that expensive now. And the time that Drake wound need to do spots, quests etc could he used on some other things, that dont work at all.
About incresisng spoil rate for S recipe, Good idea, S sets are not so expensive, but hard to craft, for a new player. Newbies could even farm them to get coins for better items. And maybe increse/add drop for A grade items in Fog.
And NPC buffs +1 for that. I often see now ppl in aden asking for buffs.

A Grade r easy to buy for people like us that play here since a long time, or for people that have a clan helping, for some people that start on a new server alone or even if they came with friends (but they will start with nothing) it's hard to get adena.

Or even make MS, crys etc to have enough to buy a A Grade set + Weapon. If u get for example 1 coin = dc robe set = 5 lunargents (?), to get 5 lunargents can take weeks of farming on BS, and those people dont have items to make crys 12 on Dyno, they could max make crys 10, so imagine the time they would spend to make items/coins to buy A grade items.

If we rly wanna new people on NM we should make life easier for then, if they dont have support from none they will simple left after some days player here, its way faster for then to go play in a high rate server with gm shop than play here.


Quote from: Weezer on August 25, 2010, 09:33:16 PM
A Grade r easy to buy for people like us that play here since a long time, or for people that have a clan helping, for some people that start on a new server alone or even if they came with friends (but they will start with nothing) it's hard to get adena.

Or even make MS, crys etc to have enough to buy a A Grade set + Weapon. If u get for example 1 coin = dc robe set = 5 lunargents (?), to get 5 lunargents can take weeks of farming on BS, and those people dont have items to make crys 12 on Dyno, they could max make crys 10, so imagine the time they would spend to make items/coins to buy A grade items.

If we rly wanna new people on NM we should make life easier for then, if they dont have support from none they will simple left after some days player here, its way faster for then to go play in a high rate server with gm shop than play here.
A grades arent so expencive, except Tallum H and DC R sets. For example u can get any MJ set for like 200-400kk easily. Isnt so hard to lvl up ~8 cry 10 or farm some MS. Allmost same with weapons a grade - most of them r under 200kk (clean top A), except SOM & DLE, but newbs can use BOMT or Daspa staff for start & gather abit for FB clean (~700kk).
So, i'd say there's no prob with a grade stuff. But, real problem comes when new ppl with A or even S grade decide to get some pvp. They'll have tough times fighting against OE DNET + S80 + RB jews. Tho, we cant solve this problem, i guess. Only by hardcore farm or zerg they can get a chance.

I'd support the idea of B grade in NPC shop & improve S grade armor recs spoil (pieces we got enough imo), cuz barely some1 crafts S armors nowadays. NPC Buffer would be not bad as well.
I'd also add that we need to decrease D.Coin price, cuz its being main currency here & 2kkk is just too much. Track could add smth extremely usefull at donny for adena or spirit ores, like C/B/A/S grade shirts or smth. This would decrease D.Coin price for some time. Or, to make price static, it could be added at donny for 1-1,2kkk adena (doubt that will be done, tho).
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Break those Temp into two sides = problem solved.
Flatline Delivery:



Quote from: thehunted on August 27, 2010, 04:30:08 AM
Break those Temp into two sides = problem solved.

Splitting a 40-50 ppl ally won't solve server's problems (even though I'm starting to realize that those 50 ppl are 80% from whole server  :D).


Quote from: Locus on August 25, 2010, 08:29:50 PM

About incresisng spoil rate for S recipe, Good idea, S sets are not so expensive, but hard to craft, for a new player. Newbies could even farm them to get coins for better items

and who will buy these sets? other newbies, so how this can be profitable after incresing rate? price will go even lower. So if u incres rate u make it easier to craft=price is lower so ur breaking some1 buisness. Aint good idea at all. Solution could be to make Dynasty quest some more easier and faster to do, sure Dyna is worse that Dnet but still better than draco or other s grade
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on August 28, 2010, 08:58:14 PM
and who will buy these sets? other newbies, so how this can be profitable after incresing rate? price will go even lower. So if u incres rate u make it easier to craft=price is lower so ur breaking some1 buisness. Aint good idea at all. Solution could be to make Dynasty quest some more easier and faster to do, sure Dyna is worse that Dnet but still better than draco or other s grade

It's not about make sets/weapons to sell, but to use.

Atm prices r already low (IC and Draco for 3 coins), but the time u should spend to spoil all recipes its too much, some recipes r just to hard to spoil atm and they r on places like FOG that new people have problems to spoil.

Also if increase rate to spoil recipes of weapons they can try craft and make OE and sell for a good amount of coins (ofc if Manor idea could be made too, cause then they could take rewards too, not only l2w users).


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on August 28, 2010, 09:15:57 PM
well these are all good ideas

but doing all that u will make  NM become a pvp server xD
For many ppl thats is what the looking for when they log... If you like farm go to 1x


Quote from: Weezer on August 28, 2010, 09:09:55 PM
It's not about make sets/weapons to sell, but to use.

Atm prices r already low (IC and Draco for 3 coins), but the time u should spend to spoil all recipes its too much, some recipes r just to hard to spoil atm and they r on places like FOG that new people have problems to spoil.

Also if increase rate to spoil recipes of weapons they can try craft and make OE and sell for a good amount of coins (ofc if Manor idea could be made too, cause then they could take rewards too, not only l2w users).
and incresing rate will drop it to 1 coin, is this rly a point? I still think making dyna easier to get would make more difrence, and just leave the old good s grades alone
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Weezer on August 25, 2010, 05:35:59 PM
Events wont help, u will see always the same people on event. Only thing that will happen is the the richest people will become even richer.

We need event for new people, not pvp events or something like that.

There's a lot of things that could be done to improve gameplay for new people, for example:

- B Grade Items on shops
- A Grade Items on shops

Could be for adena or for some quest item (need coding), for quest item it could be like this, u get quest to farm, need to have lvl range to get quest and teleport/npc that only allow entrace if u in proper lvl, if u go to B Grade spot u need to be 40 to 52 (so u need farm to get items B, while u on C Grade).

For A Grade Spot u need to be 52 to 61, so u will farm for A while u on B Grade, even make something for like S Grade Sets.

This could make some fun, since people will need to farm while XP to get items, and if there's a lot of people they will fight for spawn, means more pvp for than, and since high lvl's couldnt join people will fight between each other with almost same equips (no QQ about OE items or other things, no buff bots, u will need chars on lvl or people to help u).

- Increase spoil rate for some all S Grade Items and also change mobs for spoil, some items r just to hard to spoil for new people, they would need spend hundreds of hours to make a S Set.

- Increase Manor rewards and cap for a maximun ammount of a item a player can get, for example: each player could only get 100 M. Alloy from Manor, since u cant prevent l2w from trading with Manor at least make all people have chances to get those rewards. Increase Manor dont mean to increase ammount of crops a castle can get, so castle owner will still have the same ammount of BOGS, only players will have more chances to get rewards.

- NPC Buff Bot: for people till lvl 80 have buffs, 1 hour buffs, all buffs 1 lvl less than max lvl of buff, so Acumen lvl 2, Zerk lvl 1, Haste lvl 2 and so on. This would help people that r new, dont have clan and cant log XX boxes to farm/play.

- Enable all Fortress, some r still not available for fortress sieges, for new people would be fun to play on weekends for sieges and face some normal enemy.

There's a lot of things that could be done, but most of then need coding and take some time, but here some ideas, maybe later i post more.

1. well, dont give new events - just fix all bugs of server it will help more
2. about b/a grade stuff in shops... agree but well, we are x30 server so it would be better if new people get the boost from some npc some shadow wepons, armors even +6 sets with SA to help them gather exp, some resources. They should disappear after few monts (6 months is good time i think to get money for normal stuff, and help them a little ballance with people in dnet if they have to pvp), it can be some quest if u are smart enough or perma event for new players,
3. dynasty(wepon) recipes should be easier to get -  they are too expensive in hsp. there should be chance to spoil them - u want to install gracia, there is vesper - before that dynasty should be common wepon, set. Also dynasty(not dnet) armor parts should be spoilable, for better balance vs dnet. I think that after we improve to gracia dnet should be changed to vesper ant that will be all no dnet - just donate for vesper (dnet) for same price (dnet should be changed into vesper to avoid possible scam opportunity)
4. manor system evolved from my last time cry topic. Now we can harvest more fruits than last time but it should be also improved more, but its not very urgent. When u change recipes/ spoils rates, it will be time to think about more changes.
5. npc buff bot - its not necessery since we are x30 server and dualbox is allowed u can make some pp or wc too.
6 changing fortress - well its not urgent too since fortresses have people from big clans so it will not change too much - but it would be nice if u consider develop - put some npc buffer for owner like in clan hall but this is not urgent stuff
After u make enviroment that would help new players and fix some bugs rb i think we can start to vote like we should do it all the time.
If we vote now and new players will come and see the condition of this server like this they will just leave. Wipeing server is a very bad idea since there are people who donate, and help server . And if Gm wipe server they will leave for 100%.  
moonbreaker - sh/ps
Alicja - wc/sws
