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Spoiling Issues

Started by jailaa, August 25, 2010, 10:56:17 AM

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Dark Omans - Nephilim royal guad - 3hours of spoiling - 1 EWA , 0 metallic fiber :D hahahahahaahaha....
FOG - Knight of destruction - 3h of spoiling and he shone blue ( being susceptible to sweeper skill ) just two maybe three times ! LOL what is wrong with that mob ?


arround 3h spoiling in fog

7 or 8 imperial staff rec, no IC bp receipe
arround 20 ic helmet receipe, no draco boots/bow receipe


well i spent realy lot of time at fog so here are my notices:

Necromancers spot, time spent there ~100Hours:

Mecenary of destruction:  MA Boots recipe: 1
Knight of destruction: Arcana Mace recipe: 1
Necromancer of destruction(type A): BBH recipe: 15, Draco gloves recipe: 2
Necromancer of destruction(type B): Forgotten Blade recipe: 15, Draco helmet recipes: 3
Lavasaurus: DHA recipe: 4

Golem spot, time spent there ~40Hours:
Lavastone Golem: IC Gaiters rec: 1, Shining Bow rec: 1
Magma Golem: AM recipe: 0, MA gloves rec: 0

Forge Top Level, time spent there ~20 hours:
Ibilis of Destruction: Draconic Leather Armor rec: 2, Demon Splinter rec: 2
Ashuras of Destruction(type A): IC boots recipe: 30, AS recipe: 0
Ashuras of Destruction(type B): IC gloves recipe: 0, Saints Spear recipe: 1

Forge Lower Level, time spent there: ~40Hours>
Blazing Ifrit: IC helm rec: 25, Draconic bow rec: 0, MA robe reci: 1, EWS: 0
Elder Lavasaurus: IC shield reci: 4
Magma Drake (type A): Draco boots rec: 1, Heavens divider rec: 1, MA helmet rec: 0
Magma Drake (type B): Imperial staff rec: 15, IC Breastplate recipe: 1

I hope it will help you with debuging.
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Blazing Ifrit -- spoil for 12 hours and i got :

Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet (60%)    rate:   0.056  - 24 of this
Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Robe (60%)            rate  0.090  - 3 of this
Recipe: Draconic Bow (60%)                            rate            0.085   - 0 of this STRANGE HUH?

Magma Drake :

   Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate (60%)    rate   0.057   - 0 of this   
   Recipe: Imperial Staff (60%)                                           rate   0.045   - 12 ++ of this

If this helps in any way i can continue posting this "spoil problems"
The real problem is that the files we use un valkiria is identic to 15x , and there spoil was incomparable easyer , and gm`s there to stop the market from gowin` down (dont say market was crappy there , market becomed crappy after YEARS , and it was gm fault cos they did not make smth to destroy the excess of items , they tryed with the blessed event but they do whorse)
So i was sayn that some spoil rates was modified there , and the files here are modified. So , imagine how hard it is to get a good recipe , its much harder than official , i`ve played there spoiler .
I know gm`s will now say that the draco bow spoil rate is normal and the ic helm is faulty ... but we al know the truth.
I will axpect an answer to this.


             I dont see the point of showing so many rates,hours spent there, bla bla bla. Its simple: increase the rate on all the very expensive recipes like Tallum Gloves,wich are 1/2 of set;dc robe where its 1/2 of set; MAJOR ARCANA BOOTS!!(im looking for recipe for 3 weeks now) because it represents 80% of the set price;ic bp and gaiters, where it represents 95% of set price...and so on.You dont need exact numbers. Go in the market and see what recipes are problematic in a set and fix it. If the MA boots spoil were fixed, the price will drop automatic, cuz now there isnt only one guy selling recipe every week, but 5 or 10. I hope u fix this.

All im saying is that in 5 parts set, each part should have price as any other. In a 4 parts set, middle 2x price of gloves,or boots, or w/e. I dont see the point of wasting time on calculations and stuff like that.Fix the spoil, or if u wanna fix it faster, put the recipes of the problematic S parts at 10k platinum, or 20k platinum, make it soulbound or smting, i really dont care. But there are so many ppl that wait for just one recipe for weeks.

Noob and Beyond


is there anyway we can talk to server manager to increase drop rate?


Quote from: Nabz0r on September 01, 2010, 11:08:20 AM
             I dont see the point of showing so many rates,hours spent there, bla bla bla. Its simple: increase the rate on all the very expensive recipes like Tallum Gloves,wich are 1/2 of set;dc robe where its 1/2 of set; MAJOR ARCANA BOOTS!!(im looking for recipe for 3 weeks now) because it represents 80% of the set price;ic bp and gaiters, where it represents 95% of set price...and so on.You dont need exact numbers. Go in the market and see what recipes are problematic in a set and fix it. If the MA boots spoil were fixed, the price will drop automatic, cuz now there isnt only one guy selling recipe every week, but 5 or 10. I hope u fix this.

All im saying is that in 5 parts set, each part should have price as any other. In a 4 parts set, middle 2x price of gloves,or boots, or w/e. I dont see the point of wasting time on calculations and stuff like that.Fix the spoil, or if u wanna fix it faster, put the recipes of the problematic S parts at 10k platinum, or 20k platinum, make it soulbound or smting, i really dont care. But there are so many ppl that wait for just one recipe for weeks.

Yeah dude

Jaila you are over thinking it  ;D Just increase draco boots, ma boots and ic gaitters recepie spoil rate. Clan mates are trying to buy S sets, they have money, coins, everything, stones/crystals/jewels ready, and guess what, they cant find items or recepies for 3-4 weeks now ;D

IT'S NOT NORMAL, people should start selling dinasty parts and recepies already, not trying to make a low S set lol for 1 month.

It's 2010 people, the speed century, MOOOOOOOOVE FASTEEEEEEEEER


Quote from: Nabz0r on September 01, 2010, 11:08:20 AM
             I dont see the point of showing so many rates,hours spent there, bla bla bla. Its simple: increase the rate on all the very expensive recipes like Tallum Gloves,wich are 1/2 of set;dc robe where its 1/2 of set; MAJOR ARCANA BOOTS!!(im looking for recipe for 3 weeks now) because it represents 80% of the set price;ic bp and gaiters, where it represents 95% of set price...and so on.You dont need exact numbers. Go in the market and see what recipes are problematic in a set and fix it. If the MA boots spoil were fixed, the price will drop automatic, cuz now there isnt only one guy selling recipe every week, but 5 or 10. I hope u fix this.

All im saying is that in 5 parts set, each part should have price as any other. In a 4 parts set, middle 2x price of gloves,or boots, or w/e. I dont see the point of wasting time on calculations and stuff like that.Fix the spoil, or if u wanna fix it faster, put the recipes of the problematic S parts at 10k platinum, or 20k platinum, make it soulbound or smting, i really dont care. But there are so many ppl that wait for just one recipe for weeks.

No, it is not that simple. on the drop lists most of these items have same % , we need the info to see why some drop and some don't.

P.S. when there's a cry forum about spoiling 300 people join and make 20 pages in 2 day, now when it's something constructive it's 2 pages in 1 week.


Quote from: jailaa on September 07, 2010, 02:38:47 PM
No, it is not that simple. on the drop lists most of these items have same % , we need the info to see why some drop and some don't.

P.S. when there's a cry forum about spoiling 300 people join and make 20 pages in 2 day, now when it's something constructive it's 2 pages in 1 week.

2 pages with most important things : ] do you think, everyone will go on their dworfs now and check out every mob spoil rate?
seriously, wtf.
Ppl complained about bad spoil, and there was all about what has been written here, and if you want more, fix what should be fixed on those 2 pages, then you will see ppl gladly checking out more mobs.

Oh Oh, and one more thing, you're waiting only for one week to get answers you wanted, and we've waited months to get some attention to this problem! So spare us lecture, and please give us some facts : ) cheers.
good things


Quote from: jailaa on September 07, 2010, 02:38:47 PM
No, it is not that simple. on the drop lists most of these items have same % , we need the info to see why some drop and some don't.

P.S. when there's a cry forum about spoiling 300 people join and make 20 pages in 2 day, now when it's something constructive it's 2 pages in 1 week.

what more you expect ? everything important is at forge, so you got forge spoil problems at this thread.

btw if you want be constructive than Add mobs from Pagan/MoS/Primeval/HB/IOP to DN Drop Calculator. because how you can expect we will report BAD WORKING spoils when we have no idea how it should work CORRECTLY.

Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


yea , it will be a great ideea to update the drop calculator.
i know its alot of work  but that will prove that you care , otherwise how the sh1t can we know the correct drop/spoi rate here?


Quote from: ionutza on September 14, 2010, 08:11:41 AM
yea , it will be a great ideea to update the drop calculator.
i know its alot of work  but that will prove that you care , otherwise how the sh1t can we know the correct drop/spoi rate here?

Update?!? There is no drop calculator for Valkyria in first place! There is for some serv that dont even exist though - Raven (10x), Judgement (50x), Luna (1x)