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Spoiling Issues

Started by jailaa, August 25, 2010, 10:56:17 AM

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Please keep this constructive:

Due to getting lots of PM's and seeing lots of forum posts about this we'll be addressing SPOIL ( as much as we can of it ). First thing and a easier thing is s-grade armor recipies spoil, lot of people report: some recipies spoil easy in large quantities, some spoil "normal" and some don't spoil at all. I don't do much spoiling of myself and I don't know what,where,who. People who do though .. please report MOB, spoil item and how the spoil rate is. Not just for recipies that are hard to spoil but also for recipies that spoil easy. It's because we wanna see what's the difference in drop list / drop rate. Please be real about it ...

eg: 5 hours spoil - ic boots - elpy - 12 recipies ( it's just an example .... )
     3 hours spoil - ic helm - kasha wolf - 0 recipies

and so on

p.s. this won't mean we'll be making spoil that the market to be invaded with s-grade items but ideally (in my opinion) would be that 2 hours of spoil to yield 1 recipe of what you need.


Quote from: Drakina on August 25, 2010, 03:50:19 AM
Shining Bow shafts...
the monster on FOG (Scarlet Stakato Walker is now Scarlet Stakato Worker) all his drops are the same, but the shining shafts are no longer droped by this monster, and the drop calculator of dragon are not  updated.

didn't checked by myself but it's a start (ok....not spoil but simple drop.... could be idea to put same mob of draco bow)


if it drop draco bow shaft & sining bow shaft...where is the problem?
crafting is a part of game

in valkiria there is already dynasty set around and for sure draconic bow etc.
shining bow is = draco...just different texture (better :D)


Quote from: Piccy on August 25, 2010, 02:47:15 PM
if it drop draco bow shaft & sining bow shaft...where is the problem?
crafting is a part of game

in valkiria there is already dynasty set around and for sure draconic bow etc.
shining bow is = draco...just different texture (better :D)
Take two e.g. HawkEyes shoulder to shoulder, the same lvl, the same equipment, the same buff, and you will se the difference ;) rotfl2000, so many noobs thinking that draco rulez, it sux permanently


Sory for spamming but couldnt resist, btw keep posting relpies about spoil ! I havent gone to FOG yet, but I can tell that dc robe, tallum gloves, dc/tal helmet spoil is way too low, two days of playing(app. 14h overally) and just 3 recipes of dc robe ? :F mobs were dying fast.. i spent there a lot of time from 61 - 67 and just 3 recipes.. madness...


I would like to start then:
5 hours spoil - maja helmet - alpen cougar (2x) - 0 recipies (it have 1/37 chance on 1x (pmfun), and we kill more then 300+ mob)
9 hour spoil - Ic gaiters - lavastone golem -  0 recipes (it have unbeliveble small chance to get)
10 hour spoil - draconic bow - blazing ifrit - 0 recipes
3 hour spoil - demon splitter - ibilis of destruction - 0 recipes
11 hour spoil - dc robe - alliance of splendor - only 2 recipes (its freaking hard to get)

PS.: And I'm happy to hear that you wanna make something with spoil.
"Én nem vagyok rasszista, mindenkit egyformán utálok."


Didnt go for S grade rec for now...But when I wanted  DC robe pattern's I went stakato nest spoil 1/17 in 3H spoiled like 4 part's....
Dragon x 15
DaggerW0man He/Sws
DarkLordIII  Ne/pp

SesameStreet 2 member, c4 times....
DadoBm /He
Was fun playing ,last time loged in 2011...


Another one:
4 hour spoil - staff of evil spirit - Gamlin -  0 recipes (4 hour spoil for a B grade weapon reci... Joke!)
"Én nem vagyok rasszista, mindenkit egyformán utálok."


I cant say how long i was spoiling exactly but anyways, here is just some result i had

From magma drake
I try spoil IC BP receipe wich has a 0.285% chance, you will get tons of Imperial staff receipe wich drop on a lower rate of 0.225%

From blazing ifrit
I try spoil DB rec wich has 0.427% chance, you will get tons of IC helmet receipe with a lower rate of 0.280%

and so on with the whole Fog


spoil is just luck
1 day was spoiling gamlins several hours: 0 SOES rec
next day got rec in 10 min

stop cry on forum, better log IG and try your luck


Please don't flame , spam in this topic. Also, please post some good spoiling so we check the difference between a good spoil and bad spoil.


It is possible to write here on forum if you chage the spoil rate of some recipe? Because I would like to try again if the you increase the spoil rate.

good spoil rate: 1/2 hour spoil - Ic helmet - Blasing ifrit - 1 recpie
"Én nem vagyok rasszista, mindenkit egyformán utálok."