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necro's dmg

Started by jygh, January 04, 2011, 03:15:20 PM

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Well dmg from necro sux since the buffbar is implemented... i vote to change the buff bar like was before so ppl have to think which buff to use. Now they use all resist buffs u can wear and u still having slots for kiss of eva cool!!!!


Quote from: MrLethal on January 05, 2011, 01:12:34 PM
= b(l)ackhand clan = OE char's pm track and donate too for OE char
we have just 1 he/glad if u didnt notice it...plus its kinda sad that u cant do a shit against us except zerg whit 2 or more pts
Quote from: dosko on January 05, 2011, 01:07:04 PM
Its seems the era of "Line Mage" is over.
Like all of you whos told me , when all fighetrs classes was "balanced" , now its my turn:
CRY ME A RIVER hahahaha Cry Cry Cry more , its funny to read cry topics.
Cancel era is started


Quote from: jygh on January 05, 2011, 01:07:22 PM
im totally relaxed i dont need it but ..... could u do a small ( cause u r a retard) favour to whole server and jump out of ur window or dunno cut ur veins and die plz ?
i remember when you make 15 k dmg   why then  you not make post " Gm i make high dmg pls nerf me " ? always some class get nerf  after that get normal status ... just be patient


Quote from: Tabbox on January 05, 2011, 01:33:52 PM
we have just 1 he/glad if u didnt notice it...plus its kinda sad that u cant do a shit against us except zerg whit 2 or more ptsCancel era is started
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaah  i hope this is joke  ;)


ah true mark count as 3x he/glad sry for that


Quote from: Tabbox on January 05, 2011, 01:33:52 PM
we have just 1 he/glad if u didnt notice it...plus its kinda sad that u cant do a shit against us except zerg whit 2 or more ptsCancel era is started

and this only show us what is the balance bettween mages and archers now, we need 2 parties of sps to cancel you to make any dmg that will be enough to kill archer party with bp or w/o


Quote from: joroboro on January 05, 2011, 01:42:11 PM
i remember when you make 15 k dmg   why then  you not make post " Gm i make high dmg pls nerf me " ? always some class get nerf  after that get normal status ... just be patient
ye i remember to when mages were "OP" , was when the atr system was implemented , but back then all ppl were to noobs to even know to buff , some ppl didn't even know that divine prot existed back then , not to mention dance of aling or song of invo ...anyway even with the "OP" shit back then, a proper buffed player was getting 300-400 max from mages  ???


Quote from: slimx on January 05, 2011, 01:53:13 PM
ye i remember to when mages were "OP" , was when the atr system was implemented , but back then all ppl were to noobs to even know to buff , some ppl didn't even know that divine prot existed back then , not to mention dance of aling or song of invo ...anyway even with the "OP" shit back then, a proper buffed player was getting 300-400 max from mages  ???

yeah was overpwrd dmg of 900-1.2k xd
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on January 05, 2011, 01:57:01 PM
yeah was overpwrd dmg of 900-1.2k xd
wasnt overpower at all lol... cuz back then res buffs was decreasing the dmg from skill and from the atr in weapon ,
so for example if u had res unholy and  divine prot  was imposible to get 1k dmg


as i said in the other topic about necros.....its cuz of the sub system ...u cant ballance ,anytime u gonna find a   "bad" and a OP class,char ....anyway  necros dmg sux...i took on  my bishop in siege..with 0 atribute....no dnet set....no tezza nothing...was taking dmg from maciek for  300 :))) just buff rezists... ;) so wtf is that... ?:)) killed with the archer  in duel a necro, hiting with AM :))


Quote from: slimx on January 05, 2011, 02:04:22 PM
wasnt overpower at all lol... cuz back then res buffs was decreasing the dmg from skill and from the atr in weapon ,
so for example if u had res unholy and  divine prot  was imposible to get 1k dmg

true, and before we took valky files it was the same vs archers, resist buffs (divine prot, aligm dance) were decresing their (for example holy) dmg too, but "suddenly" we get this "fix" when we lost all resist vs atribute in bows


archers can u wine aobut cancel to sps class not to necro ??? i cant cancel u to the bone so stop this useless talk here lol its about necromancer class dmg not about sps skill...
  Nightmare 30x