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CH for bots?

Started by JoeDoe, February 12, 2011, 09:09:34 AM

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Is a sh1t , we lost ch bet (even that we were first on list) and now 1 adena in wh? WTF
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: Teh noob on February 12, 2011, 04:38:38 PM
as i see things, ppl from the larger clans want a CH to be given to them due to their feudal right , to lead under gods will. allelujah. as it seems, a) all of them placed bets for 1 ch and only 1 won (as usual) b) they were too lazy to click on the auctioneer and now play "see no evil", pretending they were hurt by some uberbot conspiracy. both ways its strange.

dont get me wrong, i do not say that there re no botclans who own chs atm. u can , and u will see them. but the main idea was "auction" right? if u re so BIG , u should place your offers, the way surecom does. not that botters (we all know who they are) werent expecting that.

anyway , its a game. useless to get stressed about everything u dont like.
So here I come mister to tell some details why big clans wanna QQ over "little" ones.
I will explain our situation including general facts why having a CH is important.

Fact1: CH is easy to get, because bid has always been on low price. I remember that we had 1kkk adena even in C4...so every existing clan can have that amount.
Fact2: It is impossible to lose (1% chance I'd give) a CH. Our previous CH in Goddard ate 100k adena/day if I remember well. Even if I would give wrong information, I am sure that I have never had to deposit adena into CWH for such reason.
Therefore you have achieved a start-finish victory till for example next re-bid by server merge, any higher-up decision whatever...

On top of these, Goddard is a strategical town, it can't be reached by choosing noble port to cata/necro and do soe unlike any other.

Other things:
- I am not able to get any kind of information about former bidding clans, because they aren't listed in Top100 List (unfortunately rank is given by CRP only)
- For me bot clan or not I don't care, a little clan with level4 and 10 members which log in 1h/day are the same. They don't need CH, what for? You can't give me other reason than "they can have". They can't utilize every possibilities of a CH. (It's almost same like what we had on Infinity when a dwarf won bid for Aden CH just to sit on market :D - Haven't we wanted to avoid such problems? )

Interesting informations/questions/ideas/doubts:
- On official server every clan who were registered had the chance to get a CH. It was shared by random, yet the biggest clan was left out! 28 clans for 25 CHs, not swarm of clans for "x" amount of CH like here!
So I wonder why clans weren't revised before allowing server to bid for CHs?
- I would suggest to have IP search on low clan CLs to find match with any top clan members. If any connection has been found, winner clan should be eliminated. No matter it was used for bot or not, it's against common sense to have a CH for their alt while other clans don't have.

If you allow me one sentence of cry here: why would I (a Clan Leader of a "big" clan) sit idly and watch that we can't fight with other clans on equal ground because we were beaten by 1) cheat; 2) other "noname" person was faster than us by "x" seconds/mins, yet I will never see him ingame; 3) they were prolly new clans and/or noobs but ported to Talking Island f.e (yes, got the pro idea :D ) where NPC had come sooner than in Goddard where we made bid from?;

Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


Quote from: Triuferkkk on February 12, 2011, 03:09:17 PM
as i noticed  Here QQ about something nonstop is best way to reach it, nice tactic LOL

Rly i must give tumbs up to that sentence after minor corections!



Quote from: Catos on February 12, 2011, 04:33:46 PM
ok i think is simple , no1 said we do not care for clans with ppl who havent time to farm and so on , but if u think is normal that a bot clan or a clan with ppl who don't have time to farm and to go for sieges/rbs to have CH in Rune/Aden/Giran u are absolutely wrong because those CH are usefull to regroup faster when u go for a Siege in that Town , am i right? so why can't those clans with low ppl that don't have time for farm and stuffs , why they cannot get CH in Gludin/Gludio or any other little towns and let the CH from Biggest Towns for clans that actually need them for more than few buffs?
is pretty simple. No1 is QQing , are facts.

Pretty much everything is said here!
why do bot clans want ch in big towns?? simple, to sell them for coins!

As i see botclans should just plainly be kicked from ch's cause if i read rules correctly, they wern't alowed to bid!

I sugest gm's to go up in the auction list and if the clan who won a ch is a bot then give it to the 2nd or 3rd, and so on until you find one who's not bot!

If the ch goes back to auction than what will hapen for sure is that a botclan gets it again and again....

Teh noob

Quote from: Tukan on February 12, 2011, 06:47:28 PM
insert the quote here

i do believe u tried to say smth and u failed.


Quote from: Teh noob on February 12, 2011, 07:28:25 PM
i do believe u tried to say smth and u failed.
I like well detailed explanations the most, thanks :)
Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


im sry for alll who was not on time for bid or who dont know how to bid :( for that is made the forum isnt  just for QQ
Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


Quote from: Crazzyyhuhuh on February 12, 2011, 08:23:36 PM
im sry for alll who was not on time for bid or who dont know how to bid :( for that is made the forum isnt  just for QQ

sigmechodve1.jpg" border="0
SirNapoleon / xSuLTaN - sps/ee
iSuLTaN - pw/tk <<<< Hero
xSuLTaNx - he/wk <<<< Hero


cmon guys, learn to loose, not every1 can win a ch  ;D


Quote from: Crazzyyhuhuh on February 12, 2011, 08:23:36 PM
im sry for alll who was not on time for bid or who dont know how to bid :( for that is made the forum isnt  just for QQ

Man stop say bullsh1ts... u can be sure that if i really camp u(like others)  your clan never get CH...

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Quote from: Crazzyyhuhuh on February 12, 2011, 08:23:36 PM
im sry for alll who was not on time for bid or who dont know how to bid :( for that is made the forum isnt  just for QQ

+1 i'm agree  :)
"More than the evil of the bad, surprises me the indifference of the good"