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4:30-5:30 gmt+1 oly

Started by Kishin, March 01, 2011, 01:33:49 PM

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Quote from: lasombra on March 01, 2011, 08:57:05 PM
In past I maked 2 times hero totally alone, without transfer. But it was camp npc 30 days in month, avoid ppl etc

buehehe man now is march not 1st april for jokes  :D :D

Quote from: lasombra on March 01, 2011, 08:57:05 PM
Ofc they can do it, but let them do it in normall hours, when others can get them, not at 4/30 am. Than it will be fair. Couse now normall oly farmers (from every clan/ally) fight and work hard for points. And at the end they are foked by guy who didn't maked even 1 normall fight. This is lame.

yeap. all should have this same risk on oly. And btw  more lame was when i chose ty/de, im almost win and... disconect  >:( >:(
Anyway the really problem is some other class who really cant fight, i mean dwarves.
Im curios how many unsleeped nights make sweetrevange becose i saw him on oly juzt 5 times  :D
And funny is that in dwarf class points was 150-170 to get hero and in tyrant class to be hero should have just fokin 1 point  ;D ;D ;D

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Quote from: JoeDoe on March 01, 2011, 09:28:05 PM
buehehe man now is march not 1st april for jokes  :D :D

echh sethan. From such long post ofc You must choose smth to make fun from me ? 1 year ago, I maked this. Not belive ? ask some Your aod friends, ask Vilge and many others. It was time when baldric was on oly. Ask also Arvisura, for sure he remember it. But it's not important, I was sure than smbd will be quote some things for make fun.
With Your spam You again missed the point of my post, so I must quote my self  ;p

Quote from: lasombra on March 01, 2011, 08:57:05 PM
Actually You talk to the guy (Kishin) who never maked even 1 transfer.

Back to topic.
In past I maked 2 times hero totally alone, without transfer. But it was camp npc 30 days in month, avoid ppl etc. I even beaten those who transfered.
On new oly (50 matches, small arena, gates open 20 sec earlier) my class have no chances, or rly small chances reach even those 50 matches, I even don't think about 30 wins. Every dagger, orc, tank, PP, sws, glad is pain in ass for me. My class just sux hard on oly.
Do I transfer on oly ? Yes I do. Second month I'm 2'nd on list

I have nothing against transfer in classes which have totally no chance win alone. But this 4/30 am oly it's some fuking misunderstanding, rly. I transfered at normall hour. I meet some guys who kicked my ass, few asses I kicked. And all ok. Risk on transfer.
From others SH I meet only BlackHoney, no one else. All others maked transfer at 4/30 am.
For me it's lame than some workless / or no studying ppl can make save transfer at 4/30 am, without any risk. Now we have heroes, which oly farmers, who are everyday on oly, didn't saw even one time on oly.

I rly understand ppl who transfer couse their class sux hard, it's normall. My class sux - I transfer also. But for me it's totally lame than ppl who play class which can own hard on oly, also maked transfer.
Ofc they can do it, but let them do it in normall hours, when others can get them, not at 4/30 am. Than it will be fair. Couse now normall oly farmers (from every clan/ally) fight and work hard for points. And at the end they are foked by guy who didn't maked even 1 normall fight. This is lame.

Delete this 4/30 am oly. Let all meet all. I wanna meet others SH, disturb them in transfer, I wanna be disturbed (SH can sux anyway against almoust all others).
Let Oly farmers meet those who transfered even on strong oly classes.
I have nothing against transfer, it's normally. Just delete this 4/30 am oly, couse most of ppl have totally no chance disturb in share.

ps. Don't tell me it's maked for south american ppl. Check what hour is at south america when europe have 20-24gmt. ( http://24timezones.com/ ) And also show me in those 4/30 am heroes even 1 south american player...all are from europe...mostly from Poland ^^

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: lasombra on March 01, 2011, 09:34:36 PM
echh sethan. From such long post ofc You must choose smth to make fun from me ? 1 year ago, I maked this. Not belive ? ask some Your aod friends
if u talk about that i can honest say that im also not fake hero from February.
U forgot say that u fight ONLY in class bassed like me  :P
Anyway in old times was farm for olly more then now.
Example rafiooo who all kick his ass on oly, and ofc then was other rules also :)
And honest i miss a bit old oly. Now i must farm and i dont have fun with real fight in me class  :-[ :-[

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Quote from: JoeDoe on March 01, 2011, 09:42:07 PM
U forgot say that u fight ONLY in class bassed like me  :P

I do not speak about class based...class based was only 1 month...3 months ago.
Stop spam ;p

Quote from: lasombra on March 01, 2011, 08:57:05 PM
Actually You talk to the guy (Kishin) who never maked even 1 transfer.

Back to topic.
In past I maked 2 times hero totally alone, without transfer. But it was camp npc 30 days in month, avoid ppl etc. I even beaten those who transfered.
On new oly (50 matches, small arena, gates open 20 sec earlier) my class have no chances, or rly small chances reach even those 50 matches, I even don't think about 30 wins. Every dagger, orc, tank, PP, sws, glad is pain in ass for me. My class just sux hard on oly.
Do I transfer on oly ? Yes I do. Second month I'm 2'nd on list

I have nothing against transfer in classes which have totally no chance win alone. But this 4/30 am oly it's some fuking misunderstanding, rly. I transfered at normall hour. I meet some guys who kicked my ass, few asses I kicked. And all ok. Risk on transfer.
From others SH I meet only BlackHoney, no one else. All others maked transfer at 4/30 am.
For me it's lame than some workless / or no studying ppl can make save transfer at 4/30 am, without any risk. Now we have heroes, which oly farmers, who are everyday on oly, didn't saw even one time on oly.

I rly understand ppl who transfer couse their class sux hard, it's normall. My class sux - I transfer also. But for me it's totally lame than ppl who play class which can own hard on oly, also maked transfer.
Ofc they can do it, but let them do it in normall hours, when others can get them, not at 4/30 am. Than it will be fair. Couse now normall oly farmers (from every clan/ally) fight and work hard for points. And at the end they are foked by guy who didn't maked even 1 normall fight. This is lame.

Delete this 4/30 am oly. Let all meet all. I wanna meet others SH, disturb them in transfer, I wanna be disturbed (SH can sux anyway against almoust all others).
Let Oly farmers meet those who transfered even on strong oly classes.
I have nothing against transfer, it's normally. Just delete this 4/30 am oly, couse most of ppl have totally no chance disturb in share.

ps. Don't tell me it's maked for south american ppl. Check what hour is at south america when europe have 20-24gmt. ( http://24timezones.com/ ) And also show me in those 4/30 am heroes even 1 south american player...all are from europe...mostly from Poland ^^

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: lasombra on March 01, 2011, 09:46:31 PM
I do not speak about class based...class based was only 1 month...3 months ago.
Stop spam ;p

Man u wirte that u in old times was honest  hero :P
U forgot write that it was on c4 on class bassed :P

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Quote from: JoeDoe on March 01, 2011, 09:51:42 PM
Man u wirte that u in old times was honest  hero :P
U forgot write that it was on c4 on class bassed :P

I wroted "in past" (not old times) .... and it was 1 year ago. Read more carrefoul pls.
Old times are c2/c3 eventually c4 for me.
How long You wanna spam about me ? ;) Again topic will be full of shity spam, and GM even if wanna read it, give up after few posts.

Quote from: lasombra on March 01, 2011, 08:57:05 PM
Actually You talk to the guy (Kishin) who never maked even 1 transfer.

Back to topic.
In past I maked 2 times hero totally alone, without transfer. But it was camp npc 30 days in month, avoid ppl etc. I even beaten those who transfered.
On new oly (50 matches, small arena, gates open 20 sec earlier) my class have no chances, or rly small chances reach even those 50 matches, I even don't think about 30 wins. Every dagger, orc, tank, PP, sws, glad is pain in ass for me. My class just sux hard on oly.
Do I transfer on oly ? Yes I do. Second month I'm 2'nd on list

I have nothing against transfer in classes which have totally no chance win alone. But this 4/30 am oly it's some fuking misunderstanding, rly. I transfered at normall hour. I meet some guys who kicked my ass, few asses I kicked. And all ok. Risk on transfer.
From others SH I meet only BlackHoney, no one else. All others maked transfer at 4/30 am.
For me it's lame than some workless / or no studying ppl can make save transfer at 4/30 am, without any risk. Now we have heroes, which oly farmers, who are everyday on oly, didn't saw even one time on oly.

I rly understand ppl who transfer couse their class sux hard, it's normall. My class sux - I transfer also. But for me it's totally lame than ppl who play class which can own hard on oly, also maked transfer.
Ofc they can do it, but let them do it in normall hours, when others can get them, not at 4/30 am. Than it will be fair. Couse now normall oly farmers (from every clan/ally) fight and work hard for points. And at the end they are foked by guy who didn't maked even 1 normall fight. This is lame.

Delete this 4/30 am oly. Let all meet all. I wanna meet others SH, disturb them in transfer, I wanna be disturbed (SH can sux anyway against almoust all others).
Let Oly farmers meet those who transfered even on strong oly classes.
I have nothing against transfer, it's normally. Just delete this 4/30 am oly, couse most of ppl have totally no chance disturb in share.

ps. Don't tell me it's maked for south american ppl. Check what hour is at south america when europe have 20-24gmt. ( http://24timezones.com/ ) And also show me in those 4/30 am heroes even 1 south american player...all are from europe...mostly from Poland ^^

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


You are mad coz you just found out there are bigger no lifers in da world then you aods. And yes - oly is only transfer now - you dont like it - blame GMs. Its not the players that set the rules.


Fellisin no offence but in past several months you were typical transfer hero:)

I'm sure you won some hero status legit, i know you and i know that you are fair player. But last several months was mostly "50/0 kind of hero" ;)

I know SH is not the best Oly char but SH?SK can make it just fine..look on Argriev he made it with few FAIR points. Not the best oly stat ever but it was fair.

Just you wait for my Arach ;)

Cheers and hopefully no offence:)


Quote from: fenrris on March 01, 2011, 10:28:51 PM
Fellisin no offence but in past several months you were typical transfer hero:)

I'm sure you won some hero status legit, i know you and i know that you are fair player. But last several months was mostly "50/0 kind of hero" ;)

I know SH is not the best Oly char but SH?SK can make it just fine..look on Argriev he made it with few FAIR points. Not the best oly stat ever but it was fair.

Just you wait for my Arach ;)

Cheers and hopefully no offence:)

argriev is not SH ;)
And ofc in last months I maked transfer always, but never 50/0 (only in month with class based). I always win/lost some fights in normall way.
And yes, SH/SK is much better on oly than SH/BD. For me no chance surive all Your UD's and AntiMagic. And as You know debuff also no sense, couse not land.

And ofc no offence ;)

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: darkcore on March 01, 2011, 10:13:34 PM
/ru mode
bogari slovarnii zapas xDD
/ru mode off

yes it's QQ topic , so what, ppl like vinny are better th's on whole INFY-NM server, then some noob wich gor around 600 pts coz of transfer

uiuiostrov    85    Adventurer    EvilBunnies    584    1    182    153    29\

and this is impossible for their class
lucifsg            85    Soultaker    TheHeroes            1053     29    279    234    45

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: 6bIK on March 02, 2011, 12:00:34 AM

yes it's QQ topic , so what, ppl like vinny are better th's on whole INFY-NM server, then some noob wich gor around 600 pts coz of transfer

uiuiostrov    85    Adventurer    EvilBunnies    584    1    182    153    29\

and this is impossible for their class
lucifsg            85    Soultaker    TheHeroes            1053     29    279    234    45

seriously U gave terrible examples,  these guys are normal oly players , and they are both rlly good in their classes.


Quote from: 6bIK on March 02, 2011, 12:00:34 AM
/ru mode
bogari slovarnii zapas xDD
/ru mode off

yes it's QQ topic , so what, ppl like vinny are better th's on whole INFY-NM server, then some noob wich gor around 600 pts coz of transfer

uiuiostrov    85    Adventurer    EvilBunnies    584    1    182    153    29\

and this is impossible for their class
lucifsg            85    Soultaker    TheHeroes            1053     29    279    234    45
this dude didnt transfer  plus give items to spash and u ll see a trully good th :P
  Nightmare 30x