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Question about oly times in Gracia

Started by Alex, June 01, 2011, 04:23:25 PM

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didnt want this to be a flame topic, guess im not getting any answer, well lets wait and see.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢



Quote from: Alex on June 02, 2011, 07:30:51 AM
If someone with 1k points will transfer for 1 hour he can give away around 500 points if there will be nobody to stop them and you won't even know this happened because not any sane person will wake up at 4 am for game.

Stay awake a couple nights at the end of the months i promise u will be surprised ;P
Chris ~
YouMadBrahh: Bp/Pala~
Not playing anymore~
XboxLive: G0tMourningWood


Quote from: QuadCore on June 04, 2011, 12:12:41 AM
my vote for old oly system time

Quote from: 666VeNoM on June 03, 2011, 08:12:08 PM
Have you ever played at our time?
If GM created this new oly times its because its fair and nothing else.

I just 3 times logged from curius....
Using a system u got 95% chance to choose own char...

And BTW:
BabyJane (dominator ) : 254 points, 61 fights, 60 wins 99,99%
Isoad (dualist) :243 points, 57 fights , 57 wins      - 100%
xWeezer (Arcana Lord) : 208 points, 54 points, 54 wins  - 100%
SweetRevange (Craft): 176 points, 51 fights, 51 wins - 100%
Selis83 (sh): 203 points , 52 fights, 50 wins - 97%

In your opinion its fair oly if u have 97-100% chances to choose own char??

Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: sirSethan on June 04, 2011, 01:24:58 PM
I just 3 times logged from curius....
Using a system u got 95% chance to choose own char...
And BTW:
BabyJane (dominator ) : 254 points, 61 fights, 60 wins 99,99%
Isoad (dualist) :243 points, 57 fights , 57 wins      - 100%
xWeezer (Arcana Lord) : 208 points, 54 points, 54 wins  - 100%
SweetRevange (Craft): 176 points, 51 fights, 51 wins - 100%
Selis83 (sh): 203 points , 52 fights, 50 wins - 97%
In your opinion its fair oly if u have 97-100% chances to choose own char??

SweetRevenge and selis83 didn't made transfer during night oly, they made during european time, not latin oly time.

So problem isnt transfer during latin oly time, but transfer. And i gonna tell u a secret: TRANSFER WILL ALWAYS HAPPENS! No matter what oly time, class based or not class based this will always happens cause some people will get their points with bots and others from feeders.

Isnt only about win % but some classes r just impossible to make hero without transfer, like for example: SS/PP, SH/SE, PR/BD, Crafter and Spoiler.

Let's check for example:

- APHRODITE (SK/PR): 216 points / 76 fights / 64 wins
- Femida (SS/PP): 179 points / 72 fights / 63 wins
- LittleQQ (Spoiler): 168 points / 50 fights / 47 wins
- BUDYNI0S (PR/BD): 151 points / 50 fights / 44 wins
- NEGRATA (SK/PS): 89 points / 51 fights / 44 wins

This is just examples from this month, also u can include some more people that i doubt that could make points without help from bots or feeders.

One more thing, for people in europe can play normally at least 4 hours of oly each day, if they don't work they can play for 6 hours each day, players from BR that r on yuuki most of then work, so we only can play 1 hour each day (also considering that atm oly time is 23:30-00:30, cause of summer time on europe, soon this will change and we also won't be able to play night oly too).

Sry but if u can't make transfer being able to play 4-6 hours of oly each day and we can do it with just 1 hour it's sad but i must tell u failed in 1 more thing in this server!


Quote from: Weezer on June 04, 2011, 02:48:55 PM
SweetRevenge and selis83 didn't made transfer during night oly, they made during european time, not latin oly time.

So problem isnt transfer during latin oly time, but transfer. And i gonna tell u a secret: TRANSFER WILL ALWAYS HAPPENS! No matter what oly time, class based or not class based this will always happens cause some people will get their points with bots and others from feeders.

Isnt only about win % but some classes r just impossible to make hero without transfer, like for example: SS/PP, SH/SE, PR/BD, Crafter and Spoiler.

Let's check for example:

- APHRODITE (SK/PR): 216 points / 76 fights / 64 wins
- Femida (SS/PP): 179 points / 72 fights / 63 wins
- LittleQQ (Spoiler): 168 points / 50 fights / 47 wins
- BUDYNI0S (PR/BD): 151 points / 50 fights / 44 wins
- NEGRATA (SK/PS): 89 points / 51 fights / 44 wins

This is just examples from this month, also u can include some more people that i doubt that could make points without help from bots or feeders.

One more thing, for people in europe can play normally at least 4 hours of oly each day, if they don't work they can play for 6 hours each day, players from BR that r on yuuki most of then work, so we only can play 1 hour each day (also considering that atm oly time is 23:30-00:30, cause of summer time on europe, soon this will change and we also won't be able to play night oly too).

Sry but if u can't make transfer being able to play 4-6 hours of oly each day and we can do it with just 1 hour it's sad but i must tell u failed in 1 more thing in this server!

uaHUAhuhaUHuuahuhUHUAhaUHUAhuhaUHUAhu  I liked it!


TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


well I dont rly care about the time's of oly atm, But once we get update oly will be alot more fun like party oly or 1 vs 1
You Are Going To Love Me Or Hate !!!
Infinity Player -  FriendCrafter


Quote from: Weezer on June 04, 2011, 02:48:55 PM
Sry but if u can't make transfer being able to play 4-6 hours of oly each day and we can do it with just 1 hour it's sad but i must tell u failed in 1 more thing in this server!

But u forgote say:
4:30 oly = +/- 2 persons
14:00 = +/-  6/7
20:00 = +/-  15

i log 3 times in work from curius how many ppl are in this time. There was only 1 strong person and other weak...
Like awe said about oly. If latin ppl wanna be para olympic hero they choose :D
But its sad that no balls to join oly for normal players...  8)
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: sirSethan on June 04, 2011, 09:40:49 PM
But its sad that no balls to join oly for normal players...  8)

Its sad that people need to feed heros to make'em...dont u think? (not talking about weez and this night time...but for all that did it in all those years)

About 3vs3 oly : Fedders will make heros 3x faster ;D
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008