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Started by joroboro, June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM

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Quote from: flamingAwe on June 09, 2011, 12:00:58 PM
this is best!  You can't kill kamael in 1 vs 1  ;D ;D ;D
GL crying here, you just showed that you care about your ass, not about server wide PvPs
damn, such cryers make me wanna make kamael, or at least sps/sorc to get rivers of tears here  :D

on last pvp vs kamael i have only 3 x buffs on me .. GL with kamael and  your replay is just spam nothing more


jorobor, you're just cryer who cant play, nothing more. You wait Gracia ? Kamaels will PWN in gracia even more then now ,  you will dehydrate form crys when gracia come...
I used to cry a lot to, for everything, but i stoped, coz like awe say, take what game gives you, and learn to use it, if you cant, LEAVE THE FOKING SERVER.
If your pt cant rbf you after kamalol/sps cancel buffs, this means your pt cant play or you just get overpowered by stronger enemy. If your buffers cant make fast rbfs, cry to them not here.
Mby we should removes healers form this game,coz you cant kill enemy ? :> Rly making all the fuss just of 2 skills, where we have rly bigger problems here :)


Quote from: joroboro on June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM
How many ppl must lose serv before GM understand why they stop play? or you think after  6-7 years  for us farm is the best part of game ?  pvp is the best part  of game and if you kill with this   sh1t rate on cancel/steal what  we  do here? before we have alot of pvp at varka - check now  , or you think after merge will be fun ,,,, same sh1t  is before merge .I know what you say - take your sps/kamaels OK but how many ppl you think have now ? 2 000 ppl?  can i w8 all day to gather sps/kamaels ? or can i go alone on pvp when after 2 x cancel/steal i am like elpy ?           STOP KILL PVP

QQ detected.

Leave plz
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: PolSilv3r on June 09, 2011, 01:33:11 PM
QQ detected.

Leave plz
you can learn another phrase ?or can only this spam?


Quote from: flamingAwe on June 09, 2011, 10:53:04 AM
they cancel you, you cancel them, wha's the problem? everyone, everyside has same possibilities.
it's like saying, oh freak, remove all healers, we want to kill, and need to keep slot for stupid, useless bishop!!!!

ech, didnt thought il wrote it someday, but +1 awe.

Quote from: joroboro on June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM
How many ppl must lose serv before GM understand why they stop play? or you think after  6-7 years  for us farm is the best part of game ?  pvp is the best part  of game and if you kill with this   sh1t rate on cancel/steal what  we  do here? before we have alot of pvp at varka - check now  , or you think after merge will be fun ,,,, same sh1t  is before merge .I know what you say - take your sps/kamaels OK but how many ppl you think have now ? 2 000 ppl?  can i w8 all day to gather sps/kamaels ? or can i go alone on pvp when after 2 x cancel/steal i am like elpy ?           STOP KILL PVP

dude, as i see u just next QQ kid, which prolly play on archer and use just F1(/attackforce) and F2(stunshot) sometimes. learn how make parties and how to play, not just press F1.

with this sick theory, ppl leave server cuz of kamaels u made my day. thx. now in stupidy u beat even sethan.

also special for u, dear cryer short math lesson:

AOD - 4 kamael, BArmy - 0 kamael, BAngelz - 1 or 2 kamael, so in total 5-6.
Temps - 7-8 kamaels, CB - 2 kamaels, WS 2-3 kamaels + clanless 3-4 so in total 14-17.
so who should cry here about steal divinity?

Quote from: joroboro on June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM
start use brain, learn how to play and stop cry. thx
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 09, 2011, 02:27:31 PM
ech, didnt thought il wrote it someday, but +1 awe.

dude, as i see u just next QQ kid, which prolly play on archer and use just F1(/attackforce) and F2(stunshot) sometimes. learn how make parties and how to play, not just press F1.

with this sick theory, ppl leave server cuz of kamaels u made my day. thx. now in stupidy u beat even sethan.

also special for u, dear cryer short math lesson:

AOD - 4 kamael, BArmy - 0 kamael, BAngelz - 1 or 2 kamael, so in total 5-6.
Temps - 7-8 kamaels, CB - 2 kamaels, WS 2-3 kamaels + clanless 3-4 so in total 14-17.
so who should cry here about steal divinity?
start use brain, learn how to play and stop cry. thx
another spammer w/o proof .... who will be next ? i not write theory , check better, i write only facts one of them is we get again less  number ppl ( i + friends stop for this sux rate cancel/steal  )


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 09, 2011, 02:27:31 PM

AOD - 4 kamael, BArmy - 0 kamael, BAngelz - 1 or 2 kamael, so in total 5-6.
Temps - 7-8 kamaels, CB - 2 kamaels, WS 2-3 kamaels + clanless 3-4 so in total 14-17.
so who should cry here about steal divinity?
start use brain, learn how to play and stop cry. thx
where u see 2 kamaels from cb? there is only 1 that log 2 times at week.

ppls are leaving server cuz its boring like a shit,we all missing old times nothing else.


Quote from: mark_elesse on June 09, 2011, 10:46:18 AM
exam session in progress. : <  i cant afford to waste any piece of my creativity on tards atm. 2 weeks more, and im back to alive. ( least i hope so )
come back soon :)


Quote from: joroboro on June 09, 2011, 02:29:12 PM
another spammer w/o proof .... who will be next ? i not write theory , check better, i write only facts

which facts? some ur friend stop play cuz of steal divinity? where prof? i didnt saw rly. quote plox, mb im blind. but if some1 rly stop play cuz of 1 skill mb its rly his time ^^

and which prof needed in my post? ur side made alrdy more kamaels? sry im lazy count then. this static ~ 1 week old.

Quote from: Tabbox on June 09, 2011, 02:34:16 PM
where u see 2 kamaels from cb? there is only 1 that log 2 times at week.

ppls are leaving server cuz its boring like a shit,we all missing old times nothing else.

i saw 2 ;p but true, lFaith more active, second i saw in pvp few times only. check ur clanlist, mb there answer ;p

Quote from: joroboro on June 09, 2011, 02:29:12 PM
( i + friends stop for this sux rate cancel/steal  )

gl in real, mb finally will be not so much cry on forum :P
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Honestly, the best pvps are at oly  ;D

Its so fun to fight mage x mage at oly. Fun and balanced fights.

And yes, kamael cancel should be a bit nerfed and fixed to remove random buffs, not only last buffs.
Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 09, 2011, 02:35:13 PM

i saw 2 ;p but true, lFaith more active, second i saw in pvp few times only. check ur clanlist, mb there answer ;p

there is only 1, other one left that lame char after 1 week.


OK   sorry for topic i think nothing will be change   

   pls lock  topic