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Started by joroboro, June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM

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Quote from: 666VeNoM on June 09, 2011, 02:40:52 PM
Honestly, the best pvps are at oly  ;D

Its so fun to fight mage x mage at oly. Fun and balanced fights.

And yes, kamael cancel should be a bit nerfed and fixed to remove random buffs, not only last buffs.
thats what i asked to fix in my other topic :D
dunno how it works on offi but i think it should be like cancel: removes buffs randomly




Quote from: Gonzal on June 09, 2011, 04:17:13 PM
thats what i asked to fix in my other topic :D
dunno how it works on offi but i think it should be like cancel: removes buffs randomly



if it removes last buffs you have some protection in oly, you can do the sh1t buffs at last and with 7 s cooldown by the time he does 2nd life steal you have time to pew pew him
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: tzuc on June 09, 2011, 04:30:01 PM
if it removes last buffs you have some protection in oly, you can do the sh1t buffs at last and with 7 s cooldown by the time he does 2nd life steal you have time to pew pew him

u forget the lightning strike or w/e name is skill  ;D


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 09, 2011, 02:27:31 PM
WS 2-3 kamaels + clanless 3-4

realy?:P thoug we have 3 (not even 85 level and medium equip) but ok ;)

Thou i admit that i rarely have pvp with enemys kamaels (think few in AOD but mostly test/fun chars visible from time to time).

I realy don't get this Kamael topic. you see incoming kamael? nail it!! assist or LS should do the trick after all nobody is standing when thers destro/tyr on frenzee rushing you.


Quote from: fenrris on June 09, 2011, 05:16:42 PM
realy?:P thoug we have 3 (not even 85 level and medium equip) but ok ;)

i didnt mean these clanless -  WS alts.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on June 09, 2011, 05:31:50 PM
i didnt mean these clanless -  WS alts.

I rest my case ;D


Quote from: joroboro on June 09, 2011, 02:26:03 PM
you can learn another phrase ?or can only this spam?

Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: joroboro on June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM
How many ppl must lose serv before GM understand why they stop play? or you think after  6-7 years  for us farm is the best part of game ?  pvp is the best part  of game and if you kill with this   sh1t rate on cancel/steal what  we  do here? before we have alot of pvp at varka - check now  , or you think after merge will be fun ,,,, same sh1t  is before merge .I know what you say - take your sps/kamaels OK but how many ppl you think have now ? 2 000 ppl?  can i w8 all day to gather sps/kamaels ? or can i go alone on pvp when after 2 x cancel/steal i am like elpy ?           STOP KILL PVP
QQ bici make sps or make kamael if you thik that its all how you say and try to pown

you will see only how much they sux they are 3 hits from an archer
and one more thing y its true the game its for pvp but  not like you say log 3 bots buff your self and go varka for that there is playes who play wcs.bds.pps or sws to rebuff you when you get cancel or when they steal your buff this is MULTYPLAYERGAME DUDE ITS NOT SUPER MARIO OR PANG!!!
Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


Quote from: Crazzyyhuhuh on June 09, 2011, 07:33:03 PM
QQ bici make sps or make kamael if you thik that its all how you say and try to pown
you will see only how much they sux they are 3 hits from an archer
true ... i play sps/ee and one of my friend plays kamael .. we are victims if archer target us , not to mention assist from 1 or 2 more archers ... maybe cause we don't have donny equipment , but if u complain that your 8 archers + 1 healer and 1 milion buff boxes party is getting raped , than what can i say ? ofc we all hate kamaels / cancel .. but i also hate 3 his dead from archers , i hate that daggers bluff/lethal me and i hit the floor , i hate that my char that should have the biggest cast speed has actually lower cast speed then some  sh/... wich has 3 times more m.atk then me ... i hate that i couldn't do more then 100 dmg to sws/ee ( fok u onu :D ) , i hate that 99% of server  have donny items, i hate that vesper will bring zero chances for me to have fun in pvp .... i don't like thousands of other thing but man THIS IS THE GAME , THIS IS THE SERVER
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


yes alot of ppl alrdy left server b/c of kamalols... and many more will follow i bet! It's simple. you can have a +10 dnet and +16ic, you will get owned buy steal/shock/stun/steal....!
where 's the fun in enidng a 20second pvp with no buffs?

Kamalols should get nerfed mainly cause of 2 reasons!

1-This is not retail server! Don't say sh1ts like "skill is working like retail, bla bla bla... this server has costom substck system!! Period!

2- Kamalols are the only race who never saw a nerf in this freakin nerflover server!!

Lool i edited my topic to say few more words! I must say i understand who's trying to defend their class from certain nerf, it's normal! i think i would do the same... despite some honest kamael players are the first to admit they are op.

Truth is, you can see diferance between pvp with and without kamaels.... they turn completely the face of the battle...

Lol it's funny to say "learn how to play" to some1 who's plays the game for 7 years :P

What can you do vs steal (100% landing rate)....7 buffs away...make 1 step / shock (100% landing rate)... stop moving.... mean viele 7 more buffs been kissed bye bye.... take another step/ stun/shock (100% landing rate) w/e.... 7 more buffs away... dead... lol!! .i. with your kamalols!!

IMo landing rate for shock/stun/sd should be less than 15% or treuse should be at least 1 min... at least...
OR lower their p def to 600 or 500 in dnet!


Quote from: Crazzyyhuhuh on June 09, 2011, 07:33:03 PM
QQ bici make sps or make kamael if you thik that its all how you say and try to pown

you will see only how much they sux they are 3 hits from an archer
and one more thing y its true the game its for pvp but  not like you say log 3 bots buff your self and go varka for that there is playes who play wcs.bds.pps or sws to rebuff you when you get cancel or when they steal your buff this is MULTYPLAYERGAME DUDE ITS NOT SUPER MARIO OR PANG!!!
lol where you see multiplayer here ? hahaha  inga + tukan + 1 bp + songer and bd kill Valakas alone this -is-multiplayer ?  ;D  like i said stop spam here pls write just facts , if you are more activity will see many things  ;D ;D ;D don't talk for multiplayer game pffffff


First of all i know that kamael is overpowered, but Trust me!, it isnt that hard to disable kamael in pvp. Learn to play with assist, you got archer pt? stun him, mage ? cancel/silence him. ASSIST. I use my kamael as mage, so i got pretty nice stats, but i wont use even 1 skill if my pt dont have tank to give me sof if enemy pt will take me on target. L2P  insted crying