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Answering and cleaning confuson /help or w/e just shoot



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Answering and cleaning confuson /help or w/e just shoot

Started by =^TrackZero^=, July 08, 2011, 03:01:51 PM

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As in title, since recently i got many flood spam about XXX things, and obviously people are in big bad doubts ill open this topic in which u can ask me anything related to game what bothers you , what will be, will it stay , when it will be fixed , and so on...

Before you make this topic spam , please make sure what you are asking that you personally checked / tested it and not heard from others , and after i give you reply if you obviously see thats the final decision about something DONT FLOOD  this topic, bring your opinion to other topic, also if you ask something i may need some time to reply cause as you know some things are not only my decision , so be patient and behave yourself, thank you a lot for cooperation .
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« on: June 23, 2011, 04:43:19 pm »
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GM when will be fixed DNET sets Huh cos  i cant meake atrib in my set !!!!

//////////////////////////////////////  2 weeks later ////////////

still nothing

GM you have on your list: "fix DNET sets" ??

if you can answer -YES- or -NO-

and how many time u need for repair ths ??

« Last Edit: Today at 02:01:36 pm by elFuego »


Quote from: elFuego on July 08, 2011, 03:11:55 PM
« on: June 23, 2011, 04:43:19 pm »
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GM when will be fixed DNET sets Huh cos  i cant meake atrib in my set !!!!

//////////////////////////////////////  2 weeks later ////////////

still nothing

GM you have on your list: "fix DNET sets" ??

if you can answer -YES- or -NO-

and how many time u need for repair ths ??

« Last Edit: Today at 02:01:36 pm by elFuego »
Which Dnet are you talking about dnet dynasty or vesper?
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DNET dynasty  ( i have robe but ppl cant meake to in others set)-


When will be fixed the problem with kamael subclass - difrence between male and female soulhound ?
In dn we can make sub:
-male / female -with  extra good skils from bouth male and female
-male / male -with skils only from male
-female / female -with skils from only female

In retail the difrence between soulhound  male and female make some sence but here where we can take 1 sub from male and 1 from female has no sence becose there are chars with same gender and same class/subclass with big difrence in stats.

Ps: the difrence in skils is big - exemple between 2 male soulhound / doombringer
1 of them has  extra skils like :
- Warp,
- Ultimate Escape,
-Rapid Attack,
- Fast Shot,
- Crossbow Mastery,
- Boost attack speed lvl 1 pasive  


Quote from: elFuego on July 08, 2011, 03:31:57 PM
DNET dynasty  ( i have robe but ppl cant meake to in others set)-

That fix is already in progress with the Astral npc conversion for sub issues, so it will be unlocked.

Quote from: Sp3ctre on July 08, 2011, 03:36:41 PM
When will be fixed the problem with kamael subclass - difrence between male and female soulhound ?
In dn we can make sub:
-male / female -with  extra good skils from bouth male and female
-male / male -with skils only from male
-female / female -with skils from only female

In retail the difrence between soulhound  male and female make some sence but here where we can take 1 sub from male and 1 from female has no sence becose there are chars with same gender and same class/subclass with big difrence in stats.

Ps: the difrence in skils is big - exemple between 2 male soulhound / doombringer
1 of them has  extra skils like :
- Warp,
- Ultimate Escape,
-Rapid Attack,
- Fast Shot,
- Crossbow Mastery,
- Boost attack speed lvl 1 pasive 
1st time i hear about it, i will check it out where is the problem and well if its a bug ill let you know about time that requeiers for fix, thanks for reporting.
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Uploaded with ImageShack.us

with crystals and jevels its same

THX for fast answer :]


Quote from: TrackZero on July 08, 2011, 03:45:20 PM
That fix is already in progress with the Astral npc conversion for sub issues, so it will be unlocked.
1st time i hear about it, i will check it out where is the problem and well if its a bug ill let you know about time that requeiers for fix, thanks for reporting.
The problem is that when u sub to soulhound - Astral give u soulhound female
so if u are
male doombringer sub soulhound ->dommbringer / soulhound with extra skils (male +female skils)
but if
male soulhound sub doombringer ->doombringer / soulhound with less skils (male +male =male skils only)



As is expected Hierophant as a mystic has way more WIT than an Adventurer who is a fighter but in the screens Adventurer has DOUBLE casting speed in light than Hierophant which make me be 100% sure Light magic armor mastery lvl 2 on Hierophant stats works now completely wrong as he should have way more casting than in Adventurer stats. Attack Speed +25% also from Light magic armor mastery lvl 2 doesn't work too.


Quote from: 4ju on July 08, 2011, 04:53:57 PM
Can it be fixed somehow ?

Before gracia update::


After update:

Nope , augments simply changed by default, so no we cant return it as it was in HB .
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So i have question about attribute rate.
Tested and i spend 34 crystals and 10 jewels. From all this just 6 crystals landed and 0 jewels.
So track can u tell me this enchant rate will be like now ( sh1t ) or would be like on HB before update?
And u can see in other post's where ppl's used 20 jewels and just 1 landed.