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Started by FIREBLADE, October 07, 2011, 12:53:53 AM

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Quote from: Arpee87 on October 08, 2011, 11:59:51 AM
Where are the mods? Not so long ago we got ban on forum for this.

On the 1st forum, we didn't, 5 years ago. And imo that was way more fun than this polite shit. Free speech!

Astramael      [db/tr]


rofl  at those ftp attempts to bring ppl down  after taking a beating
do u ppls call each other up to make a comment for ur friends on forum lol
to bad u cant zerg in rl ..


Quote from: dutchy on October 08, 2011, 02:43:32 PM
to bad u cant zerg in rl ..

You can, but you need to be a gipsy to do that. And this is not a racial insult, it is a FACT!

Astramael      [db/tr]


I am posting this coz Earl cant make account here so she ask me to post this.

Sooo :
"Hello my name is Sophya ( Earl)!
Hmmmm.. Here all ppl talking about me. Now, The "silent victim" is open her mounth.

1., My Dear Enemys!
Why do u mind every one is talikng for you?!
===> Gigant Ego.
Cuz that message was not for flame any1... (just for gypsye who was brake my friend's arm) So, that sentetce was for a person who never plyed l2 and never will do. Its mean its not flame, that thing's name is : Spam!! wasn't get any angry pms or anything from any angry gypsye or somebody. Or any reaction from others, flame is when u get answer from others....

2., OMG!!! Who cares about my HUNGARIAN spams?! i think no1.
The server 90% cant understand and not care about that spam. the rest 10% who can understand it ,is sh1ting for that or laught on it.
Guys u kidding?! What do u think?! If i wanna flame flame some 1
im use my own language what cant understand the server 90%?! Not, than im use english.

3., I know my real reason of my ban.
Dear Immaculate threatened me (1,5 month ago) and some others girls. She told , I will get ban.
So, than she needed 1,5 month for find a truly weak and really small fail in my game play. I dont care who was report me. A clanmate or Imma.(Not need to be a "detective" for solve who was report me, i know she was cuz she threatend me long time ago). She  simple hate me and other player girls. She pm/shot hatefull, hurtfull, dirty and sick insults for other girls too. And she do that in hero shout too.

4., Mark, are u sure from hungary?
You had epic fails in your translate.
You are know too that sentence mean in real that "Fear Roman gypsye, the guardians will kick your ass"

You direct translate it wrong and harder. Why?! Cause : u want 100% ban me. Little bit snipeless trick.Mark (Loverockets) If u have problem plz solve it face to face together.

5., The "kid" who reported my "nothing meaning" spam and that hurts he/she serious ,plz call 911/112/etc. They bring you to a mental hospital. if you think serious all spams/flames/insults u will be soon there. Please grow up and leave this kindergarden behaviour.That thing was good for public your soul's powerty.

I won't spend more time for cryer,sick and mental damaged, pathetic, jealous persons so, if you not my friend than forget me."
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired
