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Track About NEW ATTR On SETs

Started by Phonex, November 17, 2011, 04:49:09 AM

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can we start atribute weapon to 540, i mean it is something sure?
only your charm


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 19, 2011, 11:29:50 AM
Next time, instead of donating for pixels, use money to improve your english xD

Ppl like him are the reason u can play for free with these pixels asshole. Cause if it wasnt donators supporting servers like this they wouldnt exist.


Quote from: cerebelo on November 19, 2011, 11:24:12 AM
chill out man

1st ... u donated for helping server , u didn't bought anything ... staff gave u some coins to thank u for your contribution to server health
2nd ... u play l2 for the joy of farming / pvp-ing / chatting / etc ( at least u shoud play l2 for this reasons ) ... so ppl that lost 5 months of energy farming didn't lost a shiit ... u all have those 5 months of farming fun
3rd ... it's a foking private server , they can apply any rules without asking ... u play for free so they can  leave us all naked or can close server or do whatever they want ... u don't loose a shiit ... u still have all those 5-6-7 years of l2 dnet fun

Actuallu ur wrong. He is paying so U can play for free. And all he asks is his money to worth smth . Sounds reasonable to me. U know how much gracia files cost ? We got gracia tnx to players like him. But u didnt thought of it did u ?


Quote from: itim on November 19, 2011, 11:40:29 AM
Cerebelo and flamingawe one question ! How atributs have in armory???? maybe 180 and i understand this !  About my english : if you flamingawe understand my post i think my english no too bad , and here disscussion is for this atributs not for bad or good english.
Btw Cerebelo - if you will make one private server , will make for have fun other ppl??? You will pay money -your money- for maintenance this sever, for upgrade your game , etc,etc,etc. You will make this with your money,  and a lot of ppl will join happy in your server ???? Or you will need a lot of donators for make money????
It's easy to talk when you have nothing to lose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many $ you donated? - I will laugh accordingly to amount of cash spend by you. BTW ppl that dont know english should play "saper" not MMORPG games.


Quote from: lucifsg on November 19, 2011, 06:30:42 PM
Ppl like him are the reason u can play for free with these pixels asshole. Cause if it wasnt donators supporting servers like this they wouldnt exist.

yes, sure, thanx to those idiots, who pay for pixels all play here xD
but if retards like you don't understand, i refrase, for the same money he could get much more usefull service. Usefull for imself, and those, who must read his google-translated crap.


Quote from: tomogara on November 19, 2011, 11:18:34 PM
How many $ you donated? - I will laugh accordingly to amount of cash spend by you. BTW ppl that dont know english should play "saper" not MMORPG games.

Tomogara your IQ is with minus ? Have you ever seen a bill of 500 eu , in real not in photo? Do what I want with  my money ! No need ask you or tell you about this ! Think you're smarter because you know english  and can play MMORPG ???? LOL ! Try make money with your best english and can laugh when your poket will be full of money ! Who will stop playing free in DN server ? Who will stop donate in DN server? Everyone can choose . I have not written for you my first or second post. LOL . I write for Track , not for you or others.
" Track About NEW ATTR On SETs" or with your best english you read :  Tomogora About NEW ATTR On SETs????  :D :D :D :D