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Started by DarkLoverPL, November 29, 2011, 09:27:17 PM

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Quote from: TrackZero on November 30, 2011, 12:55:10 AM
If they dont log in 45+ days i dont think they will ever log, lets face it you are just searching something to flame even more further i never saw anyone ever said anything good for any update so i wont relay much on ur words.

as i see you don't even expect ppl to return, good opinion about server xD
sometimes ppl say good things about updates, not recently, you know why?
attribute system changes: lowering defence, maximizing attack = you stole money on "600 sets", and want even more from weapons, and with this update even more ppl will cry cause of enlarged damage.  "-" here
can use tattoes + shirts at same time - GOOD, but chsing belt slot is stupid, at least will be so after you can fix TW and more ppl will get belts so "+-" here
S shirts can be attributed -  not working "-"
fixed soulbounded weapons "+"
changing skills powers "-"
tradable HB pages - funny decision for lazy asses, takes lots of gameplay "-+-"
unlocked enchant paths, though of "+" here, but rediculous to put as an achievement, it had to be from start
antaras fix - as far as i know  not working "-"
valakas HP reduced, as far as i know - not  "-"
beleth ring drop fixed ??? beleth shouldn't drop any ring, ring must be in a next room after NPC diolog "-"
fixed longhorn famili.... dunno, IF works can be "+"

and with so many worthless updates and not working fixes, when you really freak ppl, you expect many thankfull topics?
someday someone will open you eyes, for now just read this, maybe you wil notice not everything is as good, as you imagine


i used 64 energys to make 540 from 456 xD


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 30, 2011, 09:40:35 AM
as i see you don't even expect ppl to return, good opinion about server xD
sometimes ppl say good things about updates, not recently, you know why?
attribute system changes: lowering defence, maximizing attack = you stole money on "600 sets", and want even more from weapons, and with this update even more ppl will cry cause of enlarged damage.  "-" here
can use tattoes + shirts at same time - GOOD, but chsing belt slot is stupid, at least will be so after you can fix TW and more ppl will get belts so "+-" here
S shirts can be attributed -  not working "-"
fixed soulbounded weapons "+"
changing skills powers "-"
tradable HB pages - funny decision for lazy asses, takes lots of gameplay "-+-"
unlocked enchant paths, though of "+" here, but rediculous to put as an achievement, it had to be from start
antaras fix - as far as i know  not working "-"
valakas HP reduced, as far as i know - not  "-"
beleth ring drop fixed ??? beleth shouldn't drop any ring, ring must be in a next room after NPC diolog "-"
fixed longhorn famili.... dunno, IF works can be "+"

and with so many worthless updates and not working fixes, when you really freak ppl, you expect many thankfull topics?
someday someone will open you eyes, for now just read this, maybe you wil notice not everything is as good, as you imagine

As i know antharas working(2 antha 1 drop and 1 not),Valakas hp is fixed, so if beleth ring should be from next room why npc didnt give it to us?
For rest +1what u wrote.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Quote from: MegaZord on November 30, 2011, 12:30:29 PM
As i know antharas working(2 antha 1 drop and 1 not),Valakas hp is fixed, so if beleth ring should be from next room why npc didnt give it to us?
For rest +1what u wrote.

as far as i know, from last anty you didn't get earring, so 2 choices:
-as far as i know it was lvl 85 and it didn't drop
-or lvl info is wrong, and only 1 anty is spawning for last 5 monthes, so spawn-choice is not fixed
besides there are 3 antys, 2 are meant (by loader info) to drop, 1 not to drop

beleth ring issue was same on beta tests on off server, coders just forgot to put it there


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 30, 2011, 02:07:49 PM
as far as i know, from last anty you didn't get earring, so 2 choices:
-as far as i know it was lvl 85 and it didn't drop
-or lvl info is wrong, and only 1 anty is spawning for last 5 monthes, so spawn-choice is not fixed
besides there are 3 antys, 2 are meant (by loader info) to drop, 1 not to drop

beleth ring issue was same on beta tests on off server, coders just forgot to put it there

was spawned anty 85lvl, earring not dropped.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


As Gideon told me, now are 2 antha 1 which drop earring 1 which not drop.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


as in loader there r 3 anty 81, 84 and 85lvl so would be faking nice get finally normal info how many anty we have.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


poor antharas has split personality :(
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


There r 3 Antharas, on the start of GF 2 don't drop and 1 drop the earring.

They had diff lvl (2 lvl 79 and 1 lvl 85), but their lvl's was changed by Drake on his last update.

Since we got report from players that Antharas wasn't dropping Earring, this probably happening cause Antharas lvl 85 wasn't spawning for players (as GM i can see that this NPC exist and it's on the correct spawn place, but system decides that Antharas will spawn to players). We decided to add Earring drop on 2nd Antharas till Drake fix the respawn of the 3 Antharas.

So atm we have 3 Antharas, 2 drop and 1 don't drop. And since 1 of then not spawning we have 2 Antharas (1 drop, 1 dont drop).

Event Manager

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dragonnetwork20x


Quote from: Gideon on November 30, 2011, 03:01:08 PM
There r 3 Antharas, on the start of GF 2 don't drop and 1 drop the earring.

They had diff lvl (2 lvl 79 and 1 lvl 85), but their lvl's was changed by Drake on his last update.

Since we got report from players that Antharas wasn't dropping Earring, this probably happening cause Antharas lvl 85 wasn't spawning for players (as GM i can see that this NPC exist and it's on the correct spawn place, but system decides that Antharas will spawn to players). We decided to add Earring drop on 2nd Antharas till Drake fix the respawn of the 3 Antharas.

So atm we have 3 Antharas, 2 drop and 1 don't drop. And since 1 of then not spawning we have 2 Antharas (1 drop, 1 dont drop).

so follow ur idea we got now anty 84lvl(drop earring) and 81(dont drop earring). last time when we were at anty we meet anty which had lvl84 or 85, cuz 81lvl anty cant be white for 85lvl players and also cant be red for 80lvl players, so as u see even in this fix smth foked again.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Gideon on November 30, 2011, 03:01:08 PM
There r 3 Antharas, on the start of GF 2 don't drop and 1 drop the earring.

They had diff lvl (2 lvl 79 and 1 lvl 85), but their lvl's was changed by Drake on his last update.

Since we got report from players that Antharas wasn't dropping Earring, this probably happening cause Antharas lvl 85 wasn't spawning for players (as GM i can see that this NPC exist and it's on the correct spawn place, but system decides that Antharas will spawn to players). We decided to add Earring drop on 2nd Antharas till Drake fix the respawn of the 3 Antharas.

So atm we have 3 Antharas, 2 drop and 1 don't drop. And since 1 of then not spawning we have 2 Antharas (1 drop, 1 dont drop).

for 5 months that i observed this antharas, ONLY 29066 version (lowest one) spawned
neither 29067, nor 29068 EVER spawned during my observations, and in those 5 months i missed 1-3 spawns max.... they didn't drop earring as well.


I'm checking NPCDATA for the lines of Antharas Raid, i will design something new for those 3 Antharas, and gonna send the ideas to Track and we gonna discuss about it.
Event Manager

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dragonnetwork20x