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Started by Exitus, December 23, 2011, 12:35:14 PM

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No hard feelings, but i heard some a0d were @ NYE spending time on Official. So why peoples always points their fingers at 1 way while their own peoples do the same?
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


ppl who on innova not connected to clan on infinity(ofc they still aod but on another server, as i know we talk here about ppl who play on ini not in aion, wow, innova or smth else). they have clan there we have clan here, so argument failed. lets talk also about ppl who left server few years ago and check what they doing ^^
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: FeelmyBow on January 01, 2012, 04:11:04 PM
No hard feelings, but i heard some a0d were @ NYE spending time on Official. So why peoples always points their fingers at 1 way while their own peoples do the same?

actualy on innova was 3-5 online after 20gmt+1 :P (yes yes i was 1 of them :) )


I bet some people will blame CB even for global crisis...
Luckly for me i logged to wish clan mates an happy new year and TW was happening and the most important we had a guy with CL account who logged so we could get wards.
I saw FTP members in town, do they went try to stop us to take wards? NO.
Why u cry so much if when was the first TW happened something similar to your side? When everyone logged out after siege and your ally was on to get wards?
Happy new year to all  :-*


cry? i just cant stop laught from kids w/o real life like u, thats all xD

about previous tw better dont talk, cuz u had 20+ ppl online.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on January 01, 2012, 04:34:31 PM
cry? i just cant stop laught from kids w/o real life like u, thats all xD

about previous tw better dont talk, cuz u had 20+ ppl online.

yep im a kid
i dont have real life
we all passed new year eve ig

Now happy new year and QQ moar  :-*

ps: btw read again my last post about TW, not previous, i said the FIRST TW in server...  :D


ok 1st tw on server, cb+sheva had ~40 ppl online, even tried attack rune. wanna know smth else?
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on January 01, 2012, 04:40:24 PM
ok 1st tw on server, cb+sheva had ~40 ppl online, even tried attack rune. wanna know smth else?

Yes actually i wanna know your "Total time logged in: "   ;D


offline in game even now, as i told u some time ago i prefer log for actions(in normal time) or get some fun with friends than like u celebrate new year on giran stairs. btw more intresting ur clan online, cuz no matter when i log same ppl always online.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on January 01, 2012, 04:45:24 PM
offline in game even now, as i told u some time ago i prefer log for actions(in normal time) or get some fun with friends than like u celebrate new year on giran stairs. btw more intresting ur clan online, cuz no matter when i log same ppl always online.

Was a great party!!! To bad u missed it  :-[


Quote from: zenice on January 01, 2012, 04:56:03 PM
Was a great party!!! To bad u missed it  :-[

im not so retarded ^^
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on January 01, 2012, 05:05:57 PM
im not so retarded ^^

You are.

And it is not your business, who does what with their free time. If it wouldn't have bother you, you wouldn't make these childish and so over-used accusations. If you are so smart, aren't you aware of the fact that if you want to achieve something in this game, you have to sacrifice a lot in other aspects of your life? Stop crying a new Amazonas and assemble your team to get the wards back at the next tw (if you are capable of doing such thing, of course).

Astramael      [db/tr]