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Seriousy Question to NM community

Started by =^TrackZero^=, February 21, 2012, 08:48:17 PM

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Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Problem is simple but hard to fix,  everyone want UBER killer, none like / wish to play with needed class, example of that: im the only "Active" wk from cb...  its a dead class, mostly to be played by healer...

anyway...  i think problem is that.. players who dont  want to heal, but want to be healed......     want to be buffed but dont want to buff...   problem is not community, but players on it...

Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.


I think we can filtrate trough all the bullshit the main problem! Wich is: Lack of suports>>suport are not atractif enough>>ppl don't play them.
Turn suport combos more atratif>>more ppl will play them>>more suports logged in>>more pvp!!

I don't think i can explain it any easier sry....!
he/wk was an used class b4. He/pp also! Sr/sws also... from all suport classes, the only 1 which remains playable (with avg equip) imo is pr/bd!

Just fix what you changed and i think we'll have more of such classes! I belive i told you this would hapen!!


Quote from: Di on February 22, 2012, 01:25:13 AM
Problem is simple but hard to fix,  everyone want UBER killer, none like / wish to play with needed class, example of that: im the only "Active" wk from cb...  its a dead class, mostly to be played by healer...

anyway...  i think problem is that.. players who dont  want to heal, but want to be healed......     want to be buffed but dont want to buff...   problem is not community, but players on it...

biru stop cry about wk (summoners) , i played he/wk and th/wk, nice chars, yes maybe not oe like other classes, cant back to th, check signature xD

Quote from: Javardsnegger on February 22, 2012, 01:31:07 AM
I think we can filtrate trough all the bullshit the main problem! Wich is: Lack of suports>>suport are not atractif enough>>ppl don't play them.
Turn suport combos more atratif>>more ppl will play them>>more suports logged in>>more pvp!!

I don't think i can explain it any easier sry....!
he/wk was an used class b4. He/pp also! Sr/sws also... from all suport classes, the only 1 which remains playable (with avg equip) imo is pr/bd!

Just fix what you changed and i think we'll have more of such classes! I belive i told you this would hapen!!

main problem is low promotion. tbh if track check siges/tw all time, why he dont make video, why dont post yourube or other video hosts, why he dont make vote's and so on

p.s. track i know, i know that u tryed make this vote, but some websites had sam u, is not reas to stop, try others. u know how many ppl fro Poland play here, why dont try there, check some rus sites like l2top.ru and so on, if u need any idea, "we" as community are here, just ask  ;)

Quote from: SauroN on February 22, 2012, 01:20:02 AM
A merge with DN could push those ppl out of town  8)

if u pk glasy w/o salvation,  are u welcome  ;D

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


I got aw/sk ... with wc/sws i can hit 500 crit rate, 1.5k atack speed, and around 4k p.atack .... a pw/sws can hit 500 crit rate , 1.5k atack speed but half of p.atack maybe less. Some classes are ment to hit high atack speed or c.speed and the limit kind of makes them unatractive. SR and PW should have a boost in p.tack and atack speed reised .. cuse that was their advantage. About wc/ol and BP/XX don't know what we can do but conclusion is good: WE NEED MORE SUPPORT COMBOS!!! i got 10 tanks almost 90% of the time logged ... but finding a WC or a BP is a pain in the ass and most of the time i got to dual box wich in pvp turns out to be crap cuse i can't focus on my main char...


Quote from: 6bIK
biru stop cry about wk (summoners) , i played he/wk and th/wk, nice chars, yes maybe not oe like other classes, cant back to th, check signature xD

stop, breath , read again, i have sure u can find out.
I i did not said anything about wk or etc, i said rare number of players play it, and still its a NEEDED class for pvp.. same as others classes and still players dont want to play it... nothing about weak or strong, but about be needed...

Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.


Quote from: Di on February 22, 2012, 01:58:36 AM
stop, breath , read again, i have sure u can find out
with second part of your post u have right, but i wrote for first part, y, class dead, but playable, i even was on oly and was funny, but hard ;)

Quote from: CrashOverAll on February 22, 2012, 01:56:28 AM
I got aw/sk ... with wc/sws i can hit 500 crit rate, 1.5k atack speed, and around 4k p.atack .... a pw/sws can hit 500 crit rate , 1.5k atack speed but half of p.atack maybe less. Some classes are ment to hit high atack speed or c.speed and the limit kind of makes them unatractive. SR and PW should have a boost in p.tack and atack speed reised .. cuse that was their advantage. About wc/ol and BP/XX don't know what we can do but conclusion is good: WE NEED MORE SUPPORT COMBOS!!! i got 10 tanks almost 90% of the time logged ... but finding a WC or a BP is a pain in the ass and most of the time i got to dual box wich in pvp turns out to be crap cuse i can't focus on my main char...
dunno wich buff u used, my th/wk on normal pvp buff with g.shild hit 1,5k crit (was half year ago)

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: 6bIK on February 22, 2012, 02:01:53 AM
dunno wich buff u used, my th/wk on normal pvp buff with g.shild hit 1,5k crit (was half year ago)
it doesn't matter what how if when... point was elf fighter classes should have a littel boost or something changed about the atack speed (that should have been their bonus) just like sps had high c.speed ....


Damn i read the fukin 6 pages of pure spam and cry about "we need supports" and "i dont play sws/xx or bd/xx cause sux better i make tank/xx" omg keep playin on your uber char with bot at your back and try to be real pwnz0rds with random flagged guy outside town... dont even think about trying pvp with an organized clan with good players on what u think they are "sh1tty classes".

@Track: next time u wanna watch pvp just make like the other events... domination event, king of the hill, last man standing, dunno... use your imagination. Spawning bosses may help the newbies but greedy baztards farm them with alt chars...


PS: im almost playin wc/ol all the time xD



i can tell u my opinion as a 4 years old player , low equiped , wich likes to pvp :

1. i spent a lot time farming for my dynasti items , ench skills , etc but 4 years of hard work is reduced to 1 shot dead for me from uber equiped players ... don't get me wrong cause there always were super strong guys , but after the nm merge there was a big infusion of coins wich made my ( an a lot of my friends ) pvp-ing imposible .... despite that i always join for pvp even i am worthless , but most of ppl don't like 10 second pvp so they left pvp , they are logging rare , or they just left for good
2. this server never was a pvp server  ... if u want lots of pvp it's simple ... make buffer npc in town and problem of supports is solved

my opinion .... make global damage 1/2 or better 1/4 for long long pvp and u will see a difference

for the 3rd time .....IT'S JUST MY OPINION
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


Quote from: cerebelo on February 22, 2012, 06:58:41 AM
i can tell u my opinion as a 4 years old player , low equiped , wich likes to pvp :

1. i spent a lot time farming for my dynasti items , ench skills , etc but 4 years of hard work is reduced to 1 shot dead for me from uber equiped players ... don't get me wrong cause there always were super strong guys , but after the nm merge there was a big infusion of coins wich made my ( an a lot of my friends ) pvp-ing imposible .... despite that i always join for pvp even i am worthless , but most of ppl don't like 10 second pvp so they left pvp , they are logging rare , or they just left for good
2. this server never was a pvp server  ... if u want lots of pvp it's simple ... make buffer npc in town and problem of supports is solved

my opinion .... make global damage 1/2 or better 1/4 for long long pvp and u will see a difference

for the 3rd time .....IT'S JUST MY OPINION
no u wrong about 10 sec pvp. as low equiped too i can tell all depends of team. in my team where im just 1 in dnet robe we can 5-10 min. against cb. there are ppl have top gear and most of them +30/15 skills. dunno how long and where u farm, when i back to infy after valky i had there nothing. i didnt donate and after half year i was in dnet and just missed necklace from rb set.  

p.s. the problem on server is not donation, bugs, oe chars/weapons and so on. it's not problem that ppl should farm hard to get some coins for top equipment, but big problem is "0" promotion , sorry track (with all respect) i must say it, yes it's your fault that server are like now. u must make PR for server. yes it's take time, money, health and nerves, but as GM u must do this. my logic say me that more ppl= more donation=more fun.

p.s.s. i think u should start play  on server, i know it will be hard for u coz u have gm panel, i wont say that server gonna corrupted, like on raven, but u will see all problem which normal player have. i even can give u char for start  ;)

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: 6bIK on February 22, 2012, 07:08:43 AM

p.s. the problem on server is not donation, bugs, oe chars/weapons and so on. it's not problem that ppl should farm hard to get some coins for top equipment,but big problem is "0" promotion , sorry track (with all respect) i must say it, yes it's your fault that server are like now. u must make PR for server. yes it's take time, money, health and nerves, but as GM u must do this. my logic say me that more ppl= more donation=more fun.

It is a problem with you statement you say no donate but at the end is like kissing  track ass, you say  more donate more donate
You made my day, gm is asking why is people bitch1ng and why no pvp and you flame more people more donate more coins, and no donate?
The answer was given in this forum, is the gap between vesper vs dnet vs dynasty, after 3-4 years over 50% of server die in 1 or 2 shots tops.
Now you go pvp and see if you like it track to die that fast after 3-4 fak1ng years of farming.
how the fack should i go pvp with ic+f+7, i spend over 100 coins to get it and now i see "lucky" people who made vesper+f+13.
No track no more donate no more coins this is what you have on server and to quoate the NPC  "THE END IS NEAR"

PS: to the naab with farming a lot to get top gear, you retarded naab we did farm we did get top gear but some smart ass gm give all players with real $ weapons OE i mean fack me vesper +13 and  the enchant rate and the ews drop is like..... nevermind.

Nothing is free and everything is on sale
"Buy land, they're not making it anymore"---> Mark Twain