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Started by trooperXkoki, March 31, 2012, 08:11:06 PM

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Quote from: TrackZero on April 01, 2012, 12:36:03 AM
Okey so tell me then how INI machine showed max peak was 850+ and Dragons machine showed 1800+ max peak?I have issues in reading numbers or what?

And P.S. Why you care when you dont even play? I mean i dont get the guys who are just spending time on forum while they dont play for months or years, what is the catch?

You do know you are terribly bad in trying to get old players back this way aye?
"Why do you care if you don't play"
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: TrackZero on April 01, 2012, 12:36:03 AM

What will be the hierarchy? You and glasy will be equal as GMs, or there will be a head GM, and the others will have less rights?

Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: pawlus on March 31, 2012, 11:34:21 PM
I really wanna see those 3k ppl on :D Like we had here even 1k. Imagine that many ppl will left cos of merge. Sry but dragon serv is fcked up. For me more funny is play on Innova with this stupid GOD than on dragon. Y huge working market. Isnt dragon market dead as ours? So how it will work better? Market will be bigger with same sh1t as we have it here.

innova is dying even faster than dnet, alrady light trafic in evenings xD
maybe good place to see skills, but not worth to stay there anymore


If track will manage to keep server not affected by retarted updates then we will just get more pvp/more ppl in sieges/oly/everything,,but if same bullsh1ts happen here ,like banning ppl cause they killed glaccy or w/e then forget about it and lets stay like that..


Quote from: TrackZero on April 01, 2012, 12:36:03 AM
Okey so tell me then how INI machine showed max peak was 850+ and Dragons machine showed 1800+ max peak?I have issues in reading numbers or what?

And P.S. Why you care when you dont even play? I mean i dont get the guys who are just spending time on forum while they dont play for months or years, what is the catch?

do you think i'm constantly checking servers online?
i gave numbers that i get sometimes during day, ofc they are lower than picks on sieges for example
once again, most of time when i check, those numbers are around 1200 for dragon, 600 for ini
atm 1097 and 556

why do i care? cause i'm part of community, that could be back in game some day


Quote from: FeelmyBow on April 01, 2012, 12:38:34 AM
You do know you are terribly bad in trying to get old players back this way aye?
"Why do you care if you don't play"
Not trying to bring back anyone, thats quite obvious by my posts.
Quote from: PvtStuka on April 01, 2012, 12:39:21 AM
What will be the hierarchy? You and glasy will be equal as GMs, or there will be a head GM, and the others will have less rights?
TrackZero , head GM
ShowStopper, head GM
Gideon will be also GM
For other gm-s from dragon its glasys job to handle them and to clean those afk people.
But point is everyone will be able to control each other.
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Quote from: Garro on April 01, 2012, 12:38:53 AM
Well i dont want to troll a lot but i have to disagree with that one .

We can count ppl on our fingers and in our mind . There is a huge difference in TOTAL amount of players and PLAYERS THAT ARE PLAYING , maybe we have 1.5k players in INFINITY-NIGHTMARE but as everybody can see during sieges , there is like 250 of them max (playing in same time ) so for sure most of us would like to see that second info which will improve our gameplay and not some fairytales about total players active during month or smth . If u wanna give us proper info , log during siege and check ppl who are playing ( without boxes , shops ) and write it here , same with dragon .  I guess after merge we will have maybe around 1k active players during sieges / nights . For sure total amount of playing players will raise a lot but thats not a point .
You are really wrong but im really tiered of explaining over and over, just wait up mate and you will see. Lets not talk about things that didnt happen yet.
Quote from: flamingAwe on April 01, 2012, 12:42:58 AM
do you think i'm constantly checking servers online?
i gave numbers that i get sometimes during day, ofc they are lower than picks on sieges for example
once again, most of time when i check, those numbers are around 1200 for dragon, 600 for ini
atm 1097 and 556

why do i care? cause i'm part of community, that could be back in game some day
So then be so kind and dont write things that you partially think or check and things that you simply cant know.
About coming back you are telling me this since summer.
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Quote from: TrackZero on April 01, 2012, 12:44:52 AM
Not trying to bring back anyone, thats quite obvious by my posts.TrackZero , head GM

Thats like even dumber then i thought, if you really cared for your server you would do anything to keep it active.
And we both know you used to do that when a few of your "close mates" left L2, you did anything to bring them back.
Seems you really stopped caring about being a serious GM.
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: DreamEater on April 01, 2012, 12:41:06 AM
If track will manage to keep server not affected by retarted updates then we will just get more pvp/more ppl in sieges/oly/everything,,but if same bullsh1ts happen here ,like banning ppl cause they killed glaccy or w/e then forget about it and lets stay like that..
Glassy aint banning people random really, if you even check their rules they are much more softer and flexible then what we have here.
You will be able to kill/pvp/pk anyone lol or do everything as you did normally (not braking rules thou) on any server under dragon network, please dont fear gossips rumors and lies that are spread around. Also dont forget you will have 2 GM_S from INI who will be monitoring all , all the time with superb activity which you know already.
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Can I get pregnant from this? Oo

And now srsly:
I admit that there r many rumors about Dragon, corrupted dragon bla bla bla BUT... hello! Just open any our topic in general and ull be able to see that we r quite sme sh1t in public opinion... In every topic u can see ppl complaining about Track, about editet chars etc. So... If in public opinion Dragon is corrupted too so... What will change in this topic? Nothing. I just see more oportunity to have some fun. I bet many ppl will come back again, just to see how it works. So I have fingers crossed that everything will be ok. :)

P.S. I hope Gideon will stay as Gm.
P.S2 Its nice gift for my 21st bday (16 april). :)


Quote from: TrackZero on April 01, 2012, 12:50:52 AM
Glassy aint banning people random really, if you even check their rules they are much more softer and flexible then what we have here.
You will be able to kill/pvp/pk anyone lol or do everything as you did normally (not braking rules thou) on any server under dragon network, please dont fear gossips rumors and lies that are spread around. Also dont forget you will have 2 GM_S from INI who will be monitoring all , all the time with superb activity which you know already.
Its up to you to handle them ,but let me have my doubts about them..


Seriously, even retards from Dragon didn't make any single post about merge...
So much ado about freaking shirts? If you want full protection go and buy second set. If you don't have money go and farm for it. If you can't go on and donate, so smartasses like me could still play for free here  8)
Also posts like 'you make merge, we leave' are very funny. Do you think the owner cares about a few carebears (don't mistake with that clan of yours ;D) who probably didn't donate more than 10 euro? It's all about the money and if you can't understand that you are prolly still attending elementary school. Imagine that sponsors from Dragon will quickly and gladly transfer their (or their parents) money to drake's bank account, which will make him happier than your existence on the server  ;)
I suggest you to stop whinning and accept the fact that both our servers are dying and such a merge is the last chance to revive them, even if it's for one year or so.
Keep cool.
The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes