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Comment The rates/nerfs/Tattoos/Potions

Started by Tvit, January 14, 2014, 10:57:39 PM

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Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 02:39:35 AM
3-4 archers take you on assist and cya. And if archer dont hit 4k+, u think mage will? As they wrote they made test and balanced it. Lets hope they did it good.

isn't same if 3-4 mages take archer on assist ?! ...... stop crying ppl .. looks like this srv will be balanced so ..
ReserveD  &  LOD  <3


Quote from: StunSh00t on January 15, 2014, 10:45:34 AM
isn't same if 3-4 mages take archer on assist ?! ...... stop crying ppl .. looks like this srv will be balanced so ..

agree. In Poland ppl make monument for drake and track glory \o/
The best Gms ever :P  And i can say just one:  TRACK I LOVE U <3
KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )


   Stop complaining about the rates, rates are just fine...there was even the retail with 1x and no bonuses and players played it fine, they survived they didn't complain about it being higher, what...do you want to level it just in 1 week and after reroll because u don't like it, it means you must use more of your brain when you decide for your char because it will be with you for a while. 2 x and the party bonus in my opinion is quite decent..and even more than that, i mean..you want level 80?..work for it. Also about pve server? what pve...who is stoping me to attack you at level 50...60..what... if you and i don't have lvl 80 we can't pvp? It's not like at lvl 80 you have a new skill or a new option(i am refering to a skill/option that allows you to pvp and before, without this skill/option you were not allowed to pvp)..you don't get at lvl 80..."congrats now you can pvp" announcement...no ...you can even pvp at lvl 20..30. Anyway most fun pvp's are at around lvl 60...it lasts longer.
"Whe serch the truth but whe can't find anything but incertain things ,whe serch for happynes ,but all whe find is unhappynes and mizery.Whe are incapabile to wish the truth and happynes "
Blaise Pascal "Chosen writings"


Best changes ever, some of them could be made slightly better, but the server is totally new, not old dragon from IL just starting from 0, but whole new server. Balanced classes, long lasting pvp, tactic/strategy thinking, new custom tatoos to have fun with (deciding which to buy and which to start with). SO incredible GOOD JOB to all of you, staff.


Quote from: StunSh00t on January 15, 2014, 10:45:34 AM
isn't same if 3-4 mages take archer on assist ?! ...... stop crying ppl .. looks like this srv will be balanced so ..

I dont cry it was just explaining things to other guy, if you would read previous posts you would understand it.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


All kinda acceptable, but for fuk sake don't change your mind after 2 months and rework half of skills....
And question: we will have auto events like 2x xp or 2x drop like on dragon now?


Quote from: Vandana on January 14, 2014, 11:37:09 PM
Before everyone was whining how we know everything in l2 so we r bored like hell and bla bla bla. With these new features here we got at least some challenge so lets enjoy it.
The only thing who got me a lil bit disappointed (scared i can say hahahah) was those low rates at the end but well,im sure we all can hadle it after all...
All i can say is that all the staff good a really nice job,im sure they wasted lot of their time to bring all these new things to us so lets keep away our hate or our "i know everything" attitude for a moment and freaking come up with a "Thank you for the hard work u did for us,guys".
To all the gm staff,GJ and keep doing the same ;)


I think exp rate is kinda scary, but looking forward to it - lvl 80 will be only for dedicated players (that's a PLUS).
And wanted to thank all the GM's for insanely great work. I haven't been so excited in like 6 years (gaming wise). Even WOW new expansions were not so exciting. Maybe because there's a dialog here between GM's and players :) Ay.
See you all in the game.


Tbh i've just read these features more carefully and i must admit that i kinda like them. The only thing that i don't approve is that deflect arrow nerf. I'll also miss pots system, which have been one of the biggest dragons trademarks all over the years.
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


I really have just one concern. With 25% damage reduction, and a complete removal of press-F1-once-and-kill combos. Would that not make classes that can heal a bit too powerful? In every mmo I know, once they introduced a global damage reduction in PVP a healing nerf was following shortly after (if not implemented right away), and for a good reason. I'm not whining, I'm just pointing out that this should be looked into before the release (if it haven't been done so already). Cheers!
Ignus SH 7x


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 15, 2014, 02:07:49 AM
Based on what? Isnt every server pve at beginning, else how do you get your gear? GMshop 1 click DONE?

Also, i absolutely dont understand the issue to pvp between 62+ levels like in good old times. Its the skills that make player good pvper not the items or level, i think this server clarifies  it more then any other.
Really? WTF. Maybe on 62+ lvls it's the skill but when you have 78 lvl, S grade bow+f++++, boss jewelery and full buff your "pvp skill" is: F1 -> autoattack, F2 -> CP potion. Hell yeah with this amount of "pvp skill" all archers can go on official and dominate the world... n/c
Dragon x15
Xaliqa - Sps/Es [retired]
Konumoki - Th/Wl [ACTIVE]
HelRiser666 De/Tyr [FARM]

Xaliqa - prophet
Wuka - warlock


More and more I read these features, more and more I think they did good job on balancing server.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


one clarification about deflect arrow;

if i use deflect arrow (starting as SK) with heavy armor and 1hand weapon+shield, does it have any malus?
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D