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Comment The rates/nerfs/Tattoos/Potions - Page 21



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Comment The rates/nerfs/Tattoos/Potions

Started by Tvit, January 14, 2014, 10:57:39 PM

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Summons are very weak in interlude. So tp isnt so OP,also remember about erase skill which class which have it should spam during pvp. Also pvp is about assisting in pvp so as i wrote before 3-4 archers hit you around 2 k and you will have problem stay alive.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Guys u all forget that this is damage which is reduced for 25%... As gms said all dmgs are reduced,so 1.7k on nec/pp is not so bad at all...


Quote from: DarkVengeance on January 15, 2014, 02:52:37 AM
Who's talking about bonus dmg of TP?
Obviously WK doesn't any dmg advantage over normal HE ... i just quoted the ^Deavon^ post, regarding the test dmg.

Plus placed random (theoretical) number ... of HE who has advantage in damage (regarding subclass).
But anyway ... if you gave yourself a few moments of "precious" time to read it once more, you could get it by yourself.

Ye i got it, sure he/wl will hit harder then he/wk, same goes to pr/bd.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 02:58:16 AM
Ye i got it, sure he/wl will hit harder then he/wk, same goes to pr/bd.
... And will be debuffed and receive more magic damage then he/wk cuz have no mdef passive, dont have betray and cubics.

pr/bd have lowest hp of all archers

every combination have its positive and negative sides, dont look only on damage they made, pick a strategy how to kill those who kill you and everything will be fine
SK/PS - on x15 server since C2 ... ex-HERO /OFF
BP/DA - first on x15 /OFF
BD/SE - buff bot... /OFF
TH/PP - DF ninja /OFF
PR/WL - PWN-Dwarfie /RIP


bd/pr ( if will be the main bd on pt ) will be kinda problematic on mana.... just mentioning
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
NO physical, magical, archery and critical damage.
Immune to all forms of debuffs.
Unaffected by mana drain.
10 seconds of ownage.
For everything else, there is Master Card.


Quote from: MegaZord on January 15, 2014, 02:56:51 AM
Summons are very weak in interlude. So tp isnt so OP,also remember about erase skill which class which have it should spam during pvp. Also pvp is about assisting in pvp so as i wrote before 3-4 archers hit you around 2 k and you will have problem stay alive.

believe me 2k isn't problem for bishop :P i can't believe it was true be cause if he was hitting 1,7k with full epic per critical in to necro in A grade set that's mean regular hit was 170, isnt possible


well that or another wait, with this rates it will take at least 1 month, when archers will stand a chance against nukers, draco+F+aq at least it takes some time and then lvl it up to 78 from 40 for ex.

remember that nukers will 1 hit u, till u get tts so early goes for nukers, after I read Daevon post I belive nuker's won't be freaked, it's gonna be more balanced. I belive in u Track keep doing the work, but please post all b4 server starts


I changed my signature, just to remember if my Sps/EE gets 1 or 2 shoted by an archer :D
Necro (psy)
RedKnights Clan


1st of all, you did huuuuuuuuuuge mistake, not giving a chance for players to play BETA

2nd, wtf you was drunk when u was thinking about deflect arrow? it's a joke actually.

and the last:

Tattoo of Mana Recovery: Gives a constant 90mp/sec, with a drawback of -50% on patk/matk/attackspeed/castspeed.
This means you will have to manage your tattoos (equip/unequip) during a fight to get the best out of them.

cant w8 to see that crap during pvps : )


about enchant rate, its not 80% to make fighter weapon +9 with 1 click.
Its 20% failure every time you enchant it ( above +3 ).
It means that you have 6 chances to destroy your weapon with 20% propability. Its not that easy to enchant as it seems, believe me...
Will you guys use NORMAL enchant scrolls on S grade weapons? I doubt everyone has a balls of steel, so check out blessed enchant rate.
from 0 to +9 as example

0%   0%   0%   20%   30%   30%   30%   40%   40%

doesnt look easy at  all.. If you are lucky you will get your item enchanted, but its not that easy as it seems ( tested it )


I know my luck with enchanting, I will burn my 1st weapon on +4, wanna bet? :)
Riders Of Destiny  -  Nanaki Server
Great times...


Mana burn skill reuse is now 24s and erase skill reuse is 60s ? Wtf ?!?