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And Where is the balance from Oly ???? (GM) Told ?????



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And Where is the balance from Oly ???? (GM) Told ?????

Started by Toxa_Mc, March 28, 2014, 09:57:31 PM

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My class SPS/SWS - not the fact that Deflek Arrow cuts me 200 cast speed ,+ Ellemetal Heall with powers 546 at the Olympics adds just as much as it is written , how can you play the full game??????? when you have against Archer 550 cast speeda ??? + Ellemetal Heall you can delete skill he not heal at all!!!! Where is the balance????

Just great, you configured the Olympics , half arm to play it it's not possible ! EXCELLENT! Thank

Played Played ! Enough !


When you activate Deflect Arrow, being SWS, means you have 24% less damage received and the drawback, as caster and not a proper tank, is -6% cast speed.

So basically against an Archer, by losing 6% DPS you gain 24% more resistance. Thats gives you a 18% (24-6=18) advantage toward your your opponent damage.

Seems all fine here.


Create sps/sws , and compete at the Olympics against hawk/pp , and see what happens ! when there is a SKILL Ellementa heall - which is not vosstanavlivaet HP as much as he has the power ! and with sws when at the Olympics without acumena 750 cast sped including Deflekt Arrow are Perfectly 550


I dont see Balans from Oly ,  !!!! More ppl cnow this !


Not to mention that oly not equals lineage 2.
When making char you should think how you want to play this game:
- oly farmer?
- pve farmer?
- spoiler/crafter?
- clan supporter?
- outside oly pvp,sieges,random pvp around map?
- raid farmer?

In other words there is no universal char for everything mentioned above, else there would be just 1 class on the selection screen. In addition you can make several chars and try to be a top in most of sections.

Now, the last but not least, we could run clean client with no balanced nerfs and mutants allowed, that would result following:

There would be few sick op combos, players would start to leave massively, by the time we fix those they would never come back. Now by fixing those op combos , owners of those chars would rage quit . And its not over yet, nerfing x makes people demand other y nerfs, so there you go nerfs over nerfs which brings chaos and instability. In the end you have -80% players and bad voice going around the globe.

We have taken the course that brings balance, no coruption and fairness to everyone since day 1. I do believe this is a good approach on longer terms, but some people spoiled badly over time demanding sick things and dropping for ridiculous reasons .
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Do so when put on by resist against fire, water darkness is not important, let them be cut stat too ! Why not,,,,,???? Where is the justice ,,,????


Archers are just pathetic,today with fullbuff,FULLBUFF.

Draco f etc..1.2k crit on mages..wtf is it..
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


Excellent ! On such Rath you I was Velikoi info on pvp serer


Shadow x10
Dang3r He/Pp/Sps 78/78/75 Noblese
LastGoddes  OL/Ty 78/76
Dang3r He/Pp/De/Drop Pickup

Pm for Epic boss drop pick up!

.:Hax Lord:.


wtf GM I made spoiler/crafter and everyone kills me on oly, hammer crush has only 100 power and it hits for 100

where is oly balance GM?

gg GM fix this game or i wont play it anymore
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


I woke server lost 3 months ! In bought D.coins ! and realized that we should leave ! Created a character who I like ! Played on Nightmare x 30 all was well , but here on you ! Thanks for the game !


And What about Elementa Heal?????? What happened to him why little restores HP ??? as it is said that everything works as the official server ????