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Started by Stormix88, April 10, 2014, 12:55:04 AM

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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 10, 2014, 09:26:29 PM
, since i suppose that our players want others to join here, how do you think what a new player will think about us when he sees the river of ridiculous complains some of you do here? Join? I dont think so, so +1 for great marketing. Thank you.

I share your concern, so, what about making such discussions invisible to new members? ,if applicable :)


I think we can discuss all the problems of server, by sharing our experience.

And together make this server good for everyone, good mean that, the everyone will find something what they loved in L2 interlude.



Quote from: YuftyGF on April 10, 2014, 09:56:54 PM
right...well last comment by me.
I guess we have to deal with the elite....those who control the power....the NEW L2 ORDER...the ILLUMINATI'S....(wtf is that pyramid Track?)



If u read my first post, you'll see that, i want to take a little bit from one way, and create another.

I just want to know if it's possible.


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 10, 2014, 09:56:37 PM
And the reasons they left means they will jump from server to server no matter what we do and no matter how hard we try. Especially CP FAIL concept.

my cp is gone I am still here..I dont wanna go in details again on why they did.
to me, what y said is partly true...you can't please everyone, tricky part is to find a common ground...


Make a long and boooooring quest to obtain a quest horn. For example collect 50 quest items from every mob on every ToI floor.People will start this q from low lvls(~60) and will collect q items(droprate 30%?40%?). When u collect all of these items it will be exchangeable to 1 item that allow u to do quest "collect the golkonda soul shards" or similiar - box spawning from every q golky to collect 50 shards. Shards will be exchangeable to get "golkonda soul", then you have to kill PI mobs that will randomly(0,5%?) drop q item 'primeval strenght'. Golkonda soul and primeval strenght will be exchangeable to horn by donny(5 coins), GoE(50 marks) or Merchant of mammon(5kk AA).


Quote from: YuftyGF on April 10, 2014, 09:40:37 PM
I'm not aware of the Fargment way.But im aware of the Mammon way.If horn  was purchasable in Mammon how would your game be different?
How would this affect your ingame progress?So if someone has an opinion about changing smthing on this server,can't suggest it because you,Garro,X,Y person likes it the way it is.
- Spoil rate cryfest. Spoil rate increased. (I don't even understand)
- EXP rate cryfest. EXP rage increased. Several times! (ridiculous)
- Sub at76 cryfest. Sub at76 available. (pissing off those who subbed not long before)
- Quest horn cryfest. Quest horn slightly modified (reasonable)
- Enchant cryfest about jedi weapons. Thanks god babies didn't win this one completely.

The horn modification isn't a big deal by itself, but it adds up with every other changes people were complaining about, and why should I think, you will stop here? What comes next?
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: Csenky on April 10, 2014, 10:58:23 PM
- Spoil rate cryfest. Spoil rate increased. (I don't even understand)
- EXP rate cryfest. EXP rage increased. Several times! (ridiculous)
- Sub at76 cryfest. Sub at76 available. (pissing off those who subbed not long before)
- Quest horn cryfest. Quest horn slightly modified (reasonable)
- Enchant cryfest about jedi weapons. Thanks god babies didn't win this one completely.

The horn modification isn't a big deal by itself, but it adds up with every other changes people were complaining about, and why should I think, you will stop here? What comes next?
Best cry quote ever...


Quote from: YuftyGF on April 10, 2014, 09:56:54 PM
(wtf is that pyramid Track?)
i guess you're too young to recognize it

pink floyd, dark side of the moon album
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: Painkiler on April 10, 2014, 10:14:47 PM
Make a long and boooooring quest to obtain a quest horn. For example collect 50 quest items from every mob on every ToI floor.People will start this q from low lvls(~60) and will collect q items(droprate 30%?40%?). When u collect all of these items it will be exchangeable to 1 item that allow u to do quest "collect the golkonda soul shards" or similiar - box spawning from every q golky to collect 50 shards. Shards will be exchangeable to get "golkonda soul", then you have to kill PI mobs that will randomly(0,5%?) drop q item 'primeval strenght'. Golkonda soul and primeval strenght will be exchangeable to horn by donny(5 coins), GoE(50 marks) or Merchant of mammon(5kk AA).

irrelevant. People who can get this quest fast doesn't need the quest, as they can get a party for golky, can farm ect.

I don't like to bring it up as it's a cliché, but tank's can't. I don't get why anyone other than a tank/pp/bp/other less played class would need a quest for golky.

A long, boring quest? Walking. Talking to NPC. Get a NPC that you can't reach that easily by TP, yet that doesn't imply killing a 50000 mobs to reach. Make it like 3rd quest tablet hunting (it's an exemple), but 4 or more time worst. If you just want to kill stuff,go farm stuff by killing stuff and you'll be able to buy stuff. Those who cannot farm well with their main char are FUBAR with the current ways to get a horn. That way, you get nothing out of the quest outside the horn and it's thus dedicated to that purpose. This way, only those who REALLY can't get the horn in any other way will make it.

Personally, I made many chars, because I took the time to do it. Not everyone can do that and so are forced to let the char they love down because the server doesn't allow them an "easy" way to get it to evolve.

How many chars, who started as a tank (no sws and no bd), are now subbed? Just out of curiosity? Can we know how they subbed between quest horn and normal horn and premium horn? That would be relevant to the discussion (it could be nice to have that stat for all classes actually, to enrich the debate and possibly find a way to help the chars who cannot get an "easy" access to a horn).
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: Garn. on April 10, 2014, 11:07:31 PM
i guess you're too young to recognize it

pink floyd, dark side of the moon album
I know...i tried to light the atmosphere with a joke..even though i dont listen to rock that much i do recognize it


Quote from: Chicks on April 10, 2014, 11:21:51 PM
irrelevant. People who can get this quest fast doesn't need the quest, as they can get a party for golky, can farm ect.

I don't like to bring it up as it's a cliché, but tank's can't. I don't get why anyone other than a tank/pp/bp/other less played class would need a quest for golky.

A long, boring quest? Walking. Talking to NPC. Get a NPC that you can't reach that easily by TP, yet that doesn't imply killing a 50000 mobs to reach. Make it like 3rd quest tablet hunting (it's an exemple), but 4 or more time worst. If you just want to kill stuff,go farm stuff by killing stuff and you'll be able to buy stuff. Those who cannot farm well with their main char are FUBAR with the current ways to get a horn. That way, you get nothing out of the quest outside the horn and it's thus dedicated to that purpose. This way, only those who REALLY can't get the horn in any other way will make it.

Personally, I made many chars, because I took the time to do it. Not everyone can do that and so are forced to let the char they love down because the server doesn't allow them an "easy" way to get it to evolve.

How many chars, who started as a tank (no sws and no bd), are now subbed? Just out of curiosity? Can we know how they subbed between quest horn and normal horn and premium horn? That would be relevant to the discussion (it could be nice to have that stat for all classes actually, to enrich the debate and possibly find a way to help the chars who cannot get an "easy" access to a horn).
Main point of this quest is:
- U can do most of the part solo(even PI one)
- U can do it 1h per day without any problem
- U can do it from earlier levels, so u have to choose ur path earlier
- If u want easiest way, but u need luck/good party, u still can kill q golky/toi golky
- U can buy horn from market or from donny
- It will shut up guys that qq because they can't get horn playing 1h per day
- It's long, boring, and mostly useless, but this will be a "alternative way" that doesn't involve sh1tamount of people.