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Started by dirt, April 15, 2014, 07:47:23 PM

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That's what happens when folks get used to always underrated daggers.
The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes


Quote from: Blizzer on April 16, 2014, 07:40:11 PM
That's what happens when folks get used to always underrated daggers.
Come back  :( now you can make them qq hard  ;D
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


I'll when I handle some irl stuff  ;)
The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes


Quote from: chlipus on April 16, 2014, 01:42:38 PM
like most of cruels its time to stop pking on quest box, and start buff properly

ye ye for sure u guys will teach me how to buff :) dahell  if i dont buff as it need i wont even comment here on ur trashtalks  ...

And yea im from cruel  and i have fun in pvp tho i make every day some but as i saw topic title just wanted to say my experience IG with daggers :)

Stop feel so pro and teach ppl how to buff coz some of us know much more than buffing :)


Quote from: Peorexo on April 16, 2014, 05:39:40 PM
every cancel is -5buffs even on chant of spirit, if th runs out of UE he is dead after 2 cancels getting 8k crits from mage.
pw/aw have no gap closer, nor instant speed boosts, block ww = gg?
th have dash but low basic speed, wind shackle + bane = gg?

hey best idea! spam forum. lol.gg.
How many chars did you list that should cooperate to disable one single dagger? How about 3 of them coming huh? They will clean up easilly. Ill make a few points.

- 8K mcrits to people are not possible. That was with bad mdef, buffs, and C jewels. If he has elemental protection + m. barrier and preferably warding, you will be hitting him for +- 600 at max. Mcrit, cannot be counted on that's like one per 10 shots even with all the buffs. Even if 2 nukers nuke him since start he will get there.

- Cancel. That is easy spell to see being casted. A good dagger will see if his target is trying it and drop its target. So again, to make it effective you need 3 dudes to do it. One will miss and other two may do it, but mostly you will not even find 3 people with cancel in the party.

- Wind shacle + bane? I already see the support pulling the never used not-on bar wind-shackle and the one summoner the bane... right... Maybe necro can doom him or something thats way more likely. But all in all you request half the party attention to take down single char. That by itself will probably end the pvp cause rest of the enemy party will not just sit there and watch you deal with that one dagger. And what if more then 1 comes at the same time....

Its pretty simple, today I tested, that on buffs, the blows hit harder (no lethal just stab + backstab which he does instantly as he reaches someone) then our destro crits with HD +4 on frenzy and fulbuff. Sorry thats just wrong.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 17, 2014, 12:35:19 AM
How many chars did you list that should cooperate to disable one single dagger? How about 3 of them coming huh? They will clean up easilly. Ill make a few points.

- 8K mcrits to people are not possible. That was with bad mdef, buffs, and C jewels. If he has elemental protection + m. barrier and preferably warding, you will be hitting him for +- 600 at max. Mcrit, cannot be counted on that's like one per 10 shots even with all the buffs. Even if 2 nukers nuke him since start he will get there.

- Cancel. That is easy spell to see being casted. A good dagger will see if his target is trying it and drop its target. So again, to make it effective you need 3 dudes to do it. One will miss and other two may do it, but mostly you will not even find 3 people with cancel in the party.

- Wind shacle + bane? I already see the support pulling the never used not-on bar wind-shackle and the one summoner the bane... right... Maybe necro can doom him or something thats way more likely. But all in all you request half the party attention to take down single char. That by itself will probably end the pvp cause rest of the enemy party will not just sit there and watch you deal with that one dagger. And what if more then 1 comes at the same time....

Its pretty simple, today I tested, that on buffs, the blows hit harder (no lethal just stab + backstab which he does instantly as he reaches someone) then our destro crits with HD +4 on frenzy and fulbuff. Sorry thats just wrong.
Welcome to the L2.

Please stop complaining about a mainly mage/archer killer class.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 17, 2014, 12:35:19 AM
How many chars did you list that should cooperate to disable one single dagger? How about 3 of them coming huh? They will clean up easilly. Ill make a few points.

- 8K mcrits to people are not possible. That was with bad mdef, buffs, and C jewels. If he has elemental protection + m. barrier and preferably warding, you will be hitting him for +- 600 at max. Mcrit, cannot be counted on that's like one per 10 shots even with all the buffs. Even if 2 nukers nuke him since start he will get there.

- Cancel. That is easy spell to see being casted. A good dagger will see if his target is trying it and drop its target. So again, to make it effective you need 3 dudes to do it. One will miss and other two may do it, but mostly you will not even find 3 people with cancel in the party.

- Wind shacle + bane? I already see the support pulling the never used not-on bar wind-shackle and the one summoner the bane... right... Maybe necro can doom him or something thats way more likely. But all in all you request half the party attention to take down single char. That by itself will probably end the pvp cause rest of the enemy party will not just sit there and watch you deal with that one dagger. And what if more then 1 comes at the same time....

Its pretty simple, today I tested, that on buffs, the blows hit harder (no lethal just stab + backstab which he does instantly as he reaches someone) then our destro crits with HD +4 on frenzy and fulbuff. Sorry thats just wrong.
entagle bolt vortex makes me 50speed. sws/sps is the best counter to any dagger u clueless cunt
some fun
useless dagger.


I'm SPS/SWS. :) Entangle is range 600.... good luck casting it when he is dashing to you. He will get there and land the instant kill. PM me tomorrow in game we can try.

And that's not mine report, he killed everyone the same way. Not just me. All the nukers, archers, even those with transfer pain. I think even the Uber 1v1 TY/WC fell in 1 second.

I'm already lvling one dagger to prove the point, cause this is just too good to be ignored. If it does not get balanced why not play it.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 17, 2014, 03:22:05 AM

If it does not get balanced why not play it.
See? That's the problem. You make a new char when it seems OP. But let me tell you something. After meeting some decent ppl in pvp you will come to forum and qq again.

Face the fact, you suck and you won't get any better by crying in forum.

steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.


Nope. I'm actually pretty good and I'm not making TH.
Cause if you haven't noticed yet, I also posses the art of lying.... its sometimes useful.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Im playing in Dagger party, and we made plenty of 9v9's, we did won most of them but from what i saw, excidiums mages was the pain in ass to deal with, and no, sorry they we're not dieing on 2 shots unless i landed shock blast or they got hex/block shield.
And i do have skills++, as+cd, rb jwls.
Also cancel is useless? I have fraps when i got 2 cancels and lost 3 buffs (i was under UE and hero valor), what i lost?: mbarrier, song of warding, elemental... boom got 8k from sh R.I.P
But well better cry than try to play with it.

PS: if dagger use PoWind they have no defensive from that just speed, if they use cov all of them are under 200speed and u can slow them easily. (imba 230speed on dash yay!)

Well i dunno why i shouldnt even post here, go make a dagger give my party more fun feel free


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 17, 2014, 04:31:22 AM
Nope. I'm actually pretty good and I'm not making TH.
Cause if you haven't noticed yet, I also posses the art of lying.... its sometimes useful.
Useful? More like pathetic. You have to lie in a forum to get attention?
Pretty good? That's why you had to come here and spread your tears.
But let me guess..your previous post was a lie as well :D
steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.