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Reverse dynamic exp

Started by =^TrackZero^=, April 25, 2014, 06:38:15 PM

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It  will be nice if exp rate increase ... Lot of my irl friends stop to play coz of lvl it was kinda hard for them to lvl up :)


I voted for "Yes" but my vote goes also to,dont mix 7 signs with that.

You doing it for the players,not cuz of knowledge of the game,dont act like u respect l2 stuff,cuz nobody care about any quest,all that people need/want is getting and going to pvp.

And its all being done and changed in function of this,remmeber l2 quests are pathetic and not like Aion game.

Everybody plays l2 for pvp,so lets not act like we doing it for knowledge of game and like my mother says.

"Put the balls under the table"


Change it without 7signs.
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


Quote from: Kabally on April 26, 2014, 12:22:50 PM
Change it without 7signs.
Make x15 rate on the last levels.
Dragon: Off
Gardax - SD/GS
Clan: SesameStreet2 <3

Tarantula: Closed
Gardax - SD/GS + Hero

HellRaiser: Closed
Gardax - SD/SS

Gaia: On
iGardax - SM/MS + Hero


So after todays action on Baium i can say that this server is far from dead. FW/Fear and other clans from they're ally made a thing that they were supposed to do long time ago, ZERGED THE SHIT OUT OF US. I'm actually really happy about this, cuz it prolly will be an eye oppening point for many ppl. We did our job, RED ally finally did they're job too. Now it's up to gms to increse this retarded exp/sp rate and let other clans and newcommers able to make lvls, another side and do they're job on this server. Kabally is doing a great job with Syndicate, but it's not enough. Stop customizing staff and make normal x12-15 exp rates, so it won't be a pain in the ass to make a char you want and actually start playing and competing on this server(most ppl which left and keep leaving this server did it cuz of too low exp rate, you can't ingore that fact).

GG WP to RED ally and gz Baium. Hope you'll show up on other epics too. Keep it up guys and cu on the field.
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi



Basically the idea would be like this:
in case DUSK wins:
- the EXP/SP curve will change and become 10x (lv1) to 20x (lv80)
- the new curve will affects everyone (not just the winners)
- the usual drawbacks/bonuses of dusk

in case DAWN wins:
- the EXP/SP curve is the usual 30x (lv1) to 5x (lv80)
- the normal bonuses/drawbacks of dawn (as we know, everyone is usually for dawn winning)

This system makes more sense than a daily 2h exp boost (as few players asked in the topic) because not everyone have free time in exactly those 2 hours. So this system would boost the rates (in case of Dusk winning) for the whole week allowing everyone to take advantage of it.
Thats it.
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Quote from: Kabally on April 26, 2014, 12:22:50 PM
I voted for "Yes" but my vote goes also to,dont mix 7 signs with that.

You doing it for the players,not cuz of knowledge of the game,dont act like u respect l2 stuff,cuz nobody care about any quest,all that people need/want is getting and going to pvp.

And its all being done and changed in function of this,remmeber l2 quests are pathetic and not like Aion game.

Everybody plays l2 for pvp,so lets not act like we doing it for knowledge of game and like my mother says.

"Put the balls under the table"


Change it without 7signs.

+1000..   ithing noone there play for quest..quest make the ppls to get borring..all play for make the char stronger  for pvp,rb,sieges,and for fun.
i dont know if is good idea  to make this with 7s.if dawn win will be really a dead week in server,cause all will w8  the next week for maybe  dusk win.


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 26, 2014, 01:15:00 PM

Basically the idea would be like this:
in case DUSK wins:
- the EXP/SP curve will change and become 10x (lv1) to 20x (lv80)
- the new curve will affects everyone (not just the winners)
- the usual drawbacks/bonuses of dusk

in case DAWN wins:
- the EXP/SP curve is the usual 30x (lv1) to 5x (lv80)
- the normal bonuses/drawbacks of dawn (as we know, everyone is usually for dawn winning)

This system makes more sense than a daily 2h exp boost (as few players asked in the topic) because not everyone have free time in exactly those 2 hours. So this system would boost the rates (in case of Dusk winning) for the whole week allowing everyone to take advantage of it.
Thats it.

In my opinion that will disvirtuate to much.... u should think on place x10 the end of the curve...

Make a poll with that:

1) exp raised with the dawn wins
2) exp saised with the dusk wins
3) new end of curve on x10

im 100% sure people will vote 3


Quote from: Naiz on April 25, 2014, 07:46:04 PM
Exactly, it looks like even epics literally BELONG to us, since we are just killing them when they spawn
lf confirm )
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


Other idea related to those 2 hours - what if anyone could get some kind of the buff or some shadow item that lasts for some time ie 2 hours once per day and use it whenewer hes playing?

Now with more details I like also Tracks idea :)


I would say dynamic exp rate from x30 (lvl1) drop to x10 (lvl80) is best option.


Quote from: Dramenos on April 26, 2014, 02:20:35 PM
I would say dynamic exp rate from x30 (lvl1) drop to x10 (lvl80) is best option.
eh, complainers everywhere, IL is already an really easy chronicle so if the only hard things was SUB and LVL, whats the problem with it? I made 80lv when we had x2,5 or x3 rates dunno how was on beggining, so its fckn possible lol.