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Respawn time of epic bosses [Frintenza,Baium,Valakas,Anthatas] - Page 7



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Respawn time of epic bosses [Frintenza,Baium,Valakas,Anthatas]

Started by N!k, April 30, 2014, 08:27:21 PM

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Quote from: ZeniT on May 14, 2014, 11:05:12 PM
hungarian crew? :D

anyway if you change every week smth for the casual retards who play 1-2h daily, stop wondering about why serious players left server

server started with 3k+ online, result of changes to "family" ppl = 500 online with shops

what changes made 2500 ppl leave? be specific

of that 2500, how many were so-called casual retards who play 1-2h daily?

playing 1h-2h daily would make one a casual retard?


Quote from: ZeniT on May 14, 2014, 11:05:12 PM

server started with 3k+ online, result of changes to "family" ppl = 500 online with shops
actually, people left before changes...
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: remeron on May 14, 2014, 09:53:20 PM
if u dont like the community, leave it...you gotta understand , this server comes with its own community
Which was great back in my days, that's why I came back.
Quote from: remeron on May 14, 2014, 09:53:20 PM
you don't wanna give ppl free communication channel? who are you? fukin hitler? what's their harm to you? why do u feel intimated? you think drake is being manipulated? you think you know better than developers? grow a pair and be frank. go develop your own server and implement your fukin ideas there..
It harms the newer guys, who might be interested in the server, but they see the trash on forum, and get scared.
Quote from: remeron on May 14, 2014, 09:53:20 PM
get this into your head; its not about they are playing wrong or right, its their choice how they play it. deal with it, you can't change it..yet u keep talking and get nowhere..this is what I call pointless....calling commuity retarded doesn' classify as spam in your world? get real....this is the real spam, and, all your arguments, lack solution....you have one suggestion for a solution,......................... and that is to limit forum rights to certain ppl who have 78/78 nobless chars....LOOOOOOOOOOL. man thats a big lol, you have no idea how stupid this idea looks, do you think with that change, a couple of smartass wanna-be elite mr-know-it-all types will put their heads together and will shit serious genious ideas about server future and drake will cheer you and say yes??? get real....%81 %19 poll results must have had an real impact on you....you are a joke...
additionally, how can u be fine with current server settings, as you were strongly opposed to 10x rates idea??? huh? if u were fine with it, why did you strongly oppose it??  these are just words coming from your mouth man...your words don't mean anything, your made up arguments are only to salvage the day, I am sure in real life you are a spineless creature who is not respected by anybody, and you do this all to feel important in a stupid forum corner..well, much to your surprise
this is what u get for calling ppl retarded..

now, I am not leaving or anything, if I am to play L2, I 'll play only here
most likely, I will be temporarily absent in game for a while due to my RL affairs...
I wouldn't expect better ideas with such a change, but it definitely would erase 90% of the pointless topics about how hard the game is > it has never been easier on low-mid rate servers, than it is atm. It was average on start, but now it's incredibly easy to level up and gear up a char. There were some reasonable changes, and the settings are still fine, I didn't say it wasn't better some weeks before, but it's still not bad. Don't talk in black and white, I can vote against a change even if I don't ragequit if they implement it.

I didn't call anyone personally retarded, only you are insulting personally me, I said the community is retarded. As a whole. The players of it are just idiots, because they let the majority to manipulate the way of thinking, that's why nobody can pvp without S+++noblesse level80etc crap. They think the game starts there, and this is a retarded overall attitude from the whole community. This started from the farmers that rushed to top on starting servers, to sell their gear/chars for good â,¬, the idiots who bought these stuff made the attitude stronger, and most of the "victims" (normal players, not using any RMT) took this way of thinking too, because it wasn't fun for them to play in C/B against A+S+epics.
This is retarded. But players like demich disappear fast, so I call it idiotism to ask for easier server, because we could have much fun without these "top" morons together.

If you still don't get it, read again, not gonna try to explain again.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: Csenky on May 14, 2014, 11:47:01 PM
Which was great back in my days, that's why I came back.

first, you are full of shit, unsuprisingly, I ll still indulge you in...

now that u see its full of retards, in your words....so leave....its not great now isn't it? another evasive answer on your part...

Quote from: Csenky on May 14, 2014, 11:47:01 PM
.It harms the newer guys, who might be interested in the server, but they see the trash on forum, and get scared.

1st, you are the trash in forum...2nd, I strongly believe only very few would freak away of forum talks w/o seeing the server itself...just admit u can't stand em, thats why u call em retards..and I don't think u are concerned about that, you just pretend to be....lie all u want and cover it...

Quote from: Csenky on May 14, 2014, 11:47:01 PM
Don't talk in black and white,.

u are the master of talking in black and white, remember telling me to go 5000x server? in your world, all who were opposed to 3x 5x low rates deserved to play in 5000x servidors..you said that...again, you are full of shit...just see it man..I am getting tired already..

Quote from: Csenky on May 14, 2014, 11:47:01 PM

I didn't call anyone personally retarded, only you are insulting personally me, I said the community is retarded. As a whole. The players of it are just idiots, because they let the majority to manipulate the way of thinking, that's why nobody can pvp without S+++noblesse level80etc crap. They think the game starts there, and this is a retarded overall attitude from the whole community. This started from the farmers that rushed to top on starting servers, to sell their gear/chars for good â,¬, the idiots who bought these stuff made the attitude stronger, and most of the "victims" (normal players, not using any RMT) took this way of thinking too, because it wasn't fun for them to play in C/B against A+S+epics.
This is retarded. But players like demich disappear fast, so I call it idiotism to ask for easier server, because we could have much fun without these "top" morons together.

so you didn't call anyone retarded personally? but as a whole...you are shitting some serious genious right now...
btw, uu were the first one to throw the stone, you called me stupid...your memory is just as sloppy as your judgement...

so in your view, "players let the majority manipulate them"...this so called "idiot players" wasn't involved in the majority?????? in my view , manipulations effect majority, and its done by minority, inherently...you have flaw in your logic...if majority agrees on sth. its not a manipulation....cuz the majority already agreed on it and they don't need the manipulate the minority....

regardless....thats not your concern, that still dont ggive u the right to call names...a decent person wouldn't do that....I am against that...behind every player and forum nicks are real persons..

Quote from: Csenky on May 14, 2014, 11:47:01 PM

If you still don't get it, read again, not gonna try to explain again.

so if I say I still don't understand, would I free you of the burden to reply me again? and me to reply you for that matter.....

gn, you may stop quoting me then..


So much bulls**t in this topic, if new people read this, i'm sure nobody gonna join DN. Drake, Track if you gonna do anything , do something useful , that will bring people, and do not listen those 10% of population which plays on server (kids on nolife mode)....

ps. First of all, i would remove blessed enchants from donny, maybe add more vote L2 web sites?, maybe allow main +2box?, maybe remove this dynamic exp rate?, etc,...

Oh, i saw this video where lvl 80 chars killing QA and gets drop, hahahahaha WTF is this????


Quote from: blblblblblbl on May 15, 2014, 12:07:29 PM
Oh, i saw this video where lvl 80 chars killing QA and gets drop, hahahahaha WTF is this????

You ppl are really bad. Low lvl destros made the dmg on aq, we killed them when aq was on 10% hp. We were like 4 pts, so any party couldn't make more dmg than they did. That's how aq dropped the ring, we got it and clueless randoms are crying about it all the time.
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: Naiz on May 15, 2014, 12:13:26 PM
You ppl are really bad. Low lvl destros made the dmg on aq, we killed them when aq was on 10% hp. We were like 4 pts, so any party couldn't make more dmg than they did. That's how aq dropped the ring, we got it and clueless randoms are crying about it all the time.
please, stop making a fool of yourself.

as they made 90% of dmg, and you started to kill it when it was full again, means u made 100% dmg right? but guess what, your 100% dmg is divided by those 4 pts u had, while their dmg is still 90%. even if it drops (and it's NOT supposed to do that) you should have got the "failed to pick up" for several seconds, which didn't happen at all.
clear enough now?
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


2k ppl left due to x4 rates as I told before server opening, u can close it now. eot
some fun
useless dagger.


Quote from: Naiz on May 15, 2014, 12:13:26 PM
You ppl are really bad. Low lvl destros made the dmg on aq, we killed them when aq was on 10% hp. We were like 4 pts, so any party couldn't make more dmg than they did. That's how aq dropped the ring, we got it and clueless randoms are crying about it all the time.

i cant see any destro there... i see many heroes to hit and the first hit was from char "thescary" (hero) and make around  4-5k dmg. this happend there is really lol...  let some others small clan farm some day this ring..for get some small balance in server..   gm must make this area automatic town for big lvl chars..like  happend golgonda to subbed chars..


Quote from: peggyna on May 15, 2014, 02:16:41 PM
i cant see any destro there... i see many heroes to hit and the first hit was from char "thescary" (hero) and make around  4-5k dmg. this happend there is really lol...  let some others small clan farm some day this ring..for get some small balance in server..   gm must make this area automatic town for big lvl chars..like  happend golgonda to subbed chars..

yeah more costumization for trash players like you

again those ppl talk about how would be it better, who never saw AQ on server :D


Quote from: Garn. on May 15, 2014, 12:33:07 PM
please, stop making a fool of yourself.

as they made 90% of dmg, and you started to kill it when it was full again, means u made 100% dmg right? but guess what, your 100% dmg is divided by those 4 pts u had, while their dmg is still 90%. even if it drops (and it's NOT supposed to do that) you should have got the "failed to pick up" for several seconds, which didn't happen at all.
clear enough now?

u did smth to prevent their AQ raid? no :D

then shut the fvck up :D

they did fine, it would be pointless to waste +3minutes with loging low lvl destros