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Still off

Started by papaum, June 05, 2014, 08:58:07 PM

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Nm x30, Dra x15, Tarantula & Hellriser- DNET - Since 2004


Quote from: tyrrande on June 06, 2014, 05:33:32 PM
Well, problem is its already friday. Weekend comming soon, noone from this hoster company will work through saturday, sunday and i unfortunately believe to this community that they r afraid of fact the 1st possible date of getting back our server will be monday first. If it is so, then its rly something not alright ...

Believe me or not (since i was also somedays part of GM team of another game), these kind of stuff leads to lost of players. They feel uninteresing, u dont care much about them and the worst part is when u think: Ah, who cares about offline, its only for few days - well thats exatly an opposite what we r thinking. I was actually getting excited for having finally a free weekend, to get some farm and fun, pvp and other stuff. And whats going on ? Server is off-line for 3 days already, most possible will be during weekend but u rather dont wanna say it, u put 2 short explanations that are mostly blinded and whats even more bad is the fact the it looks like only Drake knows whats really happening...

Its not like i just dont wanna trust u. But its 17:23 GMT + 21. century so please dont tell me, hoster cant tell u if they ll be able to fix it today. Its quite simple: Look drake our stuff ending at 18:00 we didnt repair it yet and we will from 95% dont finish it today and we r not working through weekend. End of story. Come with the facts, tell people the truth - we will survive it rather then reading blind messages or lies ...

With regards, Xabenne

Plox tell my employer that hosting centres doesnt work at weekends, I have to do 12h shifts saturday/sunday. :D btw real hosting centres work 24/7 like ours because most customers work on their servers during night/weekend cos they will not turn servers off during prime time (Mon-Fri during day).


Quote from: Trp on June 06, 2014, 06:47:47 PM
Plox tell my employer that hosting centres doesnt work at weekends, I have to do 12h shifts saturday/sunday. :D btw real hosting centres work 24/7 like ours because most customers work on their servers during night/weekend cos they will not turn servers off during prime time (Mon-Fri during day).
Finally you're talking with a sense, gj mate :D


Isn't it http://www.unitedcolo.de ?

Both web site and game server follow to that hosting.


BTW. can't some1 just call the hosting company and get some answers? So strange that you can't get any information.


Quote from: xLaserkillerx on June 06, 2014, 06:52:50 PM
u re right, but if they are joke hosting centers ,like this one, they work when they feel like and turn ur server when they want ,or invent excuses like the dog ate the wires ,so u can never know when they will turn it on :)
They need to catch the dog who ate the wires first!Than they will w8 for the dog to pay back for the wires ,only than tarantula will be on!

Well I guess its all about the money. HCs with 24/7 surveillance, professional attitude, separate power sources, UPS, diesels are usualy not affordable for 1U custommers or they provide services for companies with at least 1 server cabinet. Whole DN is easy to manage at 1U-3U server.


When sever will stand up it will be like this : - 250 ppl  because he start play on other sever and making lvl 40 + , thats the points ,  he start farm items and forgot to log on DN :D
owl         HE/PP - TH/WL - HE/WK
Killerka    TK/SWS - HE/WK - BP/WK   *Hero*


Hey about login down now to be serious.


What are you guys problems?

SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


Quote from: dirt on June 06, 2014, 08:00:24 PM
When sever will stand up it will be like this : - 250 ppl  because he start play on other sever and making lvl 40 + , thats the points ,  he start farm items and forgot to log on DN :D

I remember that DN survived few weeks (months?) downtime during FBI or wtf organisation raid agains public server few years back. Ofc some weirdly thinking ppl will leave cos they want play NOW. But I dont think that many ppl will throw away 4 months playing + their donations cos few days downtime. Ofc Im speaking about situation when servers get back soon. If it will be down week+ than it could be problem :(


heh :D

I recommend game State of Decay if somone likes Walking dead :D

Nice game, 2x DLC, last is so fu king HARD :/

Cya in game :D

btw. about Tarantula - the worst for me is that my wife just emigrate with kido to parents in law and i got plenty of time to play....... SERVER DOWN FUK
Eryn1e - Tyr/destr EPIC :P


well i had 1 week free from work...


Can me some 1 say why drake come this shiit forum and make a statement to this shiit action ....
owl         HE/PP - TH/WL - HE/WK
Killerka    TK/SWS - HE/WK - BP/WK   *Hero*