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Do you want Tarantula to be upgraded to Hellbound?

Started by =^TrackZero^=, December 02, 2014, 12:48:19 AM

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Every1 of u is crying about this change cause there will be no pvp.Idk but do we had pvp in the last 2 months since pussymode clans declined war's so they could farm epic's.Upgrade it to HB and im sure it will bring back ppls and ignore those Interlude lover's who just stood in giran stairs enchanting and flaming on forum..


Im free,fortunatly nothig happen to me,hated and loved as G,i did the clan you all could see.



But if i ever come back,yall fall down again.Have fun.
SesameStreet2 4 ever
Kabally : He / Wk  6900
Moir : PR /WK 3500

When someone hatez you boy,means your doing something right.

"Having your own haterz make you famouz"

SS2 till i die


Quote from: tyrrande on December 04, 2014, 11:46:16 AM
Francy, do u even realize what are u looking for and what u and your clan created here? There is no way people will gona fight u when the diference between u nad ur clan and other ppl from other clans is such huge. U talking about no-will to fight here but what i see is fact that u cant look far away to close future and decisions u have to take. I told it already ingame to Kabally who also didnt listen. If the diference between fighting sides is to great people will stop fight and thats it. U and only u had to create and help even enemys to catch up, u have to create ur own enemies by helping them - from only reason: to catch him up and bring him to PVP what is at the end the alpha-omega u want from start. Ofc there is always a risk u can loose the lead u have but if u dont do this u dont get what are u looking for.

U shouldnt cry about fact there is no PVP at all nowdays even before. It is absolutely normal state when undergeared and underfed person wont fight u and he is rather going to farm. Did u even realized u are on FARM server? And sorry for that - this isnt pvp server at all since u had to farm ur gear up. If u are looking for PVP only and its ur main future in this game why u didnt join some xxxxxx - rate server with GM shop inside so u can get ur stuff right after u entrer and all u do from very begin is PVP only?

U didnt realize there is some butterfly effect inside each farm server like this one. People want to fight, but even the best ones will not went into brainless fights where they deal to you and ur crew 500dmg while u returing them 5000! I can easily compare it to a wish: "Hey Francy, take ur 5 balls and go fight with V. Klicko - he is awaiting u in ring". Ofc u wont fight him unless u get some weight, musculature and experiences .... and same effect u can find in this game - people wont fight u undergeared or under-experienced and u cant do much about it unless u help them.

Same about economy - what u guys did with prices ? When i started here price of Donator Coin was 40mil - nowdays its almost 150mil. I get my 1st tallum heavy set for 300mil and 1 month ago people sell them for 1bil and more? I was begging u to delete this insane prices just for ur own business since u dont see behind ur decisions but noone listen to me and u get what u deserve. Almost 0 income of new players and if someone eventually came since he look at the prices he imidiatelly leaves or farm in C - grade to 70+ lvl coz he just cant afford it. All i can say to this part is a truth citate one of my new member in clan: "Tho, this server have some great ideas and futures, but is very hostile to any newbies and i see there is no chance to play here w/o donation"...

Sorry for lenght of the post, the point is: Think about what u expecting from this game then count the real numbers of players that are playing L2 in 2014, consider fact official is for free and u get funny number of ppl willing to play L2 java servers at all. If u expecting 1500+ players u are at wrong adress since this game isnt interesting anymore for the new MMORPG community - so from my point of view Lineage 2 is a game for nostalgic players like me. This way i am gladfull for any new human beeing that join this server and its in my interest to hold him there with everything i am capable of. U are fed, and ur only goal is to PVP, he is undergeared hardly but even his main goal on server is going to PVP somewhere in future. So ur goal should be to push him / help him to reach his goal too, so u can reach ur own intereses here. This effect is called buterffly effect - all ur decisions u make in game affects others u might not even know. Its working in all MMORPGs i played since now.

Again sorry for length, had to work over-time now and sorry for english

With regards, Tyrrande

Yes, I understand and I know that. I'm also in accord with you. But I said some things that could let server to be well than now..  And about the fact of clan, I know that your opinion about is right but people who didn't accept war were good equipped and they stopped for 1-2 month and when these months got over(with promise that they did accept war) they continued to didn't accept war only to farm and now that server is dead? The only thing that remained to that people is farm and stop, when they came 1-2 times in pvp. About Donator Coin I agree with you becasuse its price became so high and in Tarantula was difficult to farm adena. So will be good to avoid this inflation that destroyed server with crazy price. About the fact that someone has to help,  people to upgrade, I always help someone when he/she asked me for help, it wasn't so easy for me to help all people also because I'm not so rich in game and I don't have full equip, so I tried to do the best that i could do, but also as you said, this server is hard server for new players, becasue they have to remain in C-grade till 76 because price of A grade especially set and Donator Coin and if you don't donate at start to buy something, here is semi-impossible. About other things I agree with you.
Francy PP/HE - PW/SWS - PR/BD - SH/BD Noblesse--> OFF

Francy PR/PS --> OFF

Francy SPS/TK - SWS/WK - SPS/WK  Noblesse --> OFF

             SS2 Till The End Of The Time


Quote from: tyrrande on December 04, 2014, 11:46:16 AM

Ask ung0 for farm lessons.
When I started at begin server was 10x harder than now adena/items/exp/ shadow weapons etc.While I was in c/a grade 1st 2 months some no
lifers  were subbed already/and with s grade / epics etc..After I started getting all with hard work and clan team work.
So cut me the bullsh1t about some that can't compete with others.Gaved to many new comers items/adena even if I wasn't rich and even if I wasn't helped with 1 adena from others at begin... but I never was they guy to ask for stuff I always worked for mine.
If you want to compete with others than farm/donate/play hard or stfu.You cant have it all just by 1 click or doing nothing.
Good luck!
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: reddragonjr on December 05, 2014, 03:27:22 AM
Ask ung0 for farm lessons.

instead of u buddy, i know ungo - Erik from real life already some long years. We share same TeamSpeak 7 or so years (17km diference between us in real live before i went to Czech) and he is not farmer at all. All he do on all servers is enchanting since he is quite lucky in that :) When he came he made +12 draconic bow - sold for 150++ coins then he made another 2 or 3 S grade weapons he sold also. So he dont have to farm a single mob. If u have 300 coins in a month or so then its easy also, but the way of enchanter isnt so easy for everyone and its seriously risky.

Consider also a fact that Catos gave Ungo his WC/OL and Dancer/SE from very begin so is quite easy to farm ur main while u have full supp buff behind ur neck - thats also not an option for any newb comming here. He also didnt need to create anything else since we always came to servers as group (Nysander, me, ungo, eddie and 4-5 other ppl). So he can focus on what he wants coz everything else can do the rest of us.

So calling ungo as an example how to farm items isnt an ideal case.

With regards, Tyrr.


Quote from: Kabally on December 04, 2014, 10:24:39 PM
Im free,fortunatly nothig happen to me,hated and loved as G,i did the clan you all could see.



But if i ever come back,yall fall down again.Have fun.

lol ... u fck naab .. log and u will see how its xDD


Dragon c3/c4

Twix http://i.imgur.com/ijnOBg4.jpg?1


Francy PP/HE - PW/SWS - PR/BD - SH/BD Noblesse--> OFF

Francy PR/PS --> OFF

Francy SPS/TK - SWS/WK - SPS/WK  Noblesse --> OFF

             SS2 Till The End Of The Time


in Prev. posts i read that  "the problem is  that ppl farm instead of pvp"
I guess if (i know IL client is limited, so i think it is hard) adding  this mod will fix the problem:

If "Main char" kills "player x"   then
"Main char"  gets  +1% (example) exp/sp   and
"player X" drops to "Main char"   "Y item/s" (adena or w/e)

just sayin' , nothing serious :)


Quote from: Furesy on December 04, 2014, 07:03:57 PM
I love how most of the comments regarding server is about the lack of PvP and they vote to upgrade to Hellbound lol
With Interlude, and especially Hellbound, Lineage 2 became even a greater farm game.

Insert C3 or C4 without boss jewellery. :p
without boss jewels fure there wont be motivation to go on epic bosses and bosses was always reason to pvp
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2:


Quote from: tyrrande on December 05, 2014, 10:38:03 AM
instead of u buddy, i know ungo - Erik from real life already some long years. We share same TeamSpeak 7 or so years (17km diference between us in real live before i went to Czech) and he is not farmer at all. All he do on all servers is enchanting since he is quite lucky in that :) When he came he made +12 draconic bow - sold for 150++ coins then he made another 2 or 3 S grade weapons he sold also. So he dont have to farm a single mob. If u have 300 coins in a month or so then its easy also, but the way of enchanter isnt so easy for everyone and its seriously risky.

Consider also a fact that Catos gave Ungo his WC/OL and Dancer/SE from very begin so is quite easy to farm ur main while u have full supp buff behind ur neck - thats also not an option for any newb comming here. He also didnt need to create anything else since we always came to servers as group (Nysander, me, ungo, eddie and 4-5 other ppl). So he can focus on what he wants coz everything else can do the rest of us.

So calling ungo as an example how to farm items isnt an ideal case.

With regards, Tyrr.
this is true, i was farming very short time before i get some adena to start enchant. and then i wasnt leaving town excpet for pvp i was only enchanting but as tyrrande said enchanting is risky thing and its not for all, not everyone is ready to lose all they got for enchant...also its true that i had subbed bots from beggining else i wouldnt probably playin at all since i rly hate exping and farming at all :) anyway there is always way when one wants, and since i joined server i was asking new ppls here on forum and in game too that i can help anyone who seek my help i gave coins to new ppl our clan Enclave was recruiting new ppl giving them helping hand borrowing them starting equip because we wanted create something that got meaning...im gone now and i dont know much about situation on server but as i seen from times i logged enclave still works as shelter for new ppl and this is something that got bigger value then any +++++++weapon or boss jewels...peace
9O21O___sor/pal (hero)
Mia___he/wl bp/xy
Hellx25 Fail Vol 2: