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ADEN 22-03

Started by kingofchaos, March 22, 2008, 10:28:47 PM

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This is a siege section? or a debating section on how u pro? Just always remember guyz that this is only a game and all of us can die.. so dont pretend that all of u are a GODS in game.. stfu and dont cry niggaz!!! better show ur skills and stop crying here in forum... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D PEACE
I thought you've changed, but then again I was wrong...
You're still the same asshole you once were...
I thought we're good, but you gave me one good reason to despise you..


Too good that they robbed me and i could not play anymore to see this sh1t that happened :D

Scoolio - Sk/Ps+others
All chars off
Done, Dead, Gone


Quote from: iNs on March 25, 2008, 11:15:33 PM
theres like 2 OLs in envy ?
You really can't count than, where that full OL party came from at fg? The heavens unleashed? lol

But instead of you he DOES mean somethin in the server, you dont, beside being a peace of crybaby ( ya, i do remember aurora clan chat)
You cry a lot too.

Well, mr Furesy aka 4 forum accounts, to discuss something, you need some to talk to, nobody in BH was capable of discussing it, and the leader was offline, how come.
Why you talk so much after you first lick people's asses all the time?

Thats actually a period, imo.
Not for you.

We did know you guys need gear, who the fucck was subbing you when u came here ? COUGH, wasnt it v3 ? And whats more, you guys got geared up way better than v3 in that time lol, believe me or not, it is like that.
And who was gearing you up fool? Really in beginning it was only the same people all the time, just 2 or 3 that always helped, rest never came, or ya, they came for the after PvP.

Humiliated ? We dropped all the shit moving in the castle and on the way out, and left, this is called being humiliated :P
We? You didn't do shit at all, your just a nodody following in someone's footsteps pretending his the Legend himself.
Humiliation in a game, how sad, the only thing that happend was a clean backstab, nothing else, and like tzuc said himself.
Quoteif they would have said anything it would have made them look weak ...
Wait, you not only backstabbed, you also look weak now, especially you iNs.

Hey baby iNs, keep licking people's asses really, at first I thought you were a nice guy, but eventually you turned out to be some ass licking cunt. And look now, do I see another backstab here? You know what I mean... Keep on crying, keep on begging, keep on asslicking, someday you'll know, you aint shit.

PS: You owe me a DC helmet noobzor


oh lol, u guys like kids, seirously :)
Nothing Else Matters


QuoteWe did know you guys need gear, who the fucck was subbing you when u came here ? COUGH, wasnt it v3 ? And whats more, you guys got geared up way better than v3 in that time lol, believe me or not, it is like that.

Humiliated ? We dropped all the shit moving in the castle and on the way out, and left, this is called being humiliated :P

Wow so dissapointing coming from you. I would expect you to keep quiet in a thread like this instead of bashing your friends whom you have known longer than v3. The same friends that helped u when u needed it. But w/e, with Aden's siege, you have created a precedent, so I guess it's getting easier and easier to throw your friends on the ground. I'm really speachless.

Oh and it was v3 who got us the first horns, not you. As far as I am concerned, I only needed your help to lvl up at the beginning, which you declined, and let's not forget that you wanted to sub your xx-th char while BH still needed alot of horns, and u had the nerve to make me a scene. I let that go at the time,because I didn't know what kind of guy you were. I clearely didn't.

However I want you to know I appreciate your honesty in our MSN chat.
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


Quote from: Wake on March 25, 2008, 09:02:26 PM
Elesse stop being so smug. Allmighty v3 defended Oren against 9 clans for 1h, while BH didn't defend Aden for 10 minutes? Do you really believe what you say?

Just a few question : While u were defending Oren, did your allies kill you outside the castle? Did they kill u in the respawn room? Did they destroy your gates, and allowed the enemy to destroy the walls/crystals by killing you? Out of those 60 minutes, did u spend 40 in respawn room because your "friends" killed you? Did they leave exactely when the enemy was in the throne room, leaving your parties dispersed, unbuffed, and confused? Gimme a break. How can u show so much hypocrisy? You backstabbed us, and still have the nerve to tell us we're not able to defend our castle?

You know, and this goes to all Envy and v3 members that knew abt your plans, you might hide behind reasons, but traitors are still traitors, and that's what u will be from now on from BH's point of view, and maybe some other clans on the srv.
Thats wasnt / shouldnt be any kind of "backstab." We just showed you that you are addicted on US and bh  still keeping inviting some randoms clans like vip team and so on. Just "feared" to not lose aden castle. Envy / v3 clans decided to kill all of you including all enemies and defend the throne room till the end of the siege. We did it pretty well, enemies werent able to kill us. DeadlySin started to arguing about how he doesnt want this castle, how he hates us, how he wants to declare war on us and how we sux. After this it looked like BlackHand is pure pwnage clan and others are just addicted on you. We decided to leave the castle and you had a chance to defend it on your own. Bh failed. We are betrayers/backstabers etc.
Quote from: Furesy on September 24, 2008, 03:24:21 PM
One more thing, good to see you finally posting with your own name again


Quote from: Endorama on March 25, 2008, 06:32:52 PM
thats was my point,we knew it, and we were kind to help u,but then u couldnt even think for a sec for us,what we are going to say and u invite those fags.thats a freakin disrespect to those WHO HELPED U,thats the thing i am saing,we dun give a freak that we helped u,the points is that when u rely on some else's help u should try to be thankful to him(in this case them[us]) and to respect his opinion.
and yea elesse said it right,this aint dragon where u migth had had a great clan,this is NM where v3+sins-nowadays envy are legends of this server.
if some1 doesnt agree of v3 and sins being legends-first think who else dares to stand against the whole server with only 2 clans and in a big % of the situations those 2 clans rape the whole server.i aint talking only about now,v3 and sins have a scary history on NM.

i remember few zergs at Baium -> aVatars vs SINS/v3/L3gion     ...in my opinion SINS & Vend3tta are NM~legends but also The Heroes/L3gion/Sheva /FTR (a lil bit) and aV...

...and BH its very easy pwn now NM if u got 3-4pt ppl who knows how to fight and make chars with plan (suport+DD)... NM isnt now so hard server like before if u got donator coins u can get anythink...every1 can get now DB+F+++++ because of that sh1t enchant event. Why u change Dragon for NM? U are so pro so i think u can pwn Bartz off.  :-*
DragonNetwork ~ Nightmare 30x ~
* aDv *  BD/SH  
* DiablosII *  TH/WL
* Cracers *  HE/WK
proud member of ImmortalsLegion / Vend3tta / SINS /

a V a t a r s - v-CL
~ Nanaki ~ Celes ~ RPG ~ Arion ~ Asterios ~ Core ~ Hydra ~ DEX ~ Nanaki ~ Nightmare ~ RETIRED

ForTheSugarDaddy - BF4/LoL


Quote from: Quido on March 26, 2008, 02:32:40 PM
Thats wasnt / shouldnt be any kind of "backstab." We just showed you that you are addicted on US and bh  still keeping inviting some randoms clans like vip team and so on. Just "feared" to not lose aden castle. Envy / v3 clans decided to kill all of you including all enemies and defend the throne room till the end of the siege. We did it pretty well, enemies werent able to kill us. DeadlySin started to arguing about how he doesnt want this castle, how he hates us, how he wants to declare war on us and how we sux. After this it looked like BlackHand is pure pwnage clan and others are just addicted on you. We decided to leave the castle and you had a chance to defend it on your own. Bh failed. We are betrayers/backstabers etc.

Well like I said, you keep hiding behind reasons, but what u did is still there. And it's funny how you wanted to defend the castle until the end of the siege, but as soon as the first enemy rush comes in you split. Anyway w/e, anyone who knew abt this, is a traitor in my eyes, and that's lower than a kitchen cokcroach. And macris learn some english before posting, your post makes no sense. The only thing i could understand from your post is that ur asslicking sins+ envy, and flaming BH, even tho you never met us. So gtfo plx?
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


Quote from: Furesy on March 26, 2008, 09:23:08 AM
You know what I mean... Keep on crying, keep on begging, keep on asslicking, someday you'll know, you aint shit.

PS: You owe me a DC helmet noobzor

I do. And im fair a honest as long as the second side is fair and honest with me ... and the truth is u have never been. I aint making a fool from myself pretending. I dont need to be considered as a nm legend since im not any kind of such person,  i aint a dragon legend neither !

yea i asked you for help that i actually apreciate since this was an uber boredom in aurora gettin no support

The difference is that im not going to point your shit out since its completely useless, if you feel better makin up some new stories go on, this is gettin funnier :D

And about the helm smart ass u got it back, the one i got was a gift from cthon, plus im not countin the stuff i left you to pass it to BH guys which later jumped on me when i wanted v3 to get one major item to the clan. I dont give a freak about it, seriously. At least i had to do something to get stuff and shit, ill get ti straight, nobody gave me boss set and oe weapons at the start so please shut ur mouth in this case, lol. Maybe u find me weak, u find me asslicker or w/e you want, but instead of you im trying to be fair, and whats more freaking HONEST.

Wake this isnt about you, neither Chriss actually. Those who are able to read and they even do know whom do i talk about, im talking like that because some of ppl simply dont suit the faag atmosphere in the bh, thats it. The more time u spend with retards the more retarded you become.
Plus, to make it clear, i didnt want to sub it then just to lvl as a bot, the sub idea came later which became true thanks to kamilo who did it on himself, in the morning, with 3 ppl in party ksing a golky, so wheres the help of so many ppl ?! And this wasnt the reason of your called "scene".

And u turn on a good point here, ppl who i knew longer then the v3's. Indeed truth, thats why i got pissed off so badly when they treated me like a piece of crap on ally chat, yes yes, the ppl who i knew longer than a year, even two, thats why it was so low, pixels over relationship, thats how the BH goes on now.

A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.
HR: Eviltwist/Creasy/GotYouWet
TR: Creasy
NM: Creasy/iKeel/Eviltwist/GodGiven/VoxMaris/letmekill
DN: oh boy ...


Quote from: Knock on March 26, 2008, 11:59:10 AM
oh lol, u guys like kids, seirously :)

Finaly a good post jesus
Shizoku he/wlk
Lazy CL of v3

Quote from: Sifacil on June 19, 2007, 04:55:10 PM
Sensei Shin, in exile we all will remember ur teachings, long life to the original BowRapingBiatch-


Quote from: iNs on March 26, 2008, 04:54:37 PM
I do. And im fair a honest as long as the second side is fair and honest with me ... and the truth is u have never been. I aint making a fool from myself pretending. I dont need to be considered as a nm legend since im not any kind of such person,  i aint a dragon legend neither !
Oh I'm such a bad person, I cheated this, I cheated that, and your the one that is the saint and always fair... Only god can judge you! You really make me cry, that's probably why you spammed the shit out of me on MSN all the time...

yea i asked you for help that i actually apreciate since this was an uber boredom in aurora gettin no support
I had no problems helping you, just when for once me or anyone else couldn't help you, or didn't had the time to do something you wanted him to do, you started crying how unfair your L2 life is and how no one ever helps you when you need help...

The difference is that im not going to point your shit out since its completely useless, if you feel better makin up some new stories go on, this is gettin funnier :D
Please point them out, I wanna laugh with what you come up with.

And about the helm smart ass u got it back, the one i got was a gift from cthon, plus im not countin the stuff i left you to pass it to BH guys which later jumped on me when i wanted v3 to get one major item to the clan. I dont give a freak about it, seriously. At least i had to do something to get stuff and shit, ill get ti straight, nobody gave me boss set and oe weapons at the start so please shut ur mouth in this case, lol. Maybe u find me weak, u find me asslicker or w/e you want, but instead of you im trying to be fair, and whats more freaking HONEST.
Funny how you change the story now... That helmet you got from cthon, the unsealed one, is actually the one cthon gave to pay off PooBoo's Helmet to me, ya go ask PooBoo if you want.
The thing is you gave me my DC Light Set back, and a sealed helmet, which was also mine, but I never got back the actuall helmet that was part of the set.
PooBoo dropped that helmet, and tried to get one back, but he simply couldn't or didn't care to get it back. cthon paid it for him (which was really nice) and he gave it to you because you had my DC set at that moment. Now please go to PooBoo and ask if it's true, since he told me it himself yesterday.
Anyways, I don't really care about the helmet itself, it's more the thought behind it.
Oh and now your comming back to your generous gift to me, the items you gave me when you left the game for the like what? 5th time? The parts of jewellery that I got for you myself...


Quote from: Furesy on March 26, 2008, 05:08:00 PM
The parts of jewellery that I got for you myself...

these were crafted by myself, ask rebel when i asked him for animal bones from fog lvling, lol.  You sayin i count bad, 4th honey, 4th, plus gettin ur dwarf raped from mats aint funny either, im done with talking anyway, aleia iacta est.
A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.
HR: Eviltwist/Creasy/GotYouWet
TR: Creasy
NM: Creasy/iKeel/Eviltwist/GodGiven/VoxMaris/letmekill
DN: oh boy ...