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ADEN 22-03

Started by kingofchaos, March 22, 2008, 10:28:47 PM

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Quote from: tzuc on March 27, 2008, 04:48:11 PM
axe you have to understand they didn't backstab you or furesy or anyone individually ... actually it seems it was mostly directed at williams
Ya thats why getting killed by your own old clan, the one you helped rebuild, next to the life crystal was a real present!

But thanks, I'll gladly accept this 'present'.


Quote from: Furesy on March 27, 2008, 04:49:15 PM
Ya thats why getting killed by your own old clan, the one you helped rebuild, next to the life crystal was a real present!

they didn't kill "you" furesy, they killed a guy with a BH crest on it, if you get my drift ..  no one was looking " oh ... that's furesy, I won't kill him" it was "look for the BH crest F1 F1 F1 F1"
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: tzuc on March 27, 2008, 04:51:21 PM
they didn't kill "you" furesy, they killed a guy with a BH crest on it, if you get my drift ..  no one was looking " oh ... that's furesy, I won't kill him" it was "look for the BH crest F1 F1 F1 F1"
I didn't even had BH crest...
Anyways, so you don't consider that a backstab? Wonder what is backstabbed than in your eyes... lol


Quote from: Furesy on March 27, 2008, 04:52:45 PM
I didn't even had BH crest, anyways, so you don't consider that a backstab huh? Wonder what is backstabbed than in your eyes... lol

it's something that does not happen in Lineage (or any other game) .. unless used by a dagger.
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: tzuc on March 27, 2008, 04:54:07 PM
it's something that does not happen in Lineage (or any other game) .. unless used by a dagger.
Ya right, you can backstab anyone, anyplace, anywhere...


Quote from: Furesy on March 27, 2008, 04:55:33 PM
Ya right, you can backstab anyone, anyplace, anywhere...

yeap .. I can "backstab" nef or knock or someone who takes this game as a game and I can go on MSN after and we can laugh about it
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: tzuc on March 27, 2008, 05:00:08 PM
yeap .. I can "backstab" nef or knock or someone who takes this game as a game and I can go on MSN after and we can laugh about it
Like I said, you can backstab anyone, anywhere and any place, has nothing to do with being a game or not, or that you can laugh about it or not.


Almost all of this topic was only people flaming each other (BH x v3 + Envy) about things that happened on Aden CS.

It was a different sieges from all others for a lot of facts:

- Siege starts and server goes down, cause of this some was ported to Hunters, turned difficult things to defenders.

- Great Lags, not all had that, but almost all Marvels clan (all BR) had 10sec lag sometimes, i had a lot of lag too. Dunno if all had this lags, but it was really difficult to play with that, i hope new machines come fast! :)

- Great defense from Addiction, this makes a lot of us to get some fun in others sieges (Oren).

- Unexpected fight between BH and v3+Envy (i won't say anything about this cause i'm not from any of this sides).

The fact that Marvels took Aden back not cause of his merits, but cause v3+Envy killing BH, WS that make a great siege (in special when they brake the crystals), all attackers that came when Aden CS was in last 20 minutes.

I won't say that it was a good siege, i already had better sieges than this one, but this was a different siege cause of all things that happened last saturday... let's hope next time we have a GOOD siege instead a DIFFERENT one... xD

GL to BH and i wish u guys keep on server, it's funny to see some flame wars in Forum and more people to pvp on NM.

GL to Envy and v3 in this "new" ally, even keeping only both clans in ally i think it will be a rly hard enemy. Most cause i already saw what both clans can do in NM when they was alone, in special v3 defending Giran almost alone against all server (when TMM was dissolved).


Quote from: Weezer on March 27, 2008, 07:32:21 PM

- Great Lags, not all had that, but almost all Marvels clan (all BR) had 10sec lag sometimes, i had a lot of lag too. Dunno if all had this lags, but it was really difficult to play with that, i hope new machines come fast! :)

I deny it, no laggs at all, it was caused by BR Inet connection. (only sometimes some ss laggs but it was still better then other sieges)
Was first siege in which I didnt die.
Quote from: Furesy on September 24, 2008, 03:24:21 PM
One more thing, good to see you finally posting with your own name again


Quote from: Quido on March 27, 2008, 07:38:26 PM
I deny it, no laggs at all, it was caused by BR Inet connection. (only sometimes some ss laggs but it was still better then other sieges)
Was first siege in which I didnt die.

As i said not all had lags like that, in fact besides BR (Marvels) none from ally complained too much about lags, maybe cause of inet connection. But this only happened this time, cause in other sieges (even with more people) BR don't had too much lags.


Quote from: Weezer on March 27, 2008, 07:32:21 PM
GL to BH and i wish u guys keep on server, it's funny to see some flame wars in Forum and more people to pvp on NM.

We will, because even tho' we don't like what happened on Aden's siege, we still like NM more than Dragon :P
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


Quote from: Weezer on March 27, 2008, 07:32:21 PM
GL to Envy and v3 in this "new" ally, even keeping only both clans in ally i think it will be a rly hard enemy. Most cause i already saw what both clans can do in NM when they was alone, in special v3 defending Giran almost alone against all server (when TMM was dissolved).

u forgot clan 69 - great pvp-ers , almost all are old AV's
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