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ADEN 22-03

Started by kingofchaos, March 22, 2008, 10:28:47 PM

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What happened at this siege was lame. It was a real piece of work...a cowardly piece of work. I'm really dissapointed with v3. What did Sins promise you? Antharas earrings? Eternal glory in their Hall of Fame? Really guys...what u did has no excuse, and has shown everyone your true nature.

Tbh I wasn't at all surprised when Envy switched sides, but heh... Also don't give us shit abt keeping your promise k? I don't remember us destroying gates and crystals and killing you at Giran castle. As far as I am concerned take your promises and shove it up your backstabbing asses. You didn't even have the guts to wait until the siege was over to declare war? Or declare it beforehand? Really dissapointing. I don't know how some Envy members can still keep their head high after this masquerade. Anyway hf Envy with your new found dogs. Make sure u give them lots of antharas drops. v3, serve your new masters well.

See ya on the battlefield.
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


Quote from: mark_elesse on March 23, 2008, 01:00:00 AM
mans, is this a siege section ? could your defend it for 10-15 min ? no ? kk ..

i just wonder ..your arrogance doesnt know limit .. u know i can uderstand your side of this story , but u cant our .. play some years here and get some  score to be arrogant ! i can repeat what i said after we killed you/you killed us today : good fight !

think about your behaviour, would be smart idea .. i know that u are awesome clan on the dragon ..but pls , u need to earn the ppl's respect , it wont come with you from the dragon .

ty for the lotsa fun today : gl mens :)

~ Mark.

Why the hell would i want respect from emo carebears like you? o.O

Your the same kid who was crying when i invited Myst to ally... Same kid who was crying when i wanted to invite Envy to alliance, seems everytime i wanted to do anything, you where crying about how they disrespected you, or how you had "honor" issues.. "pride" issues...

Apparently an emo kid such as yourself, threats this game like his life.... and every clan effects you emotionally because your some sort of bitch..



lol sure anytimes for that event, and second envy clan is a lot of second chars wich means if they are in one cant be on the other

Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on March 23, 2008, 01:00:27 AM
While we were doing the pk run... We killed you in varka, some guys droped some stuff, but we picked the most of the expensive items... 1:0 for us, since you were all dead on the ground.
Then you came back and killed us since we were not all together, cuz some people were still doing dekarma... 1:1
We came back and killed you at spawn... 2:1 for us
You came back from goddard and killed us... 2:2
We started to regroup at goddard, and you surprised us and rushed to us from varka and still we killed you even if we were not even full buffed ;) 3:2 for us.

After that some people left, so did we... Since some people have better things to do than play l2 with you all night long ;)

is this the way how you "pwned" at dragon server too?? You had a mass pvp and lost 3 out of 5 times and you spamed on the forums: "WE ROLLED YOU 2/3 OF MASS PVP, WE OWN!!"
Bj mode on jeah


<3 drama! love you all :)


Quote from: mark_elesse on March 23, 2008, 01:06:33 AM
as anyone can see u are pro in flame, maybe once u will br pro in correct reasoning :)

Pro in flame? im just telling the truth.. Atleast your not a liar, and you don't deny what i just said..



Quote from: williams on March 23, 2008, 12:53:19 AM
Sucks that you guys left... you are the ones who talk about how much of a "PVP" clan you are... but apparently you don't like getting rolled too much... with 2 clans beside you..
Yea, I was alone on selfbuffs when 3 of you shot me down. We like to pvp yea, apparently no bishop is online atm, thats why I left. Don't tell me you can pvp without a buffer/bishop.

Oh Ashk, as I know, envy didnt promise v3 anything, since it was not about this. They are not our masters, not like you wanted to be ours. We just had enough of williams and some of you, who feel superior.

You wont hear any bitching from me, since I still like BH and what they did on dragon. I just didnt like the attitude here.

Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: Cherokee~ on March 22, 2008, 11:54:31 PM
well get ready for the truth:
u couldnt even reach the gate and we took this stupid castle from you in first rush.
now get ready for more truth:

I would not like to sound that im making some stupid excuses or smthn like that, but you have to bear in mind that thanks to someones generous decision (crashing the server after siege begin) about 2 FTR parties were removed from siege zone and ported to hunters village (FTR couldnt sign to aden defense). So when we came back you were already inside the castle.

Also the online was pretty low (easter holidays:O) and some moroon OL was shit buffing the ally with zerk/acu/empower lawl. Anyways im verry dissapointed with what we did today and I know we only took it back cos you started to fight inside the castle - nothing to be expecially proud of ;s
RobinBlake - On a little break.


Quote from: darkling on March 23, 2008, 01:12:48 AM
Also the online was pretty low (easter holidays:O) and some moroon OL was shit buffing the ally with zerk/acu/empower lawl. Anyways im verry dissapointed with what we did today and I know we only took it back cos you started to fight inside the castle - nothing to be expecially proud of ;s
Yea, you did better before. +1 for honesty.

Astramael      [db/tr]


just face it deadly, you are the reason you lost castle, only you and your poor leadership and your clanand the rest of your ally :) must see that or they will see soon enought lol. You said to us you where gonna do everything to get that castle, even take those 2 clans. Thats why we did that at the end, to show you that in an ally you need to discuss things with your other clans, and if we really wanted to backstab you like you say we would have engraved and taken your beloved castle :) but instead we just kept killing you and all attackers also :) until we decided to let you defend alone wich  you did so poorly since you are so godlike......... now just stfu for a sec and stop trying to convince us you are so good and like i said show us. Cuz when we left goddard you where ALL DEAD ON THE FLOOR so who rolled who???

Armaggeddon bish/necro
Glock  PR/bd
Pr0phecy  TH/pp
and 5 more subbed char...


Weeeee finally some flames, backstabbing is lame, at least got the balls to tell something before a siege, or after one, guess that's not one of NM clans strongest points... lol

Arrogance also blows, from both sides, anyways atleast some fun now... Cya ingame


I lost every respect i had for V3 ,not so much for Envy cause i did nt know them well anyway.Thats does nt change that what they did was 100% lame.

Anyway we will have good pvp from now on without cancell bots etc etc,just Pure fighters pvps i hope.

Deathand ,over and out.