ok as we all know m.crit rate is caped on 40% this 40% rate can be reached only by mage ho have valakas( wich is like 5% of all mages in game?) and wm augment . So the newbie mage w/o valakas max m.crit chance is like ~20%
wich is way too low comparing with archer ho ALL can reach 450-500crit( 40-50%).
so i think u should increase newbie mages m.crit rate so they could kill some1 in pvp ;p buth this is only my idea ..meybe im misssing smth ..so comment ;p
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 01:54:31 PM
ok as we all know m.crit rate is caped on 40% this 40% rate can be reached only by mage ho have valakas( wich is like 5% of all mages in game?) and wm augment . So the newbie mage w/o valakas max m.crit chance is like ~20%
wich is way too low comparing with archer ho ALL can reach 450-500crit( 40-50%).
so i think u should increase newbie mages m.crit rate so they could kill some1 in pvp ;p buth this is only my idea ..meybe im misssing smth ..so comment ;p
incresing newbies crit rate will incres ur rate also, did i get point? :)
ok , i know i m from other server but...
gimme atk speed = casting speed and u can have m crit rate cap like archers have
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 01:54:31 PM
ok as we all know m.crit rate is caped on 40% this 40% rate can be reached only by mage ho have valakas( wich is like 5% of all mages in game?) and wm augment . So the newbie mage w/o valakas max m.crit chance is like ~20%
wich is way too low comparing with archer ho ALL can reach 450-500crit( 40-50%).
so i think u should increase newbie mages m.crit rate so they could kill some1 in pvp ;p buth this is only my idea ..meybe im misssing smth ..so comment ;p
mini bomberman
Quote from: Dag on April 29, 2009, 02:02:24 PM
ok , i know i m from other server but...
gimme atk speed = casting speed and u can have m crit rate cap like archers have
gime 10mana cost fper skill :< then u will get ur a .speed XD
i have wm lvl 6 passive and with buff wm + siiren dance it think i can't make 20% crit
you can make sps/ee to do crit all the time
Mage M crit rate caped at 40%?
i'll finish the post, when get from floor laughing
Quote from: Dag on April 29, 2009, 02:02:24 PM
ok , i know i m from other server but...
gimme atk speed = casting speed and u can have m crit rate cap like archers have
true but archers can crit for more than 4x the normal dammage too ;)
Quote from: Dag on April 29, 2009, 02:02:24 PM
ok , i know i m from other server but...
gimme atk speed = casting speed and u can have m crit rate cap like archers have
u have elemental resistance buffs all the time :) and only tanks have arrow resistance buffs :P
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 29, 2009, 04:32:59 PM
its a good idea ! make this update with some extra skill for archers with we can avoid ( by the usage of proper buffs ) the 4-5-6 k mcrits, so well be also able decrease the incoming damage to ~2k like mages can against arrowz :) ahh and also give us self-battle heal plz :) <3 ty.
And high casting speed! ;D
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 29, 2009, 04:32:59 PM
its a good idea ! make this update with some extra skill for archers with we can avoid ( by the usage of proper buffs ) the 4-5-6 k mcrits, so well be also able decrease the incoming damage to ~2k like mages can against arrowz :) ahh and also give us self-battle heal plz :) <3 ty.
use resistance buffs and mages u will crit for 1-2k max ;)
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 01:54:31 PM
ok as we all know m.crit rate is caped on 40% this 40% rate can be reached only by mage ho have valakas( wich is like 5% of all mages in game?)
you meant 50% maybe?
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 05:39:31 PM
5% mr. smart french ;p
proove me that your 0 key is working
since u wanna help noobies then decrease ur mcrit rate of valakas from XX %, to X% and increase the mcrit of newbies yes? but no! u wanna get higher mcrit too -.-
Quote from: flamingAwe on April 29, 2009, 03:55:32 PM
Mage M crit rate caped at 40%?
i'll finish the post, when get from floor laughing
it is ;p
Quote from: xD on April 29, 2009, 05:45:06 PM
since u wanna help noobies then decrease ur mcrit rate of valakas from XX %, to X% and increase the mcrit of newbies yes? but no! u wanna get higher mcrit too -.-
would be cool 40% for newbie 50% for valakas ppl ;p
Quote from: our4n0s on April 29, 2009, 05:42:14 PM
proove me that your 0 key is working
proove me that ur not gay french XD
Quote from: Painkiler on April 29, 2009, 04:48:42 PM
use resistance buffs and mages u will crit for 1-2k max ;)
And then we will get raped by archers coz we don't have the attack buffs to kill them :/
We only have a limited number of buffslots
Quote from: Zuluman on April 29, 2009, 05:48:04 PM
And then we will get raped by archers coz we don't have the attack buffs to kill them :/
We only have a limited number of buffslots
lol, mages can easily afford few shield buff while archer can't, so, yes, that was bullshit
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 05:46:52 PM
proove me that ur not gay french XD
i amn't greek
Quote from: our4n0s on April 29, 2009, 05:51:03 PM
lol, mages can easily afford few shield buff while archer can't, so, yes, that was bullshit
sure archers can ;p
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 01:54:31 PM
ok as we all know m.crit rate is caped on 40% this 40% rate can be reached only by mage ho have valakas( wich is like 5% of all mages in game?) and wm augment . So the newbie mage w/o valakas max m.crit chance is like ~20%
wich is way too low comparing with archer ho ALL can reach 450-500crit( 40-50%).
so i think u should increase newbie mages m.crit rate so they could kill some1 in pvp ;p buth this is only my idea ..meybe im misssing smth ..so comment ;p
what about a big cup of STFU?
Quote from: Zuluman on April 29, 2009, 05:48:04 PM
And then we will get raped by archers coz we don't have the attack buffs to kill them :/
We only have a limited number of buffslots
learn how to manage buff slots lol... u have 20-24 buff slots ( most ppl got 23 so it's not that bad) just kick 1 buff and u got space for for example elemental protection that help u a lot
Quote from: Deavon on April 29, 2009, 06:01:34 PM
what about a big cup of STFU?
u already drinking from it ;p
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 29, 2009, 06:46:57 PM
bet your gear on that i cant make a mage crit your archer ( without ud or symbol over 2k ! oki ?
i'm mage :) and try to crit some1 with 3k m def w/o ai/ud etc with resistances buff :P sh/se with am+a+24 crit me when i was with resist wind+ele prot+full m def buff for 1.6k
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 29, 2009, 06:46:57 PM
bet your gear on that i cant make a mage crit your archer ( without ud or symbol over 2k ! oki ?
even my bd/se can hit more than 2k ... ;D
Ozu i dont get your point, dont u know that there will be always some chars with more critics?One time it is Archer, second Mage... just reroll and u will be happy ;)
Quote from: Khaot on April 29, 2009, 08:28:08 PM
Ozu i dont get your point, dont u know that there will be always some chars with more critics?One time it is Archer, second Mage... just reroll and u will be happy ;)
in like 90% of pvps i pvp dam archer XD theres no mages / th /other shit buth only archers ... kinda booring ;p all plaing archer cuz of fuking easy reachable high crit rate ;p
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 08:35:47 PM
in like 90% of pvps i pvp dam archer XD theres no mages / th /other shit buth only archers ... kinda booring ;p all plaing archer cuz of fuking easy reachable high crit rate ;p
because its simple char.. u need just use F1 and F2 on your keyboard.Nothing more, this char is for brainless ppls ;)
Quote from: Khaot on April 29, 2009, 10:50:11 PM
because its simple char.. u need just use F1 and F2 on your keyboard.Nothing more, this char is for brainless ppls ;)
but that brainless ppl pwn u easly and u dont have nothing more to do than cry in forum....
I have a better solution for u cryz0rs mages, make an archer and tahts all, at least ull not cry more OR just take a cup of stfu :D
Quote from: elfoRNICADORxD on April 29, 2009, 11:14:34 PM
but that brainless ppl pwn u easly and u dont have nothing more to do than cry in forum....
I have a better solution for u cryz0rs mages, make an archer and tahts all, at least ull not cry more OR just take a cup of stfu :D
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 29, 2009, 11:15:17 PM
nice so its not a challenege for you ! bet you gear >_< :)
im not playin on nightmare ;P
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 06:20:55 PM
u already drinking from it ;p
like you drinking the 10k and laying on the ground?xD
Quote from: Painkiler on April 30, 2009, 12:39:31 AM
im not playin on nightmare ;P
Yea its easy to say someone should stack up with unholy ressistance, divine protection, magic barrier, song of warding and song of invocation to fight against a necro... But just think about the fact that archers need more buff slots for being fullbuffed than mages ;)
Quote from: Deavon on April 30, 2009, 01:45:20 AM
like you drinking the 10k and laying on the ground?xD
yea nice shot on my c grade bot ;]
Quote from: Khaot on April 29, 2009, 10:50:11 PM
because its simple char.. u need just use F1 and F2 on your keyboard.Nothing more, this char is for brainless ppls ;)
lol khaot, will all my respect, ur god damn wronggg
Quote from: iNs on April 30, 2009, 10:56:00 AM
lol khaot, will all my respect, ur god damn wronggg
he forgot to mention cp spam macro
Quote from: Khaot on April 29, 2009, 10:50:11 PM
because its simple char.. u need just use F1 and F2 on your keyboard.Nothing more, this char is for brainless ppls ;)
Mby against a mage u will win like this, but against a dagger or another archer if u are only a f1 guy for sure u will kiss the grounds in notime.
It's just dumb to compare archer crit rate with Mage crit rate. Archer crits ONLY kill weak mages. And is that so wierd? If you get shot in the back whilst in your pyjamas you will die.
Mages with 40% crit rate (wich imo is waaaaaaay to much) will hit anyone regardless of armor or class for ALOT of dmg.... and sure you can buff up with elemental and whatnot. But theres no way on protecting against all the elements. And archers have no chance on using several resistances since they would be overbuffed as helll then.
Cap that shit at 10% or remove it completely!
Quote from: kidicarus on April 30, 2009, 11:41:33 AM
It's just dumb to compare archer crit rate with Mage crit rate. Archer crits ONLY kill weak mages. And is that so wierd? If you get shot in the back whilst in your pyjamas you will die.
Mages with 40% crit rate (wich imo is waaaaaaay to much) will hit anyone regardless of armor or class for ALOT of dmg.... and sure you can buff up with elemental and whatnot. But theres no way on protecting against all the elements. And archers have no chance on using several resistances since they would be overbuffed as helll then.
Cap that shit at 10% or remove it completely!
how about a nice cup of .. XDD
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 30, 2009, 11:53:39 AM
how about a nice cup of .. XDD
Can't you just get the freakin' Swine flue and suffer?
Quote from: Parabol on April 30, 2009, 12:28:57 PM
Can't you just get the freakin' Swine flue and suffer?
lolololol restief goes cruel :(
Quote from: kidicarus on April 30, 2009, 11:41:33 AM
It's just dumb to compare archer crit rate with Mage crit rate. Archer crits ONLY kill weak mages. And is that so wierd? If you get shot in the back whilst in your pyjamas you will die.
Mages with 40% crit rate (wich imo is waaaaaaay to much) will hit anyone regardless of armor or class for ALOT of dmg.... and sure you can buff up with elemental and whatnot. But theres no way on protecting against all the elements. And archers have no chance on using several resistances since they would be overbuffed as helll then.
Cap that shit at 10% or remove it completely!
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 30, 2009, 11:53:39 AM
how about a nice cup of .. XDD
Maybe u can make another "crymeariver" topic....
Quote from: Parabol on April 30, 2009, 12:28:57 PM
Can't you just get the freakin' Swine flue and suffer?
v3 word = nothing anyways XD
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 30, 2009, 02:19:01 PM
v3 word = nothing anyways XD
hehe, you edited your post :D
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 30, 2009, 02:24:14 PM
Or you would cry after his response?
@Tomek, what did he write before the edit?
And Ozu..... before you got valakas you were a decent guy..... and sometimes ingame you still are. So why do you have this urge to be a complete retard on the forum?
Quote from: kidicarus on April 30, 2009, 02:46:26 PM
Or you would cry after his response?
@Tomek, what did he write before the edit?
And Ozu..... before you got valakas you were a decent guy..... and sometimes ingame you still are. So why do you have this urge to be a complete retard on the forum?
i like changing faces ;p on forum=retard(like forum suppose to be retards land(retardlandia) ;p) in game=ass owner XD on ven =random shit talker on rl=kamikadze :<
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 30, 2009, 02:57:24 PM
in game=ass owner XD
Ppl could easily take that as a gay metaphor..... not me though, im above that ::)
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 30, 2009, 02:57:24 PM
in game=ass owner XD
and then you woke up and it was Monday... dream on boy :)
Ps. don't edit posts anymore. Unleash the rage and let me respond mr shit talking gay 'kamikaze'
like i say :) manage ur buffslots and stfu or buy better jewelry ;) it's very easy to get 2.7k m def atm :P just need some brain usage
Quote from: Painkiler on April 30, 2009, 05:57:23 PM
like i say :) manage ur buffslots and stfu or buy better jewelry ;) it's very easy to get 2.7k m def atm :P just need some brain usage
That doesnt really matter..... i have 2,7k m.def but that doesn't mean mages can't crit me for 3k dmg. The problem is that M.def doesn't help nearly as much as resists, and theres no way you can "manage" your buffslots into taking resists for all type of mages. And if you fight mage opponents you can be sure taht your buffslots will be eaten up by curses and surrenders pretty fast.
So the whole "manage your buffslots and use your brain" attitude is just bullshit. I don't know about dragon, but on NM we have a max of 24 buffslots. Theres just no way to both deal dmg, and protect yourself vs all mages.
PS: I play mage..... i just think this whole reasoning is retarded. Mages crit enough as it is..... they even did enough dmg back when they never crit.
Quote from: Parabol on April 30, 2009, 04:12:57 PM
and then you woke up and it was Monday... dream on boy :)
Ps. don't edit posts anymore. Unleash the rage and let me respond mr shit talking gay 'kamikaze'
one more time:
v3 words= nothing on this topic lol
Quote from: kidicarus on April 30, 2009, 08:03:27 PM
That doesnt really matter..... i have 2,7k m.def but that doesn't mean mages can't crit me for 3k dmg. The problem is that M.def doesn't help nearly as much as resists, and theres no way you can "manage" your buffslots into taking resists for all type of mages. And if you fight mage opponents you can be sure taht your buffslots will be eaten up by curses and surrenders pretty fast.
So the whole "manage your buffslots and use your brain" attitude is just bullshit. I don't know about dragon, but on NM we have a max of 24 buffslots. Theres just no way to both deal dmg, and protect yourself vs all mages.
PS: I play mage..... i just think this whole reasoning is retarded. Mages crit enough as it is..... they even did enough dmg back when they never crit.
add more range than mage, more speed and use it :) i see a lot fighters in good clans that can manage their buffslots for firepower and defence
Quote from: Painkiler on April 30, 2009, 10:40:13 PM
add more range than mage, more speed and use it :) i see a lot fighters in good clans that can manage their buffslots for firepower and defence
r ya freakin ratarded or what?
go back to ur faggoty dragon with shits +25 and so on,and leave this part of the forum.
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 30, 2009, 08:19:50 PM
one more time:
v3 words= nothing on this topic lol
my words > your new atlantic ocean concerning m. crit rate. Period.
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 30, 2009, 08:19:50 PM
one more time:
v3 words= nothing on this topic lol
lol you burried urself toghether with this post ;) bon voyage!
Quote from: iNs on May 01, 2009, 12:34:05 AM
lol you burried urself toghether with this post ;) bon voyage!
weeee i dont care XDDD bunch of retards XD
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 29, 2009, 04:32:59 PM
its a good idea ! make this update with some extra skill for archers with we can avoid ( by the usage of proper buffs ) the 4-5-6 k mcrits, so well be also able decrease the incoming damage to ~2k like mages can against arrowz :) ahh and also give us self-battle heal plz :) <3 ty.
bet your gear on that i cant make a mage crit your archer ( without ud or symbol over 2k ! oki ?
When you played last time a mage ? Not SpS/EE. I played archer, dagger and mage in the last 1,5 year. Decent equipment, sometimes nice equip, never on dynasty. I have equip for all those 3 types of chars, but I play more mage because is more suportive for rest of party compared to archer cannon. Anyway, about those hits/damage of different chars, in my opinion, with the following examples, in the last 1,5 year server players that used archers, orcs and daggers have no reason to complain. Also I will present you damage from combo like ty/pal or anything that can summ up angelic icon and orc self skills.
My mage CP+HP is 4122+5466/no bless body, paagrio fist and VoP on.
Let's see:
1. Archer siege buffed: 2524+1245 dmg, attacker: cthon
2. Archer PvP self buffed (he didn't crit me): 505 dmg, attacker:Amateurnicestar
3. SpS/EE PvP, no elem rezist, no aqua rezist: 2433 dmg, attacker gize
4. Archer PvP buffed: 2161 dmg, attacker : BufferBukietow
5. Glad with tripple (my char on retail, no defensive buffs): 3161+2604+5209 dmg. attacker 0yama
6. Archers gunners siege buffed: 1398+3430+2305 dmg, attackers: danner+jellybon+catosEB
7. My dagger with no buffs vs a dark mage: 2731+2646+1605 dmg
8. Dagger siege buffed: 3217 dmg, atacker iSting
9. Orc on frenzy (mutant) full buffed PP+bd+sws+pof 14550 dmg, attacker LQL
In PvE my best hits vs a Trex are about 22-23k dmg on m crit, not so often like from a SpS and my attacking stat is : m att 5467, casting spd. 1563, with dances, PoW and arcane power on.
Bcz I play OL I have soul guard that almost 2xpdef, think about p def of sh, sorc or sps...How many buffs for p def you got ingame ? How many for magic defence ? I don't think mages are overpowered, but i continue to play it because is funny.
Quote from: Oblique on May 01, 2009, 11:13:42 AM
When you played last time a mage ? Not SpS/EE. I played archer, dagger and mage in the last 1,5 year. Decent equipment, sometimes nice equip, never on dynasty. I have equip for all those 3 types of chars, but I play more mage because is more suportive for rest of party compared to archer cannon. Anyway, about those hits/damage of different chars, in my opinion, with the following examples, in the last 1,5 year server players that used archers, orcs and daggers have no reason to complain. Also I will present you damage from combo like ty/pal or anything that can summ up angelic icon and orc self skills.
My mage CP+HP is 4122+5466/no bless body, paagrio fist and VoP on.
Let's see:
1. Archer siege buffed: 2524+1245 dmg, attacker: cthon
2. Archer PvP self buffed (he didn't crit me): 505 dmg, attacker:Amateurnicestar
3. SpS/EE PvP, no elem rezist, no aqua rezist: 2433 dmg, attacker gize
4. Archer PvP buffed: 2161 dmg, attacker : BufferBukietow
5. Glad with tripple (my char on retail, no defensive buffs): 3161+2604+5209 dmg. attacker 0yama
6. Archers gunners siege buffed: 1398+3430+2305 dmg, attackers: danner+jellybon+catosEB
7. My dagger with no buffs vs a dark mage: 2731+2646+1605 dmg
8. Dagger siege buffed: 3217 dmg, atacker iSting
9. Orc on frenzy (mutant) full buffed PP+bd+sws+pof 14550 dmg, attacker LQL
In PvE my best hits vs a Trex are about 22-23k dmg on m crit, not so often like from a SpS and my attacking stat is : m att 5467, casting spd. 1563, with dances, PoW and arcane power on.
Bcz I play OL I have soul guard that almost 2xpdef, think about p def of sh, sorc or sps...How many buffs for p def you got ingame ? How many for magic defence ? I don't think mages are overpowered, but i continue to play it because is funny.
that should be 2500+2500 but was ss lag :D
PS : iSting is archer :P iSing is the dagger :D
Quote from: Oblique on May 01, 2009, 11:13:42 AM
When you played last time a mage ? Not SpS/EE. I played archer, dagger and mage in the last 1,5 year. Decent equipment, sometimes nice equip, never on dynasty. I have equip for all those 3 types of chars, but I play more mage because is more suportive for rest of party compared to archer cannon. Anyway, about those hits/damage of different chars, in my opinion, with the following examples, in the last 1,5 year server players that used archers, orcs and daggers have no reason to complain. Also I will present you damage from combo like ty/pal or anything that can summ up angelic icon and orc self skills.
My mage CP+HP is 4122+5466/no bless body, paagrio fist and VoP on.
Let's see:
1. Archer siege buffed: 2524+1245 dmg, attacker: cthon
2. Archer PvP self buffed (he didn't crit me): 505 dmg, attacker:Amateurnicestar
3. SpS/EE PvP, no elem rezist, no aqua rezist: 2433 dmg, attacker gize
4. Archer PvP buffed: 2161 dmg, attacker : BufferBukietow
5. Glad with tripple (my char on retail, no defensive buffs): 3161+2604+5209 dmg. attacker 0yama
6. Archers gunners siege buffed: 1398+3430+2305 dmg, attackers: danner+jellybon+catosEB
7. My dagger with no buffs vs a dark mage: 2731+2646+1605 dmg
8. Dagger siege buffed: 3217 dmg, atacker iSting
9. Orc on frenzy (mutant) full buffed PP+bd+sws+pof 14550 dmg, attacker LQL
In PvE my best hits vs a Trex are about 22-23k dmg on m crit, not so often like from a SpS and my attacking stat is : m att 5467, casting spd. 1563, with dances, PoW and arcane power on.
Bcz I play OL I have soul guard that almost 2xpdef, think about p def of sh, sorc or sps...How many buffs for p def you got ingame ? How many for magic defence ? I don't think mages are overpowered, but i continue to play it because is funny.
But how the hell u can play with that skill bar? O.o
Gabi,Do I need to tell ya how to make proper SPS/OL skillbars? xD
I tryed pvping a little yesterday and all i can say is Dn is freaked up xD
I was with magic barrier, unholy protection, song of warding, song of invocation and a necro crited me for 4k dammage and the chance of him hiting me for 4k is just too big when you consider a mage can reach almost 2k casting speed... Guess nowdays you just have to make an overpowered mutant to have a chance of surviving more than 2 seconds in a pvp witch is pretty sad. :-X
Quote from: Oblique on May 01, 2009, 11:13:42 AM
When you played last time a mage ? Not SpS/EE. I played archer, dagger and mage in the last 1,5 year. Decent equipment, sometimes nice equip, never on dynasty. I have equip for all those 3 types of chars, but I play more mage because is more suportive for rest of party compared to archer cannon. Anyway, about those hits/damage of different chars, in my opinion, with the following examples, in the last 1,5 year server players that used archers, orcs and daggers have no reason to complain. Also I will present you damage from combo like ty/pal or anything that can summ up angelic icon and orc self skills.
My mage CP+HP is 4122+5466/no bless body, paagrio fist and VoP on.
Let's see:
1. Archer siege buffed: 2524+1245 dmg, attacker: cthon
2. Archer PvP self buffed (he didn't crit me): 505 dmg, attacker:Amateurnicestar
3. SpS/EE PvP, no elem rezist, no aqua rezist: 2433 dmg, attacker gize
4. Archer PvP buffed: 2161 dmg, attacker : BufferBukietow
5. Glad with tripple (my char on retail, no defensive buffs): 3161+2604+5209 dmg. attacker 0yama
6. Archers gunners siege buffed: 1398+3430+2305 dmg, attackers: danner+jellybon+catosEB
7. My dagger with no buffs vs a dark mage: 2731+2646+1605 dmg
8. Dagger siege buffed: 3217 dmg, atacker iSting
9. Orc on frenzy (mutant) full buffed PP+bd+sws+pof 14550 dmg, attacker LQL
In PvE my best hits vs a Trex are about 22-23k dmg on m crit, not so often like from a SpS and my attacking stat is : m att 5467, casting spd. 1563, with dances, PoW and arcane power on.
Bcz I play OL I have soul guard that almost 2xpdef, think about p def of sh, sorc or sps...How many buffs for p def you got ingame ? How many for magic defence ? I don't think mages are overpowered, but i continue to play it because is funny.
dude ur without songs lmao, a smart mage has Ee shield buffs, songs for pdef vit ren, and the rest of stuff. A well buffed OL/MAGE takes like 1 - 1.5k crits lol. And what then ? he gets 1.5k, 1 heal fro bishop and crits me for 5k, is that fair ? lol, yet i dont give a freak tbh.
Quote from: iNs on May 01, 2009, 12:45:27 PM
dude ur without songs lmao, a smart mage has Ee shield buffs, songs for pdef vit ren, and the rest of stuff. A well buffed OL/MAGE takes like 1 - 1.5k crits lol. And what then ? he gets 1.5k, 1 heal fro bishop and crits me for 5k, is that fair ? lol, yet i dont give a freak tbh.
stop giving guides for proper buffs ,let them all turn to Oriin so we can have "proper" Fun xD
Quote from: kidicarus on April 30, 2009, 08:03:27 PM
That doesnt really matter..... i have 2,7k m.def but that doesn't mean mages can't crit me for 3k dmg. The problem is that M.def doesn't help nearly as much as resists, and theres no way you can "manage" your buffslots into taking resists for all type of mages. And if you fight mage opponents you can be sure taht your buffslots will be eaten up by curses and surrenders pretty fast.
So the whole "manage your buffslots and use your brain" attitude is just bullshit. I don't know about dragon, but on NM we have a max of 24 buffslots. Theres just no way to both deal dmg, and protect yourself vs all mages.
PS: I play mage..... i just think this whole reasoning is retarded. Mages crit enough as it is..... they even did enough dmg back when they never crit.
i think it's the first time in 4 years here that i have to say +1 to a mage player :D
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 01, 2009, 12:24:31 PM
I tryed pvping a little yesterday and all i can say is Dn is freaked up xD
I was with magic barrier, unholy protection, song of warding, song of invocation and a necro crited me for 4k dammage and the chance of him hiting me for 4k is just too big when you consider a mage can reach almost 2k casting speed... Guess nowdays you just have to make an overpowered mutant to have a chance of surviving more than 2 seconds in a pvp witch is pretty sad. :-X
get s grade jewelry :)
Quote from: Deavon on May 01, 2009, 03:53:30 PM
stop giving guides for proper buffs ,let them all turn to Oriin so we can have "proper" Fun xD
full buffs= pussy ;p
Quote from: Oblique on May 01, 2009, 11:13:42 AM
When you played last time a mage ? Not SpS/EE. I played archer, dagger and mage in the last 1,5 year. Decent equipment, sometimes nice equip, never on dynasty. I have equip for all those 3 types of chars, but I play more mage because is more suportive for rest of party compared to archer cannon. Anyway, about those hits/damage of different chars, in my opinion, with the following examples, in the last 1,5 year server players that used archers, orcs and daggers have no reason to complain. Also I will present you damage from combo like ty/pal or anything that can summ up angelic icon and orc self skills.
My mage CP+HP is 4122+5466/no bless body, paagrio fist and VoP on.
Let's see:
1. Archer siege buffed: 2524+1245 dmg, attacker: cthon
2. Archer PvP self buffed (he didn't crit me): 505 dmg, attacker:Amateurnicestar
3. SpS/EE PvP, no elem rezist, no aqua rezist: 2433 dmg, attacker gize
4. Archer PvP buffed: 2161 dmg, attacker : BufferBukietow
5. Glad with tripple (my char on retail, no defensive buffs): 3161+2604+5209 dmg. attacker 0yama
6. Archers gunners siege buffed: 1398+3430+2305 dmg, attackers: danner+jellybon+catosEB
7. My dagger with no buffs vs a dark mage: 2731+2646+1605 dmg
8. Dagger siege buffed: 3217 dmg, atacker iSting
9. Orc on frenzy (mutant) full buffed PP+bd+sws+pof 14550 dmg, attacker LQL
In PvE my best hits vs a Trex are about 22-23k dmg on m crit, not so often like from a SpS and my attacking stat is : m att 5467, casting spd. 1563, with dances, PoW and arcane power on.
Bcz I play OL I have soul guard that almost 2xpdef, think about p def of sh, sorc or sps...How many buffs for p def you got ingame ? How many for magic defence ? I don't think mages are overpowered, but i continue to play it because is funny.
No songs, no shield buffs, some screens on unsubbed char, A-grade set..... Whats your point with theese screens?
Quote from: kidicarus on May 01, 2009, 04:55:57 PM
No songs, no shield buffs, some screens on unsubbed char, A-grade set..... Whats your point with theese screens?
+1 post point?
Point is dynasty archers with db+f+10 and baium+qa that play on full buffs and don't flag on self buffs complain about mages that crits. Check the screen from Goddard siege when I did a m crit for 300 dmg (remember using a SpS/OL char on 5467 m att), and that I did 3x2k dmg with a TH non-buffed, non subbed (is mutant pr/wl), B grd dagger vs a sh/ps mage in robe.
Quote from: kidicarus on May 01, 2009, 04:55:57 PM
No songs, no shield buffs, some screens on unsubbed char, A-grade set..... Whats your point with theese screens?
and dont forget few things - mages r slower, got low cp/hp and got smaller range than archers :)
Quote from: Oblique on May 01, 2009, 05:32:08 PM
Point is dynasty archers with db+f+10 and baium+qa that play on full buffs and don't flag on self buffs complain about mages that crits. Check the screen from Goddard siege when I did a m crit for 300 dmg (remember using a SpS/OL char on 5467 m att), and that I did 3x2k dmg with a TH non-buffed, non subbed (is mutant pr/wl), B grd dagger vs a sh/ps mage in robe.
Difference is you are playing out of your league here, we are talking of "top" archers vs "top" mages vs "top" daggers. Not a bunch of screens that are inconsistant, some with buffs some without, some with this some with that.
I doubt Cthon was fully buffed at that point because fullbuffed HE/wk with his gears would hit you alot harder on your buffs. What does the screen with ameteur show?
Pointless pics I think
Quote from: Painkiler on May 01, 2009, 05:48:49 PM
and dont forget few things - mages r slower, got low cp/hp and got smaller range than archers :)
Many mages have higer HP due to the fact that alot of archers take -8/9 con.
Quote from: Zuluman on May 01, 2009, 05:53:45 PM
Many mages have higer HP due to the fact that alot of archers take -8/9 con.
it's problem of archers that cut off their advantages :)
Quote from: Painkiler on May 01, 2009, 06:12:30 PM
it's problem of archers that cut off their advantages :)
And you really think an archer that doesn't change his basic stats will still crit you the way they do now?
Good joke :) vicious circle eh
Quote from: Furesy on May 01, 2009, 06:13:27 PM
And you really think an archer that doesn't change his basic stats will still crit you the way they do now?
Good joke :) vicious circle eh
u dont need to take 8-9 con :) for me +4str/-4con is enough for a normal archer
Quote from: Painkiler on May 01, 2009, 05:48:49 PM
and dont forget few things - mages r slower, got low cp/hp and got smaller range than archers :)
What about every other fighter? Mages still have faster attackrate, most of em can heal themselves, if you choose tanksub you will never get hit for more then 2k..... wich can be overhealed quite easily. Supportclass mages like pp, bish etc have more or less the same CP as archers. I run around with about 3k cp, and 9k HP on my mage...... thats pretty close to most archers.
And keep in mind that there are more classes then "Archers" and "Nukers"..... if you choose pure nuker, archers will most likely kill you. Thats the way its suppose to be. You can on the other hand kill every other class. Archers will have trouble with daggers and their high evasion, and they sure as hell can't do shit vs anything with deflect arrow. So whats fair?
Quote from: Painkiler on May 01, 2009, 06:19:05 PM
u dont need to take 8-9 con :) for me +4str/-4con is enough for a normal archer
O really, the only archer that will have more HP/CP is HE, PR alone, without any dyes already has less HP/CP than a mage lol
And only +4STR -4CON sucks on an archer, at least the ones I play, and I play PR with most my archers :) Always have, always will.
then dont complain :) bcoz here nothing will be balanced because of stacking subclasses
Any1 knows how the extra skills that you get from leveling your subclass works in hellbound?
And is this gonna work here if we ever get the update? :P
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 01, 2009, 07:16:19 PM
Any1 knows how the extra skills that you get from leveling your subclass works in hellbound?
And is this gonna work here if we ever get the update? :P
wait for HB :D that why i didnt made any subclass actualy :)
Quote from: seboulba on May 02, 2009, 11:11:47 AM
wait for HB :D that why i didnt made any subclass actualy :)
i have 4 chars with horns also ;)
Quote from: Ozukyz on May 02, 2009, 12:53:24 PM
i have 4 chars with horns also ;)
we speak about ur 3 retail malaka not subDN :D
Quote from: Ozukyz on April 29, 2009, 01:54:31 PM
ok as we all know m.crit rate is caped on 40% this 40% rate can be reached only by mage ho have valakas( wich is like 5% of all mages in game?) and wm augment . So the newbie mage w/o valakas max m.crit chance is like ~20%
wich is way too low comparing with archer ho ALL can reach 450-500crit( 40-50%).
so i think u should increase newbie mages m.crit rate so they could kill some1 in pvp ;p buth this is only my idea ..meybe im misssing smth ..so comment ;p
concern 2 things:
1.) (if i'm not wrong ofc), archers with 500 critrate got 50% chance to make a critical hit.
2.) a nuke from a mage hits you for 100%, but you can avoid an arrow.
combining these two things:
50% max. crit-chance from fighters and 40% max. crit-rate for magecrits is pretty fair concerning a mage hits for 100% while a fighter's attack can be avoided.
(ofc there is the "resisted .....'s magic" but, there is also sth called perfect shield block. so it makes it all equal imo).
(havent read any further comment, so blame me for double posting).
Quote from: Devil on May 05, 2009, 04:28:19 PM
concern 2 things:
1.) (if i'm not wrong ofc), archers with 500 critrate got 50% chance to make a critical hit.
2.) a nuke from a mage hits you for 100%, but you can avoid an arrow.
combining these two things:
50% max. crit-chance from fighters and 40% max. crit-rate for magecrits is pretty fair concerning a mage hits for 100% while a fighter's attack can be avoided.
(ofc there is the "resisted .....'s magic" but, there is also sth called perfect shield block. so it makes it all equal imo).
(havent read any further comment, so blame me for double posting).
try look from mages, ho dont have valakas, side : ..u hit for 600,600 ,600 ,600 ,600,600 boom archer hits u for 400. 4k .4k .400 .4k
archers need to buy only bow+f (db+f+7=45coins)to have full crit rate ..for mages ~500coins ;p(augment , valakas)
noone here can admit that archers are overpowered vs mages ? what for would they need resist buffs since they can just kite on any mage having 500 crit rate .
thats why 70% of server reroll to archer ftw .. and everyone here backing up archers is archer himself..
Oh this discusion can go on forever:
But yea, actually archer needs qa,baium,draco+f and can crit for more than 4x dammage (5x, 6x) than normal hit with 1k attack speed (some less and sr can even reach 1500 or more attack speed but will have only 600 range), but they have low casting speed for rezzing each other and giving the nobless buff. Archers can also have more HP/CP and can have a 50% chance of criting and have more range than mages.
For a mage you need a valakas, am+a and a wm augment and you hit for 4x normal dammage you attack faster and you also have debuffs. The party can rez eachother much faster. You can also sub your mage to a tank class and the archer is gonna crit you for 1.5k max.
So its much easier for archers to pwn than for mages, but maybe Hellbound will make it more balanced with the song against bow attacks, and warcryers chant of protection... (dunno if the dance against bow attacks is worth buffing on mages cuz it decreases m.attack alot)
song againts bow ??? wtf is this ?
TELL ME MORE !!!!!!!
ps im one of the guys that didnt reroll to a pwnage class (he/xx pal/ty etc..) and kept going as ne/pp so i want payback in hb ! hope i ll get boosted a bit )
Quote from: lucifsg on May 05, 2009, 11:15:05 PM
song againts bow ??? wtf is this ?
TELL ME MORE !!!!!!!
ps im one of the guys that didnt reroll to a pwnage class (he/xx pal/ty etc..) and kept going as ne/pp so i want payback in hb ! hope i ll get boosted a bit )
"A song/dance skill that raises resistance to bows has been added. These skills are acquired at level 75.
Sword Muse
* Song of Windstorm: Increases party members’ resistance to bow attacks.
Spectral Dancer
* Dance of Blade Storm: Greatly incrases party members’ resistances to bow attacks and decreases M. Atk."
Quote from: lucifsg on May 05, 2009, 11:15:05 PM
song againts bow ??? wtf is this ?
TELL ME MORE !!!!!!!
ps im one of the guys that didnt reroll to a pwnage class (he/xx pal/ty etc..) and kept going as ne/pp so i want payback in hb ! hope i ll get boosted a bit )
And chant of protection that reduces the dammage that people do to you with critical hits ;)
Quote from: Gunit on May 05, 2009, 11:55:20 PM
"A song/dance skill that raises resistance to bows has been added. These skills are acquired at level 75.
Sword Muse
* Song of Windstorm: Increases party members’ resistance to bow attacks.
Spectral Dancer
* Dance of Blade Storm: Greatly incrases party members’ resistances to bow attacks and decreases M. Atk."
Protection of Rune: Increases M. Def.
Protection of Elemental: Increases resistance to elemental attacks
Protection of Alignment: Increases resistance to Holy and Dark attacks
Quote from: Ozukyz on May 06, 2009, 07:34:18 AM
Protection of Rune: Increases M. Def.
Protection of Elemental: Increases resistance to elemental attacks
Protection of Alignment: Increases resistance to Holy and Dark attacks
Yep, its a trigger skill that gives you +1k m.def for some seconds ;)
lol at u guys.every1 of u that is being on the mages side is having valakas,augments,dyn set and so on and u keep complaining,but what for?the fact that a pr/xx which is the biggest crit dealer has less than 900 atk.speed(my pr/ol had ~803 with dyn light,if i remember well),and even so lately i dun remember criting some1 for more than 3k(i always play with dead eye and my p atk on full buffs is a bit less than 6k with the biggest crit power) but hold on a sec these 3k crits r given with 766 atk speed and what about the mage nukes that i am getting from each 1 of u that r crying bout archers being op,the dmg i resieve from u is usually 3k,4k,5k(depends on the debuffs and stuff) but hold on a sec u r casting ur spell at least x2 times faster than i can hit u + u've got every buff that increases shield power/chance and u can block like 3 of 10 arrows,from these 7 arrows there aint gonna be more than 5 crits,but by the time i've shot 10 arrows u would have mcrited me like 10 times.and now u'll say that there r archers that shoot faster,ye but their crit power is less or their range,u'll say that there are archers with 3k+ m,def,yep thats right,but what do u expect from a archer/tank(or semi tank).and as tomek already said,we can res each other way slower and our nobles is casted way slower than urs.
i really don't know why are u all keep posting here... this is a crying topic made by oriin cause he is to dumb to buff himself and he get's 5k-6k...
Quote from: cthon on May 06, 2009, 10:32:11 AM
i really don't know why are u all keep posting here... this is a crying topic made by oriin cause he is to dumb to buff himself and he get's 5k-6k...
9k - 10k here!
Quote from: lucifsg on May 05, 2009, 10:52:28 PM
thats why 70% of server reroll to archer ftw .. and everyone here backing up archers is archer himself..
No, im backing up the archers and i play mage. M.crits is the dumbest thing invented by NCsoft... mages have a high constant output dmg, whilst archers have sucky dmg on all arrows except for the ones that crit.
Now im sure many of you mages is gonna scream out "resistance buffs" but you can only ever protect yourself fully vs 1 type of element. If you face a bunch of necros you might buff up with 3 or so darkresistbuffs. And then BAAAAM! His sorc friend comes along and casts fire vortex on you for 5k.
If you want to avoid archercrits you can sub to tank and you are 100% protected vs all archers. But if you choose xx/ee (hi oriin) or xx/pp (hi lucifsg) you will have buffs and selfheals but you will NOT have any archer resistance. You can't both have the cake and eat it.
@oriin, don't tell me you really think its cheaper to gear up an archer then a mage? In that case you're truly dumb. An archer is nothing on this server w/o OED bow. An archer is nothing w/o QA+Baium.
For a mage to stand equal chance in a PvP he needs am+a and mb zaken. Ever tried an archer with Db+f+0 and zaken?.... Not exactly overpowered....
Quote from: kidicarus on May 06, 2009, 12:59:06 PM
No, im backing up the archers and i play mage. M.crits is the dumbest thing invented by NCsoft... mages have a high constant output dmg, whilst archers have sucky dmg on all arrows except for the ones that crit.
Now im sure many of you mages is gonna scream out "resistance buffs" but you can only ever protect yourself fully vs 1 type of element. If you face a bunch of necros you might buff up with 3 or so darkresistbuffs. And then BAAAAM! His sorc friend comes along and casts fire vortex on you for 5k.
If you want to avoid archercrits you can sub to tank and you are 100% protected vs all archers. But if you choose xx/ee (hi oriin) or xx/pp (hi lucifsg) you will have buffs and selfheals but you will NOT have any archer resistance. You can't both have the cake and eat it.
@oriin, don't tell me you really think its cheaper to gear up an archer then a mage? In that case you're truly dumb. An archer is nothing on this server w/o OED bow. An archer is nothing w/o QA+Baium.
For a mage to stand equal chance in a PvP he needs am+a and mb zaken. Ever tried an archer with Db+f+0 and zaken?.... Not exactly overpowered....
I dont agree, i tryed playing my TH/HE last week in varka with qa + baium, draco set, draco bow+f+3 and i was droping mages with 2 crits (was criting for 4k,5k) I also crited archers for 4k so dont tell me you need uber gear to pwn. And my char isnt even a mutant. But yea i got owned by mages really fast too... But mages without m.crt augment and without valakas suck atm ;)
I really hope mage crit rate is gonna get caped at 20% in hellbound and that the buffs against archers are gonna work as they should and the trigger skills against mages too, so pvps will last longer than just 2 hits witch is freaked up. Dunno how a destro/paladin and such combos are gonna be in hellbound but i hope drake will nerf them if they are gonna be overpowered like now, since its just stupid how easy it is for them to kill a whole party of mages/archers now in interlude.
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 06, 2009, 01:43:28 PM
I dont agree, i tryed playing my TH/HE last week in varka with qa + baium, draco set, draco bow+f+3 and i was droping mages with 2 crits (was criting for 4k,5k) I also crited archers for 4k so dont tell me you need uber gear to pwn. And my char isnt even a mutant. But yea i got owned by mages really fast too... But mages without m.crt augment and without valakas suck atm ;)
dude th/he is all about the angle from which u r shooting.
Quote from: Endorama on May 06, 2009, 02:21:10 PM
dude th/he is all about the angle from which u r shooting.
Yea with focus power i deal great dammage from back, but i was still criting for 3k on mages without focus power witch is enough to drop him with 2-3 shots.
Anyways it doesnt matter, im just saying that i want to have longer pvps than just 2 hitting each other. Increasing shield/ressistance buffs would be the first step, but lets wait for hellbound first since there are some skills that might bring some fun to the pvp again, i just hope they will work as i imagine they will :P
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 06, 2009, 01:43:28 PM
I dont agree, i tryed playing my TH/HE last week in varka with qa + baium, draco set, draco bow+f+3 and i was droping mages with 2 crits (was criting for 4k,5k) I also crited archers for 4k so dont tell me you need uber gear to pwn. And my char isnt even a mutant. But yea i got owned by mages really fast too... But mages without m.crt augment and without valakas suck atm ;)
DB+F+3 and QA+Baium, is still pretty decent gear.... And thoose crits were made on shitty mages in sweatpants. I dare you to crit me for more then 800.
And mages don't even need valakas to reach max critrate.... all you need to do is farm T-rexes for a few days and you will have WM9. With any elfclass on +5wit you can reach it (tested with necro/es.... did 38/100 crits).
And doesn't TH have slightly higher crit power passive then HE?
Quote from: kidicarus on May 06, 2009, 02:48:21 PM
DB+F+3 and QA+Baium, is still pretty decent gear.... And thoose crits were made on shitty mages in sweatpants. I dare you to crit me for more then 800.
And mages don't even need valakas to reach max critrate.... all you need to do is farm T-rexes for a few days and you will have WM9. With any elfclass on +5wit you can reach it (tested with necro/es.... did 38/100 crits).
And doesn't TH have slightly higher crit power passive then HE?
Yea, but your a mage/tank and im not talking about mages/mages against fighter/fighters, its like i would compare a mage/mage against a tank/archer.
Crits were made on Piskal, Messalina, oriin and some others from temp.
The crit power isnt really such a big bonus. I can do a little less than 6x the normal dammage with a crit on fullbuffs (i just noticed its without catbuff, so i dunno how much it is with it). Can any archer tell me his ratio between normal and crit? I know a SR can do 5x dammage, dunno about others.
Quote from: kidicarus on May 06, 2009, 12:59:06 PM
No, im backing up the archers and i play mage. M.crits is the dumbest thing invented by NCsoft... mages have a high constant output dmg, whilst archers have sucky dmg on all arrows except for the ones that crit.
Now im sure many of you mages is gonna scream out "resistance buffs" but you can only ever protect yourself fully vs 1 type of element. If you face a bunch of necros you might buff up with 3 or so darkresistbuffs. And then BAAAAM! His sorc friend comes along and casts fire vortex on you for 5k.
If you want to avoid archercrits you can sub to tank and you are 100% protected vs all archers. But if you choose xx/ee (hi oriin) or xx/pp (hi lucifsg) you will have buffs and selfheals but you will NOT have any archer resistance. You can't both have the cake and eat it.
@oriin, don't tell me you really think its cheaper to gear up an archer then a mage? In that case you're truly dumb. An archer is nothing on this server w/o OED bow. An archer is nothing w/o QA+Baium.
For a mage to stand equal chance in a PvP he needs am+a and mb zaken. Ever tried an archer with Db+f+0 and zaken?.... Not exactly overpowered....
+1 kid u are right! btw i left also archers and start play mages.
+1 tomek :P btw kid ur a tank ... u cant compare ur self with a mage/mage... is like i said u guys crit me more on hellz ee/sps that on ntitann nec/pal :/
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 06, 2009, 02:56:17 PM
Yea, but your a mage/tank and im not talking about mages/mages against fighter/fighters, its like i would compare a mage/mage against a tank/archer.
Crits were made on Piskal, Messalina, oriin and some others from temp.
wow impressive mages indeed, I crit Piskal and Messa (it's Jamest playing it) for arround 5k - 6k, Oriin getting 10k.
That's just because they don't know how to buff themselves.
Quote from: Furesy on May 06, 2009, 03:33:31 PM
wow impressive mages indeed, I crit Piskal and Messa (it's Jamest playing it) for arround 5k - 6k, Oriin getting 10k.
That's just because they don't know how to buff themselves.
I bet you can still crit em for 4k even when they have all the deffensive buffs on them :P
Lets wait for hellbound and continue the discussion than, cuz its useless to talk about interlude cuz its gone. ;D
Yesd i know im mage/tank tomek.... thats my whole point.
If you want to be able to buff and heal yourself you choose a sub that helps you be more offensive... like a nuker +buffer/healer class.
If your tired of archercrits you take a xx/tank sub. (As you did aswell Tomek)
But you can't both have the cake and eat it... atleast not without builder.
But theres really no universal defence against magecrits, so why do ppl even consider making mages stronger? Any tank class will give you a great resistance against pretty much all fighter classes but especially archers.
But theres no class thats good against nukers.... every char will get 3-5k crits from some element regardless of how they buff themselves.
And i play 2 classes Bish/Sk, and ES/Necro.... so i know what it's like to get crit for a shitload of damage, and i also know what it's like to deal ALOT of m.crits.
Quote from: kidicarus on May 06, 2009, 04:41:34 PM
Yesd i know im mage/tank tomek.... thats my whole point.
If you want to be able to buff and heal yourself you choose a sub that helps you be more offensive... like a nuker +buffer/healer class.
If your tired of archercrits you take a xx/tank sub. (As you did aswell Tomek)
But you can't both have the cake and eat it... atleast not without builder.
But theres really no universal defence against magecrits, so why do ppl even consider making mages stronger? Any tank class will give you a great resistance against pretty much all fighter classes but especially archers.
But theres no class thats good against nukers.... every char will get 3-5k crits from some element regardless of how they buff themselves.
And i play 2 classes Bish/Sk, and ES/Necro.... so i know what it's like to get crit for a shitload of damage, and i also know what it's like to deal ALOT of m.crits.
I know yea, im also saying mage crit rate should be much smaller. Lets just wait for hellbound and we will see how all the trigger 81lvl skills will work (should add 1k magic deffense and +20 ressistance against elements,unholy,holy for 10 seconds as i was reading somewhere)
Quote from: Furesy on May 06, 2009, 03:33:31 PM
wow impressive mages indeed, I crit Piskal and Messa (it's Jamest playing it) for arround 5k - 6k, Oriin getting 10k.
That's just because they don't know how to buff themselves.
i know how buff myself ... is just im not pussy ho cant leave town w.o dance/ppbuff/cov/catbuff/songs/other possible shits .. ;p
Quote from: kidicarus on May 06, 2009, 04:41:34 PM
Yesd i know im mage/tank tomek.... thats my whole point.
If you want to be able to buff and heal yourself you choose a sub that helps you be more offensive... like a nuker +buffer/healer class.
If your tired of archercrits you take a xx/tank sub. (As you did aswell Tomek)
But you can't both have the cake and eat it... atleast not without builder.
But theres really no universal defence against magecrits, so why do ppl even consider making mages stronger? Any tank class will give you a great resistance against pretty much all fighter classes but especially archers.
But theres no class thats good against nukers.... every char will get 3-5k crits from some element regardless of how they buff themselves.
And i play 2 classes Bish/Sk, and ES/Necro.... so i know what it's like to get crit for a shitload of damage, and i also know what it's like to deal ALOT of m.crits.
imo it's balanced :
on poola (ee sws) with full support buff (c speed and def only, was always using that buffs) i reached 3.3k mdef and nitopami on his full matk setup vortex-crited me for 1.3k. Yet i had all the resist etc, now if i pick normal ee sps like vicious or oriin the crits would have been ~800-900 dmg, yet sws has leet passivs etc.
and about the tanks, cartias bp/tank doesn't get crited more than 1.4k by archers w/o ud/symbol def/vengeance and yet only few archers like buffu wardenn furesy etc can reach 1k+.
So, mage vs fighter pt, if you can pick up all the class you want, is really easy for mage to win, take bp/wc bp/tk or sk, and fill the rest of the pt with classes like sps/tk, necro/sk, sorc /sk, ee/ tk (recharge clarity...) bd/se, sws/sps.
These 8 mages correctly buffed would take down any archer pt, that's for the pvp where kite option is available.
At a pvp event i would mix the pt with some sumoners like that ne/es and tbh i would as well keep a archer/tank in the mage pt to take down the bp that ll hardly buff mp consuption/resist mage/ resist fighter, now that we have buff shield such options are available but hardly needed, mage pts correctly chosed should imo roll a fighter pt.
Now i can't help wondering why to bother with that while we are moving to hb?
Quote from: Ozukyz on May 07, 2009, 12:01:11 PM
i know how buff myself ... is just im not pussy ho cant leave town w.o dance/ppbuff/cov/catbuff/songs/other possible shits .. ;p
That's probably why your a SPS/EE with always your BD/SE with you right x)?
fuk this topic lets w8 for hellbound XD
Quote from: Furesy on May 07, 2009, 01:43:18 PM
That's probably why your a SPS/EE with always your BD/SE with you right x)?
yep i never full buffed cuz ima not a pussy ;p
Quote from: Furesy on May 07, 2009, 01:43:18 PM
That's probably why your a SPS/EE with always your BD/SE with you right x)?
it`s my bd/se