Everything is said, sumoners are still shit, make something like 10% land rate or x10 reuse, or x10 mp cost
hm erase was nerfed but i see topic like :
Dont erase my summon i want to be OP again pls plx plox ploxozarus xD
lol it's some joke?
Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 03:45:14 PM
Everything is said, sumoners are still shit, make something like 10% land rate or x10 reuse, or x10 mp cost
After 1 nerf u want 1 more and blame half server are cryers :D
from my experience erase lands in about 60%
sps/ee has reuse of erase about 5 seconds
it should be nerfed imo
Quote from: cofo on July 10, 2009, 08:38:37 PM
from my experience erase lands in about 60%
sps/ee has reuse of erase about 5 seconds
it should be nerfed imo
totally wrong earase isnt lading 60% perhpas is 35% max
I think I experience erase little more often than you.
niori doesn't understand he getrs mana burned when he erases thats why it doesn't land lol.
Funny to see how much i am hated, funny as well to see usual QQers blaming me for QQing !
Got new aug ppl, matter of time before i roll oly as you are used to see me doing it (some tatoos to get tbh).
Stating a fact, erase way needs a nerf, it needs to be non usable skill if you ask me, just like the current mana burn.
Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 08:49:45 PM
niori doesn't understand he getrs mana burned when he erases thats why it doesn't land lol.
Funny to see how much i am hated, funny as well to see usual QQers blaming me for QQing !
Got new aug ppl, matter of time before i roll oly as you are used to see me doing it (some tatoos to get tbh).
Stating a fact, erase way needs a nerf, it needs to be non usable skill if you ask me, just like the current mana burn.
and give sumons some decent power... mb not nerf erase to 10% but something like 20 %... dont forget... erase is as strong as lethal vs summoners.... and evryone atm cry about lethal.. why not about erase? just not evryone is summoenrs and now they post things like QQ while they are probly the first to QQ about lethals...
kazimira altheo and more bla bla nabs want nerf alll for farm 100% oly great nerf lethal / nerf earse / nerf all w/o my char !!!!
for me lethal is fine, i save myself from it at like 80% of cases, but there s one more thing, try to find a sumoner using his 3rd class pet, you wont since these pets got nerfed really bad at c4, this nerf has no point atm, our 3rd calss pets are suposed to be our best pets but they are pure sh1T atm
Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 10:37:15 PM
for me lethal is fine, i save myself from it at like 80% of cases, but there s one more thing, try to find a sumoner using his 3rd class pet, you wont since these pets got nerfed really bad at c4, this nerf has no point atm, our 3rd calss pets are suposed to be our best pets but they are pure sh1T atm
french people french people tastes like frogs looks like people
Quote from: Ozukyz on July 10, 2009, 10:45:32 PM
french people french people tastes like frogs looks like people
Quiche Lorraine
Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 10:37:15 PM
for me lethal is fine, i save myself from it at like 80% of cases, but there s one more thing, try to find a sumoner using his 3rd class pet, you wont since these pets got nerfed really bad at c4, this nerf has no point atm, our 3rd calss pets are suposed to be our best pets but they are pure sh1T atm
we didn't have lvl 79 summons in c4:P
but overally i agree, lvl 79 summon is a glass cannon.. though even hard to call it a cannon... too low defence to be used in most cases, and erase makes it even less usefull (currently too low chance it will even make it to target unerased xD)
Erase got nerfed and then again the landing rate got high again after the last crashes of server .. and landing rate should be 40% in my opinion .. summoners is OP if u dont erase their summon or kill it .. thats why this skill was made by ncsoft to stop summoners oly domination
erase 50% landing is ok :P
erase is very annoying.... any non farmer char with summon haves no chance to keep a summon alive till the end of the fight... summon dies from 1/2 archer crits or mage hits....
but if erase is on any way affecting(at least in a small part) summoner farmers.... keep it and dont nerf it... for the good of the olys...
Why you need your summon anyway? You can attack with your augment pretty good. Like 500 dmg on 1000 mdef... Kazimira can do more than this. This would be the only thing that could balance oly a bit. ;)
Quote from: cristianvernal on July 11, 2009, 06:49:40 AM
erase is very annoying.... any non farmer char with summon haves no chance to keep a summon alive till the end of the fight... summon dies from 1/2 archer crits or mage hits....
but if erase is on any way affecting(at least in a small part) summoner farmers.... keep it and dont nerf it... for the good of the olys...
yeah this is exactly it, and once again, 3rd calss pets should be something really powerfull to us and it is just as the other guy said, too low pdef/mdef to be used and wont even reach target unerased
i see QQ mode on :) change char or play with that rules .....erease land is ~30 % so cry mode plox :) its really funny read that crappy shit :)
Funny to see how people who get owned 24/7 at oly and whined about everything you could think of before, now talk about QQ to people who say Erase is OP (since it is) hence now erase having a high land rate (again) is kinda stupid.
But ah well, summons die in 1 or 2 hits at PvP anyway.
ye now they dont won 100% fights just 80% :O
Quote from: PersonTRUE1 on July 11, 2009, 01:27:57 PM
i see QQ mode on :) change char or play with that rules .....erease land is ~30 % so cry mode plox :) its really funny read that crappy shit :)
arent u the one who made 2-3 topics crying for oly new system xD ?
Hmmm basic erase land chance shpud be about 40% + some % form mttack and buffs if im right
Quote from: Diabolical on July 11, 2009, 05:08:00 PM
arent u the one who made 2-3 topics crying for oly new system xD ?
yeah, pretty much very very silly beside being pathetic
Quote from: our4n0s on July 11, 2009, 07:59:20 PM
yeah, pretty much very very silly beside being pathetic
Quote from: Soltys on July 11, 2009, 08:27:03 PM
Oh please, people like you shouldn't even talk.
Quote from: Furesy on July 11, 2009, 08:28:04 PM
Oh please, people like you shouldn't even talk.
Oh please, stfu.
Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 03:45:14 PM
Everything is said, sumoners are still shit, make something like 10% land rate or x10 reuse, or x10 mp cost
Quote from: Furesy on July 11, 2009, 08:38:45 PM
lol make me nobody.
since u got SE/AW, d'u think SE/TH would be good ? wigga fur!
lol omfg GM PL0X FIX HYDRO BLATS DMG THE MAX DMG ON HYDRO BLAST HAVE TO BE 100 AND AT PROMINENCE,DEATH SPIKE,VAMPIRIC CLAW AND ALL OTHER SKILLS.....bla bla bla bla why are u cryin? Only cause ur summon gets killed by 1-2 Hits from archer or Earse Lands? Omfg! If Earse wouldn´t land mby all other ppl would cry nerv pets? dude cmon don´t be silly! nerf this, nerf that, nerf this, nerf that... If u don´t like how it is on this server nobody say to you: STAY HERE DONT LEAVE blaa... go on another server and don´t cry for nerfes....-.- Jeee cmon next reply will be " Antika ur pathetic" dude get better arguments this isnt pathetic it is just THE FACT you wanna that everything will get nerfed only your char have to be powerfull -.- so as i said i will say it again: LEAVE SERVER IF YOU DON`T LIKE IT!! AND DON´T CRY FOR FIXIS.... -.- ( GO GO GO FLAAAME ON ME -.- )
Quote from: xD on July 11, 2009, 08:43:37 PM
since u got SE/AW, d'u think SE/TH would be good ? wigga fur!
AW/SE is still funny char, but has nothing special, making a mutant out of that would be kind of wasted ;f
Quote from: Antika on July 11, 2009, 08:44:18 PM
lol omfg GM PL0X FIX HYDRO BLATS DMG THE MAX DMG ON HYDRO BLAST HAVE TO BE 100 AND AT PROMINENCE,DEATH SPIKE,VAMPIRIC CLAW AND ALL OTHER SKILLS.....bla bla bla bla why are u cryin? Only cause ur summon gets killed by 1-2 Hits from archer or Earse Lands? Omfg! If Earse wouldn´t land mby all other ppl would cry nerv pets? dude cmon don´t be silly! nerf this, nerf that, nerf this, nerf that... If u don´t like how it is on this server nobody say to you: STAY HERE DONT LEAVE blaa... go on another server and don´t cry for nerfes....-.- Jeee cmon next reply will be " Antika ur pathetic" dude get better arguments this isnt pathetic it is just THE FACT you wanna that everything will get nerfed only your char have to be powerfull -.- so as i said i will say it again: LEAVE SERVER IF YOU DON`T LIKE IT!! AND DON´T CRY FOR FIXIS.... -.- ( GO GO GO FLAAAME ON ME -.- )
u r not pathetic . u just dunno how to read properly .. weak summons / high land rate of erase .. both cant be together .. one of both has to be fixed .. thats all
Quote from: Diabolical on July 11, 2009, 09:07:57 PM
u r not pathetic . u just dunno how to read properly .. weak summons / high land rate of erase .. both cant be together .. one of both has to be fixed .. thats all
give us back the non-nerfed summons.. <<-
give summon class farmers the 100% win rate... smth like that?
i prefer to keep my cat weak instead of watching boring olys with the same classes(allrdy happening but i mean for summon type of chars)
And btw erase rate was quite ok, at least today on oly games i watch rate was about 3/10. on both well geared chars.
Quote from: cristianvernal on July 11, 2009, 09:45:51 PM
give summon class farmers the 100% win rate... smth like that?
i prefer to keep my cat weak instead of watching boring olys with the same classes(allrdy happening but i mean for summon type of chars)
when one glad use Triple Sonic Slash in ur cat.. is one shot? in the pony is (at least was....i didnt test in HB)
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 12, 2009, 05:43:13 AM
when one glad use Triple Sonic Slash in ur cat.. is one shot? in the pony is (at least was....i didnt test in HB)
I don't see a problem here if the skill crits, it's a pet anyway. A good sps mage (which has the lowest INT) can crit with ice vortex a player with elemental protection and more than 1200 mdef for 5000+ damage. So what you think?
Quote from: VforVanilla on July 12, 2009, 09:14:55 AM
I don't see a problem here if the skill crits, it's a pet anyway. A good sps mage (which has the lowest INT) can crit with ice vortex a player with elemental protection and more than 1200 mdef for 5000+ damage. So what you think?
You didn't make a point, you actually seem to lack some logical sense : it's nice that Sps can crit that much, it is nice than Glad can as well, and it is nice that a sumoner can't do it and beside it gets his pet oneshoted...right? because that's your point atm.
On the contrary, since the summoner is weak, since the summon is weak, can be erased, and have low damage/second something should be changed...
If you still didn't get the point, don't bother answering, thanks in advance
Quote from: our4n0s on July 12, 2009, 10:06:13 AM
You didn't make a point, you actually seem to lack some logical sense : it's nice that Sps can crit that much, it is nice than Glad can as well, and it is nice that a sumoner can't do it and beside it gets his pet oneshoted...right? because that's your point atm.
On the contrary, since the summoner is weak, since the summon is weak, can be erased, and have low damage/second something should be changed...
If you still didn't get the point, don't bother answering, thanks in advance
Tell me that when someone is not a nuker/summoner or tank/summoner who takes advantage of fighter magic skills when playing at mage stats to say ok.
ask lorelay (i dunno if he/she still play....but one time in oly vs him/her .... 3 TSS = 3 Ponys down)
When some SPS/XX can make 3 hits = 3 Kills at self?
Quote from: VforVanilla on July 12, 2009, 05:39:31 PM
Tell me that when someone is not a nuker/summoner or tank/summoner who takes advantage of fighter magic skills when playing at mage stats to say ok.
U dont know how to play vs those classes if u cant win them w/o erase.... but 60% of ppls are too lazy to think about :P
Sry for my english...i'm drunk
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 12, 2009, 08:31:07 PM
ask lorelay (i dunno if he/she still play....but one time in oly vs him/her .... 3 TSS = 3 Ponys down)
When some SPS/XX can make 3 hits = 3 Kills at self?
U dont know how to play vs those classes if u cant win them w/o erase.... but 60% of ppls are too lazy to think about :P
Sry for my english...i'm drunk
use mirrage. i won vs a lot of glad/pp that way.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on July 14, 2009, 08:23:47 PM
i was talking about 1 shot summons.....not about how to win glads ;D
Whats the point of use the Magnus if one Merrow Enchanted can have better defenseve Stats (i dont remember now....but i'm sure that merrow+9 have more p.def than magnus :P)
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 15, 2009, 02:58:23 AM
i was talking about 1 shot summons.....not about how to win glads ;D
Whats the point of use the Magnus if one Merrow Enchanted can have better defenseve Stats (i dont remember now....but i'm sure that merrow+9 have more p.def than magnus :P)
yup, you're right. not to talk about mirrage +9/10
Quote from: WindPhoenix on July 15, 2009, 10:15:30 AM
yup, you're right. not to talk about mirrage +9/10
Not talkin about mirage + 14/15 ;)
Quote from: our4n0s on July 15, 2009, 12:39:00 PM
Not talkin about mirage + 14/15 ;)
not to talk about having shitloads of bogs and level 85.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on July 15, 2009, 10:15:30 AM
yup, you're right. not to talk about mirrage +9/10
Quote from: WindPhoenix on July 15, 2009, 01:30:08 PM
not to talk about having shitloads of bogs and level 85.
gimme bogs...and i can say smth about it ;D
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 16, 2009, 03:37:26 AM
gimme bogs...and i can say smth about it ;D
lets both beg to Altheo imo, and he'll have a good show. ;D
Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 03:45:14 PM
Quote from: lucifsg on July 16, 2009, 11:47:03 AM
yersterday i Lost sws ee from his first fight and understood i was never good, just spamin an op aug, never ever havin a smart idea about my game play, i was mad and went butthurt at altheo
its fine for now, if u keep this way untill friday then there s no come back
Quote from: lucifsg on July 16, 2009, 11:47:03 AM
yersterday i Lost sws ee from his first fight and understood i was never good, just spamin an op aug, never ever havin a smart idea about my game play, i was mad and went butthurt at altheo
damn, what a sad story >.>
Quote from: WindPhoenix on July 16, 2009, 09:45:18 AM
lets both beg to Altheo imo, and he'll have a good show. ;D
well....if i find u @weekend...we can make some pvp's....
i'm working now...haven't much time to log :P
Quote from: our4n0s on July 16, 2009, 12:58:26 PM
its fine for now, if u keep this way untill friday then there s no come back
As i said ingame i have nothing to loose. As for my skills i have nothing to discuss lol, but i ll tell u about me playing without rings and the laugh ur pm gave me once u thought u can farm agil . Ur brain is too small for me kiddo. Now go try to sell heroe classes , this ll be the most fun part of oly for me arrogant egowhore.
Quote from: lucifsg on July 16, 2009, 05:46:51 PM
As i said ingame i have nothing to loose. As for my skills i have nothing to discuss lol, but i ll tell u about me playing without rings and the laugh ur pm gave me once u thought u can farm agil . Ur brain is too small for me kiddo. Now go try to sell heroe classes , this ll be the most fun part of oly for me arrogant egowhore.
oly s gona be Wayyyyy more fun nowadayz, tbh farmer team supremacy waq kinda boring
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 16, 2009, 05:32:07 PM
well....if i find u @weekend...we can make some pvp's....
i'm working now...haven't much time to log :P
sure thing. if i log in, that is around midnight in GMt+2... about that time you spawn too :D i have a secret farming plan btw ^_^ and ofc, we can pvp :D
Quote from: our4n0s on July 10, 2009, 08:49:45 PM
Funny to see how much i am hated
Well i hate you too you fking murron.... :P :P
Quote from: Javardsnegger on July 17, 2009, 11:57:42 AM
Well i hate you too you fking murron.... :P :P
*cof cof* My 50 cents *cof cof*
Quote from: Neozinhu on July 17, 2009, 05:38:31 PM
*cof cof* My 50 cents *cof cof*
quem deveria falar isso não era eu? ;D