Remove Aguments from Olympiad
Option 1: Yes
votes: 145
Option 2: No
votes: 26
Ya looks like i made new spam , flood topic, so yea let me hear u wankers ....
yes, just to fuk lucif up
btw your chatban on my char metal is a big tough piece of shit, and if you think i got nothing better to do than leaving this session on all the time you're wrong, but guess what i guess it ll make me a nice excuse for not answering under l2w ?
Quote from: our4n0s on September 24, 2009, 11:59:52 PM
yes, just to fuk lucif up
btw your chatban on my char metal is a big tough piece of shit, and if you think i got nothing better to do than leaving this session on all the time you're wrong, but guess what i guess it ll make me a nice excuse for not answering under l2w ?
Just try l2w and Pa-Pa.
Quote from: our4n0s on September 24, 2009, 11:59:52 PM
yes, just to fuk lucif up
I thought u guys were friends though :s
Maybe normal people can play at oly again with this nerf.. +1 track.
Quote from: Zuluman on September 25, 2009, 12:06:16 AM
I thought u guys were friends though :s
Maybe normal people can play at oly again with this nerf.. +1 track.
We are friends, but that have nothing to do with game play balance.
Quote from: TrackZero on September 25, 2009, 12:21:06 AM
We are friends, but that have nothing to do with game play balance.
I ment luci and glenn :P
All know that the only friends who effect gameplay balance are your CB frineds :P :P :P
Quote from: Zuluman on September 25, 2009, 12:23:29 AM
I ment luci and glenn :P
All know that the only friends who effect gameplay balance are your CB frineds :P :P :P
Ya CB is controlling me, especially female members.
Quote from: TrackZero on September 25, 2009, 12:26:46 AM
Ya CB is controlling me, especially female members.
Diana right???? Thas nothing to be ashamed of.
Quote from: Zuluman on September 25, 2009, 12:28:10 AM
Diana right???? Thas nothing to be ashamed of.
Quote from: Endorama on September 25, 2009, 12:34:08 AM
Lies, it's me!
Hai Track!
Quote from: Zuluman on September 25, 2009, 12:28:10 AM
Diana right???? Thas nothing to be ashamed of.
No it is big tits, aka Deathand ;D
Quote from: oOMiaOo on September 25, 2009, 12:41:34 AM
You made me sound like a six pest on FaceBook!!!!
Quote from: Zuluman on September 25, 2009, 12:43:48 AM
You made me sound like a six pest on FaceBook!!!!
same like u made me look here :O
Quote from: TrackZero on September 25, 2009, 12:39:02 AM
No it is big tits, aka Deathand ;D
Dont wish ,i dont "take care" boys :P
Quote from: Deavon on September 25, 2009, 12:45:06 AM
Dont wish ,i dont "take care" boys :P
Lets return back on topic, so no more flood, ill delete all in case u continue, this is serious menx.
Quote from: TrackZero on September 25, 2009, 12:47:05 AM
Lets return back on topic, so no more flood, ill delete all in case u continue, this is serious menx.
Back on topic so , remove them dont remove them ,i dont rly care since i dont do oly at all .
Well I would like a chance to play in oly, but as it stands I can't because I cannot afford the aurgs and shits, this nerf will even out the playing field a bit more between the rich and the poor people.
P.s, Sory D :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
This should be done a very long time ago but anyways its better now than never.
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 25, 2009, 01:08:23 AM
This should be done a very long time ago but anyways its better now than never.
Btw deadlast here XD I thought tht since luci will prolly make xxxxx accounts to vote I should make atleast 2 votes :P
Quote from: Deadseeker on September 25, 2009, 01:12:44 AM
Btw deadlast here XD I thought tht since luci will prolly make xxxxx accounts to vote I should make atleast 2 votes :P
Im smarter then mouse :), registration on forum is closed for 8 days :D
Quote from: TrackZero on September 25, 2009, 01:13:34 AM
Im smarter then mouse :), registration on forum is closed for 8 days :D
Another HUGE +1 TO YOU!!!
Gogogogogo get these augs removed!!!!
Quote from: TrackZero on September 25, 2009, 01:13:34 AM
Im smarter then mouse :), registration on forum is closed for 8 days :D
Fix the bug with stun shot removing chant of protection plx...
Chao bella!
Quote from: Deadseeker on September 25, 2009, 01:12:44 AM
Btw deadlast here XD I thought tht since luci will prolly make xxxxx accounts to vote I should make atleast 2 votes :P
ahahhahahahahah man you made my day +1
by doign that , u giving sps / ee and es / ee and wk / pp the lead , if u did it in nm , only 2 chars will get affected , agil and uthria , if u consider removing augments from oly then consider as well , nerfing mana burn , increase erase landing rate coz those will be the new QQ topics , since summoners / support will rule oly
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 01:24:46 AM
ahahhahahahahah man you made my day +1
Glad you finally liked one of my posts :P
And sorry that this will effect you, but tbh you will just re-roll and then farm some more so I don't think its a big deal to you like luci lol.
Quote from: Diabolical on September 25, 2009, 01:26:45 AM
by doign that , u giving sps / ee and es / ee and wk / pp the lead , if u did it in nm , only 2 chars will get affected , agil and uthria , if u consider removing augments from oly then consider as well , nerfing mana burn , increase erase landing rate coz those will be the new QQ topics , since summoners / support will rule oly
Mana burn land rate got nerfed a bit 2nite. Daggers also use refresh aug, some sps/ee use celestrial ect ect.
Quote from: Diabolical on September 25, 2009, 01:26:45 AM
by doign that , u giving sps / ee and es / ee and wk / pp the lead , if u did it in nm , only 2 chars will get affected , agil and uthria , if u consider removing augments from oly then consider as well , nerfing mana burn , increase erase landing rate coz those will be the new QQ topics , since summoners / support will rule oly
bp/wk mostly, all other combo will have the weakness, as pp/th and orcs for ee/es, and as ee/es nad ty/ol for pp/wk, but bp/wk shall remain ALLMIGHTY !!!
Quote from: Zuluman on September 25, 2009, 01:28:18 AM
Glad you finally liked one of my posts :P
And sorry that this will effect you, but tbh you will just re-roll and then farm some more so I don't think its a big deal to you like luci lol.
Its the only post that i liked from you too :P
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 01:31:12 AM
bp/wk mostly, all other combo will have the weakness, as pp/th and orcs for ee/es, and as ee/es nad ty/ol for pp/wk, but bp/wk shall remain ALLMIGHTY !!!
true with the fast reuse of cleanse , my point is , killing 2 chars off oly , will open more QQ topics and nothing actually will change
Quote from: Diabolical on September 25, 2009, 01:35:16 AM
true with the fast reuse of cleanse , my point is , killing 2 chars off oly , will open more QQ topics and nothing actually will change
Piskal might STFU for half a day... isn't that worth the nerf???
Quote from: Zuluman on September 25, 2009, 01:37:13 AM
Piskal might STFU for half a day... isn't that worth the nerf???
who even cares what almost 40 years old guy QQ about , even when he had his augment active , he still loses to many ppl , he lost more than augment , he lost a wife and a family , so he is prepared to lose anything because of L2 :D
Quote from: Diabolical on September 25, 2009, 01:39:19 AM
who even cares what almost 40 years old guy QQ about , even when he had his augment active , he still loses to many ppl , he lost more than augment , he lost a wife and a family , so he is prepared to lose anything because of L2 :D
L2 is his life, if he loses that God only knows what will happen to him. As retarded as he is I don't want him or anyone else on this forum dieing lol.
Quote from: Diabolical on September 25, 2009, 01:39:19 AM
who even cares what almost 40 years old guy QQ about , even when he had his augment active , he still loses to many ppl , he lost more than augment , he lost a wife and a family , so he is prepared to lose anything because of L2 :D
well let's start facing the fact ppl against aguments down are people using these augments.... i do think server wont be more balanced at oly at all when augs ll be off, and the next thing well hear is nito crying about magical backfire or god knows what else ;d
but still,a major nerf has to come on aguments and that's a fact, what i would do is more a nerf like we saw it 3 days ago(allthough i would suggest a 10 sec reuse under renewal)...but i guess track is more about removing augments so freak it just remove them XD
Track , before taking any fast decision , think !
There always was and will be overpowered chars in oly , augs wont change that. Some arrogant-emo-hoe ppl allready dreaming of next farmer (bp/wk which btw explain me how u ll win a ty/ol with no m burn and aug ), which confirms that there always ll be oly farmers...
Not to mention that u want to change aug system for 1-2 ppl on server ? U said it ur self augs was ment to be that way , blame ncsoft.
Guys who can win 1vs1 a de/ty today in oly having him on frenzy, zealot , bison , over the body , rage and celestial ? Noone except if altheo is playing the de/ty (then even niori or a 76 lvl de/ty can win). So why noone cry abou de/ty ?
PS mammon cant see dynasty blunts , so u cant add sa
So my point, supose u remove augs (for 2ppl ? omg) another farmer class will jump up
Oh and there is the other side ofc ...1st to get thoose augs u need coins in the 1st place. Why should i loose the coins i spend on it ?
2nd and most important. Many ppl made chars with augs thinking they ll rock oly . Why didnt they became farmers ? (1st name in my mind 20dollarwhore)
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 12:52:49 PM
Many ppl made chars with augs thinking they ll rock oly . Why didnt they became farmers ?(1st name in my mind 20dollarwhore)
coz he got ban?:P
Quote from: Diver on September 25, 2009, 01:05:03 PM
coz he got ban?:P
he was olying many months.. he got ban recently
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 01:08:23 PM
he was olying many months.. he got ban recently
only place i saw him was HB he spila all the time chimeras on triple :P but i don't watch oly coz it's so boring xD
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 01:31:12 AM
bp/wk mostly, all other combo will have the weakness, as pp/th and orcs for ee/es, and as ee/es nad ty/ol for pp/wk, but bp/wk shall remain ALLMIGHTY !!!
ty ol cant do shit vs pp wk even without aug xd
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PS. altheo g4y log on msn
this is how it all started
Quote from: elcharro on September 25, 2009, 12:05:29 AM
orc kill me with 11k damage, and th or pw lethal me fast. But if they play fair...
U have a horrible char, support char MUST NOT play on oly, it's a nosense and I want block this. And u ench skill like xmatx and other, so pls...
1 noob (also GM) gets hardly owned by augs, so he started same thread on Dragon section
Then Track created same thread for NM
If delete augs from oly, cause they are OP(poor sps/ee, no more 2x WM pwnge xD), why not delete DNet sets either(like on arena in IL Arena sets were forbidden on oly)?
(I'd add: remove Ica bows, but they need only repair bug and they will be normal weapons.)
track better remove auguments from oly and make fight's possible only on retail..... it will be 1000x better than just removing oly and more fair for ppls :P and more more ppls will join cuz fight on simple retail must be funny and fair for all
Quote from: flamingAwe on September 25, 2009, 01:25:17 PM
why not delete DNet sets either(like on arena in IL Arena sets were forbidden on oly)?
i just sold my draco set :D
btw i still think that
1: ok remove augment np
2: think about a option loke in past (but not class based, simply fighter or mage based)
make doanted items forbiden in oly :) and its gonna be fair.... its same like with walker :D some players play nice and making self and good and others just buy :D
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 12:52:49 PM
Track , before taking any fast decision , think !
There always was and will be overpowered chars in oly , augs wont change that. Some arrogant-emo-hoe ppl allready dreaming of next farmer (bp/wk which btw explain me how u ll win a ty/ol with no m burn and aug ), which confirms that there always ll be oly farmers...
Not to mention that u want to change aug system for 1-2 ppl on server ? U said it ur self augs was ment to be that way , blame ncsoft.
Guys who can win 1vs1 a de/ty today in oly having him on frenzy, zealot , bison , over the body , rage and celestial ? Noone except if altheo is playing the de/ty (then even niori or a 76 lvl de/ty can win). So why noone cry abou de/ty ?
PS mammon cant see dynasty blunts , so u cant add sa
So my point, supose u remove augs (for 2ppl ? omg) another farmer class will jump up
Oh and there is the other side ofc ...1st to get thoose augs u need coins in the 1st place. Why should i loose the coins i spend on it ?
2nd and most important. Many ppl made chars with augs thinking they ll rock oly . Why didnt they became farmers ? (1st name in my mind 20dollarwhore)
who said no mana burn? ill win ty/ol with reflect/cat, but you don't know one cat can reflect right? i ll use a decent mana burn and macical backfire, warior bane, and orcs are down, not mentioning they will start on 60% hp cuz restore goes on celestial
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 12:52:49 PM
Guys who can win 1vs1 a de/ty today in oly having him on frenzy, zealot , bison , over the body , rage and celestial ? Noone except if altheo is playing the de/ty (then even niori or a 76 lvl de/ty can win). So why noone cry abou de/ty ?
you mean, everyone can win except if spash is playing the ty/de, since spash is the only one that plays ty/de good at oly, yet then altheo on his char laymedown ll kick any ty/de...even spash.... but wait...
any BP/wk or most of bp even tk/ee, as ee/es, rapes ty/de, for pretty obvious reasons i dont even need to write there, just stop QQing about augments lol, every good thing has an end
Btw lucif you can see its 85.1% vs 14.9% for removing augments, this reason should be enough for you to gtfo and just let the majority have what they want lol, you know it's about stoping being a selfish brat and give up on what you currently have for the greater community's good (lol xd)
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 01:50:18 PM
you mean, everyone can win except if spash is playing the ty/de, since spash is the only one that plays ty/de good at oly, yet then altheo on his char laymedown ll kick any ty/de...even spash.... but wait...
any BP/wk or most of bp even tk/ee, as ee/es, rapes ty/de, for pretty obvious reasons i dont even need to write there, just stop QQing about augments lol, every good thing has an end
Btw lucif you can see its 85.1% vs 14.9% for removing augments, this reason should be enough for you to gtfo and just let the majority have what they want lol, you know it's about stoping being a selfish brat and give up on what you currently have for the greater community's good (lol xd)
spash is best ty/des on oly ? lol dont joke me man pls :D
Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 25, 2009, 02:27:06 PM
spash is best ty/des on oly ? lol dont joke me man pls :D
dont say you are the best coz even bd/se could win you with some luck
Quote from: Marinella on September 25, 2009, 02:33:06 PM
dont say you are the best coz even bd/se could win you with some luck
no im not the best but metal is low skilled orc btw u meanme vs nimradel yesterday ? oh yea u dont see i dont hit him, dont use any skil ? lag ownage GG
Quote from: Diabolical on September 25, 2009, 01:39:19 AM
who even cares what almost 40 years old guy QQ about , even when he had his augment active , he still loses to many ppl , he lost more than augment , he lost a wife and a family , so he is prepared to lose anything because of L2 :D
what im read on forum . what i lost ? im lost a wife about game u make me day hahahahahahah :DDD
Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 25, 2009, 02:38:16 PM
no im not the best but metal is low skilled orc btw u meanme vs nimradel yesterday ? oh yea u dont see i dont hit him, dont use any skil ? lag ownage GG
i think szi is the best but nvm its only imo. nimra is bd/ps not bd/se and i meant not last matches
Quote from: Marinella on September 25, 2009, 04:09:44 PM
i think szi is the best but nvm its only imo. nimra is bd/ps not bd/se and i meant not last matches
well at oly, the best is spash, agil or i can tell you that since we are mages and we see the dif, now szi s very good too allthough spash's harder, and hardstyle is like the most easy shit ever XD
Quote from: NiToPaMi on September 25, 2009, 02:40:51 PM
what im read on forum . what i lost ? im lost a wife about game u make me day hahahahahahah :DDD
its good that u laugh about it , good for ur health at least it doesn't get u bad memories
anyway a new nerf , reuse time of nuke augments has increased :/
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 01:50:18 PM
you mean, everyone can win except if spash is playing the ty/de, since spash is the only one that plays ty/de good at oly, yet then altheo on his char laymedown ll kick any ty/de...even spash.... but wait...
any BP/wk or most of bp even tk/ee, as ee/es, rapes ty/de, for pretty obvious reasons i dont even need to write there, just stop QQing about augments lol, every good thing has an end
Btw lucif you can see its 85.1% vs 14.9% for removing augments, this reason should be enough for you to gtfo and just let the majority have what they want lol, you know it's about stoping being a selfish brat and give up on what you currently have for the greater community's good (lol xd)
best joke ever!!!omg i cant believe this shit coming out of u . u pathetic hypocrit , talking about servers good and what players want ? 1 month ago or so u was trying to sell heroe class for coins on every possible class u could , freakin up every player that try to make himself heroe and now u speak about servers good ? Dude u care only for ur self and how many bogs/coins u ll make nothing more . Ur acting once again going like "remove augs for the good of server (ahahah cant believe it yet)" cause that ll give u open doors on laymedown (which btw is fine for me i ll always have a char to farm ur ass). Guess what, if u care so much for the server u should ask mana burn nerf as well but w8 .. how will u drain everyone in 2 secs then ... emowhore...
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 04:20:51 PM
well at oly, the best is spash, agil or i can tell you that since we are mages and we see the dif, now szi s very good too allthough spash's harder, and hardstyle is like the most easy shit ever XD
1st) hardstyle ... no comments.. i ve seen the guy in hb just killing mobs , was amazed. Just for the record the "most easy sh1t ever" pwned ur ass last night really bad on his 76 lvl and non enchanted skills... what more to say ...
2nd )szi mastering his char so long and spash is harder ? XD ahahahahahahhahahah
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 04:20:51 PM
well at oly, the best is spash, agil or i can tell you that since we are mages and we see the dif, now szi s very good too allthough spash's harder, and hardstyle is like the most easy shit ever XD
u made my day .... i killed metal last 2 days x 7 times and u tell me he is the best ? cmon im lvl 76 all my skils are + 0 and i have con - 9 lol and he cant kill me when im like with 0 hp so he must be so pro
Quote from: Marinella on September 25, 2009, 04:09:44 PM
i think szi is the best but nvm its only imo. nimra is bd/ps not bd/se and i meant not last matches
i know niva is no bd/se but u say bd/se killed me lol i dont remember when i fight last time in oly vs bd/se 2 motnhs ago ? why u say bullshits ;>
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 05:36:31 PM
ahahahahha best joke ever!!!
omg i cant believe this shit coming out of u . u pathetic hypocrit , talking about servers good and what players want ? 1 month ago or so u was trying to sell heroe class for coins on every possible class u could , freakin up every player that try to make himself heroe and now u speak about servers good ? Dude u care only for ur self and how many bogs/coins u ll make nothing more . Ur acting once again going like "remove augs for the good of server (ahahah cant believe it yet)" cause that ll give u open doors on laymedown (which btw is fine for me i ll always have a char to farm ur ass). Guess what, if u care so much for the server u should ask mana burn nerf as well but w8 .. how will u drain everyone in 2 secs then ... emowhore...
i still sell hero for bogs, got no problem with that, i will do what i can do but doesn't mean i will try to stick to that, no idea if you will understand tho
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 05:44:14 PM
1st) hardstyle ... no comments.. i ve seen the guy in hb just killing mobs , was amazed. Just for the record the "most easy sh1t ever" pwned ur ass last night really bad on his 76 lvl and non enchanted skills... what more to say ...
2nd )szi mastering his char so long and spash is harder ? XD ahahahahahahhahahah
I am talking about oly, spash is better in oly than szi is, from a mage pointview that's sure, i thought you knew it but eh...doesn't matter.
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 05:44:14 PM
1st) hardstyle ... no comments.. i ve seen the guy in hb just killing mobs , was amazed. Just for the record the "most easy sh1t ever" pwned ur ass last night really bad on his 76 lvl and non enchanted skills... what more to say ...
2nd )szi mastering his char so long and spash is harder ? XD ahahahahahahhahahah
1) harstyle won me, he didn't win spash as he seems to believe it, he won me lol, i got no problem saying i sucked on metal, i did, yet that was me, not spash, once again, spash> hardstyl.
2)You may play a char for xxx years and still suck at it, like you do on your pp/ne, not saying that to offense you..
and that's not the case of szi, he s good, spash is just better at oly imo as ty/de, but look you can say szi s better i dont give a rat's arse lol
Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 25, 2009, 05:56:43 PM
u made my day .... i killed metal last 2 days x 7 times and u tell me he is the best ? cmon im lvl 76 all my skils are + 0 and i have con - 9 lol and he cant kill me when im like with 0 hp so he must be so pro
you killed me, not spash.... kk... btw.... i had light armor only.... we have con -9 too.... and you got +12 fists while we got +3;.. yet the real problem was no heavy dnet set but w/e, i didn't manage it well anyway
closed oly like coloseum ;)
answer for ur all problem :D (and it's easy ;D)
QuoteI am talking about oly, spash is better in oly than szi is, from a mage pointview that's sure, i thought you knew it but eh...doesn't matter.
ofc it doesnt .. keep ur opinion for urself lol
Quote2)You may play a char for xxx years and still suck at it, like you do on your pp/ne, not saying that to offense you..
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 05:36:31 PM
ahahahahha best joke ever!!!
omg i cant believe this shit coming out of u . u pathetic hypocrit , talking about servers good and what players want ? 1 month ago or so u was trying to sell heroe class for coins on every possible class u could , freakin up every player that try to make himself heroe and now u speak about servers good ? Dude u care only for ur self and how many bogs/coins u ll make nothing more . Ur acting once again going like "remove augs for the good of server (ahahah cant believe it yet)" cause that ll give u open doors on laymedown (which btw is fine for me i ll always have a char to farm ur ass). Guess what, if u care so much for the server u should ask mana burn nerf as well but w8 .. how will u drain everyone in 2 secs then ... emowhore...
and i didn't mind a mana burn nerf, i actually was for it, i still am cuz 80% sucess is quite shitty, i would go for a power nerf that's the main difference..
about you farming me, well since i came back on sws/ee, from the first fight i rolled you, it's 4 - 0 atm and the 3 last fights you barely took CPs off, these are facts, i wont deny you win me most of times on ee/es but we re talking about same reuse char with 1 k mdef here and 2.3k mdef on your sws ee XD yet your win rate is barely 60%
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 06:21:30 PM
i still sell hero for bogs, got no problem with that, i will do what i can do but doesn't mean i will try to stick to that, no idea if you will understand tho
shhh hypocrit . my answer of why u want nerfed augs is right there ... u dont care about anyone but ur self.
cya when mana burn is nerfed...
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 06:34:38 PM
shhh hypocrit . my answer of why u want nerfed augs is right there ... u dont care about anyone but ur self.
cya when mana burn is nerfed...
im not surprised you miss the main point of ee/es dude... which is not mana burn as you seem to think, it's about selfrecharge, nerf mana burn....i will only get a safer self (and pet's) recharge...
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 06:31:23 PM
and i didn't mind a mana burn nerf, i actually was for it, i still am cuz 80% sucess is quite shitty, i would go for a power nerf that's the main difference..
about you farming me, well since i came back on sws/ee, from the first fight i rolled you, it's 4 - 0 atm and the 3 last fights you barely took CPs off, these are facts, i wont deny you win me most of times on ee/es but we re talking about same reuse char with 1 k mdef here and 2.3k mdef on your sws ee XD yet your win rate is barely 60%
right cause 80% would fack u up , on the other hand power wouldnt cause we both know u dont have mana problems ... hypocrit once again ..
as for agil loosing from LE ye indeed i lost but tell me why u stop joining once i upgraded enchant skills and weapon like u did...
or i can post a screen of why u stop...
at least i had the balls to join and face u with my poor +9 songs and shity +4 am with stone on it (on which u got resist from rb jewls , while hydro doesnt , stone lvl 10 is nerfed vs hydro lvl 10 due to drake or gm -no idea)
ur selfowning ur self just shut up ...
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 06:53:10 PM
right cause 80% would fack u up , on the other hand power wouldnt cause we both know u dont have mana problems ... hypocrit once again ..
retard i just said i would like a power nerf in addition to the 80% ffs
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 06:53:10 PM
as for agil loosing from LE ye indeed i lost but tell me why u stop joining once i upgraded enchant skills and weapon like u did...
or i can post a screen of why u stop...
at least i had the balls to join and face u with my poor +9 songs and shity +4 am with stone on it (on which u got resist from rb jewls , while hydro doesnt , stone lvl 10 is nerfed vs hydro lvl 10 due to drake or gm -no idea)
ur selfowning ur self just shut up ...
kk first fight : stone vs stone : i won.
second fight : hydro vs stone : i won
third fight : hydro vs stone : i won
fourth fight : hydro vs hydro : i won and you didn't touch CP XD.
Now, in every of these fights you had mdef aug that i miss, which adds about...? 20% mdef? and you got a better weap with same aug on last fight so psssssscht
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 06:59:00 PM
retard i just said i would like a power nerf in addition to the 80% ffs
kk first fight : stone vs stone : i won.
second fight : hydro vs stone : i won
third fight : hydro vs stone : i won
fourth fight : hydro vs hydro : i won and you didn't touch CP XD.
Now, in every of these fights you had mdef aug that i miss, which adds about...? 20% mdef? and you got a better weap with same aug on last fight so psssssscht
hahaha dude ur a joke urself XD m def aug adds 100% m def at least .
not only i ll post screens of why camping me but i ll post also the heart attacks u get once u loose pts XD
ps stone vs stone u never won me qq moar c u in oly ..
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 07:09:52 PM
hahaha dude ur a joke urself XD m def aug adds 100% m def at least .
not only i ll post screens of why camping me but i ll post also the heart attacks u get once u loose pts XD
ps stone vs stone u never won me qq moar c u in oly ..
dude when i came, first fight, it was stone vs stone you memory is such a piece of shit really, but furesy and spash prolly remember XD.
so yeah, first fight you had mdef aug, i didn't, and you lost, at stone vs stone, but last time is worst since it was better weap on ur side, same aug, mdef aug on ur side, and you didn't touch my CP
I remember but I don't care!
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 07:09:52 PM
hahaha dude ur a joke urself XD m def aug adds 100% m def at least .
just checked lvl 6 mdef aug, 17.54% mdef added ..
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 07:13:00 PM
dude when i came, first fight, it was stone vs stone you memory is such a piece of shit really, but furesy and spash prolly remember XD.
so yeah, first fight you had mdef aug, i didn't, and you lost, at stone vs stone, but last time is worst since it was better weap on ur side, same aug, mdef aug on ur side, and you didn't touch my CP
i ll agree to last fight ye i facked up . as for the others my char was left behind not pimped enough and i ll say once again stone vs stone u never won. simply cause u had stone long time ago and guess what if u was winning me u would keep going on in oly...
Then why u stop joining mr PRO
Well, I dunno Alth's reason but I was on LE a lot of times last nights and I told Alth to gtfo from the char because I wanted to play xD
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 07:19:20 PM
just checked lvl 6 mdef aug, 17.54% mdef added ..
moron it adds standar value not %
hard to explain to a low brain like u but i ll try ..or actually i wont ... my time is priceless atm
Quote from: our4n0s on September 25, 2009, 06:26:45 PM
I am talking about oly, spash is better in oly than szi is, from a mage pointview that's sure, i thought you knew it but eh...doesn't matter.1) harstyle won me, he didn't win spash as he seems to believe it, he won me lol, i got no problem saying i sucked on metal, i did, yet that was me, not spash, once again, spash> hardstyl.
2)You may play a char for xxx years and still suck at it, like you do on your pp/ne, not saying that to offense you..
and that's not the case of szi, he s good, spash is just better at oly imo as ty/de, but look you can say szi s better i dont give a rat's arse lolyou killed me, not spash.... kk... btw.... i had light armor only.... we have con -9 too.... and you got +12 fists while we got +3;.. yet the real problem was no heavy dnet set but w/e, i didn't manage it well anyway
muahhahaha u had heavy and light set nice joke i remember u started fight at heavy and when i run with dha u use light for make distance GZ and i dont care i killed you or spash i`ll kill him too
btw u know why u think spash is the best ? he have all 424247894921 sets and skils + 44789, he can pick light set when he fight s mage and heavy vd fighters and i have only one set and dont have items +++.
and now go and spam ur mana burn no skilled player ps. nol life evryday 20-24 u join oly u have a real life ?;x
Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2009, 07:27:37 PM
moron it adds standar value not %
hard to explain to a low brain like u but i ll try ..or actually i wont ... my time is priceless atm
doesn't matter, it remains on a nearby d17% lol
Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 25, 2009, 07:44:25 PM
btw u know why u think spash is the best ? he have all 424247894921 sets and skils + 44789, he can pick light set when he fight s mage and heavy vd fighters and i have only one set and dont have items +++.
actually all I got is demon splinters++++++++++++++3 dha++++++++++++++3 and dyna heavy/light++++++++3 XD
ps. i didnt play metal last days.
ill say it again: "augments were made for retail server...not for sublass chars"
that means...augments for 1 class, not 2!
+1for yes
Quote from: cristianvernal on September 25, 2009, 08:38:18 PM
ill say it again: "augments were made for retail server...not for sublass chars"
that means...augments for 1 class, not 2!
+1for yes
same is oly , its made for 1 class , same the whole l2 charachters
Quote from: TrackZero on September 25, 2009, 12:26:46 AM
Ya CB is controlling me, especially female members.
Now i really know why Mia is always drunked :P
today's reuse increase is a good step, make it x7-8
Quote from: cristianvernal on September 25, 2009, 08:38:18 PM
ill say it again: "augments were made for retail server...not for sublass chars"
that means...augments for 1 class, not 2!
+1for yes
and who can beat EE with nuke augu on retail?
Quote from: wildpussy on September 26, 2009, 01:53:58 AM
and who can beat EE with nuke augu on retail?
any summoner
Quote from: Zuluman on September 25, 2009, 01:30:29 AM
Mana burn land rate got nerfed a bit 2nite. Daggers also use refresh aug, some sps/ee use celestrial ect ect.
Quote from: Diabolical on September 26, 2009, 02:15:10 AM
any summoner
and what will a unsubbed-summoner do without a healing skill vs mana burn and erase?
Quote from: wildpussy on September 26, 2009, 10:14:51 AM
and what will a unsubbed-summoner do without a healing skill vs mana burn and erase?
We have battle heal level 3 :) on self with a decent ammount of RB jewels, not saying full set, we heal like 200-300 HP per heal. Reuse is very low and with the ES casting we can heal like 600-800 HP per second, depending if we use arcane agility or not.
against mana burn we can /walk and use a good robe which gives enough MP.
Against erase, we have a fine selection of unicorns and quick reuse of summon skill.
And the pony hits quite hard, so the unsubbed EE will be busy healing himself.
Does this mean, that ouside oly the nuke augments will be "normal"? In that case I don't see why the ppl that used coins on them complain, cause this will atleast make the augments usefull for all normal PvP's.
Quote from: kidicarus on September 26, 2009, 12:52:33 PM
Does this mean, that ouside oly the nuke augments will be "normal"? In that case I don't see why the ppl that used coins on them complain, cause this will atleast make the augments usefull for all normal PvP's.
yeah make back 0 reuse on augments (when you equip weapons) and 20 minute active ones.
Quote from: Diabolical on September 26, 2009, 02:15:10 AM
any summoner
so wrong lol
as ee/es, i shall have a good idea, and straighty, sumoners will have no chance to EE with augment... no arguments from rebel so lets focus on penis !
self heal on es? let me laugh a bit dude, yes you can heal yourself but the ratio hpregened/mp used is so shitty, prolly the worse ratio you will ever find on a mage... really lame... now here are the facts :
you will never use your summon, slept all the time or erase, you will lose your mana quite fast, you can't even mana burn back which is enough to state you have no chance already... you have no way to keep your mana, no mdef buff, you cannot mcrit.... so yes you shouldn't die before you have no mana, but your mana will last 40 seconds... and /walk or robe is big bs, first /rn or /walk doesn't matter, it's far better to not move at all, and then /walk or /run has no effect on the mp regened, but it's still too shittty for you to stand a chance... w/o heal ? (don't start again with your crappy heal xd) so no, you won't do shit vs EE with augment
Quote from: our4n0s on September 26, 2009, 01:59:19 PM
so lets focus on penis !
dont focus on it too much, they might think you're gay ;D
Give us the oficial Dynasty sets and the oficial Summon stats and the Magnus will hit your ass so badly (1.5k or more on critical) that you'll be busy healing yourself. Mana burn is a pain in the ass indeed, but even so, at least in interlude there was the Pony stun that landed more than ok. Land a stun, 2-3 crits from pony and u're down.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 26, 2009, 02:16:38 PM
dont focus on it too much, they might think you're gay ;D
Give us the oficial Dynasty sets and the oficial Summon stats and the Magnus will hit your ass so badly (1.5k or more on critical) that you'll be busy healing yourself. Mana burn is a pain in the ass indeed, but even so, at least in interlude there was the Pony stun that landed more than ok. Land a stun, 2-3 crits from pony and u're down.
ill give u the official pet when you give me the official erase (100% rate, less reuse) XD
Quote from: our4n0s on September 26, 2009, 02:23:29 PM
ill give u the official pet when you give me the official erase (100% rate, less reuse) XD
deal. i might lose against you, but i'd pwn way more
Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 26, 2009, 02:27:07 PM
deal. i might lose against you, but i'd pwn way more
of course you will pwn way more, but summoner ll lose support, which is why erase was created
Quote from: our4n0s on September 26, 2009, 02:36:22 PM
of course you will pwn way more, but summoner ll lose support, which is why erase was created
there are ways to counter erase, and u know it ;)
dont know if this is the case of whiplash as well, but when any stun effect is applied, even if it doesnt land, it has switch effect, i.e., u lose target. If you have very fast reaction time you can command whiplash from pony when you see the erase animation.
Its a long shot, but where is a will, there is a way. It is all depending on skill.
Quote from: Kikolina on September 26, 2009, 02:39:02 PM
ure really pathetic bringing up pony stun from early il when it was bugged everytime there s subject what ES can do, how u kicked ass as sps es, always relaying on that shit makes it just clearer ur opinion counts nothing :)
you dont know shit about me, you never fought against me, you just seem to have developed a fobia against me. Based on nothing but your personal opinions and no experience against me, YOUR opinion counts nothing. In fact, i won't even bother to reply to you anymore.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 26, 2009, 02:16:38 PM
dont focus on it too much, they might think you're gay ;D
Give us the oficial Dynasty sets and the oficial Summon stats and the Magnus will hit your ass so badly (1.5k or more on critical) that you'll be busy healing yourself. Mana burn is a pain in the ass indeed, but even so, at least in interlude there was the Pony stun that landed more than ok. Land a stun, 2-3 crits from pony and u're down.
i can win you in karmian robe set without d-net tattos as unsubbed EE with stone augment vs sps/es and you can have whatever you want
Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 26, 2009, 02:41:46 PM
u lose target. If you have very fast reaction time you can command whiplash from pony when you see the erase animation.
lol dude, that's not true, there is a big delay in what ur oder to ur sumon and what he does, if you just press atack you may have 1 sec delay, but if its whiplash, you will feel a 5 sec delay very often, while erase is 2 sec..... yet... even if it had no delay, wouldn't matter.
you know that we dont even have to target the pet to erase, which makes it even easier, at the begining u ll go with ur pony that i ll erase before it even gets near me, the time you resummon erase is ready on full rate :D meanwhile some mana was already burned, igot mcrit rate, more matk, more def, less mp consuption, more mental resist, more mdef and more c speed XD
Quote from: Kikolina on September 26, 2009, 03:12:11 PM
should i refresh ur memory? :) when we got IL and i realized i wont get anything usefull on our forums i started to visit nightmare s general..
and since than everytime there is a topic lessest connected with es - u, u re writing things u havent got a clue of, from the very begining, how u would kick my ass as sps es vs sps ee, how i would be perma stuned with antha zaken resist stun and wouldnt stand a chance, to the topics how u used to farm oly and everyone was scared of meeting u :-X
u already avoid replying my posts, as u told, u clearly know i write a provoke post everytime i got an oppurtunity against u, but most of the time i got no respond, so u are reading but not replying them, correct? :-\
well my opinion at least means something to track since it made him change his mind a couple of times, since u are getting just refusing answers in nice way out of ur ideas =)
I loled
I like this guy :D
omg man :) don't feed kiko 's ego !!! plz :D
Bump keep on Voting we need to make a decision here!!!
there is allrdy a hugh difference on the yes/no ... u r giving time to lucif to keep creating accounts on forum to vote for no.... :D
Quote from: cristianvernal on September 28, 2009, 07:57:42 PM
there is allrdy a hugh difference on the yes/no ... u r giving time to lucif to keep creating accounts on forum to vote for no.... :D
If he call his ally to vote for NO we will be zerged for sure... ;D
yeah ... 84 vs 26.... dude you may get more vote, but statistics won't change
1 day left? ;D
u all r really stupid , if its 99% and 1% that doesnt mean a decision will be taken based on this poll , its a scout poll , they want to see teh reactions and opinions
oh wait let me remind u , mutants should stay or not ?
dont be naive ppl
dunno why i feel that some ppl r rly scared of removing it ::) ... eh .. kinda feel sorry for supporter heros ;D
Remove em from the game tbh!
Quote from: Furesy on September 30, 2009, 10:27:45 AM
Remove em from the game tbh!
Along with m.crits, Dnet sets, and augments....
Quote from: kidicarus on September 30, 2009, 01:04:34 PM
Along with m.crits, Dnet sets, and augments....
also icaruses.. mutants.. ?
Quote from: flamingAwe on September 30, 2009, 01:26:59 PM
also icaruses.. mutants.. ?
, lethals, skill criticals and rb jewels, oh and ramoving S grade would pwn too ;D
Quote from: flamingAwe on September 30, 2009, 01:26:59 PM
also icaruses.. mutants.. ?
Well..... I don't have a problem with either one of them, but I've always considered Mcrits, and augments the dumbest thing NCsoft ever threw at this game.
well that was a decision that alll server needed excpet 1--5 ppl :P
Quote from: NIORI on October 01, 2009, 12:35:15 AM
well that was a decision that alll server needed excpet 1--5 ppl :P
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult
Quote from: Deavon on October 01, 2009, 01:25:55 AM
jealous hoe !
Jealous cause of what? xD
You better get on MSN and stop pretending you have MSN issues!
Quote from: our4n0s on October 01, 2009, 12:46:39 AM
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult
were is the fun :P :D
Quote from: NIORI on October 01, 2009, 11:22:44 AM
were is the fun :P :D
Quote from: Furesy on September 30, 2009, 10:27:45 AM
Remove em from the game tbh!
dude would u like to donate to get a red bow and then having 1/2 of the comunity crying to be deleted ?
wouldnt u at least demand ur money back ? thats how i feel atm.
easy to be "untouched" by changes and say ur opinion ...
wtt bogs for votes 1:1
is simple u vote NO and u get a bog. just pm me ingame before u vote so i can see the "NO" counter raising
Quote from: lucifsg on October 01, 2009, 05:05:07 PM
dude would u like to donate to get a red bow and then having 1/2 of the comunity crying to be deleted ?
wouldnt u at least demand ur money back ? thats how i feel atm.
easy to be "untouched" by changes and say ur opinion ...
I also wasted coins on augments, but I don't really care tbh, nope I never donated for anything so maybe that's my difference, but I still see this game as a game so I won't care too much xd
And tbh! I had a red bow and Drake deleted it! xD
Quote from: lucifsg on October 01, 2009, 05:06:47 PM
wtt bogs for votes 1:1
is simple u vote yes and u get a bog. just pm me ingame before u vote so i can see the "yes" counter raising
I thought you want people to vote no :D
Quote from: Furesy on October 01, 2009, 05:08:34 PM
I also wasted coins on augments, but I don't really care tbh, nope I never donated for anything so maybe that's my difference, but I still see this game as a game so I won't care too much xd
And tbh! I had a red bow and Drake deleted it! xD
i also see it as a game i just get pissed at thoose changes and money/time wasting. since it cost money keep it stable or give us a refund... (not u ...)
Quote from: lucifsg on October 01, 2009, 05:38:29 PM
i also see it as a game i just get pissed at thoose changes and money/time wasting. since it cost money keep it stable or give us a refund... (not u ...)
Well i invested also everything in my bishop/necro in c4 to make my skills +10/11 when it had like 20% chance to suceed and the char got useless in oly after c4 and i didnt bitch about it. Also alot of other people spent tons of coins in interlude or c4 to make their skills to +10 or more while now its really easy to make more than +10 skills and nobody is bitching about it too.
And what about those that bought OEd draco bows for lots of coins before hellbound and now their bow is crap compared to icarus bows? I didnt see anyone crying about that too.
Just be happy that you could enjoy your overpowered augments for so long in olympiads. ;)
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 01, 2009, 06:40:28 PM
Well i invested also everything in my bishop/necro in c4 to make my skills +10/11 when it had like 20% chance to suceed and the char got useless in oly after c4 and i didnt bitch about it. Also alot of other people spent tons of coins in interlude or c4 to make their skills to +10 or more while now its really easy to make more than +10 skills and nobody is bitching about it too.
And what about those that bought OEd draco bows for lots of coins before hellbound and now their bow is crap compared to icarus bows? I didnt see anyone crying about that too.
Just be happy that you could enjoy your overpowered augments for so long in olympiads. ;)
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 01, 2009, 06:40:28 PM
Well i invested also everything in my bishop/necro in c4 to make my skills +10/11 when it had like 20% chance to suceed and the char got useless in oly after c4 and i didnt bitch about it. Also alot of other people spent tons of coins in interlude or c4 to make their skills to +10 or more while now its really easy to make more than +10 skills and nobody is bitching about it too.
And what about those that bought OEd draco bows for lots of coins before hellbound and now their bow is crap compared to icarus bows? I didnt see anyone crying about that too.
Just be happy that you could enjoy your overpowered augments for so long in olympiads. ;)
guys u dont get the point . new options are on in case agil is pwned and they are so many XD
just gimme 500 coins and i ll get lost from oly for good
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 01, 2009, 06:40:28 PM
Well i invested also everything in my bishop/necro in c4 to make my skills +10/11 when it had like 20% chance to suceed and the char got useless in oly after c4 and i didnt bitch about it. Also alot of other people spent tons of coins in interlude or c4 to make their skills to +10 or more while now its really easy to make more than +10 skills and nobody is bitching about it too.
And what about those that bought OEd draco bows for lots of coins before hellbound and now their bow is crap compared to icarus bows? I didnt see anyone crying about that too.
Just be happy that you could enjoy your overpowered augments for so long in olympiads. ;)
all, what you just wrote means, that your investment are still usable, just weak compaired to new options
it's obviously not like making them non usable (compair to disallowing to sign to oly with nc/bp, or with those OE draco bows)
Quote from: flamingAwe on October 01, 2009, 07:33:29 PM
all, what you just wrote means, that your investment are still usable, just weak compaired to new options
it's obviously not like making them non usable (compair to disallowing to sign to oly with nc/bp, or with those OE draco bows)
His investments would still be usable outside oly, his char would just be weaker inside oly...
Quote from: lucifsg on October 01, 2009, 07:28:56 PM
guys u dont get the point . new options are on in case agil is pwned and they are so many XD
just gimme 500 coins and i ll get lost from oly for good
Dude u have min 200 pts per month and hero status for few months - that means almost 100 giants books per month, so dont make all those bullshits about 500 coins that u lost cause also u earn some money and have hero skills etc ;)
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 01, 2009, 07:46:34 PM
His investments would still be usable outside oly, his char would just be weaker inside oly...
yes, he would be weakened, but not as your arguments show: in your case appeared new stuff that is more powerfull, in his old stuff is taken away
I'm not protecting the guy, i'm just showing your arguments are not equal to what is going to happen.
(just my position about aug removal: my biggest opponent on oly on infi will lose more than me, if this happens, it won't destroy any of my chars)
Quote from: Furesy on October 01, 2009, 08:26:48 AM
Jealous cause of what? xD
You better get on MSN and stop pretending you have MSN issues!
i dont pretend lol ,i got msn issues ,my msn shows me offline the same time that i m online with "busy" status .
Anyway i m not even home atm and the 4-5 following days ,went back to hometown cause in Greece we got national vote for new pirme Minister .
bullshits imo but i had to go .
why my augs got facked up while celestial shield aug is more than back to normal beeing able to use it in less than 30 secs ???
this poll is about removing all augs from oly or just nukes ? cause if it would be for nukes only , is totally unfair
Quote from: lucifsg on October 02, 2009, 12:17:48 PM
why my augs got facked up while celestial shield aug is more than back to normal beeing able to use it in less than 30 secs ???
this poll is about removing all augs from oly or just nukes ? cause if it would be for nukes only , is totally unfair
is for all auguments lucif... btw u had 600 points this month + 50 bogs for obtining a hero... dont cry cuz of money what u spended on auguments .... sell bogs and allegro is opened for u :P
Quote from: flamingAwe on October 02, 2009, 12:02:05 PM
yes, he would be weakened, but not as your arguments show: in your case appeared new stuff that is more powerfull, in his old stuff is taken away
I'm not protecting the guy, i'm just showing your arguments are not equal to what is going to happen.
(just my position about aug removal: my biggest opponent on oly on infi will lose more than me, if this happens, it won't destroy any of my chars)
My arguments were just about how some changes on DN freaked some people even more than this change would freak up him. :)
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 02, 2009, 01:31:29 PM
My arguments were just about how some changes on DN freaked some people even more than this change would freak up him. :)
actually u r wrong , there r differences between custom changes made by gms or drake and the natural updates of ncsoft from c4 to IL to HB
Quote from: jygh on October 02, 2009, 01:08:00 PM
is for all auguments lucif... btw u had 600 points this month + 50 bogs for obtining a hero... dont cry cuz of money what u spended on auguments .... sell bogs and allegro is opened for u :P
how do u know my pts ?
Quote from: lucifsg on October 02, 2009, 04:42:26 PM
how do u know my pts ?
thought u knew it
Quote from: our4n0s on October 02, 2009, 06:54:18 PM
thought u knew it
WTF is that ???
Quote from: Diabolical on October 02, 2009, 02:31:21 PM
actually u r wrong , there r differences between custom changes made by gms or drake and the natural updates of ncsoft from c4 to IL to HB
Zomg it was just an example lol, there are tons of other examples where people lost much more coins/money by custom changes from Drake. I guess your long enough here to remember at least one of em ;)
And icarus bow has the same reuse delay as draco bow on official, so if this would be like official people that bought OEd draco bows before the update were freaked cuz of Drake and not cuz of natural updates of ncsoft ;)
Quote from: NIORI on October 02, 2009, 08:01:42 PM
WTF is that ???
nioriyounoob :P
http://dragon-network.net/xml/nightmare/olympiad.xml :P:P
our4n0s 26:1 not bad not bad :P
Quote from: koszmara on October 02, 2009, 09:16:57 PM
nioriyounoob :P
http://dragon-network.net/xml/nightmare/olympiad.xml :P:P
our4n0s 26:1 not bad not bad :P
if those things are happening then this olympiada and the whole system in the server is for fun not only that but ppl who knows from begin how many poitns the opponoment got , and other sh1t by using those exploites. becouse for sure is exploit. this is for fun lol
we dont need remove agumetns we just need to clsoe olympiada lol .
Quote from: NIORI on October 02, 2009, 11:59:28 PM
if those things are happening then this olympiada and the whole system in the server is for fun not only that but ppl who knows from begin how many poitns the opponoment got , and other sh1t by using those exploites. becouse for sure is exploit. this is for fun lol
we dont need remove agumetns we just need to clsoe olympiada lol .
u can't see the pts all the time.. in last week this page is deactivated.. and the other one with how many pts every hero had is not something that can help u lol...
Quote from: koszmara on October 02, 2009, 09:16:57 PM
nioriyounoob :P
http://dragon-network.net/xml/nightmare/olympiad.xml :P:P
our4n0s 26:1 not bad not bad :P
lethal by some he/pp under icarus bow, way harder to survive than lethal from th/pp ;D
i got 1 question now that we vote for removing agumentetions, what gone happen with it since days have pass and still there are agumentetions on olympiada.
Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 04, 2009, 03:59:26 PM
it must be from romania :>
Quote from: jygh on October 04, 2009, 05:14:47 PM
it must be from romania :>
hmm track when u deleted this faking agu at oly ?